14:49:28 RRSAgent has joined #prov 14:49:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/08/02-prov-irc 14:49:30 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:49:30 Zakim has joined #prov 14:49:32 Zakim, this will be 14:49:32 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:49:33 Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference 14:49:33 Date: 02 August 2012 14:49:36 Zakim, this will be PROV 14:49:36 ok, pgroth; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 14:49:52 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2012.08.02 14:50:30 Chair: Paul Groth 14:50:44 Scribe: Daniel Garijo 14:50:50 rrsagent, make logs public 14:50:56 Regrets: Luc Moreau 14:57:17 SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started 14:57:24 +??P2 14:57:31 Zakim, ??P2 is me 14:57:31 +pgroth; got it 14:58:13 TomDN has joined #prov 14:58:21 Curt has joined #prov 14:59:09 smiles has joined #prov 14:59:19 +??P8 14:59:56 hook has joined #prov 14:59:58 jun has joined #prov 15:00:07 +??P10 15:00:13 SamCoppens has joined #prov 15:00:18 + +329331aaaa 15:00:18 +Curt_Tilmes 15:00:19 tlebo has joined #prov 15:00:24 zakim, ??p10 is me 15:00:24 +jun; got it 15:00:34 + +1.818.731.aabb 15:00:38 Zakim, +329 is me 15:00:38 +TomDN; got it 15:00:42 + +44.789.470.aacc 15:00:47 + +1.315.330.aadd 15:00:50 Zakim, SamCoppens is with TomDN 15:00:50 +SamCoppens; got it 15:00:53 zakim, I am aadd 15:00:53 +tlebo; got it 15:01:04 -tlebo 15:01:14 zakim, dial ivan-voip 15:01:14 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:01:15 +Ivan 15:01:33 +??P17 15:01:35 +tlebo 15:01:35 Zakim, mute me 15:01:35 TomDN should now be muted 15:01:38 zednik has joined #prov 15:01:49 I'll scribe 15:01:55 Topic: Admin 15:02:01 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2012-07-26 15:02:01 scribe: tlebo 15:02:10 Minutes of the July 26, 2012 Telecon 15:02:17 +1 15:02:18 +1 15:02:18 +1 15:02:19 +1 15:02:19 proposal: accept minutes 15:02:26 +1 15:02:27 +1 15:02:39 +1 15:02:41 +1 15:02:45 +1 15:02:53 accepted: Minutes of the July 26, 2012 Telecon 15:03:19 topic: action items 15:03:38 paul: is still working on his action 15:03:50 ... Ivan is joining the WG as W3C POC 15:04:08 ivan: hi! 15:04:24 ... sandro will be doing a bit in Aug, but Ivan will be around and back from vacation 15:04:24 jcheney has joined #prov 15:04:36 ... working through all of our documents now. 15:04:52 + +44.131.467.aaee 15:05:00 paul: please sign up for scribes 15:05:03 zakim, who is here? 15:05:03 On the phone I see pgroth, ??P8, jun, TomDN (muted), Curt_Tilmes, +1.818.731.aabb, +44.789.470.aacc, Ivan, tlebo, ??P17, +44.131.467.aaee 15:05:04 TomDN has TomDN, SamCoppens 15:05:08 On IRC I see jcheney, zednik, tlebo, SamCoppens, jun, hook, smiles, Curt, TomDN, Zakim, RRSAgent, pgroth, MacTed, ivan, stain, trackbot, sandro 15:05:09 q? 15:05:10 ... aob? 15:05:19 satya has joined #prov 15:05:29 ivan: get unknowns identified 15:05:42 zakim, aaee is me 15:05:42 paul: who is P8? 15:05:47 +jcheney; got it 15:06:03 or me 15:06:05 not me 15:06:14 zakim, P8 is probably me 15:06:17 Zakim, +44.789.470.aacc is me 15:06:21 +Satya_Sahoo 15:06:23 sorry, smiles, I do not understand your question 15:06:24 he knew me last week! 15:06:25 +stain; got it 15:06:26 zakim, ??P8 is probably me 15:06:30 818 is san fran 15:06:31 +smiles?; got it 15:06:31 Topic: PROV-Constraints 15:07:03 dgarijo has joined #prov 15:07:10 jcheney: read reviews as they came in. They seem to identify things that we can fix easily. 15:07:12 james? 15:07:16 ... not sig technical changes. 15:07:16 i lost my connection.. 15:07:35 +??P9 15:07:41 +??P22 15:07:43 q+ to ask what the constraints timeline is 15:07:44 Zakim, ??P9 is me 15:07:45 +dgarijo; got it 15:07:57 go ahead, James 15:08:02 is there a scribe? I can scribe. 15:08:08 @dgarijo you take scribe 15:08:11 -pgroth 15:08:11 scribe: dgarijo 15:08:13 zakim, who is here? 15:08:13 On the phone I see smiles?, jun, TomDN (muted), Curt_Tilmes, +1.818.731.aabb, stain, Ivan, tlebo, ??P17, jcheney, Satya_Sahoo, dgarijo, ??P22 15:08:15 ok 15:08:16 TomDN has TomDN, SamCoppens 15:08:16 On IRC I see dgarijo, satya, jcheney, zednik, tlebo, SamCoppens, jun, hook, smiles, Curt, TomDN, Zakim, RRSAgent, pgroth, MacTed, ivan, stain, trackbot, sandro 15:08:28 I am almost finished today 15:08:29 james: waiting for 1 outstanding review from stian 15:08:36 typing in my evil email.. 15:08:37 q? 15:08:44 zakim, ??P22 is pgroth 15:08:44 +pgroth; got it 15:09:10 ... plan is review things early next week in order to be able to have a vote next meeting 15:09:19 ... and just worry about minor stuff from there 15:09:26 q? 15:09:31 so, we're voting on this next Thus? 15:09:46 tlebo: are we voting on this next thursday? 