15:01:46 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 15:01:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-i18n-irc 15:01:55 Zakim has joined #i18n 15:02:01 trackbot, prepare teleconference 15:02:03 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:02:05 Zakim, this will be 4186 15:02:06 Meeting: Internationalization Core Working Group Teleconference 15:02:06 Date: 25 July 2012 15:02:06 ok, trackbot; I see I18N_CoreWG()11:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 15:02:39 Regrets: David 15:03:01 zakim, dial richard 15:03:01 ok, r12a; the call is being made 15:03:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2012JulSep/0046.html 15:03:50 -??P18 15:04:01 zakim, ??P6 is andrewc 15:04:03 +andrewc; got it 15:04:10 +??P18 15:04:13 zakim, I am Addison_Phillips 15:04:14 ok, aphillip, I now associate you with Addison_Phillips 15:04:25 zakim, ??p18 is me 15:04:49 Chair: Addison Phillips 15:04:53 +matial; got it 15:04:54 Scribe: Addison Phillips 15:04:59 +??P26 15:05:00 ScribeNick: aphillip 15:05:32 Topic: Agenda 15:05:48 2 adds from richard 15:05:58 Topic: Action Items 15:07:27 action-81: in progress 15:07:27 ACTION-81 Create blog post on what's going on with IRI notes added 15:07:44 Norbert has joined #i18n 15:08:05 close ACTION-108 15:08:05 ACTION-108 Remind everyone to read and comment on IRI documents closed 15:08:15 + +1.415.283.aaaa 15:08:36 http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open 15:08:37 close ACTION-118 15:08:37 ACTION-118 Read and comment on bidi tutorial update at http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/new-bidi-xhtml/Overview-inline.en.php#where (AND ALL GROUP MEMBERS) closed 15:08:48 close ACTION-120 15:08:48 ACTION-120 Remind WG members to read http://www.w3.org/International/docs/ruby/editme.html with a mind to publishing FPWD (AND GROUP MEMBERS) closed 15:08:51 close ACTION-123 15:08:51 ACTION-123 Remind all group members to review other bidi documents in the Core Pipeline for wide review by next week (AND ALL GROUP MEMBERS) closed 15:09:01 close ACTION-127 15:09:01 ACTION-127 (AND ALL GROUP MEMBERS) study additional bidi controls proposal and express support or lack of support for it at Unicode closed 15:09:30 zakim, +1.415 is me 15:09:30 +Norbert; got it 15:09:42 close ACTION-137 15:09:42 ACTION-137 Make a wiki page with the basis for general guidelines for everyone to pile on closed 15:10:24 Topic: Info Share 15:10:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-i18n-minutes.html aphillip 15:10:51 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:10:56 http://rishida.net/blog/?p=946 15:11:06 richard: if you work with the UnicodeData.txt file at all 15:11:12 ... see above blog entry 15:11:23 ... have a new tool for parsing and displaying the data 15:11:32 ... checks for valid syntax in the data file 15:11:44 ... and you can edit a line and generate a new version of UnicodeData.txt 15:11:56 ... useful if you want to propose a character 15:12:02 richard: another thing I did 15:12:14 ... was expand Uniview slightly 15:12:26 ... gives more info about scripts and such 15:12:34 http://rishida.net/scripts/uniview/?block=balinese 15:12:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-i18n-minutes.html aphillip 15:13:10 http://www.w3.org/International/tests/html-css/ruby/results-ruby-markup 15:13:11 richard: third and most important thing I did in Geek Week 15:13:11 ... was update test results pages 15:13:18 ... see above linke for current 15:13:21 ... and new version: 15:13:23 http://www.w3.org/International/tests/html-css/ruby/results-interactive 15:13:28 s/linke/link/ 15:14:06 ... now pulls data live from test results 15:14:13 ... makes it really fast to make a page 15:14:26 ... some bad results need cleanup and such 15:14:54 ... at some point need to convert pages over 15:15:29 http://www.w3.org/International/tests/html-css/bidi-html5/results-bidi-html5-live 15:15:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-i18n-minutes.html aphillip 15:16:17 Topic: polyglot issue 15:16:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2012Jul/0006.html 15:16:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-core/2012JulSep/0006.html 15:17:03 11. Example Document http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/#example-document The i18n WG would prefer the example code in section 11 to have a visible encoding declaration (ie. . This would illustrate the points made in section 3. 15:17:33 addison: support this 15:17:54 felix: support 15:17:54 no pb 15:18:35 Topic: .prep issues in general 15:18:36 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2012Jul/0007.html 15:18:45 richard: do we need to start clearing .prep issues out 15:18:54 s/issues out/issues out?/ 15:22:23 richard: favor sending/forwarding comments that no one asks to close or discuss 15:22:57 ACTION: addison: send email(s) to the winter list asking for any .prep issues that need closing or discussion 15:22:57 Created ACTION-141 - Send email(s) to the winter list asking for any .prep issues that need closing or discussion [on Addison Phillips - due 2012-08-01]. 15:26:04 norbert: how many? 15:26:06 richard: 19 or so 15:26:14 norbert: not so bad 15:26:32 richard: started trying to work through bugzilla issues 15:26:51 ... hixie is moving away from HTML5 towards HTML-next 15:26:58 ... so assigning off remaining reports 15:27:08 ... so do we continue threads on bug reports? 15:31:18 http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/next 15:32:58 Norbert has joined #i18n 15:36:48 Topic: IRI, HTML5, ITS, and other comments 15:37:02 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17989 15:37:21 zakim, unmute me 15:37:21 fsasaki should no longer be muted 15:37:28 sounded fine to me 15:37:29 https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/HTML_Editor_Transition_Communications 15:37:52 zakim, mute me 15:37:52 fsasaki should now be muted 15:37:55 felix: look at these pages: give background on editors and such 15:38:19 http://dev.w3.org/html5/decision-policy/html5-stabilization-plan.html , http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/04/progress_on_html5.html 15:38:45 however; time + zones are used as political footballs and are thus subject to very + whimsical policy decisions.

