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Chatlog 2011-07-28
From Provenance WG Wiki
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14:51:53 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #prov 14:51:53 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/28-prov-irc 14:51:55 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world 14:51:55 <Zakim> Zakim has joined #prov 14:51:57 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 14:51:57 <Zakim> I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:51:58 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference 14:51:58 <trackbot> Date: 28 July 2011 14:52:20 <pgroth> Chair: Paul Groth 14:52:33 <pgroth> Regrets: Helena Deus 14:53:18 <pgroth> zakim, who is on the call? 14:53:18 <Zakim> sorry, pgroth, I don't know what conference this is 14:53:19 <Zakim> On IRC I see RRSAgent, pgroth, MacTed, edsu, sandro, trackbot 14:53:33 <pgroth> Zakim, this will be PROV 14:53:33 <Zakim> ok, pgroth, I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM already started 14:53:40 <pgroth> zakim, who is on the call? 14:53:40 <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P33 14:53:49 <pgroth> Zakim, ??P33 is me 14:53:49 <Zakim> +pgroth; got it 14:53:52 <Luc> Luc has joined #prov 14:54:04 <pgroth> can anyone on the call scribe today? 14:55:25 <pgroth> Regrets: Helena Deus, Reza B'Far 14:56:00 <Zakim> + +44.238.059.aaaa 14:56:19 <Luc> zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me 14:56:19 <Zakim> +Luc; got it 14:56:40 <Curt> Curt has joined #prov 14:57:15 <Zakim> + +1.443.987.aabb 14:57:25 <Edoardo> Edoardo has joined #prov 14:57:57 <Zakim> + +1.858.210.aacc 14:58:13 <Zakim> +??P41 14:58:33 <Curt> zakim, +1.443.987.aabb is me 14:58:33 <Zakim> +Curt; got it 14:58:40 <pgroth> can anyone scribe today? 14:58:48 <Zakim> +??P44 14:58:56 <GK1> GK1 has joined #prov 14:59:59 <JimMyers> JimMyers has joined #prov 15:00:23 <khalidbelhajjame> khalidbelhajjame has joined #prov 15:00:32 <dcorsar> dcorsar has joined #prov 15:00:33 <smiles> smiles has joined #prov 15:00:34 <zednik> zednik has joined #prov 15:00:35 <StephenCresswell> StephenCresswell has joined #prov 15:00:48 <Zakim> + +1.540.449.aadd 15:01:15 <Zakim> +??P54 15:01:19 <pgroth> can someone scribe today? 15:01:56 <Zakim> +??P63 15:02:04 <Zakim> + +1.518.633.aaee 15:02:07 <smiles> zakim, ??P63 is me 15:02:17 <Zakim> +smiles; got it 15:02:46 <pgroth> Scribe: smiles 15:02:46 <SamCoppens> SamCoppens has joined #prov 15:02:50 <Zakim> +??P68 15:02:52 <Christine> Christine has joined #prov 15:02:58 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aaff 15:03:03 <khalidbelhajjame> zakim, ??P54 is me 15:03:03 <Zakim> +khalidbelhajjame; got it 15:03:13 <tlebo> tlebo has joined #prov 15:03:51 <Zakim> +Kingsley_Idehen 15:03:55 <smiles> pgroth: describes agenda 15:04:00 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2011-07-21 15:04:01 <MacTed> Zakim, Kingsley_Idehen is OpenLink_Software 15:04:07 <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:04:09 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software; got it 15:04:09 <pgroth> PROPOSED to accept the minutes of 21 Jul telecon and F2F1 15:04:15 <Zakim> +MacTed; got it 15:04:20 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 15:04:22 <tlebo> +1 15:04:22 <Curt> +1 15:04:25 <smiles> 0 (was not present) 15:04:25 <zednik> +1 15:04:29 <MacTed> Zakim, mute me 15:04:38 <Zakim> + +329331aagg 15:04:41 <StephenCresswell> +1 15:04:42 <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted 15:04:46 <Zakim> +??P28 15:04:47 <Edoardo> +1 15:04:48 <dgarijo> dgarijo has joined #prov 15:04:53 <dcorsar> =+1 15:04:53 <GK> GK has joined #prov 15:05:03 <SamCoppens> zakim, +329331aagg is me 15:05:04 <Zakim> +SamCoppens; got it 15:05:08 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here? 15:05:14 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/actions/open 15:05:16 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, Curt, +1.858.210.aacc, ??P41, ??P44, +1.540.449.aadd, khalidbelhajjame, smiles, +1.518.633.aaee, ??P68, +1.518.276.aaff, MacTed (muted), SamCoppens, 15:05:23 <Zakim> ... ??P28 15:05:27 <Zakim> On IRC I see GK, dgarijo, tlebo, Christine, SamCoppens, StephenCresswell, zednik, smiles, dcorsar, khalidbelhajjame, JimMyers, GK1, Edoardo, Curt, Luc, Zakim, RRSAgent, pgroth, MacTed, 15:05:27 <smiles> Topic: Action items <smiles> Summary: All prior actions, except one ongoing, were considered completed or superceded, so have been closed. 