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Chatlog 2012-10-29
From RDF Working Group Wiki
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07:55:20 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #rdf-wg 07:55:20 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/29-rdf-wg-irc 07:55:32 <sandro> zakim, dial Rhone_4 07:55:32 <Zakim> sorry, sandro, I don't know what conference this is 07:55:40 <sandro> zakim, this will be rdf 07:55:40 <Zakim> ok, sandro; I see SW_RDFWG(TPACF2F)2:00AM scheduled to start 115 minutes ago 07:56:22 <sandro> zakim, dial Rhone_4 07:56:22 <Zakim> ok, sandro; the call is being made 07:56:23 <Zakim> SW_RDFWG(TPACF2F)2:00AM has now started 07:56:25 <Zakim> +Rhone_4 08:31:58 <sandro> gkellogg, manu1 you're asleep, I imagine. 08:31:59 <sandro> but we're on the phone. 08:32:28 <ivan> ivan has joined #rdf-wg 08:34:51 <Arnaud> Arnaud has joined #rdf-wg 08:40:23 <cygri> cygri has joined #rdf-wg 08:41:19 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer? 08:41:19 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2012/10/29-rdf-wg-irc#T08-41-19 08:41:22 <AZ> AZ has joined #rdf-wg 08:41:25 <sandro> scribe: eric 08:41:38 <Guus> Guus has joined #rdf-wg 08:41:47 <davidwood> davidwood has joined #rdf-wg 08:42:04 <pchampin> pchampin has joined #rdf-wg 08:42:05 <FabGandon> FabGandon has joined #rdf-wg 08:42:23 <sandro> meeting: RDF WG F2F3 08:42:31 <sandro> agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/FTF3#Day_1 08:42:35 <sandro> chair: David, Guus 08:51:45 <sandro> Guest: Steve Speicher 08:42:46 <SteveS> SteveS has joined #rdf-wg 08:42:57 <sandro> RRSAgent, make record public 08:47:34 <ericP> topic: Introductions 08:47:50 <ericP> ericP: W3C, HCLS RDF geekery 08:48:05 <ericP> sandro: RDF geekery, eGov 08:48:22 <ericP> FabGandon: expertise in KR 08:48:32 <ericP> cygri: DERI galway ireland 08:48:42 <ericP> ... databases, RDF sparql 08:49:00 <ericP> Arnaud: standards guy at IBM, ex W3C staff 08:49:18 <ericP> pchampin: univ lyon (500m away) 08:49:25 <ericP> ivan: w3c 08:50:00 <ericP> FabGandon: ac rep of INRIA, was in this group until falling into an administrative black hole 08:50:35 <ericP> Steve Speicher: IBM rational, member of LDP, using Rdf for tool integration 08:51:09 <ericP> yves raimond: BBC, linked data for media industry 08:51:53 <ericP> @@1: yarcdata, eureka (rdf triple store), observer 08:52:23 <ericP> davidwood: selling RDF for food 08:52:48 <ericP> Guus: prof of computer science in web and media at univ amsterdam 08:52:56 <ericP> ... working in cultural heritage 08:53:24 <ericP> s/@@1/Shoaib Mufti/ 08:53:50 <sandro> Guest: Shaoib Mufti 08:55:34 <ericP> topic: Objectives 08:56:17 <ericP> davidwood: agenda organized around deliverable documents 08:56:25 <ericP> -> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/F2F3-objectives deliverable documents 08:56:59 <ericP> davidwood: Concepts, Turtle, JSON-LD are close 08:57:35 <ericP> Guus, JSON-LD not strictly in the critical path (for charter extension) 08:57:39 <ericP> Guus: JSON-LD not strictly in the critical path (for charter extension) 08:58:07 <ericP> sandro: we need to be done with anything controversial 08:59:26 <ericP> ivan: good if we have core docs at LC (Concepts) or CR (Turtle) 09:00:04 <ericP> davidwood: some of these docs don't require much update: XML and schema 09:00:09 <ericP> ... get to primer later 09:00:38 <ericP> ivan: the primer is a note in many WGs 09:01:00 <ericP> sandro: though it's already a REC in RDF. 09:06:49 <ivan> s/@@1/Shoaib Mufti/ 09:07:21 <pchampin> pchampin has joined #rdf-wg 09:07:25 <cygri> topic: Migration Guide 09:07:27 <ericP> cygri: we should discuss a document or sections in other docs about upgrading from RDF 1.0 09:08:13 <ericP> ... should address the fear that the change that 1.0->1.1 breaks stuff 09:10:00 <ericP> sandro: do we have any reason to believe that danbri will edit RDF Schema? (given that he's changed jobs since volunteering) 09:10:36 <ericP> davidwood: no, so we need a second 09:14:13 <ericP> cygri: re: evolution text, we can point out what's new and talk about what you have to do 'cause simple literals don't exist any more 09:14:36 <AndyS> AndyS has joined #rdf-wg 09:15:07 <ericP> ivan: only non-additive change is the simple literal 09:15:35 <ericP> ... until now, if i asked for the datatype for a simple literal, i got back nothing 09:15:41 <sandro> see http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-new-features/ 09:15:52 <ericP> cygri: impact is low, but you might have to adapt some application code 09:16:07 <ericP> ... spelling that out is worth doing 09:16:22 <ericP> ... e.g. if you use an RDF lib or store, here's what changes for you 09:16:36 <ericP> ... .. if you edit another spec, here's what changes for you 09:16:57 <ericP> ... only a paragraph or a few bullet points, but needs to be included 09:17:18 <ericP> sandro: OWL created a "New Features and Rationale" 09:17:28 <ericP> ... would be smaller for us. 09:17:56 <ericP> yvesr: does it have to be a REC? 09:17:59 <ericP> sandro: no no 09:18:34 <ericP> davidwood: cygri's point about how in a couple years, folks won't care makes sense. should be a sepparate doc 09:19:33 <ericP> cygri: i can do it with another 09:20:24 <ericP> davidwood: editors of the Concepts doc (cygri and davidwood) should edit New Features 09:20:51 <cygri> PROPOSAL: New Note: "RDF 1.1 New Features and Migration Guide" 09:20:56 <sandro> RDF 1.1 New Features and Migration Guide 09:21:13 <sandro> +1 09:21:15 <ivan> +1 09:21:15 <yvesr> +1 09:21:16 <davidwood> +1 09:21:17 <Arnaud> +1 09:21:20 <AZ> +1 09:21:21 <cygri> +1 09:21:22 <ericP> +1 09:21:36 <ivan> RESOLVED: New Note: "RDF 1.1 New Features and Migration Guide" 09:22:15 <cygri> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/101 09:22:53 <sandro> close issue-101 09:22:53 <trackbot> ISSUE-101 Will RDF-WG produce a “What's New in RDF 1.1” document or migration guide? closed 09:23:58 <ericP> ACTION: davidwood to draft “What's New in RDF 1.1” document 09:23:58 <trackbot> Could not create new action - action title not proper UTF-8 09:24:08 <ericP> ACTION: davidwood to draft "What's New in RDF 1.1" document 09:24:08 <trackbot> Created ACTION-193 - Draft "What's New in RDF 1.1" document [on David Wood - due 2012-11-05]. 09:25:35 <ericP> topic: RDF Primer 09:26:38 <ericP> Guus: thinking about this from the persecptive of the TOC 09:27:44 <ericP> [syntax discussion] 09:28:32 <ericP> ivan: could use the OWL Primer trick for multiple syntaxes 09:28:50 <ericP> Guus: should be done with the Turtle first 09:29:18 <ericP> ... RDFa and JSON-LD are good candidates. RDF/XML? 09:29:26 <ericP> davidwood: RDF/XML will still be a REC 09:30:54 <ericP> ACTION: Guus to add to RDF Primary and ISSUE about multi-language representation 09:30:54 <trackbot> Created ACTION-194 - Add to RDF Primary and ISSUE about multi-language representation [on Guus Schreiber - due 2012-11-05]. 09:31:19 <ericP> cygri: TOC looks similar to the RDF Concepts' TOC 09:31:40 <ericP> ... RDF Concepts exposes the RDF data model 09:31:41 <ivan> q+ 09:32:30 <ericP> ... should RDF Concepts have the introductory material? 09:32:50 <ericP> ... for the Primer to be as effective as possible, it should have lots of examples 09:33:16 <ericP> ... the RDF Concepts intro doesn't do that; just gives an overview of the terminology 09:34:02 <mlnt> mlnt has joined #rdf-wg 09:34:17 <ericP> [Guus shows the introductory text in Primer] 09:34:52 <ericP> [general agreement that this intro is more basic than the intro in RDF Concepts] 09:35:43 <ericP> ivan: being a visual type, i'd like to see images with discussions of graphs 09:36:00 <ericP> Guus: will discuss embedding SVG with cygri 09:38:22 <ericP> ... aiming for minimal examples which demonstrate graphs 09:38:27 <ericP> [general approval] 09:39:22 <Arnaud> typo in the first sentence of section 2.1: indetified -> identified 09:41:31 <sandro> guest: Tim Berners-Lee 09:41:32 <shh> shh has joined #rdf-wg 09:41:44 <ericP> davidwood: developers' eyes glaze over at the "subject, predicate, object" text. 09:41:46 <ericP> ... using the text "two things and a relationship between them" seems to work 09:42:43 <ericP> Tim Berners-Lee: the graph eludes people, while turtle looks like a language to them 09:43:30 <ericP> cygri: per yvesr, would like to point at the use case. 09:44:44 <ericP> Guus: avoiding syntax, discuss the basic concepts: iri, literal, and unfortunately the blank node 09:46:48 <yvesr> did we just skip vocabularies? 