16:58:57 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 16:58:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/20-indie-ui-irc 16:59:15 zakim, this will be 46343 16:59:15 ok, janina; I see WAI_Indie()1:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 16:59:28 zakim, who's here? 16:59:28 WAI_Indie()1:00PM has not yet started, janina 16:59:29 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, vincent-gros, smaug_, MichaelC 17:00:02 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force telecon 17:00:02 Chair: Janina_Sajka 17:00:02 agenda+ Source code repository Update 17:00:02 agenda+ Task Force Work Statement http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/IUITF 17:00:02 agenda+ Recruiting Update 17:00:05 agenda+ Need to identify tests editor 17:00:07 agenda+ Use Cases Wiki Update 17:00:10 agenda+ Events Module & Use Cases from Apple -- James Craig 17:00:12 agenda+ Next Teleconference Scribe 17:00:15 agenda+ Be Done 17:00:52 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 17:01:51 shepazu has joined #indie-ui 17:01:51 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:01:51 WAI_Indie()1:00PM has not yet started, janina 17:01:52 On IRC I see shepazu, jcraig, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, vincent-gros, smaug_, MichaelC 17:02:01 zakim, this is indie 17:02:01 ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_Indie()1:00PM 17:02:07 +Cooper 17:02:13 Zakim, code? 17:02:13 +??P0 17:02:15 the conference code is 46343 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), shepazu 17:02:41 +??P9 17:03:00 zakim, ??P8 is Janina 17:03:00 +Janina; got it 17:03:02 +Doug_Schepers 17:03:10 zakim, ??P9 is Andy_Heath 17:03:10 +Andy_Heath; got it 17:03:33 zakim, ??P0 is Vincent_Gros 17:03:33 +Vincent_Gros; got it 17:03:35 +James_Craig 17:04:09 andy has joined #indie-ui 17:04:22 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2012Jun/0015.html 17:04:26 clown has joined #indie-ui 17:05:03 Zakim, who is here? 17:05:03 On the phone I see Janina, Cooper, Vincent_Gros, Andy_Heath, Doug_Schepers, James_Craig 17:05:06 On IRC I see clown, andy, shepazu, jcraig, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, vincent-gros, smaug_, MichaelC 17:05:09 +[GVoice] 17:05:28 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:05:28 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 17:05:37 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:05:37 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:05:40 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Andy_Heath 17:05:40 scribe: jcraig 17:06:15 +Art_Barstow 17:06:27 abarsto has joined #indie-ui 17:07:00 +Rich 17:07:12 Present+ Art_Barstow 17:07:37 richardschwerdtfe has joined #indie-ui 17:07:41 agenda: Source Code Repository Update 17:07:52 topic: Source Code Repository Update 17:08:36 mc: no progress from last week. 17:09:01 jc: needed to send proposal regarding branches or directories per version 17:09:02 last week's minute: http://www.w3.org/2012/06/13-indie-ui-minutes.html 17:09:27 topic: Task Force Work Statement http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/IUITF 17:10:05 js: Are we done? Any more discussion needed? 17:10:29 js: Otherwise, close discussion through email. 17:11:05 zakim, who's noisy? 17:11:16 shepazu, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Janina (81%), Andy_Heath (30%), James_Craig (23%), Art_Barstow (4%) 17:11:39 jc: changes were mainly about editors sending regrets 17:11:47 -Art_Barstow 17:11:48 topic: Recruiting Update 17:12:21 q+ 17:12:22 js: some participants may have schedule conflict. aus, asia 17:12:24 +Art_Barstow 17:12:49 js: any more updates from recruiting? 17:12:54 ack d 17:13:01 q+ to update on recruiting. 17:13:37 ab: forwarded to group: rick meyers from google and sang moon(?) from Opera. 17:14:00 ab: also one person from mozilla via IRC has expressed interest 17:14:24 s/rick meyers/Rick Byers/ 17:14:39 q? 17:15:07 ds: any idea of number of people in EU? 17:15:28 ah: I'm in EU. 17:15:57 vg: I'm in France 17:16:12 ds: I suggest a poll once we get more participants. 