IRC log of tagmem on 2012-06-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:59:46 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #tagmem
16:59:46 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:59:48 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:59:48 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #tagmem
16:59:50 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TAG
16:59:50 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute
16:59:51 [trackbot]
Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference
16:59:51 [trackbot]
Date: 21 June 2012
17:01:32 [darobin]
darobin has joined #tagmem
17:01:33 [Zakim]
TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started
17:01:40 [Zakim]
17:01:43 [Zakim]
17:02:06 [noah]
noah has joined #tagmem
17:02:10 [Zakim]
17:02:18 [noah]
zakim, noah_mendelsohn is me
17:02:18 [Zakim]
+noah; got it
17:02:25 [noah]
zakim, who is here?
17:02:25 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra, JeniT, noah
17:02:26 [Zakim]
On IRC I see noah, darobin, Zakim, RRSAgent, JeniT, Ashok, timbl, trackbot, Yves, plinss
17:02:40 [jar]
jar has joined #tagmem
17:02:44 [Zakim]
17:02:52 [darobin]
Zakim, ??P8 is me
17:02:52 [Zakim]
+darobin; got it
17:03:06 [Zakim]
17:03:18 [ht]
ht has joined #tagmem
17:03:29 [noah]
zakim, who is here?
17:03:29 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra, JeniT, noah, darobin (muted), ??P9
17:03:30 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ht, jar, noah, darobin, Zakim, RRSAgent, JeniT, Ashok, timbl, trackbot, Yves, plinss
17:03:45 [Zakim]
17:04:18 [noah]
Scribe order is: Henry Thompson, Ashok Malhotra, Yves Lafon
17:05:45 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.324.aaaa
17:05:54 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.538.aabb
17:06:01 [jar]
zakim, aabb is jar
17:06:01 [Zakim]
+jar; got it
17:07:10 [JeniT]
Scribe: JeniT
17:07:19 [JeniT]
noah: we won't meet next two weeks, will meet Jul 12
17:07:25 [ht]
I'm working on my minutes for 12th (Tuesday)
17:07:33 [JeniT]
noah: we are missing minutes from 12th & 14th of F2F
17:08:23 [JeniT]
noah: we'll be talking about who can carry forward work on Publishing & Linking
17:08:42 [JeniT]
noah: we'll then talk through the rest of the fragids draft
17:08:51 [JeniT]
noah: anything else?
17:09:01 [JeniT]
Ashok: can we talk about the acct: URI scheme?
17:09:18 [JeniT]
noah: we did have some discussion at F2F
17:09:42 [Ashok]
Ashok has joined #tagmem
17:09:54 [JeniT]
... if we don't get to it today, we'll try to schedule another chat about it
17:10:14 [JeniT]
Topic: ISSUE-25 (deepLinking-25): Can publication of hyperlinks cause copyright infringment?
17:10:22 [JeniT]
noah: Larry and Ashok have both expressed an interest
17:10:26 [jar]
17:10:36 [noah]
topic: Copyright and Linking
17:10:39 [Ashok]
17:10:53 [noah]
Goal is to decide who will pick up from Jeni...both Ashok and Larry have expressed interest.
17:11:35 [noah]
JT: We last discussed this at the F2F in France. There were some editorial matters. The biggest piece of work was to make sure the vocab and terminology was aligned with existing specs, and to reference those specs.
17:12:01 [noah]
JT: We also talked about how to take it forward procedurally. The suggestion was to set up a CG after editorial changes are done, and give them the document as input.
17:12:15 [noah]
JT: On that basis, the sense was that it is quite close to being ready to publish.
17:12:25 [jar]
17:12:43 [jar]
17:12:45 [darobin]
17:12:52 [ht]
17:12:54 [noah]
ashok +1
17:13:14 [noah]
ack next
17:13:31 [ht]
q+ to mention no-news wrt 3023bis
17:13:34 [noah]
NM: OK, that's two. Not great, but at least we have some informed independent opinions.
