15:01:02 RRSAgent has joined #webtv 15:01:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-irc 15:01:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:01:04 Zakim has joined #webtv 15:01:06 Zakim, this will be 15:01:06 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:01:07 Meeting: Web and TV Interest Group Teleconference 15:01:07 Date: 23 February 2012 15:01:16 zakim, this will be ttml 15:01:16 ok, glenn, I see Vide_TTML()10:00AM already started 15:01:23 zakim, who's here 15:01:23 glenn, you need to end that query with '?' 15:01:28 zakim, who's here? 15:01:28 On the phone I see Sean, ??P21, +49.893.aaaa, +1.858.847.aabb 15:01:29 On IRC I see RRSAgent, glenn, masao, timeless, trackbot 15:01:41 zakim, ??P21 is me 15:01:41 +glenn; got it 15:02:52 +Brussels 15:03:08 chair: sean 15:03:30 +Philippe 15:04:16 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/2012Feb/0025.html 15:04:35 zakim, aabb is Mike_Dolan 15:04:48 +Mike_Dolan; got it 15:05:45 zakim, who's here? 15:05:55 On the phone I see Sean, glenn, +49.893.aaaa, Mike_Dolan, Brussels, Philippe 15:06:21 On IRC I see RRSAgent, glenn, masao, timeless, trackbot 15:07:21 sorry, wrong channel 15:07:30 trackbot, stop meeting 15:07:30 Sorry, glenn, I don't understand 'trackbot, stop meeting'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 15:08:38 Vide_TTML()10:00AM has been moved to #tt by plh 15:48:42 kaz has joined #webtv 15:50:18 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 15:50:18 sorry, kaz, I don't know what conference this is 15:50:29 zakim, this will be webtv 15:50:29 ok, kaz; I see UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes 15:50:33 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 15:50:33 ok, kaz; the call is being made 15:50:34 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has now started 15:50:34 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has ended 15:50:35 Attendees were 15:50:51 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 15:50:51 ok, kaz; the call is being made 15:50:52 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has now started 15:50:53 +Kazuyuki 15:51:09 zakim, who is here? 15:51:09 On the phone I see Kazuyuki 15:51:11 On IRC I see kaz, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, masao, timeless, trackbot 15:56:07 + +1.303.730.aaaa 15:56:22 zakim, aaaa is Clarke 15:56:22 +Clarke; got it 15:57:02 kaz_ has joined #webtv 15:59:04 joesteele has joined #webtv 15:59:10 Meeting: Media Pipeline Task Force Teleconf 15:59:57 Johnsim has joined #webtv 16:00:05 + +1.408.536.aabb 16:00:12 zakim, aabb is Joe 16:00:13 Zakim, aabb is joesteele 16:00:21 +??P11 16:00:28 zakim, ??P11 is Bob_Lund 16:00:28 +Joe; got it 16:00:30 sorry, joesteele, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 16:00:35 zakim, Joe is Joe_Steele 16:00:44 +Bob_Lund; got it 16:00:47 Clarke has joined #webtv 16:00:52 +Joe_Steele; got it 16:01:15 Clarke_ has joined #webtv 16:01:41 +Jason 16:01:45 jasonlewis has joined #webtv 16:01:47 adrianba has joined #webtv 16:01:55 Present: Kaz, Clarke, Joe, Bob, Jason 16:02:38 I will not be able to attend by phone - sorry 16:02:59 +[Microsoft] 16:03:01 zakim, [Microsoft] is Kilroy_Hughes 16:03:01 OK 16:03:16 Kilroy is here 16:03:25 Present: Kaz, Clarke, Joe, Bob, Jason, Kilroy, John(IRC) 16:04:19 Present: Kaz, Clarke_Stevens, Joe_Steele, Bob_Lund, Jason_Lewis, Kilroy_Hughes, John_Simmons(IRC), Mark_Watson, Jan_Lindquist 16:04:22 duncanr has joined #webtv 16:04:29 Present+ Mark_Vickers 16:04:35 +Kilroy_Hughes; got it 16:04:52 +Jan_Lindquist 16:04:56 +MarkW 16:05:03 zakim, who's here? 16:05:27 +Mark_Vickers 16:05:41 R_Berkoff has joined #webtv 16:05:41 +??P36 16:05:56 zakim, ??P36 is Adrian 16:05:59 +Duncan 16:06:10 Scribe: joesteele 16:06:18 ScribeNick: joe 16:06:23 +Russell 16:06:25 zakim, [Microsoft] has adrian 16:06:27 On the phone I see Kazuyuki, Clarke, Joe_Steele, Bob_Lund, Jason, Kilroy_Hughes, Jan_Lindquist, MarkW, Mark_Vickers, ??P36, Duncan, Russell 16:06:33 zakim, ??P36 is me 16:06:36 Meeting: Web & TV Interest Group MPTF 16:06:50 zakim, Adrian is Glenn 16:07:02 discussing the proposal from Micosoft, Google and Netflix 16:07:06 Present+ Adrian, Glenn, Duncan 16:07:08 +Philipp 16:07:12 