HTML-A11Y teleconference

08 Jun 2012

See also: IRC log


Janina_Sajka, JF, silvia


<scribe> Scribe: Janina_Sajka

<scribe> agenda: this

Issue-194 Approaches

Ted, PS: Thanks for bringing Issue-204 back to substance

I think the other way around? Only on html-wg?

Well, I seem to have made Sam really sensitive over WG territory, or something. I was also only trying to get back to the essence.

<silvia> yeah, Janina announced the meeting yesterday

jf: I've read your emails, Silvia
... I did get distracted during the day, though
... Concerned about what authors are actually doing--where our discouragement won't help
... Problem is that there's emergent legislation ...

js: Actually, not emergent legislation--the laws oare on the books. It's regulatory--new regs for video description and captioning, plus refreshes of Sec. 508 regs

Silvia: I've come around, john, to your earlier approach from months ago -- with some additions
... removed transcript element because we want to hold that one for the day we can introduce interactive transcript
... If I can get browsers to agree on it?

[janina and jf agree]

jf: We need to support rich text transcript.

silvia: Yes, it's behind a uri, so can be a full html page, etc., etc

jf: a DAISY, a PDF, etc.

silvia: yes

jf: Is there a way to target where the transcript will be rendered?

silvia: yes

<JF> @transcript="transcript.html; target=foo"

silviA: why? don't need to do that? web dev knows what to do. Don't think it's necessary

jf: So, if there's a way to access the transcript, how does one target where it's rendered

js: How does the user get to identify where they want it rendered

silvia: user doesn't get to control web page layout

<silvia> @transcript="http://example.com/transcript.html#transcript"

<silvia> @transcript="http://example.com/transcript.html#transcript"

<JF> 1)

<JF> <video transcript="transcript.html"></video>

<JF> - launches transcript.html in main browser window (default)

<JF> - can we also make it so that instead of replacing video.html with transcript.html that the user is prompted to save the file?

<JF> 2)

<JF> <video transcript="transcript.html></video>

<JF> <div id="transcript_region"></div>

<JF> - how do we target the transcript to "show" inside this div? Do we even want that?

<silvia> <video transcript="http://[this_page_url]#transcript"></video>

[we're looking at scenarios where users ask for rendering somewhere specific on page ...]

<silvia> <div id="transcript"><a href="transcript.html">Transcript</a></div>

<silvia> … or

<silvia> <video transcript="http://[this_page_url]/transcript.html"></video>

<silvia> <div id="transcript"><a href="transcript.html">Transcript</a></div>

<silvia> s/<video transcript="http://[this_page_url]/transcript.html"></video>/<video transcript="http://[this_domain]/transcript.html"></video>/

<JF> <video transcript="transcript.html></video>

<JF> <div id="transcript_region" role="transcript"></div>

<JF> <video transcript="transcript.html></video>

<JF> <div id="transcript_region" aria-labelledby="transcript"></div>

<JF> <div id="transcript_region" aria-label="transcript"><a href="page.html" role="transcript">transcript</a></div>

<JF> <div id="transcript_region" aria-label="transcript region">

<silvia> ...

<silvia> <video transcript="http://[this_age]#transcript"></video>

<silvia> <div id="transcript" role="transcript">This is the actualtranscript.</div>

janina: Suggest we ask ARIA to consider this in ARIA 1.1 in order to wholistically consider all the aspects of video a11y support together
... If it's going to be an ARIA role, the soonest we could have it would be aria 1.1 anyway.
... I'm less clear on making it an html role

jf: Think it's OK, but a stop-gap until we have transcript element for interactive----whatever the interactive mechanism/element can be picked up directly by AT

<silvia> <video transcript="http://[this_page_url]/transcript.html"></video>

<silvia> <iframe id="transcript">Transcript</iframe>

<silvia> s/<iframe id="transcript">Transcript</iframe>/<iframe id="transcript" src="transcript.html">Transcript</iframe>/

[the three of us are in agreement on this approach. Silvia will take it forward]

silvia: I'll create an example page and a new CP

focus control on video

silvia: have observed with voice over and with cromevox that video never gets focus

janina: implementation issue, i think AT is waiting for spec to settle down

jf: scripted or native controls?

silvia: native

janina: good

<JF> ,video src="file.mp4" autostart></video>

<silvia> <video src="video.mpg"></video>

<JF> <video src="video.mpg" control></video>

<JF> <video src="video.mpg" onclick=(play)></video>

janina: this is all implementation.
... for now it's browser dependent
... hopefully we'll soon have IndieUI Events 1.0 to help

<JF> <video src="video.mpg" onfocus=(do something)></video>

<JF> <video src="video.mpg" onfocus=(allow to do something)></video>

[we're discussing whether the video element needs to be defined in spec as an interactive element]

[we believe it does]

[Also an HTML landmark?]

jf: Could put a video inside canvas, so also need an ARIA landmark

[Agreement to ask for three ARIA landmarks: Video, Audio, and Transcript]

jf: Also suggest whether we want native HTML landmarks

janina: Concerned these may be quashed as new features

<scribe> ACTION: Janina to dig up spec sections on interactive elements, landmarks, etc [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/06/08-media-minutes.html#action01]

<silvia> http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/editing.html#focusable

jf: Ah, they're called "sections" -- Sec 4.4

<JF> http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/the-section-element.html#the-section-element

silvia: I'd like to see audio and video focusable for kybd nav when they're visible on page

janina: ++1

jf: Directing to section on page called "Beld & Suspenders"
... Screen 14 in that presentation

<JF> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#mapping_role_table

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Janina to dig up spec sections on interactive elements, landmarks, etc [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/06/08-media-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/06/09 00:27:00 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/<video transcript="http://[this_page_url]/transcript.html"></video>/<video transcript="http://[this_domain]/transcript.html"></video>/
Succeeded: s/<div id="transcript_region" aria-labelledby="transcript region">/<div id="transcript_region" aria-label="transcript region">/
Succeeded: s/<div id="transcript_region" aria-labelledby="transcript">/<div id="transcript_region" aria-label="transcript">/
WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/<iframe id="transcript">Transcript</iframe>/<iframe id="transcript" src="transcript.html">Transcript</iframe>/
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: janina
Found Scribe: Janina_Sajka
Default Present: Janina_Sajka, JF, silvia
Present: Janina_Sajka JF silvia
Got date from IRC log name: 08 Jun 2012
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2012/06/08-media-minutes.html
People with action items: janina

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]