IRC log of prov on 2012-01-05
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:38:17 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #prov
- 15:38:17 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:38:19 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 15:38:19 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #prov
- 15:38:21 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be
- 15:38:21 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
- 15:38:21 [Luc]
- Zakim, this will be PROV
- 15:38:22 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
- 15:38:22 [trackbot]
- Date: 05 January 2012
- 15:38:22 [Zakim]
- ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 22 minutes
- 15:38:36 [GK1]
- GK1 has joined #prov
- 15:38:38 [Luc]
- Agenda:
- 15:39:00 [Luc]
- Chair: Luc Moreau
- 15:39:02 [Luc]
- Scribe: ???
- 15:39:20 [Luc]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 15:50:26 [pgroth]
- pgroth has joined #prov
- 15:53:38 [Zakim]
- SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started
- 15:53:45 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 15:54:01 [pgroth]
- Zakim, [IPcaller] is me
- 15:54:01 [Zakim]
- +pgroth; got it
- 15:55:28 [Zakim]
- +??P56
- 15:55:55 [Paolo]
- Paolo has joined #prov
- 15:55:59 [Zakim]
- + +44.238.059.aaaa
- 15:56:12 [Luc]
- zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me
- 15:56:12 [Zakim]
- +Luc; got it
- 15:56:17 [GK]
- GK has joined #prov
- 15:56:23 [Zakim]
- +??P58
- 15:56:35 [Paolo]
- zakim, ??P58 is me
- 15:56:35 [Zakim]
- +Paolo; got it
- 15:57:00 [Luc]
- Regrets: Stain
- 15:57:57 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 15:58:17 [GK]
- zakim, ??p7 is me
- 15:58:19 [Zakim]
- +GK; got it
- 15:58:46 [tlebo]
- tlebo has joined #prov
- 15:59:01 [Luc]
- scribe: GK
- 16:00:48 [khalidbelhajjame]
- khalidbelhajjame has joined #prov
- 16:01:41 [Luc]
- topic: admin
- 16:02:22 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 16:02:23 [GK]
- Previous minutes:
- 16:02:28 [Zakim]
- +OpenLink_Software
- 16:02:30 [khalidbelhajjame]
- zakim, ??P9 is me
- 16:02:33 [MacTed]
- Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
- 16:02:35 [MacTed]
- Zakim, mute me
- 16:02:38 [Zakim]
- +??P11
- 16:02:39 [JimMcCusker]
- JimMcCusker has joined #prov
- 16:02:48 [Zakim]
- + +1.315.330.aabb
- 16:02:50 [dgarijo]
- dgarijo has joined #prov
- 16:02:52 [Zakim]
- +sandro
- 16:02:56 [Zakim]
- +khalidbelhajjame; got it
- 16:02:58 [Zakim]
- +MacTed; got it
- 16:03:00 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 16:03:01 [Zakim]
- MacTed should now be muted
- 16:03:02 [smiles]
- smiles has joined #prov
- 16:03:09 [Luc]
- PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the Dec. 22 telecon
- 16:03:19 [GK]
- 16:03:20 [Zakim]
- +??P29
- 16:03:28 [Paolo]
- +1
- 16:03:32 [tlebo]
- +1
- 16:03:32 [dgarijo]
- +1
- 16:03:33 [GK]
- +0 (not present)
- 16:03:36 [smiles]
- 0 (absent)
- 16:04:00 [JimMcCusker]
- 0 ( absent)
- 16:04:13 [Luc]
- APPROVED: the minutes of the Dec. 22 telecon
- 16:04:17 [jcheney]
- jcheney has joined #prov
- 16:04:30 [Zakim]
- +??P33
- 16:04:37 [jcheney]
- zakim, ??p33 is me
- 16:04:37 [Zakim]
- +jcheney; got it
- 16:04:41 [GK]
- Topic: Disseminating Working Drafts
- 16:05:22 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:05:28 [pgroth]
- q+
- 16:05:45 [Luc]
- ack pgr
- 16:06:10 [GK]
- Paul: suggest writing up blog post describing how documents sit together...