17:13:48 [noah]
AM: I disagreed with some of the messages. I would like a stronger message.
17:13:55 [JeniT]
17:14:08 [ht]
17:14:16 [jar]
q+ jar to use IRC instead of voice because I'm in a noise environment. Important for TAG, willing to work on it in 'pick a victim' sense
17:14:28 [noah]
AM: The messages in this version are very weak. I've been told by Jeni and Jonathan that a stronger message would represent a legal opinion, which we aren't in a position to give.
17:14:33 [noah]
ack next
17:15:21 [jar]
no, not *just* aligning terminology
17:15:23 [noah]
JT: Responsing to Ashok. Earlier drafts had stronger messages. The opinion expressed from various members, I think Jonathan and Larry especially, was that the strong statements were not appropriate. Our role should be to help align terminology between technical and legal communitites.
17:15:40 [Yves]
strong +1
17:15:48 [noah]
JT: We did talk about having a separate {article, blog post, whatever} in which we might express stronger opinions.
17:16:09 [jar]
agree with "the opinion expressed" but not "our role should be"
17:16:19 [noah]
JT: I started on a draft of that, but got stuck. Couldn't think of what to say. I would support a separate document, but not here.
17:16:20 [noah]
ack next
17:16:22 [Zakim]
jar, you wanted to use IRC instead of voice because I'm in a noise environment. Important for TAG, willing to work on it in 'pick a victim' sense
17:16:24 [jar]
17:17:48 [noah]
JAR: As I said in IRC with what Larry and I were saying before, but: I don't think we have to limit it quite to only terminology. We can go as far as saying: "this is what the technology is for...this is why we're doing all of this". If you're doing something with legal force that is in conflict there will be problems. That's a fact, not a legal opinion.
17:18:01 [JeniT]
q+ to say I liked what Jonathan said in one of his emails
17:18:10 [noah]
17:19:09 [noah]
AM: I have a very point in my e-mail: "if you link to material that is illegal or seditious, you MAY be may want to be careful"
17:19:11 [noah]
ack next
17:19:13 [Zakim]
JeniT, you wanted to say I liked what Jonathan said in one of his emails
17:19:24 [JeniT]
17:19:27 [noah]
q+ to express nervousness with Ashok's request
17:19:45 [Ashok]
Jonathan, I did read your mail
17:20:07 [noah]
JT: See JAR's e-mail linked above. It may be useful to have technology that allows people to express what is and isn't permitted.
17:20:11 [noah]
ack next
17:20:13 [Zakim]
noah, you wanted to express nervousness with Ashok's request
17:20:14 [jar]
Maybe we can be explicit about the "chilling effects" idea
17:20:33 [JeniT]
noah: I'm more reluctant than Ashok to go as far as he wants to go
17:20:43 [JeniT]
... talking about something seditious is a term of art in the legal community
17:20:53 [JeniT]
... I think we want to steer clear of those abstractions
17:21:14 [JeniT]
... I think we should focus on what we can talk about, around technology and the way the web works
17:21:35 [jar]
Not just law, also judgment and contract!
17:21:36 [JeniT]
... and explain how if people pass laws that conflict with use of the web, there will be issues to resolve
17:21:59 [JeniT]
... anything that talks about what's legal is limited in jurisdiction
17:22:22 [Zakim]
17:22:23 [JeniT]
... I'm even nervous about technical protocols that indicate permissions
17:22:41 [Zakim]
17:22:50 [noah]
17:23:07 [ht]
scribenick: ht
17:23:21 [ht]
JAR: I think I disagree with NM
17:23:38 [ht]
JAR: There are some ideas that are not legal by nature
17:23:43 [ht]
... e.g. 'license'
17:23:57 [noah]
Do all jurisdictions have licenses? I would have thought the Web is used in areas where legal frameworks are less developed, or different.