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Agenda_Telco_23rd_February_2012 16:07:17 mav has joined #webtv 16:07:19 Chair: Clark Stevens 16:07:26 Present+ Philipp 16:07:58 Mark - please walk us through the proposal 16:08:08 +Adrian; got it 16:08:20 -- wait until I am in front of my computer 16:08:22 sorry, glenn, I do not recognize a party named '[Microsoft]' 16:08:26 On IRC I see R_Berkoff, duncanr, adrianba, jasonlewis, Clarke_, Clarke, Johnsim, joesteele, kaz, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, masao, timeless, trackbot 16:08:27 ph has joined #webtv 16:08:28 clark: Adrian -- how about you 16:08:32 I already had ??P36 as Adrian, glenn 16:08:39 s/Mark -/Mark:/ 16:08:53 +Glenn; got it 16:08:59 having some feedback 16:09:06 zakim, who is noisy? 16:09:27 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Agenda_Telco_23rd_February_2012 16:09:45 rrsagent, make log public 16:09:47 clark: have been anticipating this proposal -- submitted to HTML group and our group for our perspective 16:09:50 q+ 16:09:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:09:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:09:56 q? 16:10:01 clark: any comments on this proposal? 16:10:20 ph: since this was submitted to HTML group -- this is intended for HTML5 16:10:37 s/Web and TV Interest Group Teleconference/Media Pipeline Task Force Teleconference/ 16:10:44 kilroy: yes to make it available to HTML -- but not part of the monolithic document 16:10:48 -Duncan 16:10:52 kaz, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Clarke (66%), Glenn (1%) 16:10:55 +Duncan 16:11:02 kilroy: could be a parallel document 16:11:03 -MarkW 16:11:08 ack me 16:11:15 +MarkW 16:11:20 Paul has joined #webtv 16:11:30 MarkW: could be published as a separate spec -- kind of an extension 16:11:44 MarkW: what do we do with features that don't make the HTML5 cut? 16:12:03 MarkW: not resolved where this would go yet 16:12:39 Actual proposal: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html 16:12:44 ser: not clear when HTML5 would repsond -- just wanted to double check on the planning 16:13:21 MarkW: this was meant to respond to this issue: (what issue#?) 16:13:22 s/ser:/ph:/ 16:13:30 mark has joined #webtv 16:13:57 i/discussing the proposal from Micosoft/topic: discussion of new Content Protection Proposal (Netflix, Google, Microsoft)/ 16:14:07 markw: was submitted on this specific issue since content protection was mentioned in this issue - but expect longer discussion, not 16:14:10 glenn: this is an orthogonal proposal not related to 179 except for parameter expression 16:14:22 MarkW: should I give an overview? 16:14:54 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html 16:15:02 based in part on the Netflix proposal -- incorporates work others were also doing -- not complete 16:15:11 hopefully there will be some discussion 16:15:11 i/(what issue#?)/(HTML issue-179)/ 16:15:40 -- giving an overview of the doc now 16:16:13 MarkW: application is in charge of passing the authentication to the backend 16:16:22 MarkW: user agent is just passing the data through 16:16:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:16:51 MarkW: clearKey is basic encryption 16:17:16 MarkW: not part of the proposal how the CDM gets embedded or whether it is software or hardware 16:17:19 i/discussing the proposal from Micosoft/scribenick: joesteele/ 16:17:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:17:31 MarkW: could also include coding and/or rendering of the media 16:17:45 MarkW: represents the secure media pipeline on the device 16:17:46 s/Micosoft/Microsoft/ 16:18:08 chair: Clarke 16:18:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:18:17 MarkW: not returning the decrypted frame to the browser 16:18:37 MarkW: the rest is the details of the exchange 16:18:55 s/the exchange/key exchange/ 16:19:09 -- discussion of the key exchange 16:19:59 MarkW: the keymessage is sent to the license server and recieved back to hand to the CDM 16:20:08 MarkW: may be multiple key exchanges 16:20:22 s/recieved/received/ 16:20:37 MarkW: also an extension to the canPlayType() 16:20:48 q+ 16:21:11 clark: concern I have seen raised -- belief that the frames would be available