21:00:03 RRSAgent has joined #webappsec 21:00:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/10-webappsec-irc 21:00:12 zakim this will be 92794 21:00:20 zakim, this is 92794 21:00:20 ok, bhill21; that matches SEC_WASWG()5:00PM 21:00:26 rrsagent begin 21:00:28 +Joseph_Scheuhammer 21:00:34 rrsagent, begin 21:00:43 +??P6 21:00:53 Meeting: WebAppSec WG Teleconference, April 10, 2012 21:00:59 Chair: bhill2, ekr 21:01:24 + +1.650.648.aaee 21:01:26 Zakim, ??P6 is gioma1 21:01:26 +gioma1; got it 21:01:43 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2012Apr/0009.html 21:01:53 abarth has joined #webappsec 21:01:55 + +1.503.712.aaff 21:02:07 zakim, who is here? 21:02:07 On the phone I see +1.978.944.aaaa, +1.303.229.aabb, +1.650.678.aacc, +1.866.317.aadd, Joseph_Scheuhammer, gioma1, +1.650.648.aaee, +1.503.712.aaff 21:02:10 On IRC I see abarth, RRSAgent, Zakim, ekr, bhill21, jeffh, tanvi1, EC, gioma1, dveditz, bhill2, anne, trackbot 21:02:13 zakim, aabb is bhill2 21:02:13 +bhill2; got it 21:02:28 Zakim, aaee is abarth 21:02:28 +abarth; got it 21:02:40 +[Mozilla] 21:02:51 zakim, aaff is rware 21:02:51 +rware; got it 21:02:57 tanvi has joined #webappsec 21:04:15 + +1.831.246.aagg 21:04:48 scribenick: ekr 21:05:21 zakim, who is here 21:05:21 bhill21, you need to end that query with '?' 21:05:26 zakim, who is here? 21:05:26 On the phone I see +1.978.944.aaaa, bhill2, +1.650.678.aacc, +1.866.317.aadd, Joseph_Scheuhammer, gioma1, abarth, rware, [Mozilla], +1.831.246.aagg 21:05:28 On IRC I see tanvi, abarth, RRSAgent, Zakim, ekr, bhill21, jeffh, EC, gioma1, dveditz, bhill2, anne, trackbot 21:05:28 + +1.425.865.aahh 21:05:53 +[Microsoft] 21:05:56 Zakim, dveditz is aagg 21:05:56 sorry, dveditz, I do not recognize a party named 'dveditz' 21:06:08 zakim, aagg is dveditz 21:06:08 +dveditz; got it 21:06:09 Zakim, aagg is dveditz 21:06:09 sorry, dveditz, I do not recognize a party named 'aagg' 21:06:10 jrossi has joined #webappsec 21:06:57 scribenick: jrossi 21:07:46 cory has joined #webappsec 21:07:59 topic: last call's minutes 21:08:14 bhill: any objections to approval? 21:08:24 bhill: no objections, minutes approved 21:08:48 topic: F2F at TPAC 21:09:08 bhill: This is year in France. W3C wants to know if WebAppSec should meet. 21:09:21 bhill: provide input on whether folks will be able to attend 21:09:27 bhill: still having our F2F in May 21:09:45 topic: CORs published LCWD 21:09:54 bhill: This triggers a new call for exclusions. 21:11:43 - +1.978.944.aaaa 21:13:32 topics: Report on IETF 83 in Paris 21:13:42 topic: Report on IETF 83 in Paris 21:14:12 jeffh: Sent mail to list with updates from IETF 83 21:14:31 keeler has joined #webappsec 21:15:19 + +1.781.218.aaii 21:15:30 jeffh: review presentations for your information (links in mail) 21:16:23 gopal has joined #webappsec 21:16:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2012Apr/0011.html 21:17:24 jeffh: WebSec WG's HSTS spec is in WG Last Call, comments received, no showstoppers 21:17:35 present+ gopal 21:17:54 jeffh: IAB Tech Plenary presentations (slides and PDFs included here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2012Apr/0011.html) 21:18:30 jeffh: work on a new DNS API, one that accomodates async operations 21:19:08 -Joseph_Scheuhammer 21:19:14 jeffh: PKIX revocation and SSL Replacements/Enhancements 21:20:45 jeffh: HTTPbis, provide comments on HTTP/1.1, parts 4-7 in WG LC, parts 1-3 entering WG LC soon 21:21:36 jeffh: entertaining proposals for an HTTP 2.0, firm rechartering this summer where the proposal has been nailed down 21:21:52 jeffh: process/requirements gathering at  http://bit.ly/http2reqs 21:22:19 jeffh: Mark Nottingham's overview of process & reqs is