16:22:35 RRSAgent has joined #ua 16:22:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-irc 16:22:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:22:37 Zakim has joined #ua 16:22:39 Zakim, this will be WAI_UAWG 16:22:39 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 38 minutes 16:22:40 Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 16:22:40 Date: 06 September 2012 16:22:46 rrsagent, set logs public 16:27:48 Agenda+ Conformance discussion - continued 16:28:08 Agenda+ Level Discussion: drafting criteria for determining levels 16:32:41 chair: jimallan, kellyford 17:00:02 Greg has joined #ua 17:00:31 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started 17:00:37 +Jeanne 17:01:39 +Greg_Lowney 17:01:54 Jan has joined #ua 17:02:39 +Jim_Allan 17:02:41 zakim, code? 17:02:41 the conference code is 82941 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Jan 17:03:27 +??P8 17:04:24 +Kim_Patch 17:04:45 +[Microsoft] 17:04:47 zakim, ??P8 is really Jan 17:04:47 +Jan; got it 17:09:07 scribe: jallan 17:09:27 agenda: 17:09:31 agenda? 17:09:38 open item 1 17:10:52 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012JulSep/0059.html 17:11:21 reviewing conformance strawman http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012JulSep/0059.html 17:11:37 kford has joined #ua 17:12:48 js: want to add more to platform examples and platform applications 17:13:11 jr: why is mobile different from desktop 17:13:19 kp: keyboard is different 17:13:41 jr: not so much, complicated is browser in a browser on an OS 17:14:21 ... in ATAG partial conformance - why something is impossible because of platform a11y issues. 17:14:46 ... eg. we don't meet keyboard because device X has no keyboard 17:15:36 kf: issue not related to us, but people want mobile to be different, want guideline for mobile 17:16:40 kf: second challenge: defining what is a UA...the American Airlines app. - how much of UAAG does an app have to conform? 17:17:17 ... apps that help with usability of other applications. are these UAs? 17:17:41 jr: a user experience mediated by platform and browser 17:17:52 kford has joined #ua 17:18:46 ... they have been broken up in the past. and a shared responsibility. but boundaries have blurred a11y is more distributed 17:19:25 kf: don't expect every app to provide mouseless browsing interface. should be getting that from the platform. 17:19:57 ... should be able to say this is what I comply with, all the other parts should come from the platform or something else. 17:21:05 jr: concept of ATAG friendly. this is what I do...and I don't break other plugins, extensions, browser functions, external applications. If I do, then I must replace that function. 17:21:30 kf: new apps in windows 8 that live on the desktop. 17:21:58 kp: +1 to if you don't provide it, don't break it. 17:22:30 ... developers not good with standard keyboard shortcuts., what are standards? what are best practices? 17:23:12 ... want to make things easy. making it easy is hard. making shortcuts discoverable 17:23:21 ... so what do I do. 17:23:54 jr: what we have is a highlevel of user requirements necessary to make the user experience accessible. 17:24:07 ... how do you implement keyboard a11y? 17:24:26 ... how do you not break somebody elses keyboard a11y? 17:24:47 kp: need to make it flexibile and forgiving, 17:25:38 gl: issues - what is UA, what is scope of responsibility, division of labor with OS and UA wrt a11y 17:25:51 re: ATAG 2.0 Conforming vs. Compatible (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2010JulSep/0089.html) 17:26:09 gl: things that are less than a full UA (apps) 17:27:12 gl: where to developers get guidance. 17:28:02 kp: in terms of developer and flexibility that go in the a11y bin and the future bin (anticipating users needs) 17:29:06 gl: need to add cell app as a use case for validating an SC, along with UA on desktop, media player, audio only, keyboard only 17:29:42 ... see minutes from last week (summary) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012JulSep/0058.html 17:30:18 gl: make sure the SC makes sense across these usecases. 17:30:50 ... if the cell app breaks too many (number to be determined) then perhaps the app is not a UA 17:31:17 gl: do we have a current position on app as UA. 17:31:35 http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2012/ED-IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20-20120819/#intro-def-ua 17:31:48 js: in the implementing document http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2012/ED-IMPLEMENTING-UAAG20-20120827/ 17:32:24 ... see what qualifies as a UA. web application 17:34:18 gl: is the airline app a UA? it interprets w3 technology. 17:35:21 jr: problem with legislation, if law says everything that uses w3 tech, must provide full UA capabilities. 17:37:42 ja: share discussion with Rich S., saying they are single purpose services with a simple interface, and should be written so platform a11y tools can render the info. 17:38:08 gl: where is the dividing line between service and full UA 17:39:18 jr: the app hands off the a11y to platform or other tool. it doesn't provide a source or outline view. the best way to provide info is the itinerary view. 17:39:31 kp: what about apps interacting. 17:40:45 jr: right...app doesn't provide mouseless browsing but I don't break others mouseless browsing apps interacting with me 17:40:54 JR: Example of copy...some apps support it natively, some break it...but others just play nice with the platform's copy functionality. 17:41:32 JR: Boils down to maybe SC's are met: yes, no, NA and another option "is compatible with some other service or platform doing it" 17:42:17 kp: is functionality is native to OS then its covered, if its not, then we need some kind of test. 17:43:00 jr: speech SC. if someone else provides it,, then you are done. if you provide speech then you must meet the speech SC 17:44:04 jr: let developers choose what parts of UAAG they will comply with depending on things you do, and don't break platform a11y, or other extensions. 