17:23:57 [ht]
... We don't always have to shy away from them
17:24:21 [ht]
... We all make judgements
17:25:00 [noah]
Mostly, I want to stop short of implying that the TAG knows anything about how license or copyright terms advertised in, say, the UK should be interpreted outside of the UK
17:25:03 [noah]
17:25:04 [ht]
JAR: If an authority tries to impose conditions, there's a problem if no objective criteria exist for determining if those conditions apply
17:25:48 [ht]
JAR: So I think we can make useful contribution in such spaces, w/o talking specifically about the law in any particular jurisdiction
17:26:11 [ht]
NM: We have to be careful about not appearing to make claims across jurisdictions
17:26:45 [ht]
JAR: We can include disclaimers, but it is certainly possibly to talk about these things without talking about law
17:27:00 [jar]
You can say: If a decision requires human judgment, it can't be made by a computer
17:27:04 [ht]
AM: I want to hear what JAR things we can say
17:27:08 [noah]
ack next
17:27:35 [ht]
YL: Discussing things associated with law and jurisdiction, you are moving from the technical to the political
17:27:51 [ht]
... And I think expressing a political opinion is wrong for the TAG
17:28:00 [ht]
NM: So, no interest in abandoning
17:28:26 [ht]
NM: JT suggested we proceed by coming up with a document, then setting up a Community Group to take it forward
17:28:53 [ht]
NM: Originally we discussed have a document which we the TAG could use to get visibility from various policy-making groups
17:29:20 [jar]
I am not saying we should talk about the law. We should talk about the purpose of the technology, and the fact that computer can't make judgments
17:29:36 [ht]
NM: So, agreed that we should find some editors, and then handing off to a CG?
17:29:43 [ht]
[nem. con.]
17:29:45 [jar]
17:29:57 [JeniT]
worth re-reading the minutes at
17:30:01 [ht]
NM: Ashok?
17:30:28 [ht]
AM: I would be happier picking this up if we can say slightly stronger things
17:30:42 [ht]
... I need to talk offline with JAR before being sure
17:31:47 [ht]
NM: OK, regretfully, we have to pend the editor decision
17:32:05 [ht]
JAR: I have other things ahead of this, but if all else fails, I'll take it on
17:32:36 [JeniT]
see what Larry says too, I think he's happy with the current direction
17:32:50 [ht]
NM: Not that bad yet -- AM has said he'll try to bring a proposal forward, whose acceptance would mean he would take on the editor job
17:32:55 [jar]
+1 ashok as editor for next 3 weeks
17:33:05 [ht]
17:33:20 [ht]
NM: Please, AM, reach out to LM and let him know where you are going
17:34:29 [ht]
NM: Best way to help us decide would be for AM to draft some fragments of text indicating the new direction
17:35:21 [noah]
17:35:21 [trackbot]
ACTION-541 -- Jeni Tennison to helped by DKA to produce draft on technical issues relating to copyright/linking -- due 2012-08-01 -- OPEN
17:35:21 [trackbot]
17:35:48 [noah]
close ACTION-541
17:35:48 [trackbot]
ACTION-541 Helped by DKA to produce draft on technical issues relating to copyright/linking closed
17:35:50 [ht]
ACtION Ashok with help from JAR to work on a plan for taking a slightly stronger version of the Copyright and Linking draft forward
17:35:51 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-727 - With help from JAR to work on a plan for taking a slightly stronger version of the Copyright and Linking draft forward [on Ashok Malhotra - due 2012-06-28].
17:36:09 [noah]
ACTION: Noah to find editor for copyright and linking after group reviews Ashok's proposals on stronger messages - Due 2012-08-12
17:36:09 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-728 - find editor for copyright and linking after group reviews Ashok's proposals on stronger messages [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2012-08-12].