15:09:49 pgroth: yes 15:10:07 tlebo: ok, I'll look for responses next week. 15:10:19 tlebo: I'll be looking for those 15:10:25 q? 15:10:32 pgroth: in my review there were no blockers 15:10:34 @jcheney they're mini blockers :-) 15:10:42 q- 15:10:45 I think my review has a tiny blocker .. :-/ 15:10:48 but editorial 15:10:48 pgroth: Issue 458 15:10:49 issue-458? 15:10:49 ISSUE-458 -- wasInfluencedBy is not irreflexive -- raised 15:10:49 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/458 15:11:01 ... is influence reflexive or not 15:11:05 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/458 15:11:24 yes 15:11:27 I was the biggest proponent of irreflexive, and I'm no longer protesting to removing it. 15:11:32 q? 15:11:38 I agree with removing the constraint 15:11:40 james: does anybody objects to removing that constraint? 15:11:40 (so it's all good) 15:11:45 ... OK, closed 15:12:11 @dgarijo "accepted" is the keyword for a resolution 15:12:24 @tlebo, thanks. 15:12:31 Agent(ex:Luc,[prov;type='prov:Person']) Activity(ex:Luc) 15:12:46 +q 15:12:55 zakim, unmute me 15:12:55 TomDN should no longer be muted 15:13:01 q? 15:13:06 pgroth: the other issue was agent being an activity as well. Should we allow that in the constraints? 15:13:25 would that imply also Activity(ex:Luc,[prov:type='prov:Person']) 15:13:44 tom: I haven't followed the email about it, but agent can also be an entity. 15:14:04 pgroth: if you assert that Luc is an entity, it can't be an activity. 15:14:14 q+ 15:14:24 ack TomDN 15:14:35 james: I'm agnostic. It won't break anything to allow people to say that. 15:14:35 from the hip, I think we shouldn't add this. 15:14:45 agent(ex:workflowEngine, [prov:type='prov:SoftwareAgent']) activity(ex:workflowEngine) would probably make more sense in some cases 15:15:04 simon: I agree with what Tom says. If an agent is a person, then we can infer it's a person. 15:15:05 ack smiles 15:15:32 pgroth: that will imply that all persons are entities. 15:15:43 it could be an inference, and normalization would always produce agent(Luc, [prov:Person]) -> entity(Luc) 15:16:06 used(food, ex:Luc) wasAssociatedWith(ex:cooking, ex:Luc) wasGeneratedBy(ex:food, ex:cooking) 15:16:22 pgroth: if we want it, then we could add that inference. 15:16:25 q? 15:16:48 tlebo: surprised of the proposal. Is it an issue that went through the list 15:16:49 ? 15:16:52 yes, should be a proper issue! 15:17:11 q+ 15:17:36 pgroth: we can discuss it on the list, but I was wondering if we could just drop it or discuss it a bit here. 15:17:41 ack jcheney 15:17:41 can animals be activities? lifeforms? 15:17:43 machines shouldn't be activities either... 15:18:13 @TomDN, assuming that machines are "hardware" 15:18:48 why single out Person? Why are Organizations allowed to be Activities? 15:18:48 a human is in some sense just a system of biological activities working together 15:18:53 jcheney: we should be removing things as much as possible. 15:19:22 There was a use case of something like a "working group" which is both an agent and an activity (I disagree with that) 15:19:25 pgroth: even if we don't include something like that I don't know if we can add this after last call. 15:19:33 pgroth: Ivan, can we do that. 15:19:44 Ivan: that would be a technical change. 15:19:54 Curt: but then this all falls back to "are there *any* agents that can be activities?" 15:20:01 ... but constraints is not in last call. 15:20:03 @Curt 15:21:12 pgroth: so I think james is right. This is going to open up a lot of discussion and given our time line, we should not add it yet. 15:21:13 q? 15:21:16 +1 pgroth 15:21:23 +1 15:21:24 @pgroth that's a good response: add the explicit type Entity 15:21:28 I think it would not cause any problems to not say something rather than to say something. It does not affect anything else in the constraints if the prov:Person is an activity or not, and PROV-Constraints is not attempting to model the world, just how processes and things are modelled in a sane way 15:21:30 @pgroth: +1, could we add that as a remark? 15:21:48 ... if anybody wants to assert that persons are not activities, then they can assert it. 15:22:00 +1 to pgroth. 