13:57:13 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:57:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/01-wcag2ict-irc 13:57:15 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:57:17 Zakim, this will be 2428 13:57:17 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 13:57:18 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:57:18 Date: 01 June 2012 13:58:44 WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM has now started 13:58:51 +Shadi 13:59:07 +Cooper 13:59:23 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2ict-tf/2012May/0017.html 13:59:24 +??P0 13:59:26 chair: Mike_Pluke 13:59:31 zakim, ??P0 is Mike_Pluke 13:59:31 +Mike_Pluke; got it 13:59:46 zakim, mute me 13:59:46 Shadi should now be muted 14:00:13 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 14:00:23 agenda+ Identify Scribe, discussion on what should be in the minutes 14:00:23 agenda+ Participation update -- Mike 14:00:23 agenda+ Finish Discussion on first survey results, starting with 1.4.5 Images of text 14:00:23 agenda+ Discussion of results of "Comments on SC 1.2.x and 3.3.4" Survey. 14:00:24 agenda+ Next survey available. Please complete by midnight Monday 4 June. 14:00:26 agenda+ Confirm next meeting time; action items; 14:00:27 greggvanderheiden has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:28 adjourn 14:00:34 +Gregg_Vanderheiden 14:00:36 agenda? 14:00:45 drop item 6 14:00:47 drop item 7 14:00:48 drop item 8 14:00:51 +Bruce_Bailey 14:01:00 +[Microsoft] 14:01:04 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:01:14 MaryJo has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:24 zakim, Microsoft is Alex_Li 14:01:24 +Alex_Li; got it 14:02:14 +Kiran_Kaja 14:02:17 scribe: Andi 14:02:30 +David_MacDonald 14:03:52 Alex has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:00 BBailey has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:31 David has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:47 regrest: Loïc_Martínez, Peter_Korn 14:04:54 +??P26 14:05:07 zakim, ??P26 is Janina_Sajka 14:05:07 +Janina_Sajka; got it 14:05:33 scribe: Andi 14:05:38 zakim, next item 14:05:38 agendum 9. "Identify Scribe, discussion on what should be in the minutes" taken up [from mapluke] 14:05:48 zakim, close item 9 14:05:48 agendum 9, Identify Scribe, discussion on what should be in the minutes, closed 14:05:51 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:05:51 10. Participation update -- Mike [from mapluke] 14:06:01 janina has joined #wcag2ict 14:06:12 zakim, close item 10 14:06:12 agendum 10, Participation update -- Mike, closed 14:06:13 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:06:13 11. Finish Discussion on first survey results, starting with 1.4.5 Images of text [from mapluke] 14:07:50 no remaining issues now that category of ICT in general has been removed 14:08:41 RESOLUTION: Accept text for 1.4.5 as proposed 14:08:52 Judy has joined #wcag2ict 14:08:54 zakim, next item 14:08:54 agendum 11. "Finish Discussion on first survey results, starting with 1.4.5 Images of text " taken up [from mapluke] 14:09:01 zakim, close item 11 14:09:01 agendum 11, Finish Discussion on first survey results, starting with 1.4.5 Images of text , closed 14:09:04 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:09:04 12. Discussion of results of "Comments on SC 1.2.x and 3.3.4" Survey. [from mapluke] 14:09:40 1.2.1 Audio only and video only (prerecorded) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/MAY292012/results#xq7 14:10:39 no remaining issues now that category of ICT in general has been removed 14:10:53 +Judy 14:11:01 RESOLUTION: Accept text for 1.2.1 as proposed 14:12:03 Captions 1.2.2 14:13:52 q+ 14:14:51 general discussion about what to do when it seems something doesn't apply 14:15:33 example of images - if don't have images, some think the SC is not applicable, but the assumption for WCAG is that if you don't have images then you comply with 1.1.1 14:16:53 q+ 14:16:54 +Pierce_Crowell 14:17:13 q+ to mention language from 508 about exception for “fundamental alteration”. 