14:00:13 RRSAgent has joined #sparql 14:00:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/05/22-sparql-irc 14:00:15 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:00:15 Zakim has joined #sparql 14:00:16 SteveH_ has joined #sparql 14:00:17 Zakim, this will be 77277 14:00:17 ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start now 14:00:18 Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference 14:00:18 Date: 22 May 2012 14:00:27 zakim, this will be SPARQL 14:00:27 ok, LeeF, I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM already started 14:00:28 Zakim, who's on the phone 14:00:28 I don't understand 'who's on the phone', SteveH 14:00:33 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:00:33 On the phone I see ??P4 14:00:38 Zakim, ??P4 is me 14:00:38 +SteveH; got it 14:00:48 MattPerry has joined #sparql 14:00:48 +LeeF 14:00:52 +kasei 14:01:02 Chair: LeeF 14:01:05 +Olivier 14:01:12 Regrets: pgearon, axel 14:01:28 +MattPerry 14:01:40 +??P16 14:01:46 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012AprJun/0142.html 14:01:53 Zakim, ??P16 is me 14:01:53 +bglimm; got it 14:02:11 scribenick: bglimm 14:02:15 zakim, who's here? 14:02:15 On the phone I see SteveH, LeeF, kasei, Olivier, MattPerry, bglimm 14:02:16 On IRC I see MattPerry, SteveH, Zakim, RRSAgent, Olivier, LeeF, AndyS, bglimm, pgearon, trackbot, iv_an_ru__, ya, NickH, kasei, ericP, sandro 14:02:55 chimezie has joined #sparql 14:03:10 +Yigal 14:03:55 +Chimezie 14:04:07 zakim, Yigal is AndyS 14:04:07 +AndyS; got it 14:04:15 zakim, who's on the phone? 14:04:15 On the phone I see SteveH, LeeF, kasei, Olivier, MattPerry, bglimm, AndyS, Chimezie 14:04:16 zakim, Yigal is temporarily me 14:04:17 sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'Yigal' 14:04:28 Zakim, mute me 14:04:31 Chimezie should now be muted 14:04:35 Arthur has joined #sparql 14:04:47 +Sandro 14:05:15 topic: Admin 14:05:32 PROPOSED: Approve minutes from http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-05-15 14:06:02 Main topic last week: updated property path test cases 14:06:23 + +1.512.651.aaaa 14:06:25 close ACTION-619 14:06:25 ACTION-619 Approve PP test cases as per resolution closed 14:07:07 Austin, Texas 14:07:12 - +1.512.651.aaaa 14:07:47 sandro has changed the topic to: agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012AprJun/0142.html 14:07:51 + +1.512.651.aabb 14:08:08 RESOLVED: Approve minutes from http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2012-05-15 14:08:11 zakim, aabb is Arthur 14:08:11 +Arthur; got it 14:08:15 Last week's minutes look ok? 14:08:25 (silence) 14:09:15 LeeF: Next meeting 29th, usual time and place 14:09:19 regrets for next week 14:09:29 Axel sends regrets (ESWC) 14:09:39 LeeF: The week after is SemTec 14:09:56 ... Steve, Author, Lee and Matt will be there 14:10:09 s/Author/Arthur 14:10:12 s/Authur/Arthur/ 14:10:29 +??P21 14:10:46 We can decide whether we have a teleconf on the 5th of June next week 14:11:19 LeeF: We want to see where we are for going to cand. REC or LC 14:11:36 zakim, who's on the phone? 14:11:36 On the phone I see SteveH, LeeF, kasei, Olivier, MattPerry, bglimm, AndyS, Chimezie (muted), Sandro, Arthur, ??P21 14:12:01 -??P21 14:12:19 topic: Document Status 14:12:20 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/To_PR 14:12:32 cbuilara_ has joined #sparql 14:12:39 subtopic: Query 14:12:41 ... let's start with Query 14:13:05 ... Andy worked in the new VALUES (?) in 14:13:30 ... Steve asks whether we want to use UNBOUND instead of UNDEF 14:13:36 ... as a keyword 14:13:49 AndyS: I have a slight preference for UNDEF 14:14:14 LeeF: Steve, you have a strong preference here? 14:14:22 SteveH: I have a mild preference 14:14:30 very mild :) 14:14:35 I share Steve's mild preference. 14:14:52 LeeF: Let's just keep it as it is then 14:15:16 ... Andy & Steve can you summarize the TODOs 14:15:26 AndyS: We need another review for the PP stuff 14:16:01 ... There are some changes for string functions (?) 14:16:17 ... there are 4 open comments (mostly for the bindings stuff) 14:16:37 ... some for syntax for prefixes (no change planned) 14:17:21 LeeF: no open issues for Query 14:17:23 q+ 14:17:33 ack kasei 14:17:48 kasei: We skipped over the test suite 14:17:51 pgearon is down to review PP. 14:18:13 LeeF: We'll talk about this 14:19:07 LeeF: After Paul's review, should we do review of the whole doc? 14:19:19 AndyS: If somebody has the time it would be great 14:19:48 Also -- action number 620 Contact carlos to implement change from BINDINGS to VALUES in Fed-query for PR 14:19:48 LeeF: The substantive changes are PP, VALUES, little things like functions 14:20:00 Also -- Action number 619 Propose fix in definition of "in-scope" for BIND, cf. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2012AprJun/0120.html 14:21:05 s/619/618/ 14:21:42 (editorial - fix references - check for unused refs) 14:21:54 LeeF: We need one review for the changes in the functions stuff 14:22:02 ... I suggest Greg or Matt 14:22:06 sure 14:22:07 Sure I can do it 14:22:29 zakim, choose Greg or Matt 14:22:29 I don't understand 'choose Greg or Matt', LeeF 14:22:34 zakim, random number? 14:22:34 I don't understand your question, LeeF. 14:22:44 4027659 14:23:12 LeeF: I threw a coin and it's Matt 14:23:22 ACTION: Matthew to review UUID, STRBEFORE, STRAFTER changes in query 14:23:22 Created ACTION-623 - Review UUID, STRBEFORE, STRAFTER changes in query [on Matthew Perry - due 2012-05-29]. 14:24:00 LeeF: With those two reviews, we are set 14:24:08 +??P29 14:25:00 -??P29 14:25:31 AndyS: There's an at risk box in the grammar section 14:25:38 I think we wanted to remove it 14:25:56 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/query-1.1/rq25.xml#grammar 14:25:59 It covers the change for decimals and dates to be like in Turtle 14:26:19 LeeF: We only have to remove it for PR 14:26:33 AndyS: It doesn't have a need any more 14:26:52 LeeF: Do we have a syntax test for that? 14:27:12 ... It would make sense to do that, so that implementors update their parsers 14:27:30 ACTION: Lee to draft syntax tests for at-risk grammar features of query 14:27:30 Created ACTION-624 - Draft syntax tests for at-risk grammar features of query [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2012-05-29]. 14:27:58 LeeF: I'll create the tests, we approve them (next week) and then remove the at risk note 14:28:56 LeeF: Only the UUID test is not yet approve and the STRBEFORE/STRAFTER tests might need adptations 14:29:08 ... If there are no such tests we would need some 14:29:50 ... Greg, will you look at the STRBEFORE/STRAFTER tests? 14:29:53 ACTION: Greg to look at changes to or adding new STRBEFORE/STRAFTER tests to reflect updated behavior of error case (empty string, no language tag) 14:29:53 Created ACTION-625 - Look at changes to or adding new STRBEFORE/STRAFTER tests to reflect updated behavior of error case (empty string, no language tag) [on Gregory Williams - due 2012-05-29]. 14:29:54 kasei: Yes 14:30:41 LeeF: We we have the tests, we can check the implementations 14:31:20 ... we do not have any of the update editors here 14:31:32 ... Does anybody here know the status? 14:31:42 ... (silence) 14:32:00 ... I'll draft an email to gather this information 14:33:06 .... I see one open Update comment about RDF merge and bnodes 14:33:12 .. from Kjetl 14:33:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2012May/0023.html 14:34:29 LeeF: Greg (others) any idea about the tests? 14:34:46 kasei: the copy and move tests have not yet been approved 14:34:56 ... other than that we have three implementations 14:35:05 LeeF: Can we approve the tests? 14:35:11 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/implementations/ 14:35:17 kasei: Yes, they can be approved 14:36:22 PROPOSED: Approve the 6 COPY tests and 6 MOVE tests that are currently Not Classified 14:36:29 +1 14:36:38 +1 14:36:46 I abstain as I haven't looked at them 14:37:03 same for me (for same reason) 14:37:26 AndyS: I have to run them 14:37:41 ... I pass all of them 14:37:47 RESOLVED: Approve the 6 COPY tests and 6 MOVE tests that are currently Not Classified, bglimm and chimezie abstaining 14:38:02 LeeF: Greg, can you mark them as approved 14:38:07 kasei: sure 14:38:16 ACTION: Greg to mark MOVE/COPY tests approved 14:38:17 Created ACTION-626 - Mark MOVE/COPY tests approved [on Gregory Williams - due 2012-05-29]. 14:39:17 Zakim, unmute me 14:39:17 Chimezie should no longer be muted 14:39:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2012May/0009.html 14:39:35 LeeF: I want to discuss the James Leigh (?) comment 14:39:44 s/(/)// 14:40:33 LeeF: There was some discussion around this 14:41:04 kasei: The SD doc was not designed to work with the graph store protocol and we didn't realise that this could be critical 14:41:18 ... at the moment they don't work well together 14:41:49 ... the graph store doc is REST based and we cannot discover anything well then 14:42:47 (scribe is lost now...) 14:43:00 Valid concern - framing seems unhelpful - many assumptions about "REST style" 14:43:11 There is a procedural issue with James comment: service discovery is out of scope for GSP 14:43:41 There is just other questions about whether this is really a hardcoding issue since it applies to other specified HTTP APIs 14:44:05 The templating and {} substitution seems to be the tip of an iceberg. 