15:05:32 <Zakim> ... edsu, sandro, trackbot 15:05:46 <smiles> pgroth: Actions have been cleaned up, as sometimes completed, sometimes superceded 15:05:49 <Zakim> -??P28 15:06:05 <smiles> pgroth: One action left on Stephan regarding 2nd iteration of use case questionnaire 15:06:30 <Zakim> +??P13 15:06:40 <smiles> Topic: Deadline for issues submission <smiles> Summary: Any issues that should be addressed in the drafts should be raised by next Thursday. Issues can be raised after this, but will not be open, and will be dealt with after the first set of issues. 15:06:47 <Luc> q? 15:06:49 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P13 is me 15:06:58 <pgroth> q? 15:07:02 <smiles> pgroth: would be good to have a deadline for issue submission, suggest next week's telecon 15:07:03 <Zakim> +??P10 15:07:07 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it 15:07:12 <GK> zakim, ??P10 is me 15:07:13 <Zakim> +GK; got it 15:07:15 <khalidbelhajjame> q? 15:07:19 <pgroth> q? 15:07:22 <khalidbelhajjame> q+ 15:07:38 <Zakim> - +1.518.276.aaff 15:07:50 <smiles> khalid: with respect to all drafts or just model and paq? 15:07:55 <smiles> pgroth: should be all documents 15:08:00 <khalidbelhajjame> q- 15:08:08 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aahh 15:08:25 <smiles> ... if we feel the need to later open up for further issues on a document, we can do so, e.g. we may need to do so for the ontology 15:08:29 <smiles> q+ 15:08:41 <GK> q+ to say I don't think its reasonable to close documents to issue submission, if that's being proposed 15:08:42 <pgroth> ack simon 15:09:20 <smiles> smiles: what do we do if we think of more issues after deadline 15:09:20 <pgroth> ack smiles 15:09:26 <pgroth> ack GK 15:09:26 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to say I don't think its reasonable to close documents to issue submission, if that's being proposed 15:09:29 <jcheney> jcheney has joined #prov 15:09:35 <Zakim> +??P12 15:09:46 <jcheney> zakim, ??p12 is me 15:09:46 <Zakim> +jcheney; got it 15:09:46 <smiles> pgroth: should leave until after first draft, so we have a set we will resolve for that draft 15:10:18 <smiles> GK: not reasonable to close the issue list, but end which issues will be in first draft 15:10:31 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aaii 15:10:50 <smiles> pgroth: issues can be raised, but no more open issues for first draft after next week 15:11:09 <pgroth> q? 15:11:09 <smiles> ... editor can say issue is closed pending review 15:11:47 <smiles> pgroth: Please sign up to scribe! especially for next week <smiles> Topic: Name suggestions for standard (model/language) <smiles> Summary: All should look at the suggested names for the model/language, and add any new suggestions. We will have a poll in next week's telecon. 15:11:59 <pgroth> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/NameSuggestions 15:12:09 <satya> satya has joined #prov 15:12:31 <smiles> pgroth: Please go to site above to look at suggestions 15:12:55 <smiles> ... add suggestions, next week we will have a straw poll on what the group likes 15:13:12 <smiles> Topic: W3C Privacy Interest Group <smiles> Summary: W3C is setting up two privacy-related interest groups, which may be relevant connections for encouraging adoption of the W3C provenance group's standards and/or as an influence on the requirements we have to consider. 