17:17:24 zakim, who's noisy? 17:17:26 ds: already have reps from apple, google, nokia, mozilla, opera, etc. 17:17:34 shepazu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Doug_Schepers (29%), Janina (19%), Andy_Heath (19%), Joseph_Scheuhammer (60%) 17:18:03 zakim, who's noisy? 17:18:15 shepazu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Andy_Heath (70%) 17:18:22 zakim, mute andy 17:18:23 Andy_Heath should now be muted 17:18:34 http://scottgonzalez.com/ 17:18:38 clown: discussing with Joanie last week, and thought to invite too debs. I heard scott gonzalez (jQuery dev) was interested. 17:19:34 ds: Scott is in the same area as I am. Great idea to get him involved. 17:20:18 topic: Need to identify tests editor 17:21:02 js: we have james craig as the spec editor; still need a tests editor. 17:21:21 js: need at least by mid-stream, but the sooner the better. 17:21:34 ds: expectations for test driver: 17:21:58 q? 17:22:04 ack d 17:22:10 ack s 17:22:21 ds: make sure there are clear testable assertions in spec, write tests themselves, drive conversation around testing, pester for deliverables, etc. 17:22:22 ack me 17:22:22 Joseph_Scheuhammer, you wanted to update on recruiting. 17:23:36 ds: make sure they don't give false positives or negatives, and incorporates any unsolicited tests submitted by group members or outside contributors, needs coordination skills 17:24:08 js: some of that is the wider group responsibility, but I agree that one should be directly responsible 17:24:25 ack j 17:24:41 topic: Use Cases Wiki Update 17:25:01 js: thanks Doug (Art?) for getting the wiki started 17:25:40 rs: Does the person (Byers) from Google have access to the wiki? 17:26:00 rs: needs a W3C login. 17:26:13 mc: he is a member so he has access. 17:26:51 ab: I'll make sure Rick knows to add his own cases to the wiki. 17:26:58 ACTION: barstow make sure Rick Byers knows we want him to directly add his UCs to the UC wiki 17:27:05 topic: Events Module & Use Cases from Apple -- James Craig 17:27:06 scribenick: clown 17:27:33 js: gives conch to jcraig 17:27:57 JC: been about two years since original proposal. 17:28:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html 17:28:43 JC: started thinking about this with respect to ARIA 17:28:57 JC: partly due to the emphasis on key presses 17:29:17 JC: as outlined in the DHTML Style Guide. 17:29:38 JC: for key strokes for interacting with DHTML user interfaces 17:29:55 JC: doesn't scale well for a number of reasons 17:30:19 JC: different set of keystrokes compared to, say, what a screen reader user is used to. 17:30:36 JC: doesn't work for cases where there is no keyboard, such as a touch screen. 17:30:54 JC: don't want to put this on the author to put this information/control in. 17:31:26 JC: we thought that the way to do this is with DOM mutation events, but those are not consistently implemented in browsers. 17:32:01 JC: so, come up with events that correspond to user actions, and implement those. 17:32:15 JC: and these should be more performant than mutation events. 17:32:54 RS: when and where are these events directed at specific objects. 17:33:02 RS: with a keyboard, you have focus. 17:33:22 RS: how do we direct the input at the relevant UI object? 17:33:54 JC: if there are multiple scroll views on the page, which one gets the scroll event? 17:34:31 JC: that's up to the UA to figure out. For example, VoiceOver has an idea of where the user is directing their attention. 17:34:58 JC: if on a scroll view, then sent there, and it bubbles up. 17:35:07 JC: if no known focus, send the event to the body. 17:35:33 RS: on a touch device, can we assume that an element can have focus? 17:36:13 JC: the ability to determine the event and its target is the responsibiltiy of the OS and the UA. 17:36:44 RS: for the purpose of spec'ing these the events, can we leave the determination of the point-of-regard is left up to the platform. 