IRC log of tt on 2012-09-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:01:17 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #tt
14:01:17 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:01:19 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:01:19 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #tt
14:01:21 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
14:01:22 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start now
14:01:22 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
14:01:22 [trackbot]
Date: 13 September 2012
14:01:32 [mmartin3]
chair sean hayes
14:01:38 [mmartin3]
scribe mmartin3
14:01:52 [mmartin3]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:01:53 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has not yet started, mmartin3
14:01:53 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, mike, Frans, Sean, mmartin3, trackbot
14:02:18 [mmartin3]
trackbot, start meeting
14:02:20 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:02:22 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
14:02:23 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago
14:02:23 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
14:02:24 [trackbot]
Date: 13 September 2012
14:02:40 [mmartin3]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:02:40 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has not yet started, mmartin3
14:02:41 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, mike, Frans, Sean, mmartin3, trackbot
14:02:54 [plh]
plh has joined #tt
14:03:01 [pal]
pal has joined #tt
14:03:04 [plh]
trackbot-ng, start telcon
14:03:06 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:03:08 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
14:03:09 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
14:03:09 [trackbot]
Date: 13 September 2012
14:03:16 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start 3 minutes ago
14:04:27 [mmartin3]
chair sean
14:04:31 [mmartin3]
scribe mmartin3
14:04:36 [mmartin3]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:04:41 [mmartin3]
zakim, list attendees
14:04:46 [mmartin3]
regrets+ none
14:04:53 [mmartin3]
14:04:56 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has not yet started, mmartin3
14:05:00 [mmartin3]
plh: Profile published.
14:05:01 [plh]
14:05:06 [Zakim]
sorry, mmartin3, I don't know what conference this is
14:05:06 [plh]
14:05:16 [Zakim]
On IRC I see pal, plh, Zakim, RRSAgent, mike, Frans, Sean, mmartin3, trackbot
14:05:39 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate plh
14:06:56 [mmartin3]
Topic: Issues
14:07:14 [mmartin3]
sean: Discuss editorial items.
14:07:18 [mmartin3]
mmartin3: See
14:08:16 [mmartin3]
Glenn responded to the editorial issues.
14:08:22 [mmartin3]
plh: No checked in.
14:08:29 [mmartin3]
sean: Do after published draft.
14:08:48 [mmartin3]
plh: Republish to integrate changes.
14:12:02 [mmartin3]
Section 6.6.2
14:12:17 [mmartin3]
sean: Can't have note; must be consistent with TTML 1.0.
14:13:03 [mmartin3]
Could add a note that is specific to TTML 1.0.
14:13:32 [mmartin3]
create action monica add note to section 6.6.2 to ttml 1.0 section to give guidance.
14:14:00 [plh]
action: monica add note to section 6.6.2 to ttml 1.0 section to give guidance.
14:14:00 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-97 - Add note to section 6.6.2 to ttml 1.0 section to give guidance. [on Monica Martin - due 2012-09-20].
14:14:43 [mmartin3]
: No more than four lines of text MUST be selected into a region at any given time.
14:14:55 [mmartin3]
No more than four lines of text MUST be selected into all active regions at any given time.
14:15:06 [mmartin3]
sean: Mimic CEA-608.
14:15:28 [mmartin3]
mike: Necessary to constrain?
14:15:37 [Michael]
Michael has joined #tt
14:15:43 [mmartin3]
sean: Currently infers you could have up to 16 lines.
14:15:54 [gfreed]
gfreed has joined #tt
14:16:07 [mmartin3]
sean: Constrain text delivery rate.
14:18:13 [mmartin3]
mike: Unnecessary. Can you be more specific to what is needed.
14:18:29 [mmartin3]
sean: Limit processing power.
14:21:47 [mmartin3]
mmartin3: Section 7.1.1
14:22:52 [mmartin3]
mike: Add "a total". Need at a given time?
14:23:04 [mmartin3]
sean: Can delete "at a given time."
