22:26:06 RRSAgent has joined #media 22:26:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/08-media-irc 22:26:20 zakim, room for 10? 22:26:21 ok, janina; conference Team_(media)22:26Z scheduled with code 2119 (A11Y) for 60 minutes until 2326Z 22:27:03 Team_(media)22:26Z has now started 22:27:10 +??P0 22:27:19 zakim, ??P0 is Janina_Sajka 22:27:19 +Janina_Sajka; got it 22:28:24 zakim, agenda? 22:28:24 I see nothing on the agenda 22:28:30 Meeting: HTML-A11Y teleconference 22:28:30 Chair: John_Foliot 22:28:30 Scribe: Janina_Sajka 22:28:30 agenda: this 22:28:30 agenda+ Issue-194 Approaches 22:28:33 agenda+ Other Business? 22:28:35 agenda+ be done 22:29:06 zakim, take up item 1 22:29:06 agendum 1. "Issue-194 Approaches" taken up [from janina] 22:29:26 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 22:29:38 rrsagent, make log public 22:29:45 rrsagent, make minutes 22:29:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/08-media-minutes.html janina 22:31:29 +JF 22:32:32 JF has joined #media 22:33:47 silvia has joined #media 22:34:20 zakim, code? 22:34:20 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), silvia 22:35:13 zakim, who is here>? 22:35:13 I don't understand your question, silvia. 22:35:18 zakim, who is here? 22:35:18 On the phone I see Janina_Sajka, JF 22:35:20 On IRC I see silvia, JF, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, hober 22:35:42 +silvia 22:44:51 Ted, PS: Thanks for bringing Issue-204 back to substance 22:45:35 I think the other way around? Only on html-wg? 22:46:42 Well, I seem to have made Sam really sensitive over WG territory, or something. I was also only trying to get back to the essence. 22:49:07 yeah, Janina announced the meeting yesterday 22:53:09 jf: I've read your emails, Silvia 22:53:22 jf: I did get distracted during the day, though 22:54:30 jf: Concerned about what authors are actually doing--where our discouragement won't help 22:55:26 jf: Problem is that there's emergent legislation ... 22:56:07 js: Actually, not emergent legislation--the laws oare on the books. It's regulatory--new regs for video description and captioning, plus refreshes of Sec. 508 regs 22:56:52 Silvia: I've come around, john, to your earlier approach from months ago -- with some additions 22:57:32 silvia: removed transcript element because we want to hold that one for the day we can introduce interactive transcript 22:59:08 silvia: If I can get browsers to agree on it? 22:59:15 [janina and jf agree] 22:59:32 jf: We need to support rich text transcript. 22:59:49 silvia: Yes, it's behind a uri, so can be a full html page, etc., etc 23:00:04 jf: a DAISY, a PDF, etc. 23:00:05 silvia: yes 23:01:31 jf: Is there a way to target where the transcript will be rendered? 23:01:33 silvia: yes 23:01:52 @transcript="transcript.html; target=foo" 23:03:37 silviA: why? don't need to do that? web dev knows what to do. Don't think it's necessary 23:04:12 jf: So, if there's a way to access the transcript, how does one target where it's rendered 23:05:11 js: How does the user get to identify where they want it rendered 23:05:19 silvia: user doesn't get to control web page layout 23:05:42 @transcript="http://example.com/transcript.html#transcript" 23:06:02 @transcript="http://example.com/transcript.html#transcript" 23:10:35 1) 23:10:36 23:10:38 - launches transcript.html in main browser window (default) 23:10:40 - can we also make it so that instead of replacing video.html with transcript.html that the user is prompted to save the file? 23:10:42 2) 23:10:43