14:44:09 LeeF: I don't know whether there is anything we have to do right now 14:44:22 Sandro: I don't think we should change anything at this point 14:44:53 .... I think it is useful for what we need now with SPARQL 14:45:29 ... there is just no standard defined way (or only a complicated way) for getting from GSP to SD 14:46:15 Arthur?: We could just say that it is out of scope for this round of specification 14:46:26 s/Aurthur/chimezie 14:46:35 AndyS: We could put it on the future work list 14:46:51 ... we think there is nothing that blocks a future extension 14:46:57 s/Arthur?/chimezie 14:47:40 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Future_Work_Items 14:47:49 LeeF: I'll add it to the future work items list, Chime, you can add this to your reply if you want 14:48:46 Comments requiring minor changes (IMO): MSO-1 (reasonable status codes to support) 14:49:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2012May/0010.html 14:49:09 q+ 14:49:28 LeeF: It's not clear whether they are appropriate 14:49:28 ack kasei 14:49:42 kasei: The codes he suggests are not used for what he wants them to be used for 14:50:25 .... for example, the request is too large is different from the rest operation is being to large (query result) 14:51:13 LeeF: My reading of GSP is that HTTP status codes can be used as long as they are in line with the HTTP spec. We should clarify this 14:51:41 "implementations MUST include a status code [RFC2616] appropriate for the operation indicated and the result from invoking the operation" 14:51:48 chimezie: I agree with Greg 14:52:42 in 5.1 Status Codes 14:52:49 ... I wonder if our phrasing regarding the status codes is clear enough 14:53:05 """ 14:53:07 The SPARQL Protocol uses the response status codes defined in HTTP to 14:53:07 indicate the success or failure of an operation. Consult the HTTP 14:53:07 specification [RFC2616] for detailed definitions of each status code. 14:53:07 While a protocol service should use a 2XX HTTP 14:53:07 response code for a successful query, it may 14:53:08 choose instead to use a 3XX response code as per HTTP. 14:53:10 """ 14:53:58 LeeF: I think the SPARQL protocol spec is a bit more specific, but there's nothing wrong with this text IMO 14:53:59 """ 14:54:01 The HTTP response codes applicable to an unsuccessful query operation include:400 if the SPARQL query supplied in the request is not a legal sequence of characters in the language defined by the SPARQL grammar; or,500 if the service fails to execute the query. SPARQL 14:54:01 Protocol services may also return a 500 response code if they 14:54:01 refuse to execute a query. This 14:54:01 response does not indicate whether the server may or may not 14:54:02 process a subsequent, identical request or requests. A protocol service may use other 4XX or 5XX HTTP response codes for other failure conditions, as per HTTP. 14:54:05 """ 14:54:47 Chimezie: I draft a response saying that the first and the last use is not correct 14:56:03 LeeF: Is there anything to review after the last pub? 14:56:09 chimezie: no 14:56:29 LeeF: Only MSO comment open? 14:56:33 chimezie: Yes 14:56:58 LeeF: We have to check the test suite status next week (running out of time) 14:57:08 .... protocol will be a longer discussion 14:57:30 ... any other business for the last minutes? 14:57:34 (silence) 14:57:44 ...Thanks to all 14:57:47 -Sandro 14:57:48 bye 14:57:48 -Chimezie 14:57:50 -MattPerry 14:57:50 -Arthur 14:57:51 -AndyS 14:57:51 -LeeF 14:57:53 -SteveH 14:57:54 -Olivier 14:57:57 -kasei 14:58:06 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:58:43 -bglimm 14:58:43 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended 14:58:43 Attendees were SteveH, LeeF, kasei, Olivier, MattPerry, bglimm, Chimezie, AndyS, Sandro, +1.512.651.aaaa, +1.512.651.aabb, Arthur 15:01:04 close ACTION-613 15:01:04 ACTION-613 Document SD test cases in README.html closed 15:17:46 hmmmmm... Protocol says this: 15:17:48 "The response to a query request is either the SPARQL XML Results Format, the SPARQL JSON Results Format, the SPARQL CSV/TSV Results Format, or an RDF serialization, depending on the query form [SPARQL] and content negotiation [RFC2616]." 15:18:09 does that sound like it precludes other media types (e.g. html) in conneg to anybody else? 15:22:28 close ACTION-626 15:22:28 ACTION-626 Mark MOVE/COPY tests approved closed 15:22:43 SteveH has joined #sparql 17:01:48 Zakim has left #sparql