09:47:44 <pchampin> pchampin has joined #rdf-wg 09:48:39 <ericP> ... what can we show with basic graphs? 09:48:49 <ericP> cygri: graph equivalence and basic entailment 09:51:28 <ericP> cygri: if we look at datasets out there, Dublic Core is everywhere 09:53:22 <ericP> ... might be a good guide to use examples of vocabs that folks will encounter in practice 09:53:50 <ericP> ... skos is the 3rd most popular (after DC and FOAF) 09:55:11 <ericP> Guus: i'd like to introduce in 6 or 7 printed pages 09:55:34 <ericP> ... rest in appendeces 09:59:47 <ericP> ... focusing on common vocabularies 09:59:49 <ericP> davidwood: i find folks frequently have to invent vocabularies. 10:00:13 <yvesr> yvesr: a way to structure the vocabulary section around use-cases would be to use DC and FOAF for people and artworks they made and create a new property using RDF Schema for 'is displayed in', to stitch two vocabularies together 10:00:13 <ericP> ... would like "of course, use others if available, but easy to invent as well" 10:00:30 <ericP> sandro: it's like programmers using libraries 10:00:41 <ericP> cygri: will it mention e.g. SPARQL? 10:01:16 <ericP> ivan: there's no SPARQL primer 10:01:22 <SteveS> SPARQL 1.1 Overview http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-sparql11-overview-20120501/ 10:01:37 <ericP> ericP: top section of SPARQL serves as a primer 10:02:02 <sandro> sandro: I think there should be a tiny sparql example, like the first in http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#basicpatterns 10:02:11 <sandro> ... and then it links to more 10:03:07 <ericP> Guus: remind me to point at http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-overview/ 10:03:38 <ericP> sandro: we should have every document published before asking for the charter extension 10:05:27 <ericP> Guus: i need to make a statement about whether you refer to a page or a person 10:06:12 <ericP> ivan: use hash IRIs and avoid indirection 10:06:43 <sandro> sandro: "We use IRIs (which are basically the same as URLs) to refer to both Web Pages and things that are not Web Pages, like People and Places" 10:09:04 <ericP> ACTION: Guus to provide Primer document for review -- due 3 Jan 10:09:04 <trackbot> Created ACTION-195 - Provide Primer document for review -- due 3 Jan [on Guus Schreiber - due 2012-11-05]. 10:09:29 <ericP> ACTION: Guus to provide Primer document for review - due 3 Jan 10:09:29 <trackbot> Created ACTION-196 - provide Primer document for review [on Guus Schreiber - due 2012-01-03]. 10:09:38 <ericP> drop action 4 10:09:56 <ericP> DROP ACTION-195 10:10:31 <sandro> close action-195 10:10:31 <trackbot> ACTION-195 Provide Primer document for review -- due 3 Jan closed 10:27:57 <shh> shh has joined #rdf-wg 10:33:09 <Arnaud> scribe: Arnaud 10:33:26 <Arnaud> topic: RDF/XML 10:34:19 <SteveS> SteveS has joined #rdf-wg 10:34:49 <Arnaud> ACTION: Fabien to provide a new WD for the WG to review by Nov 21st telecon 10:34:49 <trackbot> Created ACTION-197 - Provide a new WD for the WG to review by Nov 21st telecon [on Fabien Gandon - due 2012-11-05]. 10:36:04 <Arnaud> davidwood: we will do the minimum 10:36:54 <davidwood> The WG would like to vote on moving RDF/XML to FPWD on 28 Nov. 10:36:56 <Arnaud> FabGandon: I think there are 2 issues I need to look at but agree we should keep it to a minimum, WG has a lot more important things to do 10:37:05 <ivan> ack ivan 10:37:13 <davidwood> q? 10:37:37 <Arnaud> ivan: we should aim at an edited recommendation which is easier to do 10:38:04 <Arnaud> ... allows to skip several steps 10:38:28 <Arnaud> cygri: need to understand what it means for existing implementations 10:38:44 <Arnaud> ivan: don't see any change in the concepts that would impact RDF/XML 10:39:29 <paul-huawei> paul-huawei has joined #rdf-wg 10:39:41 <Arnaud> cygri: syntax hasn't changed but the change on literals may have an impact 10:40:10 <paul-huawei> paul-huawei has left #rdf-wg 10:40:17 <Arnaud> ... this requires more thoughts 10:40:44 <Arnaud> ivan: yes, you're right. the section on mapping needs to change and this won't be just editorial 10:41:00 <Arnaud> ... so we can't go the EPR route 10:41:22 <davidwood> s/EPR/PER/ 10:41:27 <davidwood> q? 10:42:04 <sandro> q+ 10:42:47 <Arnaud> sandro: if we go to CR we'll need people to implement it, is it going to be hard to get this? 10:43:17 <Arnaud> ivan: rdflib has already implemented it 10:43:59 <Arnaud> davidwood: we should decide whether rdf/xml will be extended to support html5 datatype 10:44:32 <sandro> PROPOSED: We we update RDF/XML to include special syntactic support for our new HTML datatype 10:44:38 <sandro> -0 10:44:46 <Arnaud> ivan: except it's impossible to do 10:45:06 <Arnaud> cygri: we could do it for a subset: xhtml 10:45:13 <AZ> -0.9 10:45:27 <Arnaud> ... don't see much benefits in doing this 10:45:27 <sandro> cygri: It would only work for XHTML, and for that you can use XMLLiteral 10:45:30 <Arnaud> ivan: I agree 10:46:18 <sandro> +1 include examples of HTML using CDATA 10:46:18 <Arnaud> sandro: should we have something editorial explaining how to use cdata for this? 10:46:34 <Arnaud> ivan: probably a good idea 10:47:01 <Arnaud> davidwood: do we want to have a paragraph on this in rdf/xml? 10:47:07 <Arnaud> ivan: leave it to the editor 10:47:37 <Arnaud> fabgandon: will add it to the list and present it to the WG for review 10:47:58 <Arnaud> topic: RDF Primer (reprise) 10:48:30 <Arnaud> guus: talking about datatypes, need to put some examples 10:48:47 <Arnaud> ... string, decimal, integer, boolean, datetime 10:48:56 <ivan> q+ 10:48:56 <shh> shh has joined #rdf-wg 10:48:57 <Arnaud> ... 5 key ones people typically use 10:49:05 <Arnaud> ... is that a good approach? 10:49:14 <ivan> q- 10:49:17 <Arnaud> sandro: would add double 10:49:59 <ivan> q+ 10:50:04 <Arnaud> davidwood: ldp has a different list 10:50:49 <Arnaud> sandro: ldp's list is based on what programing languages use 10:51:39 <Arnaud> cygri: warn against drafting a list that gives the impression of being a recommended list, implying the rest is not recommended 10:51:43 <Arnaud> guus: agree 10:52:21 <Arnaud> ivan: wouldn't mention xsd:string, and keep it to plain literals 10:52:53 <Arnaud> guus: could have a background note saying you can skip this 10:53:40 <Arnaud> davidwood: wouldn't do more than this 10:55:33 <sandro> 18.30 doors open 10:56:52 <Arnaud> topic: RDF Schema 10:57:12 <Arnaud> davidwood: unlikely Dan will edit this spec, we need a new editor 10:58:37 <Arnaud> arnaud: would be happy to help but have no background on what needs to be done so not sure I'm qualified 10:59:23 <davidwood> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-schema/index.html 11:00:30 <davidwood> RESOLVED to mark rdf:Alt and rdf:Bag as archaic using the language at: 11:00:30 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/ArchaicFeatures 11:00:46 <Arnaud> issue-77? 11:00:46 <trackbot> ISSUE-77 -- Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic (cf ISSUE-24) -- open 11:00:46 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/77 11:01:12 <Arnaud> ivan: don't think there is a major work that needs to be done 11:02:00 <cygri> subtopic: Collections and containers 11:02:00 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-77 taking no action (due to XMP and RSS 1.0) 11:02:42 <ivan> +1 11:03:04 <Arnaud> cygri: would like us to try to do better 11:03:43 <Arnaud> won't we have a formal objection from Adobe? 11:04:10 <sandro> sandro: If they were to make a new version of XMP that did not to be backward compatible, THEN they should not use ______ 11:04:42 <Arnaud> davidwood: not sure they care, they haven't touched XMP in years 11:04:57 <Arnaud> ivan: it's not just adobe, a lot of other people use it 11:05:28 <Arnaud> sandro: steve harris still thinks there is nothing better than seq 11:06:09 <sandro> eric: Having two broken solutions is worse than having one broken one 11:06:28 <Arnaud> ivan: don't think we can decide on making it archaic 11:07:12 <Arnaud> ivan: we should provide guidance in the primer 11:07:19 <Arnaud> ... that's the place to do that 11:07:24 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-77 taking no action (due to XMP and RSS 1.0). Instead, add guidance on avoiding Seq in the Primer. 