17:36:37 [ht]
trackbot, action-727 due 2012-07-10
17:36:37 [trackbot]
ACTION-727 With help from JAR to work on a plan for taking a slightly stronger version of the Copyright and Linking draft forward due date now 2012-07-10
17:36:42 [noah]
ACTION-728 Due 2012-07-12
17:36:42 [trackbot]
ACTION-728 find editor for copyright and linking after group reviews Ashok's proposals on stronger messages due date now 2012-07-12
17:37:00 [ht]
Topic: Fragment Identifiers
17:37:10 [Zakim]
17:37:32 [ht]
q+ to mention no-news wrt 3023bis
17:37:35 [Zakim]
17:37:55 [JeniT]
17:38:08 [ht]
JT: We got to just before section 4 in our review at the recent F2F
17:38:18 [jar]
N.b. the latest version at is not what's linked from the minutes
17:38:44 [jar]
May 28 vs. June 12
17:38:45 [ht]
JT: We had mostly focussed on the Best Practices, but with some need for clearer exposition
17:38:52 [JeniT]
17:39:33 [ht]
q+ ht2 to remind that we have _not_ agreed about the proposed BP about +xml
17:39:56 [JeniT]
ack ht
17:39:56 [Zakim]
ht, you wanted to mention no-news wrt 3023bis
17:40:11 [noah]
HT: When we get to the right time, I'll have some things to say
17:41:28 [noah]
Are we in section 3 or 4?
17:41:32 [ht]
JT: We did agree some redrafting -- in particular wrt barenames, I will say something to the effect that if a suffix scheme says something about barenames, particular schemes should respect that
17:41:43 [noah]
I'm a little troubled by:
17:41:44 [noah]
Best Practice 8: Do Not Specify Use of Plain Name Fragment Identifiers
17:41:44 [noah]
Structured syntax suffix registrations should not define processor behaviour for plain name fragment identifiers.
17:41:46 [ht]
HST: Ah, I hadn't remembered that -- yes, that would be good
17:42:08 [ht]
JT: Yes, that's the one I agreed to change
17:42:20 [ht]
NM: So what would the new approach be
17:43:19 [ht]
JT: Structured SSR should not define processor behaviour for plain name fragment identifiers, but if the do it should be in line with that basis media type -- e.g. +xml is OK, based on /xml
17:43:48 [ht]
NM: Why are we saying 'should not' in the first place?
17:43:52 [ht]
HST: Likewise
17:43:53 [noah]
NM: Still not sure why this says SHOULD NOT
17:44:35 [ht]
JT: I will revisit what we said in Nice, but my recollection was that plain names were special, and that they are good for referencing things at the level of a particular media type
17:44:54 [ht]
... So that we want them to be left for individual media types
17:45:30 [ht]
JT: Particularly if you are interpreting from multiple media types, all of which have said things about plainnames, then you don't have the freedom you need
17:45:52 [ht]
NM: I'd be happier with a tradeoff, so that we should the pros and cons
17:46:11 [ht]
... [ two sides of the coin ]
17:46:42 [ht]
NM: Then suffix reg. for plainnames would be an example
17:46:48 [jar]
… "please don't conflict with what anyone else does" is an unfollowable request
17:47:13 [ht]
NM: I think it's OK to say this in a generic suffix case
17:48:34 [noah]
HT: I also thought it was because we recognized that it was coherent to not do the land grab across the board that we were happy to have suffix registrations say what they do. We thought it was important that suffix registrations say that where barenames doesn't refer per the suffix, then it's free to be given a referent by a "junior" registration
17:48:43 [noah]
HT: That's where I thought we ended up.
17:49:27 [JeniT]
17:49:28 [noah]
HT: I hear you say you're going to review the Nice/Sophia minutes, and that's enough for me.
