13:57:54 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:57:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-irc 13:57:56 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:57:58 Zakim, this will be 2428 13:57:58 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 13:57:59 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:57:59 Date: 12 June 2012 13:59:06 WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM has now started 13:59:13 + +0162859aaaa 13:59:38 + +1.512.255.aabb 13:59:45 + +1.202.447.aacc 14:00:18 korn has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:28 +[Microsoft] 14:00:32 greggvanderheiden has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:56 + +1.608.514.aadd 14:01:01 +??P11 14:01:15 That’s gregg 514 14:01:44 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 14:01:44 mapluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:45 zakim, zakim, aabb is Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:01:45 I don't understand 'zakim, aabb is Mary_Jo_Mueller', MichaelC 14:01:56 zakim, aaaa is Kiran_Kaja 14:01:56 +Kiran_Kaja; got it 14:02:19 + +1.202.272.aaee 14:02:25 zakim, aadd is Gregg_Vanderheiden 14:02:25 +Gregg_Vanderheiden; got it 14:02:31 +??P21 14:02:40 zakim, aaee is Bruce_Bailey 14:02:40 +Bruce_Bailey; got it 14:02:48 +[Oracle] 14:02:49 zakim, aacc is Al_Hoffman 14:02:49 +Al_Hoffman; got it 14:03:02 BBailey has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:15 zakim, Oracle is Peter_Korn 14:03:15 +Peter_Korn; got it 14:03:20 zakim, ??P21 is Mike_Pluke 14:03:20 +Mike_Pluke; got it 14:03:31 zakim, aabb is Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:03:31 +Mary_Jo_Mueller; got it 14:03:42 zakim, ??P11 is Michael_Cooper 14:03:43 +Michael_Cooper; got it 14:03:50 zakim, Microsoft is Alex_Li 14:03:50 +Alex_Li; got it 14:04:21 scribe: MaryJo 14:04:25 agenda+ Action items review 14:04:33 chair: Andi_Snow-Weaver 14:04:39 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2ict-tf/2012Jun/0021.html 14:05:02 agenda+ Discussion of "Survey for June 5th Meeting" https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results 14:05:21 agenda+ Confirm next meeting time; action items 14:06:43 zakim, next item 14:06:45 agendum 1. "Action items review" taken up [from Andi] 14:06:45 + +1.410.965.aaff 14:06:58 zakim, aaff is Pierce_Crowell 14:06:58 +Pierce_Crowell; got it 14:07:12 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG2ICT-TF/track/actions/open 14:07:53 ACTION-1? 14:07:53 ACTION-1 -- Michael Cooper to finish setting up the infrastructure -- due 2012-05-29 -- OPEN 14:07:53 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG2ICT-TF/track/actions/1 14:08:02 MC: Not sure what to do for a comment tool and haven't 100% resolved editing. Google docs will continue to be used. 14:08:18 +??P31 14:08:33 janina has joined #wcag2ict 14:08:34 AS: Project plan is currently a part of the google doc. 14:08:47 zakim, ??P31 is Janina_Sajka 14:08:47 +Janina_Sajka; got it 14:09:40 AS: Would like to have a wiki set up. 14:09:41 action-4? 14:09:41 ACTION-4 -- Alex Li to propose a Note to 1.2.4 to address his concern about two-way conversations -- due 2012-06-12 -- OPEN 14:09:41 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG2ICT-TF/track/actions/4 14:09:58 action-5? 14:09:58 ACTION-5 -- Gregg Vanderheiden to take issue to WCAG regarding 3.3.4 intent - did not intend that every web app that edits something has to have a confirmation before proceeding -- due 2012-06-12 -- OPEN 14:09:58 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG2ICT-TF/track/actions/5 14:09:59 Alex_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:10:00 close action-1 14:10:00 ACTION-1 Finish setting up the infrastructure closed 14:10:03 Pierce has joined #wcag2ict 14:10:08 close action-4 14:10:08 ACTION-4 Propose a Note to 1.2.4 to address his concern about two-way conversations closed 14:10:52 GV: Results from Action 5 - Scheduled to go out for the survey this week. 14:11:08 q+ 14:11:49 action: Andi to set up regular reporting to WCAG working group 14:11:49 Created ACTION-6 - Set up regular reporting to WCAG working group [on Andi Snow-Weaver - due 2012-06-19]. 