11:07:31 <Arnaud> sandro: would like to have it in the spec 11:09:06 <Arnaud> cygri: tempted to say that we should talk about this is in concepts 11:09:32 <Arnaud> ... but that would be odd because it currently doesn't talk about vocabulary at all 11:10:35 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_collectionvocab 11:10:35 <Arnaud> ivan: maybe the schema spec is the right place 11:11:59 <Arnaud> cygri: we should have an issue for well formed lists 11:12:17 <sandro> my "well-formed list" proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012May/0135.html 11:12:21 <Arnaud> davidwood: so the options are: primer, schema, or possibly concepts? 11:12:39 <sandro> (which Steve Harris didnt like) 11:13:04 <Arnaud> ... don't see a way to put in concepts without a syntax which is ugly 11:13:14 <davidwood> Not in Concepts 11:13:28 <Arnaud> cygri: yes, agree we should have somewhere but not in my spec! :-) 11:14:29 <Arnaud> ivan: my feeling is that schema is probably the best place 11:14:59 <Guus> q+ to ask about status of term "property" in Schema, Concepts, and Primer 11:15:08 <ivan> ack ivan 11:15:17 <davidwood> ack sandro 11:15:19 <sandro> q- 11:15:30 <davidwood> ack Guus 11:15:30 <Zakim> Guus, you wanted to ask about status of term "property" in Schema, Concepts, and Primer 11:16:46 <Arnaud> guus: have trouble writing data model in primer because predicate is talked about in different places 11:17:01 <Arnaud> ... property vs predicate 11:17:26 <Arnaud> ... is it useful to make the distinction in primer? it's very important for schema 11:18:32 <Arnaud> cygri: schema is a language for definiing and describing properties and classes 11:18:43 <shh> shh has joined #rdf-wg 11:18:49 <Arnaud> ... even if rdf schema didn't exist you would still have properties 11:19:18 <Arnaud> sandro: if we could do it all over again, it would be easier for user to call the middle slot property name 11:19:52 <yvesr> is there an actual entailment that says :s :p :o => :p a rdf:Property? 11:19:52 <Arnaud> cygri: agree 11:20:19 <Arnaud> guus: alternative suggestion is to just drop the term predicate 11:21:20 <Arnaud> cygri: you could only talk about predicates later in the document 11:21:47 <ivan> ivan has left #rdf-wg 11:21:47 <Arnaud> ... just not use the terms subject predicate object 11:23:28 <sandro> Issue: Shall we highlight Turtle's list structures as "Well-Formed Lists" in one of our Recs? 11:23:28 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-102 - Shall we highlight Turtle's list structures as "Well-Formed Lists" in one of our Recs? ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/102/edit . 11:24:00 <cygri> ISSUE-77? 11:24:00 <trackbot> ISSUE-77 -- Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic (cf ISSUE-24) -- open 11:24:00 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/77 11:24:14 <ivan> ivan has joined #rdf-wg 11:24:54 <Arnaud> sandro: would like to propose we agree to pick one single preferred solution for future developments 11:25:11 <Arnaud> davidwood: steve would say seq 11:26:09 <Arnaud> davidwood: don't think that works, we have different communities that like either 11:26:32 <Arnaud> ivan: sparql could have done it but didn't 11:27:01 <Arnaud> davidwood: ldp trying to work around this by defining a sort predicate 11:27:21 <Arnaud> ... this suggests that ordering is important 11:28:11 <Arnaud> eric: this is hard to solve and that's why sparql didn't do it 11:29:51 <Arnaud> ivan: there is no clear choice between the two 11:30:19 <Arnaud> ... ldp's solution is not rdf core 11:30:29 <Arnaud> sandro: we could introduce one 11:30:40 <Arnaud> cygri: not a good idea at this point in the process 11:30:57 <davidwood> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-77 taking no action. 11:31:08 <AZ> +1 11:31:13 <ivan> +1 11:31:17 <sandro> -0.99 11:31:18 <yvesr> +0 11:31:37 <ericP> +0.99 11:31:42 <davidwood> +1 11:31:45 <Arnaud> +1 11:31:54 <FabGandon> 0 11:31:54 <Guus> 0 11:31:56 <cygri> +0.001 11:32:15 <Arnaud> sandro: this is one of the hardest point in rdf 11:32:31 <Arnaud> ... this is the best opportunity to steer the community 11:33:01 <Arnaud> yvesr: what's your preference? 11:33:08 <Arnaud> sandro: slight preference for list 11:33:15 <Arnaud> davidwood: I use seq! 11:33:32 <Arnaud> s/seq/list/ 11:34:21 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-dtb/#Functions_and_Predicates_on_RIF_Lists 11:34:35 <Arnaud> ... quite happy with sandro's proposal to say xmp is fine the way it is but if you were to do another version there is a better way 11:34:50 <Arnaud> ivan: don't think we'll get consensus 11:35:09 <Arnaud> sandro: steve didn't object 11:35:40 <Arnaud> sandro: the best thing for the community is to specify one 11:36:14 <Arnaud> ... could live with anything, saying to use something else than seq would be a good start 11:36:38 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close issue-77 marking rdf:Seq as Archaic (saying folks shouldn't use it for new vocabs) 11:36:42 <Arnaud> proposal: tentatively mark seq as archaic and see whether steve objects 11:36:53 <Arnaud> ivan: ok but need to ask steve 11:36:53 <Guus> q+ to say I was planning to use an example of the () collction notation of Turtle in the Primer 11:37:02 <davidwood> ack Guus 11:37:02 <Zakim> Guus, you wanted to say I was planning to use an example of the () collction notation of Turtle in the Primer 11:37:09 <cygri> +0.5 11:37:13 <sandro> +1 11:37:31 <AZ> +0 11:37:47 <davidwood> +1 (and will take an action to ask Steve H and the Adobe AC rep) 11:37:51 <ivan> +1 provided we cross-check with possible oppenents 11:37:53 <yvesr> +0.5 11:37:58 <Arnaud> +1 11:39:26 <sandro> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-77 marking rdf:Seq as Archaic (saying folks shouldn't use it for new vocabs) 11:40:47 <sandro> close issue-77 11:40:47 <trackbot> ISSUE-77 Should we mark rdf:Seq as archaic (cf ISSUE-24) closed 11:40:53 <Arnaud> ACTION: Arnaud to check with Dan what he wants to do with regard to editorship (remain editor, leave it to Arnaud, remain co-editor?) 11:40:53 <trackbot> Created ACTION-198 - Check with Dan what he wants to do with regard to editorship (remain editor, leave it to Arnaud, remain co-editor?) [on Arnaud Le Hors - due 2012-11-05]. 11:41:09 <Arnaud> break for lunch 11:41:21 <Arnaud> come back at 1:30pm 11:41:29 <FabGandon> FabGandon has left #rdf-wg 11:54:47 <ScottB> ScottB has joined #rdf-wg 11:57:24 <Zakim> +Tony 12:01:51 <ScottB> Zakim, Tony is temporarily me 12:01:51 <Zakim> +ScottB; got it 12:39:53 <gavinc> gavinc has joined #rdf-wg 12:40:55 <SteveS> SteveS has joined #rdf-wg 12:43:26 <sandro> Zakim, who is on the call? 12:43:26 <Zakim> On the phone I see Rhone_4, ScottB 12:44:49 <sandro> scribe: sandro 12:44:53 <sandro> topic: RDF Concepts 12:45:00 <sandro> RRSAgent, pointer? 12:45:00 <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2012/10/29-rdf-wg-irc#T12-45-00 12:45:48 <sandro> cygri: we did the bulk of the work quite some time ago. the document is in pretty good shape, with some open issues marked. 12:46:04 <sandro> ... biggest was RDF Datasets, which has become easier because we scaled down our goals. 12:46:26 <sandro> ... most of the rest is editorial. explanations. whether text should be in one spec or another. 12:46:32 <sandro> ... going throught the issues 12:46:42 <sandro> ... Defn of RDF Datasets? 12:46:59 <sandro> ... HashURIs / trig -- how do fragments work? 12:48:11 <sandro> .... High Level Issues: Datasets, Fragments in multigraph syntax, Relationship between Semantics and Concepts documnets, and stuff in Primer vs Concepts. 12:48:35 <sandro> subtopic: Relationship between RDF Concepts and RDF Primer 12:48:42 <sandro> cygri: Section 1. 12:50:19 <sandro> ... gives a background what the datamodel is useful for, rather than just starting with concepts 12:50:25 <sandro> ... and gives context. 12:51:01 <sandro> ... There's a lot of additional terminology, used all the time in RDF, but is nowhere defined. "Resource". "denote". ... 12:51:11 <sandro> ... namespace, namespace IRI, etc 12:51:28 <sandro> ... this is all "informative". 12:51:50 <sandro> ... Does *not* give examples. That would make it bigger, and something different. 12:52:17 <sandro> ... Is it okay that intro tackles these things? 12:52:42 <Guus> q? 12:52:46 <ivan> q+ 12:53:17 <sandro> sandro: I think it's fine to have example to help the sophisticated reader understand this stuff 12:53:32 <sandro> davidwood: what about syntax? 12:54:21 <Guus> ack ivan 12:54:24 <sandro> sandro: I think it's fine to use Turtle. Assume on the first reading they wont know/care about what Turtle means formally. 