17:49:32 [ht]
HST: I'm happy based on your commitment to review
17:49:36 [noah]
ack next
17:49:37 [ht]
q- ht2
17:49:38 [Zakim]
ht2, you wanted to remind that we have _not_ agreed about the proposed BP about +xml
17:49:48 [jar]
It has to be understood that required-error is not a referent
17:50:18 [noah]
HT: I have not made progress with Chris Lilley. The IETF work on suffix registrations is going to be approved within the week.
17:50:20 [JeniT]
jar, I don't understand what you just said?
17:50:47 [noah]
HT: I feel it's reference to +xml is defective, but unless 3023bis is republished right now, there's nothing to ask the IETF folks to refer to.
17:51:13 [ht]
17:51:38 [noah]
zakim, who is here?
17:51:38 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra, JeniT, darobin (muted), ht, plinss, Yves, jar, noah
17:51:40 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Ashok, ht, jar, noah, darobin, Zakim, RRSAgent, JeniT, timbl, trackbot, Yves, plinss
17:53:31 [ht]
JT: Section 4 -- Don't use a syntax that might overlap with one already in use
17:53:55 [ht]
JT: E.g. media frag chose their syntax to avoid overlap with XPointer
17:54:19 [ht]
JT: That was BP 10
17:54:48 [ht]
JT: BP 11:
17:54:52 [JeniT]
New fragment identifier structures should be defined such that they can be used across media types that share the same syntax or semantics rather than being specific to a single media type.
17:55:22 [jar]
How is a spec writer supposed to know what the existing structures are?
17:55:24 [ht]
JT: This enables e.g. conneg
17:55:31 [jar]
… what constitutes due diligence?
17:55:49 [ht]
AM: What does the word 'structures' mean here?
17:55:51 [JeniT]
A fragment identifier structure is a defined set of fragment identifier syntax, semantics and processing requirements
17:56:20 [Zakim]
17:56:40 [ht]
AM: Structure should be reusable across same syn and sem. . .
17:56:42 [ht]
JT: Yes
17:57:17 [ht]
JT: YL, any suggestions wrt media frag?
17:58:10 [ht]
YL: I think the non-overlap is good - there was a discussion about trying to anticipate combining when a new top-level media type comes out, but that didn't get done
17:58:22 [ht]
JT: Was there any discussion of fallback?
17:59:18 [ht]
YL: A bit, but only SVG was problematic, so care had to be taken wrt XPointer, but if SVG defines a new syntax themselves, _they_ will have to take care?
17:59:38 [ht]
HST: See JAR's comments above?
18:00:25 [ht]
JT: Not sure -- you have to look at the media types you are targetting, and their fragid structures, and look for conflicts
18:01:02 [ht]
YL: But until the new rules are in place, registrations don't always show the frag structure syntax
18:01:20 [Zakim]
18:01:42 [noah]
HT: When you're trying to allow for generalization, how do you know who might be interested?
18:02:12 [noah]
HT: Seems you should look at other schemes(?) targeted at similar information
18:02:58 [ht]
JT: Yes, so consider the SVG XPointer scheme, which I thought was unnecessarily restricted just to SVG
18:03:09 [ht]
... When it was targetted at image regions
18:03:20 [ht]
... So perhaps it should/could have been more generic
18:03:41 [ht]
s/similar information/similar information [HST fill in here]/
18:03:49 [ht]
JT: Section 5
18:04:35 [ht]
JT: Best practices for writing documents which _include_ identifiers [anchors] or which write URIs which _use_ fragments:
18:04:37 [JeniT]
Publishers should ensure that structures with the same name in two content-negotiated representations have the same semantics. Equally, where two structures in content-negotiated representations have the same semantics, they should be given the same name.
18:05:02 [ht]
JT: This just reiterates what it says in Web Arch
18:05:11 [ht]
NM: Word-for-word?
18:05:19 [ht]
JT: No, restatement
18:05:44 [ht]
HST: Web Arch doesn't have the second clause, I don't think
18:05:45 [ht]
JT: Right
18:05:50 [ht]
HST: I like it. . .