15:22:20 james: I will review questions. I don't have anything more specific 15:22:28 Topic: Prox-xml 15:23:10 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aon9DSj-WtGqdHJocGtPRGp5MTItbEhLX09sN1NxVVE#gid=0 15:23:22 stephan: We are going to try to have xml examples by august 15th. 15:23:35 ... hopefully next week. 15:23:41 pgroth: any additional help? 15:24:04 stephan: I'll be able to say next week, when I've taken a stab at it 15:24:17 q? 15:24:31 (anyone who wants the doc, just request it through google docs and stephan will approve) 15:24:35 Topic: PROV-DC 15:24:41 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/6b795ed2e6c9/dc-note/Overview.html 15:24:45 (Curt, I did it) 15:25:05 dgarijo: releaed it last week into hg 15:25:20 ... asking those to reviewed last time to see if they agree to the changes. 15:25:29 .. please raise issues 15:25:33 ... document is not long. 15:25:49 pgroth: reviewers? 15:25:53 I will 15:25:54 I will review it 15:25:57 I started on a review 15:26:04 thanks!! 15:26:14 I will also look at it 15:26:15 q+ 15:26:22 ack ivan 15:26:56 ivan: turtle file to put into /ns? 15:27:26 dgarijo: the turtle files is in hg, will send the link. 15:27:38 pgroth: add link to turtle file? 15:28:08 ivan: where to put final version of turtle file? 15:29:00 daniel: I will add the links to the turtel files of each example in the repository. They are there but not linked in the document. 15:29:01 pgroth: the WG also needs to make the full concat for prov.owl with prov-o in it. 15:29:10 q? 15:29:16 @pgroth me too :-) 15:29:26 Topic: Handling Comments 15:29:40 pgroth: we discussed last week how to handle public comments 15:30:03 pgroth: there was a question about what is a technical comment 15:30:24 ... ivan and sandro talked to thomas and have an update. 15:31:02 ivan: the general point is to remind that the last call means that the design is done. Renaming is an editorial change. 15:31:18 ... I don't see any problem in this particular case. 15:31:40 ... if this change came when we were in CR it would be more problematic. 15:31:41 q? 15:31:49 ivan: changing property name is an editorial change. sees no problem with this. Will need to be more cautious as we go further. naame change in CR is impossible b/c it breaks implementations. 15:32:04 s/naame/name/ 15:32:24 http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Tracking_Public_Comments 15:32:53 pgroth: the idea behind this wiki page is that we will create a new issue for each comment we receive, to keep good track of them. 15:33:22 ... add the issues in the wikipage as well. Is that good enough? 15:34:21 ivan: that will work. Each group decides how to handle this themselves: raise a separate product to deal with comments, to mantain a single table in the wiki, etc. 15:34:37 having a new product seems to make sense, the "dm/o/paq" distinctions are less important now. 15:34:58 Including a link to their email approving our response is a good idea. 15:35:06 q? 15:35:14 pgroth: a new product is fine, but having a last call product for each deliverable would make a busy tracker. 15:35:25 q? 15:35:29 ivan: i don't have a strong opinion, but what you say is right,. 15:35:36 other trackers have 'versions' for that particular problem 15:36:13 ivan: one more thing: If I look at the wiki page right now I still have to go to each individual issue to see if they are closed or not. 15:36:39 q? 15:36:46 ... add for each entry whether the issue is closed in the wiki page. 15:36:59 I think it should be managable 15:37:15 I agree with Stian. 15:37:20 whatever works for you, Paul. Fine with either way 15:37:31 q? 15:37:34 not to create a product for each deliverable, it's too much IMO. 15:37:41 pgroth: AOB? 15:37:56 bye! 15:37:57 -Satya_Sahoo 15:37:59 -smiles? 15:38:00 SamCoppens has left #prov 15:38:00 -tlebo 15:38:00 -dgarijo 15:38:01 -jun 15:38:02 -pgroth 15:38:03 -jcheney 15:38:03 -stain 15:38:04 -??P17 15:38:07 -TomDN 15:38:08 -Ivan 15:38:09 ivan has left #prov 15:38:16 -Curt_Tilmes 15:38:21 - +1.818.731.aabb 15:38:22 SW_(PROV)11:00AM has ended 15:38:22 Attendees were pgroth, +329331aaaa, Curt_Tilmes, jun, +1.818.731.aabb, TomDN, +1.315.330.aadd, SamCoppens, tlebo, Ivan, +44.131.467.aaee, jcheney, Satya_Sahoo, stain, smiles?, 15:38:22 ... dgarijo 15:38:30 rrsagent, set lots public 15:38:30 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set lots public', pgroth. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:38:41 rrsagent, set log public 15:38:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:38:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/02-prov-minutes.html pgroth 15:38:54 trackbot, end telcon 15:38:54 Zakim, list attendees 15:38:54 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 15:39:02 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:39:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/02-prov-minutes.html trackbot 15:39:03 RRSAgent, bye 15:39:03 I see no action items