IRC log of HCLS on 2012-03-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:56:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #HCLS
14:56:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:57:51 [michel]
zakim, this is hcls
14:57:51 [Zakim]
ok, michel; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM
14:58:13 [Zakim]
14:58:17 [Zakim]
14:58:19 [Zakim]
14:58:26 [michel]
Chair: michel
14:58:37 [Zakim]
14:58:44 [michel]
Meeting: W3C HCLS – Life Sciences Forum
14:58:45 [emiller]
emiller has joined #hcls
14:59:18 [Zakim]
14:59:19 [alex]
hi Michel, I am on the call
14:59:26 [Zakim]
14:59:30 [alex]
not sure u can hear me
14:59:46 [michel]
15:01:07 [AndreaS]
AndreaS has joined #hcls
15:01:13 [emiller]
Eric from Squishymedia (Portland OR) here
15:01:21 [Zakim]
+ +1.412.802.aaaa
15:01:24 [michel]
zakim, who is here?
15:01:24 [Zakim]
On the phone I see egombocz, [IPcaller], ??P4, [IPcaller.a], Joseph_Scheuhammer, +1.412.802.aaaa
15:01:26 [Zakim]
On IRC I see AndreaS, emiller, RRSAgent, Zakim, egombocz, michel, alex, MacTed, achille_z, jVillaveces, matthias_samwald1, egonw__, ericP
15:02:05 [Zakim]
15:02:10 [ericP]
Zakim, who is here?
15:02:10 [Zakim]
On the phone I see egombocz, [IPcaller], ??P4, [IPcaller.a], Joseph_Scheuhammer, +1.412.802.aaaa, ericP
15:02:12 [Zakim]
On IRC I see AndreaS, emiller, RRSAgent, Zakim, egombocz, michel, alex, MacTed, achille_z, jVillaveces, matthias_samwald1, egonw__, ericP
15:02:27 [michel]
Harry, UofPittsburg - biomedical informatics, want to learn more about the group
15:02:34 [AndreaS]
15:02:35 [iker]
iker has joined #hcls
15:02:38 [Zakim]
+ +1.215.239.aabb
15:02:42 [michel]
Mary, U of Georgia - ontology for health care
15:02:58 [michel]
zakim, +1.215.239.aabb is iker
15:02:58 [Zakim]
+iker; got it
15:03:06 [egombocz]
apologies to all - I will have to leave early today due to an overlapping meeting I need to attend
15:03:06 [alex]
h Iker
15:03:14 [alex]
its been some time
15:03:15 [AndreaS]
Somebody should change the UK access point number!!! There is somebody answering pretending to be "my partner in evolution and success..."
15:03:17 [iker]
Hi Alex, how are you?
15:03:17 [alex]
nice to see u
15:03:19 [michel]
zakim, +1.412.802.aaaa is harry
15:03:19 [Zakim]
+harry; got it
15:03:21 [alex]
15:03:25 [iker]
nice to see you too Alex
15:03:26 [alex]
15:03:33 [alex]
are u in the US?
15:03:41 [iker]
yes I'm in Philly
15:03:46 [iker]
what about you?
15:03:54 [alex]
great, we should try to catch up later this year
15:03:57 [Zakim]
15:04:05 [iker]
15:04:35 [HarryHochheiser]
HarryHochheiser has joined #hcls
15:04:37 [iker]
feel free to ping me whenever fits for you
15:04:41 [Zakim]
+ +44.754.501.aacc
15:04:55 [michel]
zakim, +44.754.501.aacc is andrea
15:04:55 [Zakim]
+andrea; got it
15:06:21 [michel]
michel dumontier -
15:06:30 [amrapali]
amrapali has joined #hcls
15:06:37 [michel]
15:06:38 [emiller]
thanks, I'll follow up with an email later this AM
15:06:59 [Zakim]
15:07:01 [Zakim]
+ +1.832.386.aadd
15:07:09 [Lena]
Lena has joined #hcls
15:07:19 [Zakim]
15:07:21 [michel]
15:08:15 [Zakim]
15:08:22 [ericP]
ericP has changed the topic to: visualizing
15:08:22 [ericP]
15:08:22 [ericP]
15:08:22 [ericP]
15:09:01 [ericP]
ericP has changed the topic to: visualizing and manipulating RDF <data>
15:09:13 [ericP]
michel: we all have to work with RDF data
15:09:31 [ericP]
... alex is going to walk us through tools
15:09:52 [mscottm]
mscottm has joined #hcls
15:10:02 [matthias_samwald]
matthias_samwald has joined #hcls
15:11:17 [michel]
... how to deliver the power of rdf datasets to the user?
15:11:31 [michel]
... all about the user experience
15:11:36 [ericP]
scribenick: michel
15:12:03 [ericP]
[slide 3]
15:12:08 [ericP]
[slide 4]
15:12:24 [michel]
... recent review paper indicated the lack of understanding and knowledge makes it difficult to use
15:13:20 [michel]
... review on visualizing data: hTp://
15:13:33 [michel]
15:13:37 [ericP]
[slide 9]
15:13:41 [matthias_samwald]
matthias_samwald has joined #hcls
15:14:20 [michel]
... would like more adaptable interfaces
15:14:38 [ericP]
[slide 10]
15:14:38 [michel]
[slide 10]
15:14:52 [mscottm]
URL to slides?