14:23:22 [mmartin3]
action: Monica revise proposal Section 7.1.1 from:
14:23:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-98 - Revise proposal Section 7.1.1 from: [on Monica Martin - due 2012-09-20].
14:23:31 [mmartin3]
No more than four lines of text MUST be selected into all active regions at any given time.
14:23:45 [mmartin3]
Change to: No more than a total of four lines of text MUST be selected into all active regions/
14:23:49 [mmartin3]
14:24:33 [mmartin3]
Section 8.1.2
14:24:42 [mmartin3]
Change from: Durations (dur) SHALL only be used on the span element.
14:24:49 [mmartin3]
Change to: Durations (dur) SHALL only be used on the span element for rollup style content.
14:25:10 [mmartin3]
Section 8.2.1
14:25:45 [mmartin3]
Conflict – The time-offset-with-frames feature requires #subFrameRate feature. We only use #frameRate and #frameRateMultiplier features. The time-offset-with-frames was mistakenly included to pertain to the hh:mm:ss:ff notation. This is not the case. The time-offset-with-frames pertains to the 100f notation.
14:27:17 [mmartin3]
mike: May need more attention to do cleanup to align TTML 1.0.
14:27:31 [mmartin3]
Check against second edition.
14:27:48 [mike]
o rmaybe 3rd edition
14:27:50 [mmartin3]
Section 8.3
14:28:10 [mmartin3]
Note: Use of the #frameRateMultiplier is optional in the document (see Section 10).
14:28:16 [mmartin3]
Add this note.
14:28:57 [mmartin3]
14:29:11 [mmartin3]
Change from: This interoperability profile is a proper subset of TTML 1.0 plus features required to support US Government closed captioning requirements for online presentation.
14:29:22 [mmartin3]
Change to: This interoperability profile is a proper subset of TTML 1.0 to support features required for US Government closed captioning requirements for online presentation.
14:30:21 [mmartin3]
mike: What about easy reader?
14:30:43 [mmartin3]
sean: What is the concern?
14:31:10 [mmartin3]
sean: Explains wording.
14:31:26 [mmartin3]
mike: Both are wrong.
14:31:41 [mmartin3]
Doesn't handle them all.
14:32:01 [mmartin3]
Need to soften text.
14:32:30 [mmartin3]
action: Monica To soften text in Abstract regarding USG requirements.
14:32:30 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-99 - Soften text in Abstract regarding USG requirements. [on Monica Martin - due 2012-09-20].
14:33:07 [mmartin3]
Updates to fontFamily weren’t reflected in A.1.
14:33:17 [mmartin3]
Change from: The casual, cursive and smallcap styles could be considered for addition to <genericFamilyName> expression in a future version of TTML.
14:33:31 [mmartin3]
Change to: The casual, cursive and smallCaps styles could be considered for TTML 1.1.
14:34:38 [mmartin3]
“Error handling behavior is found in Error Handling.”
14:34:44 [mmartin3]
add a link and this note.
14:34:55 [mmartin3]
Conformance section
14:35:09 [mmartin3]
Use smallCaps on all references.
14:35:20 [mmartin3]
Across the document.
14:35:32 [mmartin3]
Correct example numbering: Example 1 has no E000X. Example 2-4 have incorrect example numbers (i.e. Example 2 is E0001, Example 3 is E0002, etc.).
14:35:52 [mmartin3]
Issue: Background color and color have "named colors" but should be expressed in #rrggbbaa format only. Proposal: Implement change found here: Proposed by Andrew Tai.
14:35:52 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-181 - Background color and color have "named colors" but should be expressed in #rrggbbaa format only. Proposal: Implement change found here: Proposed by Andrew Tai. ; please complete additional details at .
14:36:29 [mmartin3]
Andreas not Andrew
14:36:46 [mmartin3]
Add Glenn as the editor.
14:38:03 [mmartin3]
Action: Glenn implement changes requested with the actions identified for SDP-US FPWD.