12:54:26 <Arnaud> q+ 12:54:35 <sandro> davidwood: And they'll have read Primer first. 12:54:46 <sandro> ivan: I agree the Intro should be part of the document, yes. 12:55:01 <sandro> ivan: Examples -- I don't know. Probably yes, 12:55:02 <Guus> q+ to say: yes 12:55:21 <sandro> ivan: But yes, keep Intro 12:55:29 <Guus> ack Arnaud 12:55:37 <sandro> Arnaud: I don't know how far we can go with graphic represetnation in examples. 12:56:07 <sandro> .. if you can stick to diagrams, that's great 12:56:21 <sandro> davidwood: namespace IRI 12:57:00 <sandro> cygri: Examples should cover the stuff that's hard to visualize or grasp. That would help. 12:57:19 <sandro> .. I'm a little bit afraid that... 12:57:40 <sandro> .. we should make clear the difference between Primer and Concepts Introduction. 12:58:08 <sandro> .. There's a danger if this gets to helpful, with diagrams, that people will skip the Primer. 12:58:33 <Guus> q? 12:58:50 <sandro> ivan: it's a judgement call. the RDFa spec has something of a tutorial style in it, with lots of examples. And we also have a primer. A lot of people still use the primer. 12:58:54 <sandro> q? 12:59:08 <Arnaud> ack Guus 12:59:08 <Zakim> Guus, you wanted to say: yes 12:59:26 <sandro> Guus: This section is short, so I don't see a problem. You give some definitions/references, like IRIs, that belong here. 12:59:49 <Guus> ack Guus 12:59:56 <sandro> ... I can see your concern about examples; I think the idea of diagrams. 13:01:32 <sandro> davidwood: Except for 1.4 (namespace IRIs) it seems like I have to read the primer first. 1.4 should stay in Concepts in order to make Concepts able to stand on its own. (Primer isn't normative.) 13:01:32 <Guus> q+ 13:01:49 <ivan> ack Guus 13:02:12 <sandro> guus: The primer will be talking about Properties, so it's rather different. 13:03:46 <sandro> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html 13:04:17 <sandro> "This section should be removed from RDF Concepts and folded into [RDF-SCHEMA] which actually defines the terms in question. This is ACTION-121." 13:04:48 <sandro> cygri: All terms should be in the RDFS document, including the rdf: namespace. 13:05:12 <sandro> .. what goes in which is entirely a historical accident. 13:05:49 <sandro> ivan: Don't forget namespace document 13:05:57 <sandro> sandro: indeed, my action item 13:06:57 <sandro> cyg: Relationship to Semantics....? it'd be nice to have a principle about which text goes where. 13:07:07 <sandro> subtopic: Fragment identifiers in dataset syntaxes 13:07:14 <sandro> cyg: media type registration 13:07:52 <sandro> .. all the RDF syntaxes (should) refer to section 6 in concepts which talks about how hash URIs work here. 13:07:59 <sandro> .. does this apply in TriG as well? 13:08:13 <sandro> .. it's "mostly" the same as in RDF. 13:08:25 <sandro> .. but you MIGHT use it to name a graph, which is kind of a part of the document. 13:08:55 <Guus> q+ 13:08:55 <Guus> q- 13:08:57 <Guus> q? 13:09:06 <yvesr> sandro: we still need the graph URIs to be spelled out in the same way as other URIs 13:09:52 <sandro> cyg: If you used fragments like file1#graph1 then that mirrors other fragment syntaxes 13:10:03 <yvesr> s/cyg/cygri 13:10:04 <sandro> sandro: but you can use them repeatedly -- that's not like in HTML or XML 13:10:41 <sandro> cygri: to me the graph name situation, it's not external to the document, so it seems different 13:11:16 <sandro> ivan: pragmatically speaking, this is in the RFC's to direct general processors what to do with this content. and this bit in the RFC wouldn't help 13:11:39 <pchampin> q+ to make a crazy proposal 13:12:01 <sandro> cygri: Web crawling use case. Trig File in the wild. Claims "heres the content of this graph" so you dont want to put it in your store. But in the fragment case, it's safer. 13:12:12 <sandro> cygri: So there's a security thing here. 13:12:36 <Guus> q? 13:12:51 <sandro> cygri: The security issue only comes up if the graph name is external to the file. 13:13:31 <Guus> ack pchampin 13:13:31 <Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to make a crazy proposal 13:13:59 <sandro> pchampin: I'm guessing it's possible for a mime type to specify different meaning depending on their syntax. We could have a special syntax for fragments identifying graphs... 13:14:21 <sandro> -1 13:14:56 <yvesr> -1 13:15:00 <sandro> pchampin: If TriG had a special syntax for identifying *graphs* in the documents, we would have a way to formally declare those URIs denote graphs. 13:15:16 <sandro> sandro: yes it would work, but not it's not a good idea. :-) 13:15:44 <sandro> davidwood: We've had several discussions about how we can't rely on mime types anyway. 13:15:59 <MacTed> MacTed has joined #rdf-wg 13:17:25 <sandro> cyg: I hear some skepticism about whether it's necessary to say anything special about fragments in dataset... 13:17:39 <davidwood> Only 5 of the 10 issues listed at the top of Section 6 are still open 13:17:43 <yvesr> s/cyg/cygri 13:18:00 <sandro> sandro: I'd say don't try to hard, but go ahead if you like and we'll probably be fine with it. 13:18:05 <sandro> cyg: okay. 13:18:12 <sandro> subtopic: Abstract syntax for datasets 13:18:30 <sandro> cygri: Section 4, pasted in SPARQL text, and issue box. 13:19:56 <sandro> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-concepts/index.html#section-multigraph 6. Abstract Syntax for Working with Multiple Graphs 13:20:18 <sandro> cygri: maybe we can delete the issue box and leave in that definition? 13:20:41 <sandro> davidwood: Probably soon, once issues are closed. 13:20:41 <sandro> q+ 13:21:27 <sandro> cygri: What we don't have in there are "gbox" and "graph store". We don't have David's circle diagram. 13:21:44 <sandro> ivan: I think it would be useful to put here. 13:22:05 <sandro> cyg: Not here. We don't define those things. That's more Infroamtive Intro 13:22:26 <sandro> .. Think of mutable gbox or graph store thing, then static snapshot is an RDF Dataset. 13:23:05 <sandro> .. "gbox is a resource that can have a snapshot that is an RDF Graph" which doesn't seem useful to say Normatively. So I'd put it in 1.5 13:23:09 <sandro> davidwood: Agreed 13:23:23 <sandro> cygri: I propose to just call it "gbox". 13:23:28 <sandro> *laughter* 13:23:58 <sandro> davidwood: That's not the first time. :-) 13:24:00 <sandro> g-box 13:24:01 <sandro> gBox 13:24:04 <sandro> gb0x 13:24:12 <sandro> q? 13:24:33 <sandro> issue-5? 13:24:36 <trackbot> ISSUE-5 -- Should we define Graph Literal datatypes? -- closed 13:24:36 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/5 13:24:45 <sandro> issue-14? 13:26:46 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close issue-14, based on previous resolutions. We're sticking with SPARQL's notions. 13:26:47 <FabGandon> FabGandon has joined #rdf-wg 13:27:22 <pchampin2> pchampin2 has joined #rdf-wg 13:27:26 <cygri> +1 13:28:08 <yvesr> +1 13:29:35 <davidwood> g-box 13:29:42 <davidwood> davidwood has joined #rdf-wg 13:30:02 <sandro> sandro: I have a preference for calling the pair a name-pair and calling the graph the named graph. 13:30:23 <Guus> q+ 13:30:25 <davidwood> +1 to Sandro 13:30:50 <sandro> cygri: I think this is as pat says a harmless abuse of terminaology. I'm okay with some non-normative explanation of how things are used. 13:31:14 <sandro> guus: For the primer I wouldnt get into that. 13:31:30 <sandro> guus: Pat's think about name isn't a name. 13:31:40 <sandro> guus: I like "labeled graph" better but it wouldn't stick. 13:33:10 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-14. We're sticking with the SPARQL definition of Named Graphs. Informative text will explain that “named” isn't to be taken too literally, and that “named graph” often refers only to the graph part of the pair. 13:33:46 <sandro> +1 13:33:57 <pchampin> +1 13:33:57 <ivan> +1 13:34:03 <Guus> +1 13:34:24 <AZ> +1 13:34:27 <yvesr> +1 but would like 'not be to taken too literally' to be rephrased 13:34:38 <yvesr> s/be to/to be/ 13:34:41 <sandro> cyg: "despite the use of the word 'name', the IRI does not necessarily denote the graph" (or something like that) 13:35:17 <yvesr> s/cyg/cygri 13:35:23 <Arnaud> +0 13:35:26 <davidwood> +1 given Richard's explanation 13:35:33 <FabGandon> +1 13:36:15 <sandro> close issue-14 13:36:20 <davidwood> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-14. We're sticking with the SPARQL definition of Named Graphs. Informative text will explain that “named” isn't to be taken too literally, and that “named graph” often refers only to the graph part of the pair. 13:36:31 <cygri> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/15 13:36:49 <sandro> issue-15 13:36:55 <davidwood> ISSUE-14 closed via the Web 13:37:04 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close issue-15, the relationship is undefined. 