worth reviewing ( https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/83/slides/slides-83-httpbis-6.pdf ) 21:22:37 jeffh: 3 proposals were presented, SPDY, HTTP Speed+Mobility, and WAKA 21:25:31 + +1.614.465.aajj 21:25:38 + +1.415.596.aakk 21:25:51 gopal has joined #webappsec 21:26:28 http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pettersen-subtld-structure-09 21:26:46 puhley has joined #webappsec 21:28:53 various rumblings about fixing the "publicsuffix.org" problem at IETF.. possibly in a new list or discussion area 21:29:23 https://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/open 21:29:23 topic: Reviewing open tracker actions 21:29:34 Action-20? 21:29:34 ACTION-20 -- Brad Hill to liason with widgets activity on policy placeholder for widgets -- due 2012-05-15 -- OPEN 21:29:34 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/20 21:29:44 Action-35? 21:29:45 ACTION-35 -- Adam Barth to add advice for server operators about combining policies -- due 2012-03-13 -- OPEN 21:29:45 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/35 21:29:57 see also: dra-sullivan-zone-policy-assertions-01 21:30:01 bhill: hasn't been touched lately, need to find a new owner? 21:30:16 abarth: if this is the last thing to do, i can do this 21:30:24 bhill: will evaluate after the call 21:30:28 action-36? 21:30:28 ACTION-36 -- David Huang to copy clicking jacking info to wiki and email list -- due 2012-03-13 -- OPEN 21:30:28 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/36 21:30:37 bhill: will close this 21:31:02 action-51? 21:31:02 ACTION-51 -- Jeff Hodges to review CORS new sec cons language and provide editorial fixes -- due 2012-03-25 -- OPEN 21:31:02 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/51 21:31:17 bhill: generally in the phase of providing last call comments for CORs 21:31:40 bhill: think we should pay special attention to this one 21:31:58 bhill: CORS has a security model for the developer that's easy to misunderstand 21:32:19 bhill: good idea to make sure we make the right comments and the spec is clear to browser authors and the other audiences who will use this 21:32:45 bhill: this action is on Jeff, but everyone should review 21:33:33 action-56? 21:33:33 ACTION-56 -- Adam Barth to remove policy-uri directive -- due 2012-04-10 -- OPEN 21:33:33 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/track/actions/56 21:33:39 bhill: is that complete? 21:33:42 abarth: yes 21:34:15 action-54 will follow up with adam, item later to talk about action-55 21:34:30 topic: META tag support 21:34:38 bhill: discussion on list about keeping/removing 21:34:43 bhill: resolved to remove from spec 21:35:04 bhill: any particular opinions or data points we didn't hear on the mailing list? 21:35:43 tanvi: at Mozilla we feel we don't want to muddle the policy that determines what's in the HTML document to also be in the HTML document 21:35:52 tanvi: this is why we don't like the idea of the META tag 21:36:20 tanvi: at the same time, understand that pages may wish to dynamically apply the policy after loading content 21:36:29 abarth: sounds like a good thing to consider in the 1.1 version of the spec 21:36:32 tanvi: I agree 21:36:43 bhill: probably should put on agenda for F2F to talk about use cases 21:37:07 topic: Header definitions have cross-responsibility between IETF/W3C 21:37:26 bhill: fine to keep working on here since it's relevant to other topics related to W3C work 21:37:39 bhill: abarth has volunteered to take that up and provide a draft 21:37:47 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/content-security-policy/rev/91163bbd2daf 21:38:17 action: abarth to cross-post proposal to HTTP and WebSec WG at IETF 21:38:17 Created ACTION-57 - Cross-post proposal to HTTP and WebSec WG at IETF [on Adam Barth - due 2012-04-17]. 