18:06:20 [ht]
NM: Just wondering if this is in scope. . .
18:06:44 [ht]
NM: "same name"?
18:07:05 [ht]
NM: Does that mean id=, or something referenced from a URI with a fragid?
18:07:12 [ht]
HST: Referencable
18:07:50 [ht]
JT: I was trying to pull everything about fragment identifiers into one place
18:08:12 [ht]
NM: If it said "identifiable with a fragment identifier" instead of "same name"
18:08:31 [ht]
HST: I now here this as a friendly amendment
18:08:44 [ht]
NM: As written this could apply to CSS selectors
18:08:47 [ht]
JT: I'll fix that
18:09:16 [ht]
JT: BP 13 is around scripting -- I think this is quite important:
18:09:18 [JeniT]
Scripts should not override the normal processing of fragment identifiers. Script-specific fragment identifiers that identify application state should be encoded using a syntax that does not conflict with that specified for the media type.
18:09:55 [noah]
18:09:57 [ht]
JT: This is trying to articulate a hierarchy -- who gets first priority in interpreting a fragment id
18:10:52 [noah]
Suggest: where scripts use fragment ids to track application state, such usage should be provided for in the pertinent media-type registration.
18:11:35 [ht]
JT: If you are going to interpret something identified by a fragment, do it per the media type(s). Thus if you are creating/exploiting for/from script usage, don't trespass on the media-type-registered syntax
18:12:04 [ht]
NM: The phrase "normal processing of fragment identifiers" troubles me
18:12:45 [JeniT]
talk about identifying fragments rather than normal processing
18:12:56 [ht]
NM: The second sentence seems backwards to me
18:13:20 [ht]
NM: It should say that the media-type reg should provide for this use
18:13:53 [ht]
... So e.g. the application/html media-type reg should say "JS can use syntax ... for app state"
18:14:13 [ht]
HST: Hold o
18:14:19 [ht]
s/Hold o/Hold on/
18:14:32 [JeniT]
"adhere to the guidelines specified in the media type"
18:15:29 [JeniT]
"if the media type doesn't give scope for scripts to do stuff and you really need to, at least don't clash with the media type syntax"
18:16:32 [noah]
18:16:38 [noah]
6.1 New Specifications
18:16:38 [noah]
All media type specifications and registrations, especially for new types, must specify fragment identifier semantics for both static use and use in active content as appropriate. The text/html and application/xhtml+xml media types defined for HTML5 need to define the use of fragment identifiers with active content.
18:16:58 [noah]
6.2 Existing Specifications
18:16:58 [noah]
For media types that accept "active content", like HTML and SVG, the definition should be extended to acknowledge the fact that fragment identifiers might also be used (if not in contradiction with the 'static' use of those fragment identifiers) for programmatic purposes. The media type registration needs to say how fragment identifiers are used as parameters by the active content and how they may be used to identify the portion of the state that is reprodu
18:17:50 [ht]
HST: That's just overly optimistic, isn't it?
18:18:20 [ht]
HST: But I take your point
18:19:19 [ht]
NM: Why should we change direction now? Everything from 3986, through Web Arch and the Self-Describing Web, puts a stake in the ground and says "say what you are going to do, and don't do what you haven't said"
18:19:31 [ht]
AM: Agree with NM -- we took a direction, we should follow up on it
18:19:39 [ht]
18:20:18 [ht]
JT: OK, I will rephrase, and refer back to BP 4
18:20:44 [ht]
NM: The State finding may be useful
18:20:47 [ht]
JT: Yes
18:21:42 [ht]
JT: Section 5.2 is for people creating fragids
18:21:57 [ht]
... Talks about structures they could use
18:22:11 [noah]
Scripts should not override the normal processing of fragment identifiers. --> Scripts should respect(?) the normative interpretation of fragment identifiers, as specified in the media type registration for the Content-type.
