13:53:49 RRSAgent has joined #eval 13:53:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-irc 13:54:19 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has now started 13:54:26 +MartijnHoutepen 13:55:33 regrets: Shadi, Kerstin, Detlev 13:56:35 trackbot, start meeting 13:56:37 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:56:39 Zakim, this will be 3825 13:56:39 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:40 Meeting: WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference 13:56:40 Date: 20 September 2012 13:56:58 regrets: Shadi, Kerstin, Detlev 13:57:16 kathy has joined #eval 13:58:18 ericvelleman has joined #eval 13:58:22 agenda+ New editor draft 13:59:14 zakim, what's on the agenda 13:59:14 I don't understand 'what's on the agenda', MartijnHoutepen 13:59:29 zakim, what is the agenda? 13:59:29 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 13:59:31 1. Comments by WCAG WG for approval by EvalTF [from shadi] 13:59:31 2. Open comments [from shadi] 13:59:31 3. New graphics [from shadi] 13:59:31 4. New editor draft [from MartijnHoutepen] 13:59:55 zakim, remove agendum 1 13:59:55 agendum 1, Comments by WCAG WG for approval by EvalTF, dropped 13:59:58 zakim, remove agendum 2 13:59:58 agendum 2, Open comments, dropped 14:00:00 zakim, remove agendum 3 14:00:02 agendum 3, New graphics, dropped 14:00:32 agenda+ What happens now? 14:00:54 agenda+ Issue and action tracker 14:00:58 zakim, what is the agenda? 14:00:59 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 14:00:59 4. New editor draft [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:00:59 5. What happens now? [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:00:59 6. Issue and action tracker [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:01:28 I am trying to call in, but takes a bit more, just a moment 14:01:43 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:01:43 I notice WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has restarted 14:01:44 On the phone I see MartijnHoutepen, Kathy, [IPcaller], Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:01:53 zakim, IPcaller is me 14:01:53 +vivienne; got it 14:02:07 zakim, mute me 14:02:09 vivienne should now be muted 14:02:10 +Mike_ 14:02:26 scribe:Katie 14:02:40 scribe: Katie 14:03:04 agarrison has joined #eval 14:03:09 Just a moment, my phone is doing strange things.. 14:03:12 regrets: Shadi, Detlev, Kerstin, Moe 14:03:19 +Eric 14:03:22 Sorry, running a few minutes late. 14:03:34 Mike_Elledge has joined #eval 14:03:44 Sarah_Swierenga has joined #eval 14:04:09 Ryladog has joined #eval 14:04:15 zakim, mute me 14:04:15 MartijnHoutepen should now be muted 14:04:25 +Sarah_Swierenga 14:04:34 zakim, what is on the agenda? 14:04:34 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 14:04:35 4. New editor draft [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:04:35 5. What happens now? [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:04:35 6. Issue and action tracker [from MartijnHoutepen] 14:04:55 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/ED-methodology-20120915 14:05:10 rrsagent, make minutes 14:05:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-minutes.html Ryladog 14:05:21 diff version https://www.w3.org/2007/10/htmldiff?doc1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FWAI%2FER%2Fconformance%2FED-methodology-20120910&doc2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FWAI%2FER%2Fconformance%2FED-methodology-20120915 14:05:38 Agendum 1 14:06:10 looks all good to me 14:06:12 q? 14:06:22 +1 14:06:49 +[IPcaller] 14:07:05 EV: Do we agree on Editors Draft? 