21:39:42 topic: Sandbox directive 21:40:06 bhill: IE has implementation, WebKit has the HTML implementation 21:40:20 abarth: sandbox directive is implemented in CSP implementation in WebKit 21:40:28 bhill: tanvi, is Mozilla working on it? 21:40:45 tanvi: working on iframe sandbox, not complete yet, hopefully will land in a month or so (won't be out for a few more months) 21:40:55 bhill: would mozilla be agreeable to including it in CSP? 21:41:57 who's speaking ? 21:42:56 I am 21:43:50 so jrossi querying dveditz wrt support For iFame sandbox, yes? 21:44:07 yes 21:45:08 dveditz: moz wanting to push iFrame sandbox to CSP 1.1 21:45:58 jrossi: arguing For including it in CSP 1.0, other browsers support it already, so need it documented/spec'd to avoid interop issues in Future 21:47:48 bhill: (summarizing) keep iFrame sandbox in spec For now, have more detailed discussion on list 21:48:30 jrossi: "sandbox" is more general than just on an iFrame, can be top-level page -- so let's keep it in spec For now, have more discussion on list 21:48:42 scribe back to u jrossi ? 21:48:51 topic: agenda for May F2F topics 21:49:01 bhill: very close to LC for CSP 1.0 21:49:20 bhill: hopefully be ready to finish discussion on sandbox and have a LC draft shortly following 21:49:27 bhill: then move directly into 1.1 21:49:42 bhill: objections of discussion CSP 1.1 and next objectives at F2F? 21:49:50 bhill: no objections 21:50:32 bhilll: more info on click jacking threats, propose taking time to discuss further on whether we can turn this into a spec, etc... objections/suggestions on anti-click-jacking agenda items? 21:51:01 bhill: big challenge left in group is getting good test cases 21:51:54 bhill: people interested in taking a significant chunk of time to do a "live hackathon" to work together on some test case momentum? 21:52:06 gopal: think this is a great idea 21:53:20 bhill: encourage everyone to bring laptops and come ready to code then 21:53:56 bhill: any additional agenda items for next F2F? 21:54:01 bhill: no suggestions 21:56:43 -rware 21:58:05 - +1.415.596.aakk 21:58:07 - +1.866.317.aadd 21:58:09 - +1.781.218.aaii 21:58:11 - +1.425.865.aahh 21:58:12 - +1.614.465.aajj 21:58:12 - +1.650.678.aacc 21:58:13 -dveditz 21:58:15 -gioma1 21:58:22 -[Microsoft] 21:58:25 -[Mozilla] 21:58:31 -abarth 21:58:38 zakim, list attendees 21:58:38 As of this point the attendees have been +1.978.944.aaaa, +1.303.229.aabb, Joseph_Scheuhammer, +1.650.678.aacc, +1.866.317.aadd, +1.650.648.aaee, gioma1, +1.503.712.aaff, bhill2, 21:58:41 ... abarth, [Mozilla], rware, +1.831.246.aagg, +1.425.865.aahh, [Microsoft], dveditz, +1.781.218.aaii, +1.614.465.aajj, +1.415.596.aakk 21:58:44 rrsagent, set logs public-visible 21:58:50 rrsagent, make minutes 21:58:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/04/10-webappsec-minutes.html bhill21 21:58:56 rrsagent, set logs public-visible 21:59:05 thanks, all 21:59:11 -bhill2 21:59:12 SEC_WASWG()5:00PM has ended 21:59:12 Attendees were +1.978.944.aaaa, +1.303.229.aabb, Joseph_Scheuhammer, +1.650.678.aacc, +1.866.317.aadd, +1.650.648.aaee, gioma1, +1.503.712.aaff, bhill2, abarth, [Mozilla], rware, 21:59:12 ... +1.831.246.aagg, +1.425.865.aahh, [Microsoft], dveditz, +1.781.218.aaii, +1.614.465.aajj, +1.415.596.aakk 22:00:53 puhley has left #webappsec 22:09:49 tanvi1 has joined #webappsec 22:30:02 gopal has joined #webappsec 22:49:16 tanvi has joined #webappsec 23:17:40 gopal has joined #webappsec 23:18:45 bhill2 has left #webappsec 23:26:53 bhill21 has left #webappsec 23:48:55 bhill2 has joined #webappsec