18:22:35 [ht]
... names or semantically-based [e.g. SCDs] or syntactically based (e.g. XPointer)
18:22:38 [JeniT]
Authors should not use URIs with syntax-based fragment identifiers unless the base URI addresses a resource with a single format
18:23:19 [ht]
HST: Is it clear that "with a single format" means not conneged
18:23:23 [noah]
Best Practice 14: Do Not Use Syntax-Based Fragment Identifiers with Multiple Content-Negotiated Formats
18:23:23 [noah]
Authors should not use URIs with syntax-based fragment identifiers unless the base URI addresses a resource with a single format
18:23:54 [noah]
HT: I have concerns about taking conneg too seriously in this doc. It's not being done much. I'd be happier if I knew a constituency regularly producing conneg'd data.
18:24:17 [noah]
JT: linked data do it RDF+XML to Turtle and XML?
18:24:23 [noah]
18:24:33 [noah]
JT: No, RDF+XML, Turtle, and HTML
18:25:35 [noah]
I think this is OK, given the clear and rather narrow definition of syntax-based IDs at the top
18:26:12 [noah]
HT: Yes, but anyone doing this is almost certainly breaking the rules wrt/ barenames? E.g. if I have IDs on my HTML divs, I can't reflect that in Turtle?
18:26:22 [noah]
JT: Isn't it OK if they don't resolve?
18:26:43 [noah]
HT: Somewhere in the record it says that Jonathan and I have disagreed on the interpretation of Webarch on exactly that point.
18:27:13 [noah]
HT: My take is OK, since turtle doesn't give anchors for barenames. Odder with comparison with RDF+XML
18:28:22 [ht]
NM: "except when it's possible to be sure that all fragments will resolve consistently across formats"
18:29:52 [ht]
NM: I was heading for pushing this back into 5.1
18:29:59 [ht]
JT: Already there as BP 12
18:30:45 [ht]
NM: How do I know? I'm an author about to write an href -- I have to 2nd-guess the source?
18:30:59 [ht]
... How do I know whether it's going to conneg or not?
18:31:31 [ht]
JT: If there's an extension, e.g. .xml, then you know conneg isn't going to happen
18:31:45 [ht]
NM: But we have said in Auth Metadata to not do that!
18:32:06 [ht]
JT: Well, that's just one example, there are many ways you might get this information
18:32:27 [ht]
HST: I'd like to come back to this one
18:32:48 [ht]
NM: Are we under pressure here?
18:33:15 [noah]
18:33:27 [ht]
JT: I would like to take the input I have and get a new draft out
18:33:31 [Zakim]
18:33:34 [ht]
... There is some pressure
18:33:52 [noah]
From: Although a URI suffix such as .jpeg or .exe plays no role in establishing the media type of a Web resource, such suffixes are often significant in operating system filenames. This inconsistency can be confusing to users, and may in some cases be exploited by malicious Web sites to cause harm.
18:34:19 [ht]
HST: The suffix-reg IETF draft is due out any day now, but we can't do anything with that in any case
18:34:40 [Zakim]
18:34:40 [ht]
... The main media type IETF draft is not closing right away
18:35:00 [Zakim]
18:35:03 [noah]
ACTION: Jeni to do new draft of fragids finding - Due 2012-07-10
18:35:03 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-729 - do new draft of fragids finding [on Jeni Tennison - due 2012-07-10].
18:35:14 [Zakim]
18:35:15 [Zakim]
18:35:17 [Zakim]
18:35:17 [Zakim]
TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended
18:35:17 [Zakim]
Attendees were Ashok_Malhotra, JeniT, noah, darobin, ht, plinss, +1.617.324.aaaa, Yves, +1.617.538.aabb, jar
18:35:26 [ht]
RRSAgent, make logs world-visible
18:35:34 [ht]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
18:35:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ht
19:28:29 [jar]
jar has joined #tagmem
20:37:22 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #tagmem