- 16:06:34 [smiles]
- q+
- 16:06:48 [Luc]
- ack smi
- 16:06:49 [GK]
- Luc: This could be used as initial draft for document of WG deliverables
- 16:06:53 [Zakim]
- +Yolanda
- 16:06:59 [Zakim]
- +??P40
- 16:07:14 [GK]
- Simon: useful for linking to when posting to other mailing lists to solicit feedback.
- 16:07:41 [GK]
- ... also useful would be standard few lines that can be referenced.
- 16:07:56 [GK]
- ... and direct readers to blog post.
- 16:08:02 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:08:11 [GK]
- Paul: will write this as abstract to blog.
- 16:08:24 [zednik]
- zednik has joined #prov
- 16:08:29 [Luc]
- action: pgroth to write blog overviewing prov-wg documents
- 16:08:30 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-50 - Write blog overviewing prov-wg documents [on Paul Groth - due 2012-01-12].
- 16:08:51 [Zakim]
- + +1.518.633.aacc
- 16:09:08 [tlebo]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:09:08 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see pgroth, ??P56, Luc, Paolo, GK, khalidbelhajjame, MacTed (muted), ??P11, +1.315.330.aabb, sandro, [IPcaller], ??P29, jcheney, Yolanda, ??P40, +1.518.633.aacc
- 16:09:17 [tlebo]
- zakim, I am aabb
- 16:09:17 [Zakim]
- +tlebo; got it
- 16:09:39 [dgarijo]
- Zakim, [IPcaller] is me
- 16:09:39 [Zakim]
- +dgarijo; got it
- 16:09:44 [GK]
- Luc: description of difference between 1st and 3rd PROV-DM drafts would be helpful, maybe?
- 16:10:00 [Luc]
- action: Luc to write blog explaining diffs between prov-dm wd3 and wd1
- 16:10:00 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-51 - Write blog explaining diffs between prov-dm wd3 and wd1 [on Luc Moreau - due 2012-01-12].
- 16:10:05 [GK]
- Paul: suggest Paul does overview, and Luc does difference sum,mary later
- 16:10:21 [StephenCresswell]
- StephenCresswell has joined #prov
- 16:10:26 [GK]
- Luc: Has connection TF lined up reviewers?
- 16:10:32 [JimMcCusker]
- +q
- 16:10:40 [Luc]
- ack Jim
- 16:11:01 [GK]
- JimMc: Either Satya or I should engaged OBO(?) community
- 16:11:11 [Paolo]
- q+
- 16:11:21 [Luc]
- ack paolo
- 16:11:24 [GK]
- ... OBO = Open Bio Ontologies
- 16:11:45 [GK]
- Paolo: meeting on provenance ... (missed details)
- 16:11:51 [JimMcCusker]
- 16:11:56 [tlebo]
- @paolo, what meeting?
- 16:12:06 [satya]
- satya has joined #prov
- 16:12:25 [GK]
- meeting is Dagshtul seminar at end february
- 16:12:50 [pgroth]
- I thought I replied james?
- 16:12:56 [pgroth]
- anyway, offline :-)
- 16:13:03 [Luc]
- you did, and I did too ;-)
- 16:13:18 [pgroth]
- +q
- 16:13:19 [GK]
- jcheney: still planning schedule for meeting.
- 16:13:51 [GK]
- Luc: I was focusing on dissemination in short term - next couple of weeks.
- 16:14:11 [pgroth]
- +1
- 16:14:22 [Paolo]
- Q?
- 16:14:34 [GK]
- Luc: can we repeat blog exercise similar to Paul's simple example? Any takers?
- 16:14:53 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:14:57 [GK]
- ... more small examples to promote use and purpose of prov-o
- 16:15:11 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:15:23 [Luc]
- ack pg
- 16:15:50 [GK]
- Paul: we have public provenance mailing list - can we get more people to subscribe?
