18:51:17 RRSAgent has joined #au 18:51:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/30-au-irc 18:51:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:51:19 Zakim has joined #au 18:51:21 Zakim, this will be AUWG 18:51:21 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 18:51:22 Meeting: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 18:51:22 Date: 30 April 2012 18:51:35 regrets+ Jan, Tim, Alessandro, Cherie 18:52:00 agenda+ Schedule F2F 18:52:19 agenda+ Implementation planning 18:52:42 agenda+ Implementation Report update 18:52:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2012AprJun/0007.html 18:52:56 agenda+ update on testing plan 19:01:18 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:01:24 +Jeanne 19:03:25 +[Microsoft] 19:04:49 +Sueann 19:05:46 +??P10 19:06:08 zakim, ??P10 19:06:09 I don't understand '??P10', jeanne 19:06:25 zakim, ??P10 is Jutta 19:06:25 +Jutta; got it 19:09:18 action: Jeanne to do a survey for F2F dates for TH & Fr, vs. MO & TU dates & location alternatives\ 19:09:18 Created ACTION-376 - Do a survey for F2F dates for TH & Fr, vs. MO & TU dates & location alternatives\ [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-05-07]. 19:09:56 +Greg 19:26:09 zakim, take up item-1 19:26:09 '\-1' does not match any agenda item, jeanne 19:26:15 zakim, take up next 19:26:15 agendum 1. "Schedule F2F" taken up [from jeanne] 19:26:20 postponed 19:26:26 zakim, take up next 19:26:26 agendum 1 was just opened, jeanne 19:27:30 zakim, take up item 3 19:27:30 agendum 3. "Implementation Report update" taken up [from jeanne] 19:27:47 Tim Boland has been in contact with Wordpress 19:28:16 JT: We have also been in contact with WOrdpress 19:28:29 JT: We have also been in contact with Drupal 19:28:46 JS: Can you keep me in the loop? I have been talking with contacts at Drupal 19:29:25 JT: We are also working on Open Author by Institute for Knowledge, Media and Education. We expect this to meet most of hte SC. 19:31:25 zakim, take up nextx 19:31:25 I don't understand 'take up nextx', jeanne 19:31:30 zakim, take up next 19:31:30 agendum 1. "Schedule F2F" taken up [from jeanne] 19:31:39 zakim, take up next 19:31:39 agendum 1 was just opened, jeanne 19:33:16 Jutta_ has joined #au 19:35:29 zakim, take up item 4 19:35:29 agendum 4. "update on testing plan" taken up [from jeanne] 19:37:20 zakim, who is here? 19:37:20 On the phone I see Jeanne, [Microsoft], Sueann, Jutta, Greg 19:37:22 On IRC I see Jutta_, Zakim, RRSAgent, jeanne, trackbot 19:37:28 zakim, Microsoft is Alex 19:37:28 +Alex; got it 19:37:50 JT: We will need volunteers to write test case. 19:38:13 JS: I suggest that people ask within their own companies to look for expert help with writing test cases. 19:38:29 JT: I will also see if there is student help for writing test cases. 19:38:58 JS: I will send an email with instructions for writing the test cases. 19:39:08 -Sueann 19:39:10 -Alex 19:39:12 -Greg 19:47:43 -Jeanne 19:47:44 -Jutta 19:47:44 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 19:47:44 Attendees were Jeanne, Sueann, Jutta, Greg, Alex 20:13:56 rrsagent, make minutes 20:13:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/04/30-au-minutes.html jeanne