14:07:06 ack me 14:07:17 -MartijnHoutepen 14:07:22 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:07:22 +agarrison; got it 14:08:04 +MartijnHoutepen 14:08:06 EV: I did nit recieve any changes. I will be turning to it 14:08:11 Agenda 3 14:08:30 EV: Last time we turned into a working draft 14:08:49 korn has joined #eval 14:09:03 EV: It is not too different. Shadi will edit. 20th October ends the public review 14:09:03 q+ 14:09:23 q? 14:09:25 ack me 14:09:27 EV: We will have time to prepare for Lyon TPAC 14:09:50 Vivianne: What is the review process for MUSTs? 14:10:03 Vivienne: What is the method? 14:10:32 q+ 14:10:52 EV: W3C puts in a Public Draft mode, and we can send to our friends, and it will be announced on a mailing list 14:11:01 +[Oracle] 14:11:03 ack vivienne 14:11:10 Zakim, Oracle has Peter_Korn 14:11:11 +Peter_Korn; got it 14:11:42 Vivienne: Distro list is a way to get it to a wider audience for the WAI R&D 14:11:57 EV: Let us ask Shadi to do that 14:12:11 R&D 14:12:24 zakim, mute me 14:12:24 vivienne should now be muted 14:12:35 ack me 14:12:50 PK: I dont recall being on that list 14:13:09 Vivienne: Can we check with Shadi 14:13:28 zakim, mute me 14:13:28 vivienne should now be muted 14:13:45 Action Item Eric: Ask Shadi about the R&D Working Group list 14:13:45 Sorry, couldn't find user - Item 14:14:03 Sorry Katie, that should be the RDWG group 14:14:03 ACTION: Eric: Ask Shadi about the R&D Working Group list 14:14:03 Created ACTION-6 - Ask Shadi about the R&D Working Group list [on Eric Velleman - due 2012-09-27]. 14:14:15 q? 14:14:20 ? 14:15:00 EV: Shadi is traveling now, he might be able to turn in into a public working draft later today 14:15:04 q+ 14:15:17 q? 14:15:42 EV: While we are receiving the comments I suggest we work on the issues, not the comments at first 14:16:29 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/track/ 14:16:37 EV: Please send it to as many lists as you know for this review. We have an issue tracked we opened it 14:16:48 q- mike 14:16:49 EV: We have an Issue and Action summary 14:16:51 +1 Issue tracker is great! 14:17:05 EV: We will discuss the sampling and other items 14:17:33 EV: I will add them to the issuea in the tracker, I will make an agenda for the next meeting to discuss each week on the call 14:17:44 sounds good Eric 14:17:48 +1 14:17:53 fine 14:17:54 +1 14:17:54 +1 14:17:55 +1 14:17:59 EV: Then we will have at least a months to cover all of the issues on the list. Is that OK with everyone? 14:18:13 Group agrees 14:19:03 sure 14:19:04 +1 14:19:06 q+ 14:19:06 +1 14:19:08 +1 14:19:13 EV: Today we want to publish a Public Working Draft at some time later today. We will disseminate for review. 14:19:20 q? 14:19:23 ack me 14:19:48 Vivienna: Do we have an agenda for the TPAC? 14:19:58 zakim, mute me 14:19:58 vivienne should now be muted 14:20:04 q+ 14:20:05 EV: I am not sure, I think that is a good discussion fir this group 14:20:17 q+ 14:20:27 q? 14:20:57 Peter Kron: I will not be able to be at TPAC, it would be nice to catch some specific times can call in 14:21:15 EV: Yes, I will discuss with Shadi if we cabn have IRC 14:21:28 q- korn 14:21:31 q+ 14:21:34 q? 14:21:36 ACTION: Discuss IRC with Shadi 14:21:36 Sorry, couldn't find user - Discuss 14:22:05 +1!! 14:22:11 That's a great idea! 14:22:24 q+ 14:22:28 q? 14:22:30 Katie: will we have an opportunity to perform actual evaluation at tpac? 14:22:34 +1 14:22:36 yes, very much. I'm working on one at the moment 14:22:39 good idea 14:22:40 q- Ryladog 14:22:42 Katie Haritos-Shea: I suggest running through a test drive of our methodology at the TPAC 14:22:50 Griup Agrees 14:23:06 q? 14:23:16 EV: The other important thing is that we try it and see what we cone up with 14:23:34 yes please Mike 14:23:35 Mike: I just put them into a word document, that includes the comments 14:23:38 q? 14:23:38 Tim has joined #eval 14:23:44 q- mike 14:23:46 Mike: I can send around 14:23:54 EV: yes, please do 14:25:01 Peter