- 16:15:55 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aadd
- 16:16:05 [tlebo]
- q+ to ask if we should/can make an announce list?
- 16:16:24 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aadd
- 16:16:29 [pgroth]
- that's this
- 16:16:55 [GK]
- Tim: can we have an announcement list
- 16:17:10 [GK]
- ??: agree, and also a developers list?
- 16:17:28 [tlebo]
- zednik ^^
- 16:18:40 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aaee
- 16:18:56 [GK]
- Sandro: have WG, public and dev as common pattern (?). Sometimes, dev list is pretty much unused.
- 16:19:36 [sandro]
- checking ---- exists. (and prov-wg and prog-comments)
- 16:19:36 [dgarijo]
- +1 to that, although we started already with the best practices..
- 16:19:48 [GK]
- Luc: back to asking the prov-o team about blogging examples
- 16:20:59 [GK]
- me: blogs also work as web pages which are easily linked to, tweeted, etc.
- 16:21:03 [satya]
- Paul, +1
- 16:21:26 [GK]
- Luc: asks sandro if we can create an announce mailing list
- 16:21:55 [GK]
- Sandro: we can, but recommend against unless other public list gets too busy.
- 16:22:11 [pgroth]
- +q
- 16:22:31 [pgroth]
- ack pgroth
- 16:22:49 [tlebo]
- +1 public-prov
- 16:22:49 [GK]
- Sandro: public-prov (not public-prov-wg) could be used for announcements
- 16:22:58 [tlebo]
- (didn't realize we dump onto public-prov-wg)
- 16:23:12 [GK]
- Luc: can we also have a developer mailing list?
- 16:24:07 [satya]
- q+
- 16:24:19 [GK]
- Sandro: I'll create a dev list very soon
- 16:24:24 [tlebo]
- I'll consider blogging
- 16:24:27 [Luc]
- ack tle
- 16:24:27 [Zakim]
- tlebo, you wanted to ask if we should/can make an announce list?
- 16:24:28 [tlebo]
- q-
- 16:24:35 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aaee
- 16:24:46 [GK]
- tlebo: I'll consider blogging, would prefer to focus on documents
- 16:24:52 [Luc]
- ack sat
- 16:24:59 [sandro]
- q+
- 16:25:33 [JimMcCusker]
- +q
- 16:25:36 [satya]
- sorry lost audio
- 16:26:05 [Luc]
- ack san
- 16:26:24 [GK]
- sandro: public-prov-dev, anyone can post, or only subscribers?
- 16:26:35 [Luc]
- ack jim
- 16:26:44 [GK]
- GK: if spam not a problem, suggest open
- 16:27:09 [GK]
- Sandro: I'll make it open. List now exists.
- 16:27:13 [sandro]
- created
- 16:27:19 [dgarijo]
- so I guess this is the list where we'll move our prov-o discussions.
- 16:27:32 [GK]
- Topic: Plan for Second Working Drafts (continued)
- 16:28:31 [GK]
- Simon: primer - 1st PWD should be out soon. Hopefully next week.
- 16:28:44 [GK]
- ... need to ensure compatibility with other documents.
- 16:29:02 [GK]
- ... aim to have improved version by F2F meeting
- 16:29:22 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aaff
- 16:29:34 [GK]
- ... longer term, next release 6 months with everything up to date, and better content quality
- 16:30:05 [GK]
- ... accessible to wide audience, libraries, bloggers, semantic web, etc. can use to get started
- 16:30:42 [GK]
- ... be clear what prov-dm means ontologically, how to integrate domain specific with prov-dm
- 16:31:31 [Luc]
- Can you confirm 6 months? See
- 16:31:35 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:31:39 [GK]
- Yolanda: have lots of comments about assertions and derivations: need to make distinction clear in primer.