15:39:09 chair: objections to closing as satisfied? 15:39:37 okay to close 15:39:40 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17857 15:40:06 close Issue-165 15:40:06 ISSUE-165 Add character encoding declaration to section 11 closed 15:40:27 Because I wrote the example and know to what event the example refers, and the example happened on the east coast. And the spec says so. There's no way to know this just from the date, but as mentioned in the #1 above, that's just a limitation of the ISO format. 15:42:10 One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone in use on the east coast of the USA during daylight saving time. 15:42:22 addison: insert "which might be" 15:42:52 One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone in use, which might be on the east coast of the USA during daylight saving time. 15:43:31 One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, in the time zone in use, which might, for example, be on the east coast of the USA during daylight saving time. 15:43:48 well, more like: One millisecond after noon on October 14th 1979, *which might be* in the time zone in use on the east coast of the USA during daylight saving time. 15:44:20 It should be made clear that a zone offset is not the same thing as a time zone. Mention should be made of the need for separate time zone information when working with real date and time values in use cases that depend on it (see our note "Working with Time Zones") 15:45:16 just adding "which might be" is not sufficient 15:45:19 richard: need to suggest 15:46:07 Note: the zone offset is not a complete time zone specification. When working with real date and time values, consider using a separate field for time zone, perhaps useing IANA time zone IDs. 15:46:19 s/useing/using/ 15:46:32 and @ref WWTZ note 15:47:26 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/single-page.html#global-dates-and-times 15:51:18 section probably needs a note 15:51:33 norbert: file a separate ticket to say that IANA time zones need accomodation 15:52:08 ACTION: addion: file a ticket on HTML5 asking for accommodation of IANA time zone IDs 15:52:08 Sorry, couldn't find user - addion 15:52:35 ACTION: addison: file a ticket on HTML5 asking for accommodation of IANA time zone IDs 15:52:35 Created ACTION-142 - File a ticket on HTML5 asking for accommodation of IANA time zone IDs [on Addison Phillips - due 2012-08-01]. 15:54:31 mark this one as "not yet satisfied"? 15:55:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2012JulSep/0042.html 15:55:10 zakim, unmute me 15:55:10 fsasaki should no longer be muted 15:55:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2012JulSep/0042.html 15:55:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2012JulSep/0042.html 15:55:49 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.html#LocaleFilter 15:57:16 15:59:13 addison: consider extended filtering? 15:59:38 *-CA covers other languages spoken in Canada, such as Inuktitut, etc. 16:00:10 ACTION: felix: convey to ITS feedback about considering using of extended filtering in ITS 2.0 16:00:11 Created ACTION-143 - Convey to ITS feedback about considering using of extended filtering in ITS 2.0 [on Felix Sasaki - due 2012-08-01]. 16:00:48 Topic: Web Notificiations 16:00:50 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2012JulSep/0043.html 16:01:19 richard: keep direction in separate thread 16:03:31 ACTION: addison: satisfied with language but not with direction using separate emails on the separate threads 16:03:31 Created ACTION-144 - Satisfied with language but not with direction using separate emails on the separate threads [on Addison Phillips - due 2012-08-01]. 16:04:01 Topic: AOB? 16:04:19 http://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Review_radar 16:05:19 remind on writing-mode 16:05:29 read turtle for next week's agenda? 16:06:17 turtle it is 16:06:34 richard: include that we are looking for IG comments too 16:07:17 addison: will generate boilerplate 16:07:38 -fsasaki 16:07:38 -Addison_Phillips 16:07:40 -Norbert 16:07:44 rrsagent, make minutes 16:07:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/25-i18n-minutes.html aphillip