IRC log of RDB2RDF on 2012-01-10
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:36:23 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:36:23 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:36:25 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 16:36:25 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:36:27 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 7322733
- 16:36:27 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 24 minutes
- 16:36:28 [trackbot]
- Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference
- 16:36:28 [trackbot]
- Date: 10 January 2012
- 16:45:34 [mhausenblas]
- mhausenblas has joined #rdb2rdf
- 16:46:26 [mhausenblas]
- trackbot, start telecon
- 16:46:28 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 16:46:30 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 7322733
- 16:46:30 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 14 minutes
- 16:46:31 [trackbot]
- Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference
- 16:46:31 [trackbot]
- Date: 10 January 2012
- 16:46:42 [mhausenblas]
- Agenda:
- 16:46:48 [mhausenblas]
- Chair: Michael
- 16:47:00 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Marcelo
- 16:47:04 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Boris
- 16:47:11 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Percy
- 16:47:16 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 16:47:16 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 16:47:22 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 16:48:20 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, this will be SW_RDB2RDF
- 16:48:20 [Zakim]
- ok, mhausenblas; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 12 minutes
- 16:53:06 [juansequeda]
- juansequeda has joined #rdb2rdf
- 16:58:38 [Zakim]
- SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started
- 16:58:47 [Zakim]
- + +3539149aaaa
- 16:58:56 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aaaa is me
- 16:58:56 [Zakim]
- +mhausenblas; got it
- 17:00:24 [Zakim]
- +OpenLink_Software
- 17:00:32 [cygri]
- cygri has joined #rdb2rdf
- 17:00:37 [MacTed]
- Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
- 17:00:37 [Zakim]
- +MacTed; got it
- 17:00:37 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Michael
- 17:00:39 [MacTed]
- Zakim, mute me
- 17:00:39 [Zakim]
- MacTed should now be muted
- 17:00:43 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ted
- 17:00:53 [cygri]
- zakim, i'm with mhausenblas
- 17:00:53 [Zakim]
- +cygri; got it
- 17:00:59 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Richard
- 17:00:59 [Ashok]
- Ashok has joined #rdb2rdf
- 17:01:31 [seema]
- seema has joined #rdb2rdf
- 17:01:43 [Zakim]
- + +575737aabb
- 17:01:52 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aabb is juansequeda
- 17:01:52 [Zakim]
- +juansequeda; got it
- 17:01:52 [juansequeda]
- zakime, aabb is me
- 17:01:58 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Juan
- 17:02:17 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Nuno
- 17:02:18 [Zakim]
- +Ashok_Malhotra
- 17:02:27 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ashok
- 17:02:31 [dmcneil]
- dmcneil has joined #RDB2RDF
- 17:02:35 [ivan]
- zakim, dial ivan-voip
- 17:02:35 [Zakim]
- ok, ivan; the call is being made
- 17:02:37 [Zakim]
- +Ivan
- 17:02:42 [nunolopes]
- nunolopes has joined #rdb2rdf
- 17:02:45 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ivan
- 17:02:52 [nunolopes]
- Zakim, nunolopes is with mhausenblas
- 17:02:52 [Zakim]
- +nunolopes; got it
- 17:02:52 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, nunolopes is with me
- 17:02:54 [Zakim]
- nunolopes was already listed in mhausenblas, mhausenblas
- 17:02:56 [Zakim]
- + +1.603.897.aacc
- 17:03:04 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aacc is seema
- 17:03:04 [Zakim]
- +seema; got it
- 17:03:12 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Seema
- 17:03:18 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 17:03:18 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 17:03:45 [joerg]
- joerg has joined #RDB2RDF
- 17:04:20 [mhausenblas]
- scribenick: Ashok
- 17:04:32 [Zakim]
- + +1.314.394.aadd
- 17:04:43 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aadd is dmcneil
- 17:04:43 [Zakim]
- +dmcneil; got it
- 17:04:47 [mhausenblas]
- present+ David
- 17:04:50 [Zakim]
- + +1.603.897.aaee
- 17:04:53 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: Admin
- 17:05:03 [Zakim]
- +??P17
- 17:05:05 [Souri]
- Souri has joined #rdb2rdf
- 17:05:08 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aaee is Souri
- 17:05:08 [Zakim]
- +Souri; got it
- 17:05:16 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Souri
- 17:05:26 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, P17 is joerg
- 17:05:26 [Zakim]
- sorry, mhausenblas, I do not recognize a party named 'P17'
- 17:05:31 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, ??P17 is joerg
- 17:05:31 [Zakim]
- +joerg; got it
- 17:05:34 [joerg]
- zakim, +??P17 is joerg
- 17:05:34 [Zakim]
- sorry, joerg, I do not recognize a party named '+??P17'
- 17:05:35 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Joerg
- 17:05:56 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting
- 17:06:47 [Ashok]
- RESOLUTION: Minutes accepted as posted ... no objections
- 17:06:59 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: ISSUE-68: Multiple PredicateMaps in a PredicateObjectMap
- 17:07:03 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-68?