15:15:08 [michel]
... linked data browsers run in html browsers;
15:15:11 [michel]
15:15:16 [mscottm]
15:15:22 [michel]
... not much in terms of useability
15:16:08 [michel]
... should allow us to know what's in a dataset, how to find and get data, how to manipulate the data and personalize it
15:16:12 [ericP]
[slide 12]
15:16:47 [HarryHochheiser]
HarryHochheiser has joined #hcls
15:17:30 [michel]
... - semantic mashup
15:17:39 [ericP]
[slide 13]
15:18:02 [michel]
...relfinder - finds the path between two entities - explore the relationships
15:18:53 [egombocz]
you may want to look at IO's Sentient Knowledge Explorer - free personal version can be downloaded at: (upper right link)
15:19:22 [michel]
... visor - pivoted search
15:19:24 [ericP]
[slide 15]
15:19:26 [AndreaS]
Is Visor by IO-Informatics ?
15:20:31 [egombocz]
15:20:54 [michel]
... how can we improve the user experience?
15:21:35 [ericP]
[slide 16]
15:21:37 [AndreaS]
Who is producing Visor, is there a download link ?
15:21:46 [michel]
... content display - for instance lots of development around drupal
15:22:40 [michel]
[slide 17]
15:23:13 [michel]
... information workbench: discovery, integration, visualization, search, exploration, analytics, collaborative authoring
15:23:14 [ericP]
[slide 18]
15:23:53 [ericP]
[slide 20]
15:24:07 [michel]
... Bio2RDF as the core dataset; infrastructure, knowledge resource
15:25:24 [ericP]
[slide 22]
15:25:36 [egombocz]
There is a nice UI for Visual SPARQL queries in Sentient Knoweledge Explorer (KE)
15:25:42 [michel]
..., bioqueries - a wiki to share quires on linked data
15:26:21 [ericP]
15:27:08 [egombocz]
KE can directly query and import any SPARQL endpoint and merge it with experimental results
15:27:46 [egombocz]
KE also allows to import classes and/or instances from SPARQL endpoints
15:27:46 [michel]
lena - sparql should be hidden deep in the application
15:28:23 [egombocz]
Users don't need to write SPARQL; they can use graphical queries
15:28:39 [ericP]
q+ to ask about network browsers like cytoscape and to mention Metaome
15:28:50 [egombocz]
Apologies - my other meeting is starting, need to log off
15:28:59 [Zakim]
15:29:40 [AndreaS]
15:29:45 [ericP]
ack me
15:29:45 [Zakim]
ericP, you wanted to ask about network browsers like cytoscape and to mention Metaome
15:30:08 [AndreaS]
Metaome: link ?
15:30:18 [michel]
ericp - metaome targeted towards pharmaceutical data
15:30:38 [michel]
... general network browsing e.g. cytoscape to get the whole network in front of them
15:30:48 [michel]
... whole network vs slice
15:30:58 [michel]
... what actually works for researchers?
15:31:20 [michel]
alex: looking for HCI studies that show how people want to consume this
15:31:53 [michel]
15:32:15 [michel]
q+ to ask about sparallax
15:32:31 [michel]
... based on results, build other queries
15:33:08 [AndreaS]
15:34:18 [alex]
query - answer pos processing
15:34:39 [alex]
we are trying dasty3
15:34:47 [alex]
a DAS browser
15:34:58 [ericP]
-> Life Sciences Search Engine from metaome <>
15:35:30 [amrapali]
sgvizler is also a recent tool used to visualize rdf data:
15:35:40 [michel]
ack michel
15:35:40 [Zakim]
michel, you wanted to ask about sparallax
15:35:59 [michel]
q+ to ask about sparallax
15:36:18 [michel]
harry: users want answers to questions
15:36:47 [michel]
alex: yes that's one way to do it - hci focuses on task-based interaction
15:36:56 [Lena]
zakim, who is making noise
15:36:56 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is making noise', Lena
15:37:07 [michel]
... more than one simple question
15:37:12 [michel]
zakim, who is making noise?
15:37:25 [Zakim]
michel, listening for 13 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P4 (57%), Joseph_Scheuhammer.a (11%)
15:39:32 [michel]
lena - lots of knowledge in literature
15:39:45 [michel]
... tools to work to work with literature?
15:39:47 [Lena]
@ericP: great reference about the, the query engine is great
15:39:56 [Lena]
@michel, that's not me talking :O
15:40:57 [michel]
gopubmed is useful -
15:41:35 [michel]
alex: elsevier grand challenge
15:42:18 [AndreaS]
who is speaking>?