14:11:53 action-4: 14:11:53 ACTION-4 Propose a Note to 1.2.4 to address his concern about two-way conversations notes added 14:12:31 GV: Moved the project plan to a higher level so it doesn't look like it is part of our document. 14:12:54 zakim, next item 14:12:56 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Andi 14:13:03 ack mapluke 14:13:07 zakim, next item 14:13:07 agendum 2. "Discussion of "Survey for June 5th Meeting" https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results" taken up [from Andi] 14:14:06 AS: Need to continue offline discussion of 2.1.1 14:14:20 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results#xq3 14:14:21 q+ 14:14:54 AS: Suggest add a note that 'information' applies to all content. 14:15:10 ack gregg 14:15:28 q- 14:15:30 q+ 14:16:06 +q 14:16:23 ack mapluke 14:16:43 Mike: M376 had a note referencing Attention Deficit Disorder, but thinks that this should be generalized to cover more cognitive disabilities. 14:17:07 q+ 14:17:27 q- 14:17:27 GV: In the U.S. Attention Deficit Disorder is not a cognitive disability, it is a learning disability. 14:17:48 Pierce: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results#xq3 14:17:49 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results#xq3 14:17:58 ack pierce 14:18:26 GV: We need to say cognitive and learning disabilities to cover both countries. 14:19:03 Note: While the success criteria uses the term "information", the WCAG 2.0 INTENT section makes it clear that this is to be applied to all content. Any content, whether informative or decorative, that blinks or moves creates a significant accessibility barrier for some users with cognitive or learning disabilities." 14:19:34 "This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). 14:19:53 q+ 14:20:51 q+ 14:20:52 q- 14:20:55 q+ 14:21:04 q+ 14:21:09 cognitive, learning and other disabilities. 14:21:15 + 14:21:17 ack Andi 14:21:18 q+ 14:21:41 ack gregg 14:21:52 +q 14:22:09 q+ 14:22:47 q- 14:22:49 q+ 14:22:55 ack pierce 14:23:32 ack mapluke 14:23:43 ack gregg 14:24:30 Note: While the success criteria uses the term "information", the WCAG 2.0 INTENT section makes it clear that this is to be applied to all content. Any content, whether informative or decorative, that blinks or moves creates a significant accessibility barrier for some users with cognitive, learning, and learning disabilities. 14:25:26 Note: While the success criteria uses the term "information", the WCAG 2.0 INTENT section makes it clear that this is to be applied to all content. Any content, whether informative or decorative, that blinks or moves creates a significant accessibility barrier for some users with cognitive, learning, and other disabilities. 14:25:57 RESOLUTION: accept 2.2.2 text as amended 14:26:43 q+ 14:26:50 +q 14:26:59 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results#xq4 14:27:00 q+ 14:27:26 2.4.1 Bypass blocks 14:27:46 AS: Want to discuss the term 'interaction context' and its possible use instead of 'web pages' in the SC 14:27:47 ack mapluke 14:28:14 q+ 14:28:22 ack p 14:28:33 ack pierce 14:28:51 Pierce: Likes Loic's document portion, but want more specifics on what facilities can be used to bypass blocks (Use of headings) 14:28:54 q+ 14:29:28 ack korn 14:29:49 q+ 14:29:56 +1 to Peter 14:30:02 q- 14:30:05 ack gregg 14:30:06 PK: If you substitute interaction context for web page, it means multiple dialog boxes, multiple menus, etc. The term breaks down in these contexts. 