- 17:07:03 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-68 -- Multiple PredicateMaps in a PredicateObjectMap -- open
- 17:07:03 [trackbot]
- 17:07:14 [MacTed]
- might make sense to start
- 17:08:12 [Ashok]
- Richard summarizes the current situation
- 17:09:42 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:09:51 [Zakim]
- +ericp
- 17:09:53 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 17:09:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 17:09:59 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Eric
- 17:10:01 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 17:10:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 17:13:21 [Souri]
- PO+ is more common, then why not PO+ as well? Why just P+O?
- 17:13:23 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 17:13:24 [Souri]
- q+
- 17:13:32 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 17:13:59 [cygri]
- q+
- 17:14:06 [mhausenblas]
- ack Souri
- 17:14:07 [Ashok]
- David: Let us focus on getting the core spec out ... shortcuts can come later
- 17:14:07 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:15:45 [MacTed]
- q+
- 17:16:46 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:16:58 [mhausenblas]
- ack cygri
- 17:18:14 [Souri]
- There was NO resolution on it!!
- 17:18:41 [Souri]
- q+
- 17:18:52 [Ashok]
- q+
- 17:19:12 [Souri]
- I was NOT happy to see it in the pre-LC draft w/o any resolution!
- 17:20:21 [Ashok]
- Richard: Many D2R users use this feature
- 17:21:08 [Ashok]
- Souri: PO+ is more common, then why not PO+ as well? Why just P+O?
- 17:21:27 [dmcneil]
- richard: out of curiousity... why are you opposed to supporting multiple objects on a PO map? Is it simply because you don't see it as a very common need?
- 17:21:50 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:21:56 [mhausenblas]
- ack MacTed
- 17:22:04 [Ashok]
- Richard: Very useful to create multiple propertes from one column ... other wise need to copy/paste
- 17:22:51 [Souri]
- Leaving out the shortcut => x:omap rr:objectMap [ .... ] ; [] rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicate x:p1 ; rr:objectMap x:omap ], [ rr:predicate x:p2 ; rr:objectMap x:omap ] .
- 17:22:56 [Ashok]
- Ted: Has there been a user need for multiple object maps. Or is it just symmetry
- 17:23:02 [mhausenblas]
- ack Souri
- 17:23:53 [Ashok]
- Souri: This feature was suggested after Last call
- 17:24:10 [Ashok]
- s/call/Call/
- 17:24:38 [mhausenblas]
- q+
- 17:24:41 [Ashok]
- ... it was added to document without a WG resolution
- 17:24:52 [cygri]
- q+ to say it was *not* suggested after LC
- 17:25:17 [Ashok]
- ... PO* is more common ... not just a matter of symmetry
- 17:25:56 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: I'd very much appreciate it if people would stop arguing about process issues. Things that happened, happened. We have overcome more difficult issues already.
- 17:26:41 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: Otherwise, my proposal would be to go into a 2nd LC
- 17:26:47 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:26:58 [Ashok]
- Souri: User do not know that PO+ is even possible
- 17:27:37 [mhausenblas]
- ack Ashok
- 17:28:30 [Ashok]
- ... Language has been changed since D2R
- 17:28:32 [juansequeda]
- ... haven't made my mind yet. I agree with both parties
- 17:28:41 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:28:46 [mhausenblas]
- ack me
- 17:29:54 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:29:59 [cygri]
- PROPOSAL: allow multiple predicate maps on a predicate-object map
- 17:30:23 [Souri]
- Three proposals: none, P+O only, P+O and PO+ both
- 17:30:28 [dmcneil]
- richard: out of curiousity... why are you opposed to supporting multiple objects on a PO map? Is it simply because you don't see it as a very common need?
- 17:30:42 [Souri]
- -1
- 17:31:22 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 17:31:49 [mhausenblas]
- ack cygri
- 17:31:49 [Zakim]
- cygri, you wanted to say it was *not* suggested after LC
- 17:32:16 [Souri]
- I always stick to the fact
- 17:32:17 [Ashok]
- Ashok: Let us ask who can live with the proposal
- 17:33:09 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: If we ask only who can live with the proposal, would that mean that people who don't say anything, agree with it?