- 16:32:27 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:32:32 [GK]
- GK: how do assertions and derivations get captured in RDF? I don't see it.
- 16:33:07 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:33:19 [GK]
- Yolanda: need to explain what is meant by these terms on documents.
- 16:33:21 [satya]
- @Simon, prov-o describes what prov-dm means ontologically - did you mean something in addition to prov-o?
- 16:33:51 [GK]
- Luc: 6 months is a long time to next release.
- 16:34:20 [GK]
- ... also W3C has "3 month rule" for updates to active documents.
- 16:34:52 [GK]
- Simon: our long term aims were on a 6 month period, but we can make interime releases.
- 16:35:18 [sandro]
- three month rule, fyi:
- 16:35:26 [GK]
- Luc: could you please identify (offline) date for next working draft?
- 16:35:27 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aaff
- 16:35:39 [GK]
- Simon: OK. Maybe March/April?
- 16:35:57 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:36:12 [GK]
- Luc: Prov-O - what are your plans?
- 16:36:20 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aagg
- 16:36:46 [GK]
- Khalid: need to align prov-o with current prov-dm, other topics not yet considered...
- 16:37:02 [GK]
- ... also have not determined next release date
- 16:37:33 [GK]
- ... Stephan will try to identify potential users from those identified by connections TF
- 16:37:53 [GK]
- Luc: can you please come back with a planned release date.
- 16:37:56 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:37:59 [dgarijo]
- we finished half of the list, so hopefully in a couple of telecons we're done with the alignement.
- 16:38:09 [Zakim]
- -Yolanda
- 16:38:23 [tlebo]
- satya
- 16:38:24 [pgroth]
- can't hear you satya
- 16:38:26 [dgarijo]
- @GK Satya
- 16:38:47 [pgroth]
- now
- 16:38:51 [khalidbelhajjame]
- we can hear you now
- 16:39:01 [Luc]
- the three month rule: a new draft of each active technical report at least once every three months
- 16:39:03 [Paolo]
- @GK satya
- 16:39:28 [satya]
- We plan to release next pwd by Feb - given the three month rule
- 16:40:07 [satya]
- and a major update before 2nd F2F
- 16:40:27 [GK]
- Luc: apart from 3 month rule, would be nice to have stable document by F2F meeting.
- 16:40:40 [GK]
- ... doesn't need to be formally released.
- 16:40:57 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:40:58 [GK]
- Khalid: should be fairly closely aligned by F2F meeting
- 16:41:08 [satya]
- we can discuss this during our call also next Monday
- 16:41:13 [GK]
- Topic: prov-dm
- 16:41:17 [satya]
- sure, I was planning to initiate release process by end of Jan/first week of Feb
- 16:41:20 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aagg
- 16:41:39 [Luc]
- @satya, it looks good
- 16:41:39 [GK]
- Paolo: "complemetOf" issue is reaching convergence.
- 16:41:47 [Paolo]
- 16:41:58 [GK]
- New next is (at link above)
- 16:42:29 [GK]
- q+ to say I still need to review the actual text, but agree with the direction of discussions
- 16:43:07 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aahh
- 16:43:08 [GK]
- ThPaolo: the term "compelentOf" is still used, we need to formally agree new terms
- 16:43:34 [Paolo]
- 16:43:45 [GK]
- paolo: collections, has been substantially simplified
- 16:44:13 [GK]
- ... have long response from Stian to work though, but we do seem to be converging
- 16:44:27 [GK]
- ... hope to finish this successfully (in next week?)
- 16:44:49 [tlebo]
- +q to ask about global versus local naming in "complementOf" section and rest of document.
- 16:45:03 [GK]
- ... issue about whether collections actually belong - discussion on list, along with discussion of what is domain specific.