13:37:10 <ivan> +1 13:37:11 <cygri> +1 13:37:12 <AZ> +1 13:37:21 <davidwood> +1 13:37:27 <sandro> +1 13:37:27 <cygri> Noting that this follows from the earlier resolution of not defining dataset semantics 13:37:42 <Arnaud> +1 13:37:50 <davidwood> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-15, the relationship is undefined. 13:37:53 <cygri> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/17 13:38:53 <sandro> cyg: RDF Semantics says how to merge RDF Graphs. What about RDF Datasets? 13:39:16 <davidwood> ISSUE-15 closed via the Web 13:40:41 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-17 -- there is no general purpose way to merge datasets; it can only be done with external knowledge. 13:40:57 <sandro> yvesr: Do we need dataset isomorphism? 13:41:12 <sandro> cyg: It's in there for graphs for testing, beside that do we need it. 13:41:33 <sandro> cyg: We might need something for testing, later on, yes. 13:41:46 <cygri> +0 13:41:47 <sandro> +1 13:41:47 <ivan> +1 13:41:48 <AZ> +1 13:41:51 <FabGandon> +1 13:41:53 <Guus> +1 13:41:56 <yvesr> +1 but we should spell it out 13:42:01 <Arnaud> +1 13:42:03 <davidwood> +0.5 13:42:45 <sandro> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-17 -- there is no general purpose way to merge datasets; it can only be done with external knowledge. 13:43:16 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-17 via the Web 13:43:37 <sandro> yvesr: How about in a note? 13:43:51 <sandro> ivan: yes, in some Dataset Semantics note, this stuff appears 13:43:53 <cygri> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/22 13:44:02 <sandro> sandro: yes, it falls out pretty much automatically. 13:44:09 <Zakim> +PatH 13:45:02 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/22 13:46:06 <sandro> sandro: I thought we resolved TriG would { } empty graphs 13:46:13 <path> path has joined #rdf-wg 13:46:19 <sandro> cygri: SPARQL allows empty graphs. 13:46:44 <davidwood> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2012-10-03#resolution_4 13:46:45 <sandro> cygri: I hope at least the abstract syntax has empty graphs. 13:47:01 <davidwood> "Our dataset syntax will allow for the expression of empty named graphs, whatever their semantics might be." 13:47:06 <sandro> (from before) 13:47:33 <sandro> yvesr: The assymmetry between N-Quads and TriG 13:47:45 <path> And their semantics is, they are trivially true in all interpretations. 13:47:55 <sandro> cygri: SPARQL handles that by saying stores can treat an empty graph as not existing. 13:48:33 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-22 based on the previous resolution 13:49:06 <sandro> cygri: "Note: N-Quads can't record the existings of empty names graphs" ... "Tools may not want to attach too much meaning to empty graphs" 13:49:36 <sandro> sandro: empty default graph? 13:49:54 <path> But Nquads can do this. One can use nulls, for example. 13:49:59 <Zakim> +GavinC 13:50:02 <sandro> cyg: THeree is always a default graph 13:50:06 <Zakim> +GavinC.a 13:50:20 <sandro> we do not hear Gavin 13:50:31 <yvesr> cygri: this is a TriG issue so should be tackled ther 13:50:40 <yvesr> s/ther/there 13:51:05 <sandro> guus: People who use this might expect information loss 13:51:23 <path> I want to see the video of gavin merging with himself 13:52:48 <cygri_> cygri_ has joined #rdf-wg 13:52:53 <Zakim> -GavinC 13:53:11 <trackbot> trackbot has joined #rdf-wg 13:53:17 <sandro> trackbot, issue-1? 13:53:20 <trackbot> Sorry, sandro, I don't understand 'trackbot, issue-1?'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 13:53:45 <cygri_> ACTION: cygri to add note on RDF Datasets noting that empty named graphs may not survive in some implementations 13:53:54 <trackbot> Created ACTION-199 - Add note on RDF Datasets noting that empty named graphs may not survive in some implementations [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2012-11-05]. 13:55:16 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-32 -- we do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps, but we recognize that people can do it by defining predicates that let them do it. We may publish a NOTE which provides such a vocabulary. 13:55:43 <cygri> +1 13:55:46 <ivan> +1 13:55:46 <sandro> +1 13:55:47 <davidwood> +1 13:55:47 <Guus> +1 13:55:47 <yvesr> +1 13:55:51 <FabGandon> +1 13:55:55 <pchampin> +1 13:55:56 <AZ> +1 13:56:05 <davidwood> [almost] RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-32 -- we do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps, but we recognize that people can do it by defining predicates that let them do it. We may publish a NOTE which provides such a vocabulary. 13:56:15 <sandro> close issue-32 13:56:15 <trackbot> ISSUE-32 Can we identify both g-boxes and g-snaps? closed 13:56:18 <path> -1 13:56:18 <sandro> issue-29? 13:56:21 <trackbot> ISSUE-29 -- Do we support SPARQL's notion of "default graph"? -- closed 13:56:21 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/29 13:57:59 <sandro> sandro: This resolution text is just a note to ourselves to remind ourselves why we closed the resolution. 13:58:39 <sandro> patL: I think the resolution should end at " we do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps." 13:58:49 <path> +1 13:58:58 <AZ> s/patL/path/ 13:59:00 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-32 -- We do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps. 13:59:05 <ivan> +1 13:59:07 <AZ> +1 13:59:10 <Arnaud> +1 13:59:11 <davidwood> PROPOSED: Close-32 -- we do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps. However, we recognize that people can identify graphs in a dataset syntax by defining predicates that let them do it. We may publish a NOTE which provides such a vocabulary. 13:59:11 <yvesr> +1 13:59:12 <FabGandon> +1 13:59:12 <sandro> +0.5 see IRC discussion here. 13:59:13 <Guus> +1 13:59:51 <sandro> sandro: Pat, are you okay with David's phrasing? 14:00:42 <sandro> pat: Here's my problem. I am still under the impression that we have not come to any agreement as a WG. We have not chosen a vocab for this -- Sandro suggested one -- but we couldn't agree on it. 14:00:45 <davidwood> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-32 -- We do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps. 14:00:45 <AZ> +1 to the short version 14:00:45 <sandro> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-32 -- We do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps. 14:00:52 <sandro> +1 14:00:53 <davidwood> +1 14:00:55 <AZ> +1 14:00:55 <FabGandon> +1 14:00:57 <ivan> +1 14:00:57 <yvesr> +1 14:00:59 <path> +1 14:01:00 <Arnaud> +1 14:01:03 <pchampin> +1 14:01:06 <cygri> +1 14:01:08 <Guus> -1 14:01:14 <Guus> oops typo 14:01:15 <sandro> ivan: No one does anything but vote until we say resolved 14:01:18 <Guus> +1 14:01:21 <sandro> sandro: like scribe? 14:01:26 <gavinc> 0 14:01:37 <sandro> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-32 -- We do not provide a standard way to identify g-boxes or g-snaps. 14:02:46 <gavinc> Yeah, we closed them by not having interoperability! Well done us! ;) 14:02:47 <path> THis could be a model for quite a number of thorny problems. 14:02:48 <Zakim> + +1.617.838.aaaa 14:02:58 <MacTed> aaaa is me 14:03:04 <shh> shh has joined #rdf-wg 14:03:05 <MacTed> Zakim, aaaa is me 14:03:05 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it 14:03:15 <ivan> zakim, who is here? 14:03:15 <Zakim> On the phone I see Rhone_4, ScottB, PatH, GavinC.a, MacTed 14:03:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see shh, trackbot, cygri, path, davidwood, FabGandon, MacTed, SteveS, gavinc, ScottB, ivan, pchampin, mlnt, AndyS, Guus, AZ, Arnaud, RRSAgent, Zakim, yvesr, manu1, 14:03:16 <Zakim> ... mischat, sandro, ericP 14:03:35 <ivan> zakim, GavinC.a is really Gavinc 14:03:35 <Zakim> +Gavinc; got it 14:03:53 <shh> shh has left #rdf-wg 14:04:00 <cygri> subtopic: Next RDF Concepts WD 14:04:28 <sandro> cyg: New WDs of rdf-concepts. I can address the yellow boxes now, I think. 