- 17:33:21 [Ashok]
- Richard: We could add a number of shortcuts but we should add only those where there is a demand
- 17:33:34 [Souri]
- q+
- 17:33:54 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:34:26 [dmcneil]
- so in D2R it is easy to add multiple objects?
- 17:34:36 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 17:34:49 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:34:53 [Souri]
- Example of PO+: Three cols combined into one predicate: cellphone, workphone, homephone
- 17:35:16 [Ashok]
- David: It is easy for people to add an object ... or a predicate?
- 17:36:10 [Ashok]
- Richard: Typically D2R users do a default generation and then specialize it ... can add additional predicates
- 17:36:23 [mhausenblas]
- ack Souri
- 17:36:24 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:38:06 [Souri]
- PROPOSAL: allow no shortcuts regarding PredicateMaps and ObjectMaps, only P+O shortcut, or both P+O and PO+ shortcuts
- 17:38:20 [MacTed]
- straw poll: would you object to spec including (1) neither, (2) P+O only, (3) P+O and PO+ both
- 17:38:50 [juansequeda]
- (3) +1
- 17:39:36 [Souri]
- let us make the proposal +ve
- 17:40:07 [MacTed]
- straw poll: would you prefer spec include (1) neither, (2) P+O only, (3) P+O and PO+ both
- 17:40:23 [Souri]
- (1) +1, (2) -1, (3) 0.5
- 17:40:23 [juansequeda]
- (3) +1
- 17:40:34 [joerg]
- (3) +1
- 17:40:38 [nunolopes]
- (1) +1, (2) -1, (3) +1
- 17:40:39 [juansequeda]
- (1) -1
- 17:40:40 [juansequeda]
- (2) -1
- 17:41:00 [dmcneil]
- (1) +1
- 17:41:05 [cygri]
- (1) -1, (2) +1, (3) -0.sometihng
- 17:41:06 [seema]
- (1) +1, (2) -1, (3) +1
- 17:41:15 [ivan]
- (1) -1 (2) 1 (3) 1
- 17:41:47 [Souri]
- (3) is the winner
- 17:43:12 [Souri]
- it is not an argument for symmetry!
- 17:45:36 [Souri]
- that impl difficulty note has to apply to both P+O and PO+
- 17:45:53 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:46:16 [Souri]
- q+
- 17:47:02 [mhausenblas]
- ack Souri
- 17:47:55 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: So, can we have a 'final' proposal now?
- 17:47:58 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 17:48:53 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 17:50:00 [MacTed]
- working....
- 17:50:13 [cygri]
- dmcneil, true. i don't believe that anyone will write R2RML mappings from scratch.
- 17:50:50 [MacTed]
- PROPOSAL: allow P+O and PO+, with language stating that either may be at risk if implementation is proven excessively difficult
- 17:51:10 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-68 with - allow P+O and PO+, with language stating that either may be at risk if implementation is proven excessively difficult
- 17:52:12 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: Anyone objects (you can also abstain)?
- 17:52:58 [Souri]
- "should"
- 17:53:30 [juansequeda]
- +1 to the Proposal
- 17:53:36 [Souri]
- -1 considering how would we assess the relative difficulties of the two shortcuts -- if P+O gets in PO+ must be in too OR both must be out
- 17:53:59 [cygri]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-68 with - allow P+O and PO+
- 17:54:36 [juansequeda]
- +1
- 17:54:53 [ivan]
- +1
- 17:54:56 [joerg]
- +1
- 17:54:59 [nunolopes]
- +1
- 17:55:02 [Souri]
- +1
- 17:55:15 [MacTed]
- +1
- 17:55:24 [seema]
- +1 to Richard's proposal
- 17:55:31 [cygri]
- +1
- 17:56:58 [Ashok]
- RESOLUTION: Issue 68 closed with Richard's proposal diuscussion - allow P+O and PO+
- 17:57:02 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Richard to implement the resolution to ISSUE-68
- 17:57:03 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-183 - Implement the resolution to ISSUE-68 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2012-01-17].
- 17:57:09 [cygri]
- ACTION-182?
- 17:57:09 [trackbot]
- ACTION-182 -- Richard Cyganiak to email the group summarizing ISSUE-68 position -- due 2011-12-27 -- OPEN
- 17:57:09 [trackbot]
- 17:57:28 [cygri]
- trackbot, close ACTION-182
- 17:57:28 [trackbot]
- ACTION-182 Email the group summarizing ISSUE-68 position closed
- 17:57:36 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: ISSUE-73: Section 11 cleanup
- 17:57:45 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-73?