14:17:24 ack gregg 14:17:25 q+ 14:17:47 q+ 14:18:08 general discussion about conformance when platform doesn't have features necessary to support the SC 14:18:15 ack alex 14:18:45 +Al_Hoffman 14:19:16 ack BBailey 14:19:16 BBailey, you wanted to mention language from 508 about exception for “fundamental alteration”. 14:20:17 ack mapluke 14:21:38 GV: if platform doesn't support, SC can't be met 14:22:03 Pierce_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:22:19 AL: when authoring, can't know what user agent, platform, AT user will have 14:22:43 BB: 508 has exceptions for fundamental alteration and commercial non-availability 14:23:08 q+ 14:23:13 ack gregg 14:23:37 q+ to say we distinguish between complying with the statute and conforming to the standard. 14:23:44 ack Kiran 14:24:35 q+ 14:24:50 GV: we have to create the rules for what makes something accessible to people with disabilities 14:25:07 ack alex 14:25:41 40# 14:25:57 BB: in regulatory context, there is a difference between compliance with the statute and compliance with the technical standard 14:26:01 41# 14:26:29 q+ 14:26:43 ack bb 14:26:43 BBailey, you wanted to say we distinguish between complying with the statute and conforming to the standard. 14:26:46 ack gregg 14:26:53 s/compliance with the technical standard/conformance to the technical standard/ 14:26:57 q+ 14:27:55 q+ 14:31:36 q+ 14:32:49 ack Pierce 14:32:50 -Cooper 14:33:43 PC: government can specify minimum system requirements 14:33:56 q+ to ask how this discussion relates to the concept of "accessibility supported" 14:35:10 q- 14:35:20 ack mapluke 14:35:24 q- 14:36:05 trackbot, status? 14:37:21 ack Kiran 14:38:00 q- 14:39:02 q+ 14:39:59 q+ Al_Hoffman 14:40:40 +Judy.a 14:40:42 ack Andi 14:40:43 -Judy 14:41:30 q+ 14:41:36 AS: the second paragraph speaks to the issue of "accessibility supported" which is a conformance issue that is applicable to all SC 14:42:02 proposal to delete the second paragraph of the proposal 14:42:46 ack me 14:42:47 ack Al 14:43:28 zakim, mute me 14:43:28 Shadi should now be muted 14:44:10 RESOLUTION: accept text for 1.2.2 as amended (delete second paragraph) 14:44:26 1.2.3 Audio Descriptions or media alternatives (prerecorded) 14:44:28 -Judy.a 14:44:52 [for record, agree with removing this paragraph for now but coming back to it later, probably when we come to discuss "accessibility support"] 14:45:31 q+ 14:46:14 ack Andi 14:47:02 proposal to remove the second paragraph and add note per Loïc's comment 14:47:46 AS: definition of audio description has notes that explain this is also known by other terms such as "video description" 14:47:51 q+ 14:48:20 +Judy 14:49:16 Note that WCAG 2.0 definition of Audio Description says that Audio Description is "Also called 'video description' and 'descriptive narration.'". 14:49:44 q+ 14:50:13 q+ 14:50:29 ack m 14:50:47 GV and MP: propose keeping the note because this term gets a lot of comments so even though there are notes in the definition, this is a good clarification 14:51:22 Note: Secondary or alternate audio tracks are commonly used for this purpose 14:51:43 http://www.w3.org/TR/media-accessibility-reqs/ 14:52:00 ack janina 14:53:34 zakim, mute me 14:53:34 Shadi was already muted, shadi 14:53:36 q+ 14:53:59 Document about how to do media accessibility on the web - excellent resource for WCAG but not for the WCAG2ICT document 14:54:06 ack gregg 14:54:59 ack Judy 14:55:51 q+ 14:56:14 q+ 14:56:32 ack mapluke 14:57:46 JS: reference on media accessibility is being used in other non-web contexts such as cable 14:57:50 ack j 14:58:28 AL: lot of other standards we could reference, process question of how we are going to handle these 14:58:53 q+ 14:58:58 ack a 14:59:00 q- 14:59:24 GV: not within our scope to reference other standards 14:59:30 ack m 15:01:46 FROM MEETING 15:01:47 Additional guidance when applying to Electronic Documents and Software Aspects of Products 15:01:48 This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). 