unencrypted 16:21:27 s/clark:/clarke:/ 16:21:41 MarkW: the diagram is a little misleading here -- looks like it comes back to the browser but is dependent on the CDM 16:21:53 zakim, who's here? 16:21:53 On the phone I see Kazuyuki, Clarke, Joe_Steele, Bob_Lund, Jason, Kilroy_Hughes, Jan_Lindquist, Mark_Vickers, Glenn, Russell, Philipp, Duncan, MarkW 16:21:55 On IRC I see mark, Paul, ph, mav, R_Berkoff, duncanr, adrianba, jasonlewis, Clarke_, Clarke, Johnsim, joesteele, kaz, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, masao, timeless, trackbot 16:22:04 + +1.908.848.aacc 16:22:04 MarkW: you can imagine a system where it would come back but the frames would not be well protected then 16:22:32 MarkW: a CDM like that would be useful for some content -- not all 16:22:57 MarkW: some content would not fall into this category - where decoder is tied closer to the CDM 16:23:15 MarkW: decrypted frames do not come back to the user agent there 16:23:22 MarkW: that is an unsolved problem right now 16:24:37 kaz_ has joined #webtv 16:24:46 zakim, aacc is Paul 16:24:46 +Paul; got it 16:24:51 MarkW: if decrypted frames are not coming back -- overlay would be the simplest implementation 16:25:04 Present+ Paul_Gausman 16:25:12 MarkW: would prefer if frames could be properly composited 16:25:39 MarkW: would need for user agent to be able to talk to the graphics hardware to do the compositing properly 16:26:10 MarkW: can imagine this never happening for strongly protected content 16:26:31 Jason: is this akin to the hardware accellerated video tag? 16:27:02 q? 16:27:02 q? 16:27:19 mav: some questions about comparisons with the previous proposal 16:27:34 mav: previous proposal has been removed -- that is not good 16:27:36 ack mav 16:27:46 mav: would like to see it put back 16:28:03 MarkW: should be able to see it in the history 16:28:19 mav: should have a label to make it more accessibl 16:28:26 s/accessibl/accessible/ 16:28:40 mav: the keys did not pass thru JS in the old proposal, now they do? 16:28:49 -Jan_Lindquist 16:28:52 MarkW: in both proposals the messages pass through JS 16:29:45 MarkW: perhaps the name is wrong - is not necessarily a "key" 16:29:53 MarkW: for clearKey the message is actually a key 16:30:29 mav: would suggest that this should be further clarified 16:30:31 +Jan_Lindquist 16:30:31 here is the old proposal: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/index.php?title=MPTF/Netflix_Content_Protection&oldid=1870 16:31:01 mav: description of the hardware support is brought in would be good with diagrams 16:31:10 joesteele says +1 16:31:10 q+ 16:31:22 q? 16:31:33 ack jason 16:31:35 jasonlewis: is the clearkey meant to be like HLS? 16:31:55 MarkW: is it akin to that in that the message is just the key 16:32:08 MarkW: how key is applied depends on the container format 16:32:43 MarkW: different from HLS in that the user agent is sending the request in HLS - with clearKey it is the JS application sending the request 16:32:45 -Bob_Lund 16:33:33 -Mark_Vickers 16:33:40 joesteele: sending control messages to the CDM? 16:33:54 MarkW: not in this proposal except for key release in section 4 16:34:44 MarkW: the main reason for not having generic messages, it does not describe how the system works 16:35:05 MarkW: should be possible to have a JS app which just knows the message passing bit 16:35:20 q- 16:35:33 MarkW: some preference has been expressed for exposing more features 16:35:53 MarkW: key release facilitates managing the key life cycle 16:36:29 MarkW: you may need to know how may keys are extant, or charge for the content on a rental basis 16:37:05 MarkW: could be managed from the JS app layer, but could be gamed by modifying the JS 16:37:42 MarkW: key release mechanism allows for a secure mechanism for managing the keys 16:37:57 MarkW: this is outside the purview of the HTML media element 16:38:49 present: Kaz_Ashimura, Clarke_Stevens, Joe_Steele, Bob_Lund, Jason_Lewis, Kilroy_Hughes, Adrian_Bateman, Mark_Vickers, Glenn_Adams, Russell_Berkoff, Philipp_Hoschka, Duncan_Rowden, Mark_Watson, Paul_Gausman, Jan_Lindquist 16:39:04 joesteele: what about birth of life? 16:39:30 MarkW: could call the generateKeyReq early on to help this 16:39:49 MarkW: is is assumed that the CDM needs some data about the media to be initialized 16:39:57 s/is is/it is/ 16:40:07 MarkW: possible you could do this 16:40:48 joesteele: will send these notes to the HTML list 16:41:05 clark: procedural note -- how should we best handle comments like this? 16:41:21 s/clark:/Clarke/ 16:41:41 MarkW: since it was proposed to that group -- send comments to that group 16:42:02 Clark: maybe we could come to agreement in this group and submit one set of comments 16:42:17 s/Clark/Clarke:/ 16:42:21 MarkW: this should get included in the formal system 16:42:48 s/Clarke procedural/Clarke: procedural/ 16:42:50 Clark: encourage people to participate in the HTML WG as well on this 16:43:00 s/Clark:/Clarke:/ 16:43:37 glenn: note that the proposal was in response to issue 179 -- not clear that it is proposed as an extension to HTML5 16:43:52 glenn: not clear we are chartered to propose specs yet 16:44:04 glenn: how is this work being done? 16:44:21 MarkW: proposal is submitted to the HTML WG 16:44:42 Clarke: we are chartered to provide comments 16:44:56 the html wg made a call for html.next proposals - this was discussed at TPAC too 16:45:17 right now we've simply submitted an informal proposal document for discussion 16:45:26 glenn: not following procedure currently - who did this come from? 16:45:28 i hope that this will be adopted as an editor's draft in the group 16:45:35 MarkW: came in as a proposal from Google 16:45:46 glenn: not clear as a reader of the proposal 16:45:46 -Jan_Lindquist 16:46:13 s/issue 179/ISSUE-179/ 16:46:31 MarkW: some behind the scenes coordination going on 16:46:52 q? 16:47:09 glenn: does this IG need to bless this proposal or provide input? 16:47:21 mav: do not need to bless but should provide input 16:47:30 +1 16:47:38 q+ 16:48:05 kaz: thought we had our own ISSUE-40 for this? 16:48:35 kaz: should this IG continue discussion on ISSUE-40 and bring the conclusion to HTML WG? 16:48:54 kaz: or should we discuss ISSUE-179 and bring that discussion to HTML WG? 16:49:20 mav: should address, likely to be other issues we do not directly raise with HTML WG 16:49:31 mav: we have an opportunity to provide feedback 16:49:42 kaz: clarifying our scope would be fine 16:50:01 s/mav:/Clarke:/ 16:50:04 s/mav:/Clarke:/ 16:50:08 glenn: I am possibly ok with that -- a little concerned still with connection between ISSUE-179 and this proposal 16:50:18 glenn: some confusion in the WG still 16:50:25 q? 16:50:41 glenn: led people to believe that 179 is concerned with content protection and it is not 16:51:11 kaz: if you have a concern with 179 it should be raised in the HTML WG -- we should focus on 40 16:51:13 ask k 16:51:17 -- agreement 16:51:19 ack k 16:51:26 s/ask k// 16:51:43 glenn: expected actions from us on this proposal? 16:52:13 ?? - we hope so - asked Mark to present to this group 16:52:27 s/?? -/Clarke:/ 16:52:32 thanks 16:52:39 q+ 16:52:55 HTML WG chairs review of ISSUE-179 is here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0298.html 16:53:00 ack jason 16:53:16 jasonlewis: re: the issue in the draft spec -- how do we add our own issues to this draft? 16:53:48 clarke: raise issues on the wiki - which may not match those in the proposal 16:54:04 clarke: if authos then want to bring back to the proposal -- that would be great 16:54:12 s/athos/authors/ 16:54:18 s/authos/authors/ 16:54:40 clarke: any other comments? 16:54:48 clarke: closing the call 16:55:09 clarke: add any issues to the wiki 16:55:17 -Glenn 16:55:19 -Paul 16:55:19 clarke: thanks everyone 16:55:19 -Philipp 16:55:20 -Jason 16:55:21 -Kilroy_Hughes 16:55:25 -Duncan 16:55:28 zakim, bye 16:55:28 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Kazuyuki, +1.303.730.aaaa, Clarke, +1.408.536.aabb, Bob_Lund, Joe_Steele, Jason, Kilroy_Hughes, Jan_Lindquist, MarkW, Mark_Vickers, 16:55:28 Zakim has left #webtv 16:55:31 ... Duncan, Russell, Philipp, Glenn, +1.908.848.aacc, Paul 16:55:39 rrsagent, make log public 16:55:42 [adjourned] 16:55:42 duncanr has left #webtv 16:55:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:55:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/23-webtv-minutes.html joesteele 16:56:00 rrsagent, bye 16:56:00 I see no action items