14:04:49 <sandro> .. Can we go to Last Call? Or put out another WD first? 14:05:05 <path> In 2004 the semantics went through c. 30 drafts. 14:05:29 <sandro> guus: We owe it to the community to do a WD before Last Call 14:05:39 <sandro> sandro: why? 14:05:45 <sandro> ivan: LC is just we're internally resolved on it, not community 14:05:54 <path> Not a Call if you just put it out in public and invite comments. 14:06:01 <sandro> sandro: You can go straight to last call 14:06:18 <path> +1 14:06:21 <davidwood> It is a Call because we are calling for public comments 14:06:32 <sandro> cyg: Pragmatically -- it would be bad to publish LC of Concepts since we don't even have FPWD of everything else. 14:06:39 <gavinc> +1 to not publishing a last call for data sets without a concrete syntax for datasets 14:06:41 <sandro> ivan: true 14:07:04 <path> +1 to cyg. 14:07:25 <sandro> sandro: So, next WD of rdf-concepts within a month or so? 14:07:35 <sandro> david: (reads W3C Process on Last Call) 14:08:36 <sandro> cyg: Yes. 14:10:05 <sandro> zakim, who is on the call? 14:10:05 <Zakim> On the phone I see Rhone_4, ScottB, PatH, Gavinc, MacTed 14:10:14 <Zakim> -PatH 14:10:15 <sandro> topic: [COFFEE BREAK] 14:10:22 <gavinc> enjoy your coffee 14:10:43 <gavinc> 7.30 PDT 14:10:52 <MacTed> danke 14:12:04 <Zakim> -MacTed 14:12:49 <gavinc> I have no idea how to provide any examples in TriG btw, give our resolution to ISSUE-15 :\ 14:20:29 <gkellogg> gkellogg has joined #rdf-wg 14:27:22 <Zakim> +??P8 14:27:27 <gkellogg> zakim, I am ??P8 14:27:27 <Zakim> +gkellogg; got it 14:27:40 <Guus> welcome gregg, we're just in a break 14:28:45 <Guus> we're 30 min late wrt our agenda 14:29:05 <Zakim> -ScottB 14:30:19 <Zakim> +Tony 14:31:26 <Zakim> +PatH 14:32:30 <Zakim> +MacTed 14:33:21 <path> great sound tapestry of multiple languages. 14:33:28 <davidwood> +1 14:33:37 <gkellogg> zakim: mute me 14:33:57 <gkellogg> zakim, mute me 14:33:57 <Zakim> gkellogg should now be muted 14:34:33 <cygri> zakim, who is on the phone? 14:34:33 <Zakim> On the phone I see Rhone_4, Gavinc, gkellogg (muted), Tony, PatH, MacTed 14:34:34 <path> I once had a very bad curry in Marseilles. 14:34:50 <yvesr> :) 14:35:11 <ScottB> Zakim, Tony is temporarily me 14:35:11 <Zakim> +ScottB; got it 14:35:21 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me 14:35:21 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted 13:35:30 <cygri> scribe: AZ 14:35:42 <AZ> topic: RDF Semantics 14:35:58 <gavinc> mmm, yes indeed as I have meetings at 9am PDT 14:36:03 <AZ> Guus: but we'll start Turtle at 4:30 at the latest 14:36:33 <gavinc> that means 30 minutes for Turtle yes? 14:36:39 <AZ> Guus: we may not reach issues re. Semantics VS Concepts 14:37:04 <AZ> ... we hope to get to LC before end of Jan. 14:37:24 <AZ> ... let's look at things to be resolved in semantics 14:37:36 <AZ> ... let's have Pat's view 14:37:56 <davidwood> GavinC, Turtle in 53 minutes 14:38:00 <davidwood> from now 14:38:11 <pchampin> pchampin has left #rdf-wg 14:38:30 <cygri> subtopic: Splitting the RDF Semantics document 14:38:39 <AZ> path: the situation as I see it... 14:38:52 <AZ> ... there several major changes that we resolved not doing 14:39:24 <AZ> ... but regarding the doc it would be good to scale down the text 14:39:47 <Guus> Open issues on RDF Semantics: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/9 14:39:50 <AZ> ... now it contains both the formal and the "tutorial-like" part on semantics 14:40:12 <AZ> ... let us separate the MT in a short doc 14:40:17 <pchampin> pchampin has joined #rdf-wg 14:40:39 <AZ> ... and do a separate doc that summarise the inference rules and give the tutorial stuff 14:41:11 <AZ> ... and declare that these rules are non normative 14:41:15 <cygri> q+ 14:41:28 <sandro> q- 14:41:34 <cygri> q+ to ask about the third rule "tutorial on model theory" 14:41:55 <sandro> +1 splitting RDF Semantics into Normative part and Entailments. 14:41:57 <davidwood> ack Guus 14:41:58 <AZ> ... the proof of completeness of rules etc would be removed 14:42:15 <Guus> ack cygri 14:42:15 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to ask about the third rule "tutorial on model theory" 14:42:31 <AZ> cygri: good analysis of the current docs 14:42:50 <AZ> ... I like having a more focused doc that only treats the formal stuff 14:43:52 <AZ> ... we should retain the rest in some form as a note 14:44:08 <AZ> ... for people who want to know a bit more without having to get into MT 14:44:26 <davidwood> Good idea 14:44:29 <AZ> ... I agree the rules should not be normative 14:44:51 <AZ> ... the question is where the informative, more accessible things would go 14:45:38 <ivan> q+ 14:46:05 <AZ> ... About the "tutorial-like" parts on model theory, I found it somehow useful in some way 14:46:31 <Guus> q? 14:46:38 <Guus> ack ivan 14:46:46 <AZ> path: we could keep the intro to MT in RDF semantics before formal definitions comes 14:47:15 <AZ> ivan: I agree we can keep the intro on MT in RDF semantics as informative part 14:47:33 <AZ> ... and we should put references to relevant books 14:47:39 <cygri> ivan++ 14:48:06 <Guus> q? 14:48:13 <AZ> ... the rules would end up as a note 14:48:45 <gavinc> MT would be another document, right? Okay, yes/ 14:49:39 <AZ> ... there are defintions in the MT (lean graphs, issues on bnodes, etc) which are normative so should be in RDF semantics 14:49:51 <AZ> ... but may be needed in the doc on rules 14:50:11 <Guus> q+ to point out danger of doc proliferation 14:50:24 <AZ> path: maybe we could keep things in one document 14:50:44 <AZ> ivan: the different sections are for different audiences so it's better separated 14:51:05 <AZ> Guus: I don't like document proliferation 14:51:15 <davidwood> q+ 14:51:20 <davidwood> ack gus 14:51:23 <AZ> ... it's a burden on our readership 14:51:24 <davidwood> ack guus 14:51:24 <Zakim> Guus, you wanted to point out danger of doc proliferation 14:51:30 <path> maybe definitions of lean, merge etc,, should be in concepts? 14:51:38 <cygri> q+ 14:51:41 <AZ> ... I feel better with Pat's idea of keeping all this in one doc 14:51:49 <Guus> ack davidwood 14:52:12 <AZ> davidwood: it's also a problem for our readers if the docs become insanely huge 14:52:18 <Guus> ack cygri 14:52:51 <AZ> cygri: it makes sense to group content of docs in function of the readership rather than in terms of theme 14:52:58 <path> +1 to cygri. documents are aimed at readership. 14:53:05 <sandro> +1 cygri: group documents based on readership. so keeping all three together isn't such a good idea 14:53:18 <Guus> ok, happy to be convinced 14:53:24 <AZ> ... keeping content of RDF semantics as it is is not a good idea 14:53:44 <AZ> ... although I agree doc proliferation is also a problem 14:54:04 <MacTed> I generally prefer three distinct 50 page docs over one 150 page doc with three distinct chapters 14:54:09 <AZ> Guus: happy to be convinced if there are very good reasons 14:54:29 <davidwood> q+ re RAISED issues 14:54:33 <MacTed> (especially when they're commonly presented as one giant streaming HTML page) 14:54:35 <cygri> subtopic: ISSUE-9 (Bug in entailment rules) 14:54:41 <AZ> Guus: let us look at the open issues 14:54:48 <gavinc> www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/9 14:55:12 <AZ> ... open and raised issues 14:55:21 <davidwood> q- 14:56:10 <AZ> path: the rules are incomplete and we should remove proofs and not express guarantees that they are complete 14:56:59 <AZ> ... there are rules that are computationally bad but necessary for completeness 14:57:25 <AZ> cygri: could we transform this into an action 14:57:52 <AZ> gavinc: we could make a resolution without closing the issue 14:58:37 <AZ> Guus: we resolve to close the issue by having an action to solve it 14:59:48 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Semantics editors accept an action to add the missing inference rule as pointed out in ISSUE-9; this closes ISSUE-9 15:00:19 <davidwood> Opened ISSUEs 84, 85, 90, 97 and 98 15:00:27 <ivan> +1 15:00:29 <AZ> +1 15:00:30 <MacTed> +1 15:00:33 <davidwood> +1 15:00:44 <yvesr> +1 15:00:45 <AZ> RESOLVED: Semantics editors accept an action to add the missing inference rule as pointed out in ISSUE-9; this closes ISSUE-9 15:00:54 <davidwood> CLOSE ISSUE-9 15:01:21 <AZ> action: path to add the missing inference rules as pointed out in ISSUE-9; this closes ISSUE-9 15:02:18 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-9 via the Web with the resolution comments (lost Tracker