15:01:49 Note1: WCAG 2.0 definition of Audio Description says that Audio Description is "Also called 'video description' and 'descriptive narration.'". 15:01:50 Note2: Secondary or alternate audio tracks are commonly used for this purpose 15:02:12 Additional guidance when applying to Electronic Documents and Software Aspects of Products 15:02:12 This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). 15:02:13 Note1: WCAG 2.0 definition of Audio Description says that Audio Description is "Also called 'video description' and 'descriptive narration.'". 15:02:14 Note2: Secondary or alternate audio tracks are commonly used for this purpose 15:02:38 RESOLUTION: accept text for 1.2.3 as amended (add Gregg's note as edited by Loïc, add additional note about using primary or secondary audio channels, and delete second paragraph) 15:06:14 -Judy 15:08:44 AH: back to 1.2.2 Captions - these are called "subtitles" in other contexts 15:08:53 AS: definition of Captions says that in the notes 15:09:35 GV: could add a note similar to what we did for 1.2.3 on audio description/video description 15:10:22 action: Gregg to compose note on captions and subtitles for 1.2.2 15:10:22 Created ACTION-3 - Compose note on captions and subtitles for 1.2.2 [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-06-08]. 15:11:26 1.2.4 Captions (Live) 15:13:08 GV: "live" is defined as information captured from real world events 15:13:31 GV: not document and not software 15:14:45 GV: if software plays CSPAN channel, that is coming from a third party who would be responsible for the captions 15:14:48 ack Andi 15:14:59 q+ 15:15:07 q+ 15:15:51 GV: software would play the captions but requirements on the player to be able to play the captions is beyond our scope 15:16:31 PC: this requirement is really about doing something, not selling something 15:16:37 q+ 15:16:53 ack p 15:19:03 GV: contrasts software that just presents live content (baby cam) vs. live content that someone is selling such as Olympic coverage 15:20:47 q+ 15:20:54 q- 15:22:56 MP: need a note on scoping 15:23:06 q+ 15:23:07 q+ 15:23:17 ack m 15:23:28 q+ 15:23:38 ack alex 15:24:35 q- 15:25:43 q+ Al_Hoffman 15:26:03 ack a 15:26:12 ack Andi 15:26:13 q+ 15:26:18 q+ Al_Hoffman 15:27:25 GV: this provision wouldn't apply when agency is purchasing software to do a live event (ex. training) but it would apply when the agency uses it 15:27:40 ack g 15:29:04 AH: lot of information provide for the web context, is there something else we need to add for people not operating in the web context 15:29:06 ack m 15:29:09 ack a 15:30:07 q+ 15:30:26 -Gregg_Vanderheiden 15:30:44 proposal to put the same note from 1.2.2 in this provision 15:30:48 ack a 15:31:12 AL: written for one-way conversation, not meant for two-way conversations such as VoIP 15:31:35 q+ 15:31:49 sorry 15:31:50 -Kiran_Kaja 15:31:58 I am cut off can cannot sign back in 15:32:05 conference restricted 15:32:52 q- 15:33:40 -Al_Hoffman 15:33:42 -Bruce_Bailey 15:33:44 -Alex_Li 15:33:46 -Janina_Sajka 15:33:47 -Pierce_Crowell 15:33:49 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 15:33:50 ack me 15:33:57 zakim, bye 15:33:57 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Shadi, Cooper, Mike_Pluke, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Bruce_Bailey, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Alex_Li, Kiran_Kaja, David_MacDonald, 15:33:57 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:34:00 ... Janina_Sajka, Judy, Pierce_Crowell, Al_Hoffman 15:34:04 trackbot, end meeting 15:34:04 Zakim, list attendees 15:34:06 janina has left #wcag2ict 15:34:07 trackbot, end meeting 15:34:12 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:34:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/01-wcag2ict-minutes.html trackbot 15:34:13 RRSAgent, bye 15:34:13 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/06/01-wcag2ict-actions.rdf : 15:34:13 ACTION: Gregg to compose note on captions and subtitles for 1.2.2 [1] 15:34:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/06/01-wcag2ict-irc#T15-10-22 15:34:13 Zakim, list attendees