17:45:09 gl: so they wouldn't have to say anything about mouseless browsing, or do they have to test and say they have tested with some mouseless browsing extension. 17:45:13 jr: which one? 17:45:34 gl: in conformance claim...would have to be specific. 17:46:07 jr: system integrator could use all extensions to make sure it all works. 17:46:59 ... would be nice if extension maker could claim conformance to small part of UAAG, and ensure they don't break anything else 17:47:01 +1 17:48:08 kp: speech example say down 3 does down arrow and #3, but down 3 in another system does 3 down arrows 17:48:59 problems with extensions interacting, how to check non-interference. 17:50:02 js: concerned about partial conformance. want major browsers to conform with all of UAAG. want incentive for conformance 17:50:43 kp: how to draw line between partial or full conformance. 17:51:00 jr: full function browser. 17:51:29 gl: full compliance with A and x,y,z of AA. 17:52:17 ... want a mechanism for purchasers and policy folks to make decisions. location of conformance claim needs to be available to the public. 17:52:37 ... provide guidance to developers to do the right thing. 17:53:07 kp: any test for partial conformance. 17:53:28 gl: is there any level for minimal conformace 17:54:01 ja: could we have conformance for extensions? separate from full UA 17:54:46 kp: can we say, what do you have...this looks like a full browoser...then must comply with ____ 17:55:11 ... this is an app and you must comply with ____ 17:57:06 kp: extension compliance would be useful for users to decide which extension to use. 17:57:41 gl: take UAAG ctegories of what is a UA, and delineate which SC apply to which type of UA. 17:58:52 js: new technologies seem to blur the categories. 17:58:52 platform-based are full. Extensions or web-based have a choice to be full or partial -- does that work 17:59:29 kp: the blurry one is the webbased brwosers 18:00:28 gl: somethings can be both. e.g. Firebug, is an extension, but a huge UI, should be a full UA 18:01:14 kp: this makes big browsers full compliance. 18:02:13 jr: platform based or full. the app is platform based. has a webview, but is stand alone on the platform. 18:03:32 gl: what is handled by platform services to handled 18:04:10 kp: where does the airline app not comply? 18:05:06 jr: they could fail WCAG as webcontent. 18:05:41 kf: people writing apps don't want to read wcag because they are not writing conent. 18:06:16 jr: need a WAI document - a11y guidelines for webapps, smartphone apps, etc. 18:06:48 jr: should be partial conformance 18:07:24 ... weight of conformance comes from gonvernments and policy folks 18:08:24 kp: NA vs not doing it...are two different things. airline app has no captions, because no video 18:09:11 ... need distinction between we don't do this and we can't do this 18:11:58 gl: amount of code in major browser is huge. there may be places they can't comply because code is old an won't be for a time. 18:12:18 rewritten for a long time 18:12:49 jr: what if they have done part of an SC... 18:12:58 kp: isn't that partial compliance 18:13:50 jr: partial compliance...we don't do this, we don't break anybody else do it. 18:14:46 kp: 4 ways of conformance 18:14:58 1. comply 18:15:02 2. na 18:15:11 comply with 3rd party help 18:15:23 4. comply with exceptions, and list them 18:15:44 js: also does not comply 18:16:24 js: how to handle, 700 correct and 1 incorrect. do we take conformance away...others are working on it. we should not jump in 18:17:18 kp: useful to have dialog...this complies except for thise things and here is why 18:17:37 gl: this fits will with last weeks discussion. 18:17:54 ... 2 answers what passes and how 18:17:57 ... modigy 18:18:13 pass/no pass/ pass with exception 18:18:27 list exceptions 18:18:31 So for each SC the conformance claim can include: 18:18:33 (a) Passes, Does Not Pass, Passes with Exceptions 18:18:34 (b) Requirements (e.g. inclusion of an optional extension, platform option enabled, or implemented on user agents that implement a feature) 18:19:19 ... in addition to global requirement - not hinder OS a11y features 18:19:21 That is in addition to the global configuration requirements listed for the entire conformance claim. 18:19:45 (a) Passes, Does Not Pass, Passes with Exceptions listed 18:21:07 gl: each conformance claim covers exceptions, per platform, by extensions 18:21:37 ... with a webbased UA, would specifiy per browser what you pass and don't pass 18:22:23 js: anyone to write a summary of this information 18:23:11 greg regrets for next week 18:24:03 action Kim to integrate gregs summary of last two weeks minutes into UAAG with jeanne 18:24:03 Created ACTION-757 - Integrate gregs summary of last two weeks minutes into UAAG with jeanne [on Kimberly Patch - due 2012-09-13]. 18:24:37 conformance claims 18:25:11 rrsagent, make minutes 18:25:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-minutes.html JAllan 18:25:35 leap motion - gesture device 18:26:29 fat iphone - 8 cubic foot space for hand motion, accurate and fast. hooks into touch api 18:28:41 flecksy keyboard for iphone 18:29:38 for blind users 18:31:50 fleksy keyboard - correction 18:33:29 rrsagent, make minutes 18:33:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-minutes.html JAllan 18:33:54 zakim, please part 18:33:54 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Jim_Allan, Kim_Patch, [Microsoft], Jan 18:33:54 Zakim has left #ua 18:34:00 rrsagent, make minutes 18:34:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-minutes.html JAllan 18:34:42 regrets_Mark 18:34:51 regrets+Mark 18:34:56 rrsagent, make minutes 18:34:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-minutes.html JAllan 18:35:13 regrets: mark 18:35:15 rrsagent, make minutes 18:35:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/06-ua-minutes.html JAllan 18:35:40 rrsagent, please part 18:35:40 I see no action items