again) 15:02:24 <trackbot> trackbot has joined #rdf-wg 15:02:35 <AZ> cygri: we resolved that the list of datatypes should be removed from semantics and put in concepts 15:02:40 <sandro> action: path to add the missing inference rules as pointed out in ISSUE-9; this closes ISSUE-9 15:02:55 <AZ> ivan: but XMLliterals is the source of inconcistency 15:03:24 <AZ> path: we don't need to have the list of datatypes and can refer to concepts 15:04:17 <trackbot> trackbot has joined #rdf-wg 15:04:20 <sandro> action: path to add the missing inference rules as pointed out in ISSUE-9; this closes ISSUE-9 15:05:30 <cygri> subtopic: ISSUE-11 (Other semantics-related documents) 15:04:32 <cygri> q+ to talk about semantic extensions 15:05:02 <AZ> ivan: the POWDER IRI set (????) is an extension of RDF semantics 15:05:46 <AZ> ... it would be nice to have all things in one place 15:06:00 <AZ> path: it would be a mistake to try to put everything together as it can grow 15:06:18 <AZ> ... we could say that they are legal extensions 15:06:29 <sandro> q? 15:06:37 <AZ> ... and specify well what are formally semantic extensions 15:06:41 <sandro> q+ 15:07:01 <Guus> ack cygri 15:07:01 <Zakim> cygri, you wanted to talk about semantic extensions 15:07:34 <AZ> cygri: the notion of semantic extension is not very well put in the doc but is mentionned 15:07:43 <AZ> ... and IRIset semantics is a very good example of extension 15:08:17 <AZ> ... rdf:plainLiteral is now irrelevant with our decision on removing plain literals 15:08:48 <Guus> ack sandro 15:08:48 <AZ> sandro: it's more important for OWL where you need this for property rangs 15:08:57 <AZ> s/rangs/range/ 15:11:04 <sandro> q+ 15:11:44 <AZ> sandro: we need better explanations on what entailment is useful for the semantic web 15:12:29 <AZ> ... it seems that at the moment people have different expectations of what the semantics is for 15:13:45 <davidwood> ack sandro 15:13:48 <ivan> PROPOSED: the Semantics document will make the notion of semantics extension more explicit, and will refer to the POWDER and the SPARQL Entailment Regimes as good examples 15:14:19 <cygri> +1 15:14:23 <AZ> +1 15:14:25 <ivan> +1 15:14:26 <davidwood> +1 15:14:27 <Guus> =1 15:14:30 <FabGandon> +1 15:14:31 <path> +1 15:14:36 <yvesr> +1 15:14:42 <sandro> +1 but I'm scared about what that text might look like without a lot more discussion. 15:14:52 <AZ> RESOLVED: The Semantics document will make the notion of semantics extension more explicit, and will refer to the POWDER and the SPARQL Entailment Regimes as good examples 15:16:03 <AZ> Guus: do we postpone this for later? 15:16:17 <AZ> ivan: rdf:plainLiteral does not change anything 15:16:38 <AZ> ... to the semantics document 15:17:31 <AZ> ... the question is only about the influence on RDF Semantics 1.1 15:18:23 <AZ> path: any decision refering to rdf:plainLiteral would be a trivial change like 1 sentence 15:18:35 <gavinc> Close without prejudice? 15:18:43 <AZ> cygri: we should see if the OWL WG really care about what we do wrt plainLiteral 15:18:57 <AZ> ivan: they probably do not care 15:19:32 <sandro> sandro: (thinking: so, no one cares about whether rdf:PlainLiteral is "ugly"....) 15:19:53 <davidwood> Close ISSUE-11 RESOLVED: the Semantics document will make the notion of semantics extension more explicit, and will refer to the POWDER and the SPARQL Entailment Regimes as good examples 15:20:34 <davidwood> Close ISSUE-11 via the Web 15:21:50 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-70 via the Web 15:22:00 <cygri> subtopic: ISSUE-85 (XSD 1.1, equality, and identity) 15:22:50 <AZ> issue-85? 15:23:33 <AZ> path: I don't know the difference between equality and identity 15:23:49 <AZ> sandro: consider it's relation1 and relation2, and see what you get 15:24:35 <AZ> path: let us say that RDF semantics is defined in terms of identity 15:25:20 <davidwood> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2011May/0294.html 15:25:57 <AZ> ericP: SPARQL has operations that use identity and others equality 15:26:49 <davidwood> Alex Hall's Review of XSD Datatypes 1.1 Changes http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2012Feb/0039.html 15:27:18 <gavinc> SPARQL has both 15:28:03 <AZ> ericP: SPARQL has eq and = 15:28:33 <cygri> q+ 15:28:44 <AZ> ericP: it's the distinction you have in lisp 15:28:45 <gavinc> 1 == 1.0 or 1 != 1.0 15:29:38 <cygri> q- 15:29:57 <ericP> -> http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-sameTerm SPARQL sameTerm operator 15:30:05 <AZ> davidwood: SPARQL distnguishes "2 numbers being equal" (=) and "2 strings are equal", the later requires computation 15:31:33 <davidwood> Almost all computer languages make the same type of comparisons: Numbers and strings are compared differently. 15:31:55 <AZ> cygri: ask alex (Alex Hall) from SPARQL 1.1 WG to know what he thinks the clarification should be 15:33:28 <sandro> q? 15:34:28 <gavinc> Yes, computers are wrong ;) 15:34:29 <sandro> sandro: In my book this is what D-Entailment is about. Do "01"^^xs:integer and "1"^^xs:integer co-refer ? 15:34:35 <davidwood> a = a + 1 15:35:15 <Arnaud> this is about a == b vs a.equals(b) 15:35:24 <AZ> cygri: there may not be interest in discussing an issue we don't even know what it is about 15:35:33 <davidwood> +1 to Arnaud noting that neither is = 15:35:35 <cygri> subtopic: ISSUE-98 (Graph semantics and dataset semantics) 15:35:40 <cygri> ISSUE-98? 15:36:24 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-98 because we are leaving the semantics of RDF datasets unspecified 15:36:49 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-98 15:37:21 <gavinc> tomorrow is much worse 15:37:24 <AZ> Guus: we leave the other issues on semantics for later 15:37:29 <AZ> topic: Turtle 15:37:32 <ScottB> I'm going to have to sign off early 15:37:39 <Zakim> -ScottB 15:37:54 <path> OK, I will drop out now. thanks. 15:38:02 <Zakim> -PatH 15:38:11 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 15:38:20 <AndyS> zakim, IPCaller is me 15:38:20 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it 15:38:30 <AZ> gavinc: the remaining issues are around test cases, how we publish them 15:39:00 <cygri> subtopic: Test cases and CR exit criteria 15:39:05 <AZ> Guus: we plan to have a CR in 2 weeks, which seems unlikely 15:40:00 <AZ> ericP: we still have Tim's comment 15:41:34 <AZ> ivan: we can say the commenters we wait for 2 weekd for their answer and move on 15:42:12 <AZ> ericP: if we don't get response, we assume agreement 15:43:04 <AZ> ivan: tests don't have to be complete when we are in CR 15:43:34 <AZ> ... we have to say what we think is necessary to pass the test 15:44:18 <gavinc> Two implementations are likely to pass the tests, in reality 3 :P gkellogg, gavinc, and AndyS :P 15:45:01 <AZ> ivan: the call for implementation is the CR 15:45:24 <AZ> ... but we can skip it if you already have the required implementation already 15:45:34 <AZ> sandro: but we don't have the test suite yet 15:45:40 <gavinc> q? 15:46:03 <AZ> ericP: we want 2 implementations 15:46:18 <sandro> PROPOSED: Our CR exit criterion for Turtle will be: two or more implementations passing all the approved tests in the test suite. 15:46:25 <davidwood> +1 15:46:27 <gkellogg> +1 15:46:28 <ericP> +1 15:46:29 <yvesr> +1 15:46:30 <gavinc> +1 15:46:33 <ivan> +1 15:46:33 <Arnaud> +1 15:46:34 <AZ> +1 15:46:37 <sandro> +1 15:46:53 <sandro> RESOLVED: Our CR exit criterion for Turtle will be: two or more implementations passing all the approved tests in the test suite. 15:46:55 <Arnaud> q+ 15:47:09 <Guus> ack Arnoud 15:47:16 <davidwood> ack Arnaud 15:47:23 <gavinc> At risk features, PREFIX/BASE 15:47:36 <AZ> Arnaud: do we have an idea of when we are likely to have the 2 implemetnations 15:47:46 <gkellogg> zakim, unmute me 15:47:46 <Zakim> gkellogg should no longer be muted 15:48:02 <AndyS> q+ 15:48:07 <gavinc> Do at RISK features need to be resolved before CR? 15:48:11 <AZ> sandro: we should have a rec before asking for more time 15:48:23 <Guus> ack AndyS 15:48:33 <gavinc> 1000 ;) 15:48:37 <gavinc> yes it does 15:48:46 <sandro> Excellent! 