- 17:57:45 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-73 -- Section 11 cleanup -- open
- 17:57:45 [trackbot]
- 17:58:26 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE 73 as it was blocked on 68 and 72
- 17:58:58 [Ashok]
- RESOLUTION: ISSUE-73 closed as issues 68 and 72 resolved
- 17:59:01 [cygri]
- +1
- 17:59:21 [MacTed]
- need to convert ISSUE 73 to ACTION...
- 17:59:24 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: Towards CR
- 17:59:47 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: Please
- 18:00:03 [ivan]
- q+
- 18:00:26 [mhausenblas]
- ack ivan
- 18:00:30 [mhausenblas]
- Michael:
- 18:01:07 [mhausenblas]
- Michael:
- 18:01:13 [Ashok]
- Ivan: To go to CR we need a call ... for that we need a report on Last Call issue resolution
- 18:03:37 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 18:03:59 [ericP]
- 18:04:31 [Ashok]
- Ashok: Is the DM document ready?
- 18:04:56 [ivan]
- q+
- 18:05:20 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: It seems to me that it may make more sense to wait till all R2RML changes have been implemented and do the CR resolution next week (?)
- 18:05:21 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 18:05:51 [Souri]
- q+
- 18:05:59 [Ashok]
- Eric: Talks about translating SQL strings ... will write some mail
- 18:06:09 [mhausenblas]
- ack ivan
- 18:06:12 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 18:06:31 [Ashok]
- Michael: So, the DM document is not ready
- 18:07:11 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 18:07:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 18:07:15 [cygri]
- see
- 18:07:53 [Ashok]
- Ivan: Reminds the WG that XSD 1.1 will go to PR soon. So our issue on XSD 1.0 vs. XSD 1.1 becomes moot
- 18:08:03 [mhausenblas]
- ack Souri
- 18:08:11 [cygri]
- ACTION: cygri to remove XML Schema Datatypes Dependency paragraph from R2RML ED
- 18:08:11 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-184 - Remove XML Schema Datatypes Dependency paragraph from R2RML ED [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2012-01-17].
- 18:08:31 [Ashok]
- Ashok: The issue was about the canonical representation
- 18:09:36 [Ashok]
- Souri: Examples with case sensetive table names would be good. Please check is current examples are correct wrt case senestivity.
- 18:09:38 [Zakim]
- -Ivan
- 18:09:40 [Zakim]
- -Souri
- 18:09:41 [Zakim]
- -mhausenblas
- 18:09:42 [Zakim]
- -MacTed
- 18:09:43 [Zakim]
- -dmcneil
- 18:09:43 [Zakim]
- -Eric
- 18:09:44 [Zakim]
- -seema
- 18:09:47 [Zakim]
- -juansequeda
- 18:09:49 [Zakim]
- -Ashok_Malhotra
- 18:09:49 [Zakim]
- SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended
- 18:09:50 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +3539149aaaa, mhausenblas, MacTed, cygri, +575737aabb, juansequeda, Ashok_Malhotra, Ivan, nunolopes, +1.603.897.aacc, seema, +1.314.394.aadd, dmcneil,
- 18:09:52 [Zakim]
- ... +1.603.897.aaee, Souri, joerg, Eric
- 18:10:02 [Souri]
- s/senestivity/sensitivity/
- 18:10:02 [mhausenblas]
- trackbot, end telecon
- 18:10:02 [trackbot]
- Zakim, list attendees
- 18:10:02 [Zakim]
- sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
- 18:10:05 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 18:10:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate trackbot
- 18:10:06 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 18:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- I see 2 open action items saved in :
- 18:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Richard to implement the resolution to ISSUE-68 [1]
- 18:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: cygri to remove XML Schema Datatypes Dependency paragraph from R2RML ED [2]
- 18:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:10:09 [joerg]
- joerg has left #RDB2RDF
- 18:10:18 [Souri]
- s/sensetive/sensitive/
- 18:11:39 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF
- 18:11:39 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 18:11:40 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 18:11:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MacTed
- 18:11:48 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 18:11:57 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 18:12:00 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 18:12:00 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items
- 18:12:28 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF
- 18:12:28 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 18:12:44 [MacTed]
- s/Examples with case sensitive table names would be good. Please check is current examples are correct wrt case sensitivity/Examples with table names with special characters and/or case sensitivity would be good. Please check that current case sensitive examples are correct/
- 18:12:55 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 18:12:55 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MacTed
- 18:13:01 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 18:13:13 [MacTed]
- close enough.
- 18:13:15 [MacTed]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 18:13:15 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items