Korn: I would like to see us do a run through of our methodology. We had great success with run throughs on the TEITAC, it will be very valuable to do this 14:26:15 Peter Korn: We should NOT pick some well known property, but use an anonymous named site. At TEITAC members used some of their own prodcuct to test 14:26:52 Peter Korn: Industry members chose some of there own products. We chose the Solaris OS for example 14:28:04 q+ 14:28:15 q- korn 14:28:18 Peter Korn: It help greatly to surface problems. It will be easier if someone offers their own products - not the New York Times. Best not to give the idea that the W3C tests website 14:28:45 Peter Korn: Therefore it will be best that someone offer their own site 14:28:57 +Tim_Boland 14:29:20 Peter Korn" Or, test the W3C site. It is Important to anonymise 14:29:36 q+ 14:29:41 q? 14:30:13 q+ 14:31:03 ack me 14:31:29 Vivienne: I agree, what if we approach organizations? 14:31:32 The focus is on.....testing our methodology in process (NOT the web sites) 14:31:58 zakim, mute me 14:31:58 vivienne should now be muted 14:32:34 q+ 14:32:43 q? 14:32:45 Peter Korn: Just make clear that we are testing our methodolg 14:32:48 q- Ryladog 14:32:51 ack me 14:33:10 Kathy: Be sure that we are including Web appllications 14:33:38 Kathy: There are still holes, and someone in our group is working on one, that would be great 14:33:44 EV: Very good 14:34:08 Tim: How do we assess at the end. ? 14:34:13 q+ 14:34:20 q? 14:34:22 q+ 14:34:26 q- Tim 14:34:39 q- Ryladog 14:35:12 We should have a list of questions written down ahead of our review. 14:35:14 q? 14:35:15 Katie: We are trying to determine where we have problems 14:35:37 ack korn 14:35:38 Tim: We need to define what is our methodologies and what are issue 14:36:01 Peter: Maybe we should have some questions in advance 14:36:01 q+ 14:36:29 Key questions I think include: 14:36:29 1. Does the methodology cover the situations arising from this website? 14:36:29 2. Are there significant functiunality / parts we aren't reaching (statistical methodology)? 14:36:29 3. Are there 14:36:40 q- 14:36:43 EV: Maybe it is a good idea to start a discussion on the list what would our trial look like. Let have this talked about on the list 14:37:02 Peter: Would you be willing to start this? 14:37:08 I think the trial is a great idea 14:37:24 Peter Korn: Yes, I am starting it right now 14:37:48 EV: do all agree? Homework is what will our test/trail look like? 14:38:42 EV: We will set up an agenda 14:38:51 Any other issues? 14:39:09 Tim: When will the updated draft be published? 14:39:23 q? 14:39:24 EV: Probably tonight when Shadi is finished with his travel 14:39:50 EV: I have to congradulate us all. Hopefully we will get many comments 14:39:54 zakim, unmute me 14:39:54 MartijnHoutepen was not muted, MartijnHoutepen 14:39:55 good night all. 14:39:58 vivienne has left #eval 14:39:59 -[Oracle] 14:39:59 -Sarah_Swierenga 14:40:03 trackbot, end meeting 14:40:03 Zakim, list attendees 14:40:03 -Kathy 14:40:03 bye 14:40:05 -agarrison 14:40:06 korn has left #eval 14:40:07 -Tim_Boland 14:40:08 Bye! 14:40:09 As of this point the attendees have been MartijnHoutepen, Kathy, Katie_Haritos-Shea, vivienne, Mike_, Eric, Sarah_Swierenga, agarrison, Peter_Korn, Tim_Boland 14:40:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:40:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-minutes.html trackbot 14:40:12 RRSAgent, bye 14:40:12 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-actions.rdf : 14:40:12 ACTION: Eric: Ask Shadi about the R&D Working Group list [1] 14:40:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-irc#T14-14-03-1 14:40:12 ACTION: Discuss IRC with Shadi [2] 14:40:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-eval-irc#T14-21-36 14:40:17 -vivienne