14:38:04 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-100 - Implement changes requested with the actions identified for SDP-US FPWD. [on Glenn Adams - due 2012-09-20].
14:38:16 [mmartin3]
Topic: Liaison document
14:38:38 [mmartin3]
plh: Where did the request go?
14:38:47 [mmartin3]
mike: Sent to member list.
14:38:53 [mmartin3]
plh, sean: Didn't see it.
14:39:31 [mmartin3]
Went into moderation list.
14:41:21 [plh]
From Wed Sep 12 13:24:02 2012
14:41:21 [plh]
Subject: [Moderator Action (size limit exceeded)] FW: SMPTE Liaison to W3C on
14:41:21 [plh]
14:42:31 [mmartin3]
mike: Will resend the email.
14:42:55 [mmartin3]
sean: TTWG members only.
14:43:22 [mmartin3]
Discuss next week.
14:43:49 [Frans]
very hard to follow
14:43:56 [mmartin3]
14:43:56 [trackbot]
ACTION-82 -- Monica Martin to check on mapping of 708 7F -- due 2012-08-16 -- OPEN
14:43:56 [trackbot]
14:45:17 [mmartin3]
mmartin3: Add note that glyphs are player dependent.
14:46:06 [plh]
14:46:11 [plh]
14:46:16 [plh]
14:47:29 [mmartin3]
mike: Will put the proper headers and send the email.
14:48:02 [mmartin3]
Back to Action-82.
14:48:04 [mmartin3]
Note: The glyphs used for specific fonts are player dependent.
14:48:25 [Frans]
Have to go - as announced. Thank you. Intend to join next one again.
14:49:03 [mmartin3]
sean: Restates proposal.
14:50:21 [mmartin3]
mike: Has to be consistent with the Unicode.
14:50:30 [mmartin3]
sean: Exact appearance of the symbol.
14:51:25 [Sean]
should reflect the semantics as stated in unicode, but the exact glyph is player dependant
14:51:27 [mmartin3]
Action: Monica Revise proposal for Action-82 for the Note to reflect: Should reflect semantics suggested in Unicode but the actual symbol is player dependent.
14:51:27 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-101 - Revise proposal for Action-82 for the Note to reflect: Should reflect semantics suggested in Unicode but the actual symbol is player dependent. [on Monica Martin - due 2012-09-20].
14:53:23 [mmartin3]
Topic: New member
14:53:28 [mmartin3]
Adobe, Michael Jordan
14:53:38 [mmartin3]
Topic: Special meeting Sept 21
14:53:49 [mmartin3]
sean: In addition to Sept 20 meeting
14:54:03 [mmartin3]
Close issues then.
14:54:22 [mmartin3]
mike: See comments I made.
14:55:44 [mmartin3]
mike: Happy to close Action-82 with updated text.
14:55:54 [mmartin3]
Close Action-82 with revised text.
14:56:12 [mmartin3]
zakim, list attendees
14:56:12 [Zakim]
sorry, mmartin3, I don't know what conference this is
14:56:21 [Michael]
14:56:26 [mmartin3]
zakim, conference is #tt
14:56:26 [Zakim]
sorry, mmartin3, I do not recognize a party named 'conference'
14:56:27 [Michael]
Michael has left #tt
14:56:39 [mmartin3]
trackbot, end meeting
14:56:39 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
14:56:39 [Zakim]
sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
14:56:47 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
14:56:47 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
14:56:48 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
I see 5 open action items saved in :
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: monica add note to section 6.6.2 to ttml 1.0 section to give guidance. [1]
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Monica revise proposal Section 7.1.1 from: [2]
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Monica To soften text in Abstract regarding USG requirements. [3]
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Glenn implement changes requested with the actions identified for SDP-US FPWD. [4]
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Monica Revise proposal for Action-82 for the Note to reflect: Should reflect semantics suggested in Unicode but the actual symbol is player dependent. [5]
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
recorded in