- 16:45:48 [tlebo]
- +1 to how the new specializationOf section looks
- 16:46:06 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:46:08 [Luc]
- ack gk
- 16:46:08 [Zakim]
- GK, you wanted to say I still need to review the actual text, but agree with the direction of discussions
- 16:46:26 [GK]
- Tim: specialization section looks great
- 16:46:46 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aahh
- 16:46:46 [GK]
- ... have problem with distinction between global and local naming
- 16:47:15 [GK]
- ... think this is "very dissonant" (something that needs to be discussed?)
- 16:47:33 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aaii
- 16:47:45 [GK]
- Luc: there is a specific issue addressing this.
- 16:49:08 [tlebo]
- q-
- 16:49:45 [GK]
- Luc: about vote about new terminology; granularity is too coarse (?)
- 16:50:17 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:50:26 [GK]
- q+ to ask why can't vote on the text as-is, or alternatively vote on choice of terminology, or...
- 16:50:38 [pgroth]
- q+
- 16:50:48 [satya]
- +1, I think we need to discuss over raised issue first
- 16:50:49 [tlebo]
- I'm happy to close any issues that I've raised for complementOf
- 16:50:50 [Luc]
- ack gk
- 16:50:50 [Zakim]
- GK, you wanted to ask why can't vote on the text as-is, or alternatively vote on choice of terminology, or...
- 16:50:59 [JimMcCusker]
- +q
- 16:51:30 [Luc]
- ack pgr
- 16:51:39 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aaii
- 16:51:47 [pgroth]
- ack pgroth
- 16:51:49 [GK]
- GK: only need to vote if there is disagreement
- 16:52:04 [GK]
- paul: issue system seems to work well
- 16:52:56 [GK]
- jimMc: issue of one entity record for each identifier. And if identifier is URI, can't enforce scoping of interpretation.
- 16:53:00 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:53:03 [Luc]
- ack jim
- 16:53:22 [GK]
- Topic: Prov-o/Prov-dm
- 16:53:48 [Luc]
- closing issues Closed pending review: ISSUE-50: Satya ISSUE-57: Graham ISSUE-100: Satya ISSUE-105: Satya ISSUE-113: Khalid ISSUE-121: Satya ISSUE-124: Satya ISSUE-125: Satya ISSUE-126: Satya ISSUE-127: Satya ISSUE-176: Tim ISSUE-178: Tim ISSUE-191: Satya ISSUE-201: Satya To be answered: ISSUE-185: Satya ISSUE-186: Satya ISSUE-187: Satya ISSUE-188: Satya ISSUE-189: Satya ISSUE-192: Satya ISSUE-193: Satya ISSUE-200: Satya [edit]
- 16:53:54 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aajj
- 16:54:02 [GK]
- Luc: aiming for release by end of month
- 16:54:04 [Luc]
- 16:54:13 [GK]
- Topic: prov-dm (still - closing issues)
- 16:54:26 [satya]
- @jimMc, +1
- 16:55:09 [Luc]
- q?
- 16:55:20 [tlebo]
- +1 I'll review my issues
- 16:55:21 [GK]
- Luc: need people to raised issues to respond to confirm issues can be closed. Would be better to close old issues and open new ones.
- 16:55:25 [satya]
- @Luc, sure will try to review and respond asap the outstanding issues
- 16:56:17 [GK]
- GK: happy to close issue 57, will raise new if I have problem with new text
- 16:56:32 [tlebo]
- 16:56:40 [GK]
- Topic: Prov-o/Prov-dm
- 16:56:51 [GK]
- Discussion of accounts
- 16:58:11 [Zakim]
- - +1.760.705.aajj
- 16:58:20 [GK]
- Tim: proposing that account assertions are "RDF abstract graph" - set of triples independent of location. Tryimng to core construct of activity to associate asserter with account graph. Then addressing association of abstract graph with where it rests.
- 16:59:24 [GK]
- ... triple store organization of named graphs is "chaotic" - can re-use service description vocabulary.