17:37:05 JC: the POR can be determined at the time of regard. 17:37:23 aside 'POR' = 'point of regard' 17:37:32 q+ 17:37:50 JC: the heuristics will be in the UA. 17:38:02 Cathy has joined #indie-ui 17:38:09 JC: in voice command, give a name to apply the event to. 17:38:21 ack d 17:38:37 DS: is there a substantive different between the focus or POR? 17:38:53 RS: the POR is the location in the doc where you are operating. 17:38:54 s/POR/point of regard (POR)/ 17:39:41 RS: there is another level of granularity. 17:39:58 RS: focus is on the contariner and focus is within that. 17:40:27 s/and focus is within that/and POR is within that/ 17:40:46 DS: james has other examples. 17:40:51 DS: ? 17:41:50 RS: VoiceOver (the screen reader for iOS and OSX) has a way of setting the POR, or screen reader focus. 17:42:08 JC: and the keyboard focus might be differnt from the screen reader focus (POR). 17:42:23 +??P2 17:42:26 JC: the POR can move indepedently of the keyboard focus. 17:42:27 zakim, ??P2 is me 17:42:27 +Cathy; got it 17:42:36 JC: but usually, they are kept in sync. 17:42:43 Present+ Cathy_Chan 17:43:46 DS: I reviewed some document that all sorts of focus defined. 17:44:00 DS: do they all come down to these two? POR and keyboard focus? 17:44:06 RS: yes, I think so. 17:44:22 DS: we should try to get this concept out there. 17:44:30 JS: should we start a glossary? 17:44:51 q+ to mention glossary def versus explanation discussion 17:44:57 q+ to say that the spec should define these 17:45:23 DS: there were concepts and I found it confusing. 17:45:36 DS: I'm going to try and explain these in the wiki, as a first stab. 17:45:58 DS: we should give a normative definition of these concepts. 17:46:07 ack d 17:46:23 JS: we owe the term to the aaron leventhal. 17:46:24 ack me 17:46:24 jcraig, you wanted to mention glossary def versus explanation discussion 17:46:29 ack s 17:46:53 JC: I believe that this should be explained into a spec, whether normative or informative. 17:47:03 q? 17:47:11 ack j 17:47:11 Joseph_Scheuhammer, you wanted to say that the spec should define these 17:47:20 q+ 17:47:23 zakim, who's noisy? 17:47:34 shepazu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: James_Craig (15%), Joseph_Scheuhammer (64%) 17:48:04 clown: if these events are in the spec, the terms will be there. for example "DOM focus" (or another term like Point of Regard) should be defined in the spec. 17:48:30 ds: This may be a presentation issue and might benefit from coordination with CSS WG 17:48:35 DS: this might benefit from a coordination with CSS group. 17:49:15 DS: the point of the regard is a presentation thing, not something in the DOM. 17:49:41 ds: SVG has concept like this: viewport and viewbox 17:50:15 ds: clarifying "point of regard" is not same as "point of focus" which is like activeElement 17:50:18 q? 17:50:31 s/concept like this/concept related to this/ 17:50:34 s/which is like activeElement/which is the activeElement/ 17:50:59 agenda+ Format of Use Cases 17:51:14 JS: this helps the IDL and whoever writes theses specs, and this will help the developers to handle things correctly. 17:51:32 q? 17:51:35 ack j 17:52:05 JC: most modern web apps register all events on the body to detect all the targets without having to add/remove from specific elements. 17:52:23 DS: can events be fired on the POR? 17:52:43 JC: yes, because in some cases the author may not want to register the event on the body. 17:52:52 JC: and example is a small widget like a button. 17:53:09 JC: but in large webapps that wouldn't be the best approach. 17:53:43 DS: there are seemingly implications for the DOM. And, it's not just presentational. 17:53:44 q+ 17:53:59 JS: it's a new type of DOM event. 17:54:16 s/JS:  it's a new type of DOM event./JC:  it's a new type of DOM event./ 17:54:29 DS: not just a new type of event, but a new type of event flow. 17:54:47 DS: not saying it's bad, just something to consider. 17:54:49 ack ArtB 17:55:12 AB: can you say anything the implementnation status of that draft? 