15:49:03 <AZ> AndyS: we need to define formally what the test suite is 15:49:28 <AZ> ericP: I expect it to be like the RDF/XML test suite 15:50:02 <AZ> ... it gives correspondence between RDF/XML input and N-triples equivalent 15:50:05 <gavinc> Test Suite N-Triples 15:50:42 <AZ> sandro: there can be negative syntax test 15:50:49 <AndyS> +1 to Sandro 15:51:15 <AZ> ... parsers can accept invalid input but we can have the test nonetheless 15:51:49 <gkellogg> my parser implements a "strict" option, for this purpose 15:51:54 <yvesr> +1 to sandro as well 15:52:14 <AZ> ericP: we could say we require 2 turtle parsers that succeed on positive test and reject negative tests 15:52:18 <gavinc> my parser has "explode_violently" 15:52:25 <AndyS> as gkellogg -- RIOT has special strict mode. 15:52:29 <gavinc> steaming nature bing the issue 15:52:42 <sandro> sandro: I think it would be good to have some "validating" parsers, parsers which can pass negative syntax tests. 15:52:55 <AZ> ericP: negative test make sure that some things are not misinterpreted by some parsers 15:53:37 <sandro> gavin: we need to be able to emit some triples before failing 15:53:39 <AZ> gavinc: issues with streaming parsers 15:53:48 <AndyS> some triples and an error is a "no" 15:53:53 <sandro> +1 allow parser to emit triples before saying NOT-TURTLE. 15:54:01 <AZ> ericP: I don't think streaming would be problem 15:54:25 <gkellogg> Yes, I'll emit triples too, but raise an error on invalid input. 15:54:32 <AZ> sandro: we are ok with having negative syntax test 15:54:34 <AndyS> (or read to tmp place) 15:54:37 <AZ> s/test/tests/ 15:55:06 <sandro> consensus -- we're okay with having negative syntax tests, as long as it's okay to emit some triples before rejecting the input as not strictly turtle 15:55:35 <AZ> ericP: catalogue the tests we have in terms of features tested 15:56:29 <AZ> ... test points to relevantdocument parts 15:56:45 <AZ> s/relevantdocument/relevant document/ 15:58:18 <sandro> subtopic: Can a turtle parser normalize xsd data? 15:57:51 <gkellogg> Serialize "foo" or "foo"^^xsd:string? 15:58:27 <AZ> ericP: if we write the tests according to their equivalent in N-triples, the Turtle will look very much like the N-triples 15:58:44 <sandro> eric: we could just make sure none of the test push against this. 15:59:01 <sandro> eric: So, let's just test canonical forms for datatype literals. 15:59:12 <sandro> +1 that should work 16:00:01 <sandro> eric: XSD 1.0 vs XSD 1.1 doubles with trailing zero 16:00:15 <AndyS> write the tests so NT has the exact same lexical form as input. 16:00:48 <sandro> sandro: Let's just avoid anything like "1."^^xs:double or "1.0"^^xs:double 16:02:02 <AZ> Guus: who's going to define the tests and the features tested 16:02:47 <AZ> gavinc: I'd be happy to do that but it would be good to have support from someone else 16:02:55 <AZ> gkellogg: ok to do it 16:02:58 <sandro> +1 gkellogg doing turtle test results reporting! 16:03:12 <AndyS> q+ 16:03:23 <gavinc> q? 16:04:28 <sandro> +1 yes, the report generation -- making and colating EARL reports 16:04:59 <gavinc> can help with hosting as well 16:05:25 <AZ> sandro: implementers should send EARL report or at least the tests passed 16:05:30 <AndyS> q- 16:05:48 <sandro> sandro: I'm just asking for someone to be accepting the list of tests pasts, and generating a page of red/green test results. 16:06:35 <ericP> ACTION: ericP to document the testable features of Turtle 16:07:11 <AZ> Guus: we don't need to resolve featurse at risks 16:07:12 <sandro> Guus: gkellogg will maintain the implementation/test-results report 16:07:26 <AZ> s/featurse/features/ 16:07:31 <AndyS> err .. "at risk" is OK for LC ... but CR? 16:09:02 <AZ> sandro: at risk means we wait for implementations to see 16:10:14 <gavinc> fgandon 16:10:28 <AndyS> I thought NT was to be a separate doc. 16:11:11 <gavinc> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/187f33366805/rdf-turtle/index.html# 16:12:44 <sandro> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/187f33366805/rdf-turtle/index.html#sec-grammar-grammar 16:12:44 <gavinc> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/187f33366805/rdf-turtle/index.html#sec-grammar-grammar feature at risk 16:12:44 <cygri> cygri has joined #rdf-wg 16:13:38 <gavinc> -0.9 :P so no you can't resolve it now :P 16:13:50 <cygri> scribe: cygri 16:14:26 <cygri> [discussion of tests] 16:14:37 <cygri> q? 16:14:39 <Guus> q? 16:15:00 <cygri> Arnaud: Turtle's conformance section forces us to do negative tests 16:15:13 <gavinc> "This specification does not define how Turtle parsers handle non-conforming input documents." 16:15:15 <gavinc> No, it doesn't. 16:15:25 <sandro> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/187f33366805/rdf-turtle/index.html#conformance 16:15:25 <ericP> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/187f33366805/rdf-turtle/index.html#conformance 16:15:28 <cygri> sandro: are you looking at the right version? 16:15:43 <cygri> Arnaud: no, sorry, nevermind 16:16:21 <Zakim> -Gavinc 16:17:03 <cygri> topic: Issue cleanup 16:17:17 <Zakim> -gkellogg 16:17:19 <cygri> ivan: I'm looking at the open issues for the WG 16:17:33 <cygri> ... there are more open graphs issues 16:17:49 <cygri> ISSUE-23? 16:17:51 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/products/1 16:17:53 <cygri> ISSUE-31? 16:17:55 <cygri> ISSUE-35? 16:17:58 <cygri> ISSUE-38? 16:18:09 <cygri> https://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/23 16:18:16 <sandro> 23 == Does going from single-graph to multi-graph require new format and new media types? 16:18:17 <Zakim> -AndyS 16:18:56 <cygri> guus: do we have discussed concepts-semantics-relationship sufficiently? 16:18:58 <cygri> cygri: I think yes 16:19:08 <trackbot> trackbot has joined #rdf-wg 16:19:13 <cygri> ISSUE-23? 16:19:13 <trackbot> ISSUE-23 -- Does going from single-graph to multi-graph require new format and new media types? -- open 16:19:13 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/23 16:19:36 <cygri> q+ 16:20:19 <cygri> ack me 16:20:34 <cygri> cygri: JSON-LD is currently a single- and multigraph syntax 16:20:40 <cygri> guus: ok, let's not discuss now 16:20:42 <sandro> cygri: JSON-LD is multigraph and single graph! 16:20:42 <sandro> sandro: damn. 16:20:46 <cygri> ISSUE-31? 16:20:46 <trackbot> ISSUE-31 -- Do we produce a standard (REC) syntax for conveying multiple graphs? -- open 16:20:46 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/31 16:21:09 <cygri> ivan: this is to be closed, we have a resolution 16:21:22 <cygri> ISSUE-35? 16:21:22 <trackbot> ISSUE-35 -- Should there be an rdf:Graph construct, or something like that? -- open 16:21:22 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/35 16:21:40 <cygri> sandro: we decided to do that maybe in a Note 16:21:45 <cygri> ... so it can be closed 16:21:47 <cygri> ISSUE-38 16:21:50 <cygri> ISSUE-38? 16:21:50 <trackbot> ISSUE-38 -- What new vocabulary should be added to RDF to talk about graphs? -- open 16:21:50 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/38 16:21:58 <sandro> issue-31 is admin -- we've already agreed on stuff that closes this. 16:22:48 <sandro> PROPOSED: close ISSUE-35 and ISSUE-28 saying we're not going to do these in a REC, but might something like this in a WG NOTE 16:22:58 <sandro> PROPOSED: close ISSUE-35 and ISSUE-38 saying we're not going to do these in a REC, but might something like this in a WG NOTE 16:23:05 <yvesr> +1 16:23:11 <sandro> +1 16:23:12 <Guus> +1 16:23:13 <ivan> +1 16:23:14 <cygri> +1 16:23:15 <pchampin> +1 16:23:29 <yvesr> (but noting it would be great to have that note :) ) 16:23:32 <ericP> +1 16:23:34 <cygri> RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-35 and ISSUE-38 saying we're not going to do these in a REC, but might something like this in a WG NOTE 16:23:50 <cygri> q+ 16:24:41 <cygri> ISSUE-95? 16:24:41 <trackbot> ISSUE-95 -- Turtle Inverse Property Syntax -- open 16:24:41 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/95 16:26:01 <davidwood> Closed ISSUE-31 via the Web 16:26:12 <cygri> cygri: we have issues left in RDF General and Cleanup tasks 16:26:12 <davidwood> The resolution was here: RESOLVED: We will produce a W3C Recommendation for a dataset syntax, similar to TriG and to SPARQL's named graph syntax. This does not preclude recommending a syntax like n-quads. http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/meeting/2012-10-03#resolution_2 16:26:23 <cygri> guus: we should go through all remaining open issues tomorrow 16:27:00 <cygri> davidwood: we have mostly syntax issues left 16:27:31 <davidwood> …and Notes 16:28:47 <cygri> [discussion of scheduling for tomorrow] 16:29:19 <cygri> RRSAgent, make logs public # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE OR BELOW. SRCLINESUSED=00001030