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From Provenance WG Wiki
Face To Face Meeting 3
Date: June 22-23, 2012
Time: 9am - 5pm PDT both days
Location: Santa Barbara, California
Dial-In Info:
- Friday, 22 Jun - Saturday, 23 Jun 16:00-01:00 UTC (12:00pm-9:00pm Boston local)
- Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7768 ("PROV")
- The meeting will be collocated with IPAW 2012
- The meeting will take place at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in Bren Hall room 2436.
- See the IPAW 2012 venue page for information about travel, lodging, directions, etc.
In Santa Barbara
- Paul Groth
- Luc Moreau
- James Cheney
- Tim Lebo
- Khalid Belhajjame
- Paolo Missier (day 1 only)
- Stephan Zednik
- Curt Tilmes
- Reza B'Far
- Craig Trim
- Tom De Nies
- David Corsar (until day 2 lunch)
- Paulo Pinheiro da Silva
- Daniel Garijo (Part of Day 1)
- Jun Zhao (will try)
- Eric Stephan(Day 1)
- Graham Klyne (Day 1)
- Ted Thibodeau (Day 1, will try)
- Satya Sahoo
- Deborah McGuinness
- Jim McCusker
- Simon Miles
- Ivan Herman
- Olaf Hartig
- Sam Coppens
- Ted Thibodeau (Day 2)