14:31:53 q+ 14:32:52 +q 14:33:00 GV: Any time a user has to listen to the same things over and over to get to what you want, a mechanism should be made to bypass it. Supports the use of the term 'interaction context'. 14:33:13 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#glossary 14:33:20 ack mapluke 14:34:26 ack andi 14:34:55 q+ 14:35:00 ack korn 14:36:08 q- 14:36:10 q+ 14:36:13 PK: Hasn't seen repeated content such as this in the software domain. Questions whether this needs to be applied to software. 14:36:18 q+ Al_Hoffman 14:36:23 ack pierce 14:36:49 q+ 14:37:09 q+ 14:37:24 ack gregg 14:37:43 GV: Happens all of the time in software - ribbons, menus, etc. In software the structure makes it easy to meet this SC. 14:39:02 GV: In the future, documents and reports will also be considered software because of interaction capabilities being added. 14:40:29 +q 14:40:33 ack mapluke 14:40:40 ack al 14:40:55 q+ 14:41:40 ack andi 14:41:48 AS: Examples being given so far is a single interaction context (ribbons, toolbars, etc.) so don't see how this is applicable. 14:42:09 ack korn 14:42:47 ack pierce 14:43:03 PK: It is valuable to have the appropriate structural markup in software. Agrees with Andi that the example given is a single interaction context. 14:43:30 PK: The structual markup is covered by a different SC. 14:44:49 ack gregg 14:45:56 q+ 14:47:29 +q 14:47:43 GV: Example - When you have multiple documents open, you need a way to bypass the ribbons, etc. 14:49:22 q+ 14:49:45 GV: Another example - If there is a book with a header that repeats, it could be structured incorrectly so the user hears it every time they change pages. 14:51:15 ack korn 14:51:17 q+ 14:51:32 ack pierce 14:52:01 GV: The structure of software often doesn't require any further action to be made to meet this SC. 14:52:43 GV: perhaps add a note that says "The structure of software usually allows the person to be able to skip over any repeated blocks, and the SC would be met 14:53:09 action: Peter to draft text for 2.4.1 to address issues with software 14:53:09 Created ACTION-7 - Draft text for 2.4.1 to address issues with software [on Peter Korn - due 2012-06-19]. 14:53:24 ack gregg 14:54:24 q+ 14:55:54 -Bruce_Bailey 14:56:04 the complication is that the techniques will describe the web techniques and confuse SW developers who will not get an example for SW. 14:57:07 ack andi 14:57:20 ack korn 14:57:44 AS: We can't forget mobile and should revisit this with mobile in mind. 14:57:45 Regret I need to leave the call now. 14:57:49 -Janina_Sajka 14:58:20 AS: Focus visible 2.4.7 14:58:28 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN052012/results#xq7 15:00:35 q+ 15:00:39 GV: Want to avoid the inclusion of techniques used to meet the SC. Want it to be worded so it is informative, not normative. 15:01:13 q+ 15:01:50 +q 15:02:21 ack korn 15:02:31 q- 15:03:25 PK: Would like to see a note or definition in a glossary to clarify the use of a carat to meet this SC for editable text objects. 15:03:28 q+ 15:04:02 ack pierce 15:04:24 Pierce: Thinks a carat is assumed even though Section 508 explicitly states it. Agrees that it could be included in a definition of focus. 15:04:30 q+ 15:05:29 ack gregg 15:08:19 GV: Supports a definition of focus being added to the document. Mode of operation is handled in the conformance model. 15:09:05 q+ 15:09:26 action: Peter to draft definition of "focus indicator" for 2.4.7 15:09:26 Created ACTION-8 - Draft definition of "focus indicator" for 2.4.7 [on Peter Korn - due 2012-06-19]. 15:09:30 PK: Agrees that WCAG does explicitly cover "Mode of operation". 15:09:43 q+ Al_Hoffman 15:09:46 ack korn 15:09:56 ack alex 15:10:56 q+ 15:11:21 GV: Definitions in our document are non-normative, since this is a purely informative document. 