15:43:06 [michel]
... gather use cases
15:43:20 [AndreaS]
15:43:59 [alex]
Bioqueries (
15:45:01 [ericP]
michel: i would like to see visualization as a core HCLS activity
15:45:10 [alex]
so do I
15:45:15 [ericP]
... we should consider a forming a TF
15:45:18 [AndreaS]
15:45:19 [mscottm]
Andrea get to speak yet?
15:45:19 [alex]
visualization and manipulation of RDF data
15:45:27 [ericP]
... this would be a good way to gather use cases
15:45:38 [ericP]
... we could engage vendors like IO-Informatics
15:45:38 [HarryHochheiser]
HarryHochheiser has joined #hcls
15:45:45 [mscottm]
15:46:20 [HarryHochheiser]
I'd love to join in a task force on visualization and use cases...
15:46:43 [michel]
everybody: please indicate your interest in a visualization task force in the irc
15:46:51 [iker]
15:47:12 [amrapali]
15:47:17 [alex]
15:47:18 [emiller]
I'd be interested
15:47:41 [alex]
I will be happy to share use cases, no problem
15:48:44 [michel]
andrea: users employ very basic visualization
15:49:18 [michel]
... focus on use cases is good
15:49:37 [michel]
... analytics and visualization? screenshot?
15:50:17 [michel]
michel has joined #hcls
15:51:14 [Lena]
15:51:41 [Lena]
+1 (i would propose a visualization working group - from w3c)
15:52:13 [AndreaS]
email >>
15:52:59 [michel]
integrate not just rdf data sources
15:53:30 [AndreaS]
Alex, which is your email ?
15:53:36 [michel]
ack mscottm
15:53:42 [michel]
ack michel
15:53:42 [Zakim]
michel, you wanted to ask about sparallax
15:53:44 [AndreaS]
15:53:44 [alex]
15:53:45 [michel]
ack andreas
15:53:50 [alex]
is my email
15:54:11 [maryam]
maryam has joined #hcls
15:54:18 [Lena]
mscottm: bottleneck is lack of semantics
15:54:30 [Lena]
mscottm: difficult to find graph data
15:55:03 [maryam]
My email for sending that info:
15:55:25 [alex]
ok, Maryam got it
15:55:46 [alex]
my email is
15:56:26 [maryam]
15:56:36 [michel]
mscottm: take some features, and project one feature along a dimension (e.g. space, time or both) and look for patterns
15:56:43 [HarryHochheiser]
HarryHochheiser has joined #hcls
15:56:56 [michel]
mscottm: force directed layouts, look for visual clusters
15:57:22 [AndreaS]
15:57:24 [michel]
zakim, who is here?
15:57:24 [Zakim]
On the phone I see [IPcaller], ??P4, [IPcaller.a], harry, ericP, iker, charlie, andrea, Joseph_Scheuhammer.a, +1.832.386.aadd, ??P7
15:57:26 [Zakim]
On IRC I see HarryHochheiser, maryam, michel, matthias_samwald, mscottm, Lena, amrapali, iker, AndreaS, emiller, RRSAgent, Zakim, alex, MacTed, achille_z, ericP
15:57:31 [Zakim]
15:57:43 [Lena]
sounds like mscottm is volunteering to lead the tf :)
15:58:07 [Lena]
zakim, aadd is me
15:58:07 [Zakim]
+Lena; got it
15:58:26 [michel]
mscottm: what we're missing is general tools to map from semantics to visualization (type, colour, size, etc)
15:58:38 [AndreaS]
15:59:01 [michel]
mscottm: keep the query + view
15:59:08 [alex]
we keep talking about visualization but the use cases will involve query-answering
15:59:10 [AndreaS]
15:59:34 [michel]
@alex - i don't agree that they are are all query answering
15:59:40 [Zakim]
16:00:04 [AndreaS]
Visualization is about finding insight in information, hence it's in some definition query-answering
16:00:07 [amrapaliz]
amrapaliz has joined #hcls
16:00:50 [Lena]
wrt visualization, exhibit3 (on which biodistill was built), is a good startng point
16:01:30 [Zakim]
16:01:33 [Zakim]
16:01:34 [Zakim]
16:01:35 [Zakim]
16:01:35 [AndreaS]
16:01:37 [Zakim]
16:01:37 [Zakim]
16:01:40 [Zakim]
16:01:42 [emiller]
thanks everyone
16:01:43 [mscottm]
16:01:44 [alex]
bye all
16:01:47 [maryam]
16:01:52 [michel]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:01:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate michel
16:01:57 [michel]
rrsagent, make log world-visible
16:02:02 [Zakim]
16:02:23 [Zakim]
16:02:25 [Zakim]
SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended
16:02:25 [Zakim]
Attendees were egombocz, [IPcaller], Joseph_Scheuhammer, ericP, iker, harry, charlie, andrea, +1.832.386.aadd, Lena
16:33:33 [matthias_samwald1]
matthias_samwald1 has joined #hcls
18:06:15 [vlmir4irc]
vlmir4irc has joined #hcls
18:29:09 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #HCLS
18:39:14 [egonw__]
egonw__ has joined #HCLS