- 16:59:47 [GK]
- q+
- 16:59:56 [pgroth]
- q+
- 16:59:59 [Luc]
- ack GK
- 17:00:07 [dgarijo]
- q+
- 17:00:59 [Luc]
- ack pg
- 17:01:38 [GK]
- GK: my comments (on list) really reeferring to *assertion* of an account, rather than problem of account being an "abstract graph".
- 17:01:41 [pgroth]
- ack pgroth
- 17:02:08 [GK]
- Paul: qustion about tuyping of graph (missed details of response)
- 17:02:20 [tlebo]
- +1 to confusion over Activyt versus Entity - partiatlly b/c I'm not sure yet :-)
- 17:02:32 [GK]
- Daniel: account as activity or entity? Gets confusing.
- 17:03:00 [GK]
- ... distinguishes between account as wrapper, and activity that creates that wrapper.
- 17:03:27 [Luc]
- q?
- 17:03:31 [Luc]
- ack dga
- 17:04:14 [GK]
- Tim: yes, there is some confusion, indecision yet. Details still to be worked out (wasAtributedTo property mentioned?)
- 17:04:48 [GK]
- Tim: still want to quality association with some activity (e.g. similar to derivedfrom?)
- 17:04:57 [Luc]
- q?
- 17:05:48 [GK]
- Luc: have raised issue of mixing accounts and entities.
- 17:05:54 [dgarijo]
- @Tim: anyway, this is the kind of discussion we needed to make this work. Thanks!
- 17:06:53 [GK]
- q+
- 17:07:29 [GK]
- q+ to ask about what "abstract graph" is used to mean
- 17:07:44 [Luc]
- ack gk
- 17:07:44 [Zakim]
- GK, you wanted to ask about what "abstract graph" is used to mean
- 17:07:55 [Zakim]
- -??P29
- 17:08:01 [Luc]
- q?
- 17:08:45 [GK]
- Tim: terms we have are graph container, RDF abstract graph, and ...
- 17:09:21 [Luc]
- q?
- 17:09:34 [GK]
- SPARQL service description associates a graph with a name
- 17:09:53 [Luc]
- q?
- 17:10:17 [GK]
- (sorry, my audio got interrupted)
- 17:10:46 [pgroth]
- thanks tim!
- 17:10:56 [tlebo]
- thanks for feedback!
- 17:11:06 [dgarijo]
- :)
- 17:11:18 [GK]
- Luc: wrapping up
- 17:11:21 [Zakim]
- -tlebo
- 17:11:21 [GK]
- Ends.
- 17:11:22 [Zakim]
- -??P11
- 17:11:23 [Zakim]
- -dgarijo
- 17:11:27 [Zakim]
- -jcheney
- 17:11:29 [Zakim]
- -sandro
- 17:11:31 [Zakim]
- -khalidbelhajjame
- 17:11:35 [Zakim]
- -Paolo
- 17:11:39 [Zakim]
- -MacTed
- 17:11:41 [Zakim]
- -Luc
- 17:11:43 [Zakim]
- -pgroth
- 17:11:45 [Zakim]
- -GK
- 17:11:47 [Zakim]
- - +1.518.633.aacc
- 17:12:43 [Zakim]
- -??P40
- 17:35:01 [Zakim]
- disconnecting the lone participant, ??P56, in SW_(PROV)11:00AM
- 17:35:05 [Zakim]
- SW_(PROV)11:00AM has ended
- 17:35:07 [Zakim]
- Attendees were pgroth, Luc, Paolo, GK, +1.315.330.aabb, sandro, khalidbelhajjame, MacTed, jcheney, Yolanda, +1.518.633.aacc, tlebo, dgarijo, +1.760.705.aadd, +1.760.705.aaee,
- 17:35:10 [Zakim]
- ... +1.760.705.aaff, +1.760.705.aagg, +1.760.705.aahh, +1.760.705.aaii, +1.760.705.aajj
- 17:47:45 [GK]
- GK has left #prov
- 19:17:43 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #prov