17:55:42 JC: I can't say anything about that — Apple doesn't say anything about things that are not shipping. 17:56:04 JC: there was a commitment to webkit, but was removed since there was no formal W3C spec. 17:56:31 AB: is anybody expecting another group to make a similar proposal as James'? 17:57:04 RS: I am working on use cases; the events that James has — I don't have any issue. 17:57:12 RS: we can build off of the current proposal. 17:57:48 q- 17:58:01 JS: any hot questions for James? 17:58:20 DS: looking at Rich's use cases, but those are not use cases. 17:58:30 DS: you are putting requirements where the use cases are. 17:58:39 DS: we can talk off line. 17:58:58 q+ to remind group members to read the original proposal if they haven't already. It's short. I promise. ;-) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html 17:59:44 DS: I will write up a more explicit how-to for writing use cases. 17:59:57 JS: charter calls for the telecons every other week. 18:00:08 JS: two weeks today is a major US holiday. 18:00:19 JS: meet next week? or wait 4 weeks? 18:00:37 JS: we can't afford to wait 4 weeks. 18:00:49 JC: propose we do the 3 week option. 18:01:00 JS: so Jul 11 18:01:11 JS; everyone okay with that. 18:01:33 DS: we can work on use cases. 18:01:43 JC: and on repository. 18:02:17 JC: please everyone read at least the first section of the proposal — it's short. 18:02:37 JC: the spec will be based on this proposal. If you have major comments, I'd like to hear them asap. 18:02:55 JS: yes, let's get the concerns and issues out. 18:03:14 JS: volunteers for scribe for next list. 18:03:21 DS: let's take that up on the email list. 18:03:38 -James_Craig 18:03:47 -Doug_Schepers 18:03:47 JS: call the meeting to adjourn. 18:03:50 -Cooper 18:03:51 -Andy_Heath 18:03:51 -Cathy 18:03:52 -Art_Barstow 18:03:58 zakim, please part 18:03:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Cooper, Janina, Doug_Schepers, Andy_Heath, Vincent_Gros, James_Craig, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Art_Barstow, Rich, Cathy 18:03:58 Zakim has left #indie-ui 18:04:10 RRSAgent: make minutes. 18:04:10 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes.', clown. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:04:18 RRSAgent: make minutes 18:04:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/20-indie-ui-minutes.html clown 18:05:03 RRSAgent, make log public 18:06:44 zakim, who's here? 18:10:02 jcraig has left #indie-ui 18:48:06 Note to Self: make sure trackbot is running before the start of the next meeting 18:49:38 ArtB has changed the topic to: IndieUI WG and Task Force; next call is July 11 (ArtB) 19:02:42 trackbot has joined #indie-ui 19:02:42 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 19:02:42 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 19:44:07 trackbot, associate this channel with indieui 19:44:07 Associating this channel with indieui... 19:44:07 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 19:44:07 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 19:44:38 trackbot, associate this channel with #indieui 19:44:38 Associating this channel with #indieui... 19:44:45 issue-1? 19:44:45 ISSUE-1 does not exist 19:44:52 action-1? 19:44:52 ACTION-1 does not exist 19:46:08 ACTION: barstow make sure Rick Byers knows we want him to directly add his UCs to the UC wiki http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements 19:46:08 Created ACTION-1 - Make sure Rick Byers knows we want him to directly add his UCs to the UC wiki http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-06-27]. 19:46:17 action-1? 19:46:17 ACTION-1 -- Arthur Barstow to make sure Rick Byers knows we want him to directly add his UCs to the UC wiki http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements -- due 2012-06-27 -- OPEN 19:46:17 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/actions/1 19:46:29 action-2? 19:46:29 ACTION-2 does not exist 20:41:51 clown has left #indie-ui