15:11:25 q+ 15:12:25 ack andi 15:12:49 ack al 15:13:10 q+ 15:14:37 ack gregg 15:15:23 AS: WCAG uses the term 'focus indicator' in normative success criteria but doesn't define the term. Suggests the better approach is through the use of an informative note. 15:16:37 +q 15:18:07 ack mapluke 15:18:23 GV: Suggests we take the issue to WCAG to add what 'focus indicator' means to the understanding WCAG 2.0. 15:18:52 q+ 15:19:15 ack pierce 15:19:43 Mike: We do need to interpret the term in the context of software and documents. 15:21:00 ack gregg 15:21:11 q+ 15:21:47 ack korn 15:24:15 RESOLUTION: Accept Loïc's text for 2.4.7 as proposed. 15:24:40 close action-8 15:24:40 ACTION-8 Draft definition of "focus indicator" for 2.4.7 closed 15:25:50 action: gregg to work with with Peter Korn to create submission to WCAG to add text to 2.4.7 understanding doc to clarify focus indicator and single item issues 15:25:50 Created ACTION-9 - Work with with Peter Korn to create submission to WCAG to add text to 2.4.7 understanding doc to clarify focus indicator and single item issues [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-06-19]. 15:27:10 zakim, next item 15:27:10 agendum 3. "Confirm next meeting time; action items" taken up [from Andi] 15:28:35 q+ 15:28:38 -Al_Hoffman 15:28:41 -Pierce_Crowell 15:28:44 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 15:28:45 -Kiran_Kaja 15:28:46 -Michael_Cooper 15:28:47 q- 15:28:47 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 15:28:47 -Alex_Li 15:28:51 -Gregg_Vanderheiden 15:28:52 -Mike_Pluke 15:29:13 rrsagent, make minutes 15:29:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 15:29:39 greggvanderheiden has left #wcag2ict 15:32:07 -Peter_Korn 15:32:08 WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM has ended 15:32:08 Attendees were +0162859aaaa, +1.512.255.aabb, +1.202.447.aacc, +1.608.514.aadd, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Kiran_Kaja, +1.202.272.aaee, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Bruce_Bailey, Al_Hoffman, 15:32:08 ... Peter_Korn, Mike_Pluke, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Michael_Cooper, Alex_Li, +1.410.965.aaff, Pierce_Crowell, Janina_Sajka 15:34:34 zakim, bye 15:34:34 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:34:38 rrsagent, make minutes 15:34:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 15:35:06 s/That’s gregg 514// 15:36:11 s/+q// 15:50:10 korn has left #wcag2ict 16:00:50 janina has left #wcag2ict 16:05:51 but the tool won't let me delete or modify the old one now 16:06:36 s/but the tool won't let me delete or modify the old one now// 16:06:47 regrets: Judy_Brewer 16:06:54 rrsagent, make minutes 16:06:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 16:09:36 s/Suggest add a note that 'information' applies to all content./2.2.2 Stop, Pause, Hide: Suggest add a note that 'information' applies to all content per WCAG intent./ 16:09:56 rrsagent, make minutes 16:09:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 16:10:46 s/We need to say cognitive and learning disabilities to cover both countries./We need to say cognitive and learning disabilities to cover both U.S. and Europe./ 16:10:55 rrsagent, make minutes 16:10:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 16:11:31 s/Note: While the success criteria uses the term "information", the WCAG 2.0 INTENT section makes it clear that this is to be applied to all content. Any content, whether informative or decorative, that blinks or moves creates a significant accessibility barrier for some users with cognitive, learning, and learning disabilities.// 16:11:38 rrsagent, make minutes 16:11:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/12-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 16:13:45 s/accept 2.2.2 text as amended/accept 2.2.2 text from Trace as amended with note above/ 16:18:07 s|https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/JUN132012/||