15:13:44 <smiles> Christine: W3C is proposing two new privacy-related groups 15:13:57 <Christine> http://www.w3.org/2011/07/privacy-ig-charter 15:14:20 <smiles> ... Privacy Interest Group (URL above) and Tracking Protection Group (URL below) 15:14:38 <Christine> http://www.w3.org/2011/tracking-protection/charter-draft 15:15:11 <smiles> ... the privacy community may be one we are interested in talking to 15:15:54 <Zakim> +wcandillon 15:15:59 <pgroth> q? 15:16:00 <smiles> ... might ask them to add our group to their charter, perhaps with regard to the agreed use of private data 15:16:36 <smiles> pgroth: always useful to have connections to other WGs, just restricted by bandwidth of people in the group 15:16:50 <smiles> ... anyone in privacy groups involved in our WG? 15:17:09 <GK> q+ to say I think the importance of connecting may have more to do with social/policy implications, less well defined than technical issues just implied 15:17:17 <smiles> Christine: privacy groups not formed yet, but am considering asking to join 15:17:20 <pgroth> ack GK 15:17:20 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to say I think the importance of connecting may have more to do with social/policy implications, less well defined than technical issues just implied 15:17:59 <smiles> GK: is benefit of interaction of groups at technical level, or maybe better at policy level, reinforcing user trust in systems? 15:19:14 <smiles> Christine: TP group will be very technical, but what is interesting about PIG for W3C is people with interest in both user and technical areas 15:19:40 <jorn> jorn has joined #prov 15:19:50 <Yogesh> Yogesh has joined #prov 15:20:01 <smiles> pgroth: if group gets formed, useful to know what we can do to advertise provenance WG work as it can help them 15:20:04 <Zakim> +??P17 15:20:27 <GK> (What's to object to?) 15:20:48 <smiles> Topic: Update on provenance access document <smiles> Summary: The provenance access document is now in the version control system, some issues have been raised, and resolving them is ongoing. 15:21:07 <Zakim> -wcandillon 15:21:15 <smiles> GK: document now in version control repository 15:21:32 <Zakim> +wcandillon 15:21:34 <smiles> ... some issues raised, GK responding 15:21:41 <jorn> zakim, ??p17 is me 15:21:41 <Zakim> +jorn; got it 15:22:17 <smiles> ... several editorial issues dealt with, but other issues require more discussion, including interaction of access mechanism and model 15:22:38 <khalidbelhajjame> q+ 15:22:44 <tlebo> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/bc0bbf26efab/paq/provenance-access.html, right? 15:22:48 <pgroth> ack khalid 15:23:05 <smiles> khalid: is version on main page of WG Wiki the one circulated this morning? 15:23:37 <tlebo> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/WorkingDrafts 15:23:39 <smiles> GK: yes, should be the latest one 15:23:47 <tlebo> refers to the "always latest" http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/paq/provenance-access.html 15:23:58 <khalidbelhajjame> q- 15:24:23 <Zakim> -wcandillon 15:24:31 <smiles> Topic: Provenance ontology <smiles> Summary: A draft ontology (OWL file) and accompanying description (HTML document) have been made available. There are currently discrepancies due to unresolved issues with the conceptual model. Someone from RPI will join Satya in editing the document. 15:24:45 <pgroth> Satya? 15:25:14 <MacTed> Zakim, who's here? 15:25:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, Luc, Curt, +1.858.210.aacc, ??P41, ??P44, +1.540.449.aadd, khalidbelhajjame, smiles, +1.518.633.aaee, ??P68, MacTed (muted), SamCoppens, dgarijo, GK, 15:25:17 <Zakim> ... +1.518.276.aahh, jcheney, +1.518.276.aaii, jorn 15:25:18 <Zakim> On IRC I see Yogesh, jorn, satya, jcheney, GK, dgarijo, tlebo, Christine, SamCoppens, StephenCresswell, zednik, smiles, dcorsar, khalidbelhajjame, JimMyers, GK1, Edoardo, Curt, Luc, 15:25:20 <Zakim> ... Zakim, RRSAgent, pgroth, MacTed, edsu, sandro, trackbot 15:25:31 <satya> a couple of mins - just joing again 15:25:46 <smiles> pgroth: first draft of ontology, available on version control, plus brief document describing class hierarchy 15:26:03 <pgroth> q? 15:26:12 <pgroth> q? 15:26:14 <Luc> q+ 15:26:20 <pgroth> ack Luc 15:27:13 <smiles> Luc: some differences between ontology file and specification document, e.g. most concepts subclass of Bob in one document but not the other 15:27:14 <Zakim> + +1.706.461.aajj 15:27:33 <smiles> ... also, some differences with conceptual model, not sure how group should address these 15:28:16 <khalidbelhajjame> Probably we can wait a bit until the model is stable, and most issues are resolved, before trying to check the consistency between the model and the OWL ontology 15:29:04 <smiles> satya: HTML is most consistent version, OWL is under development taking into account capabilities of OWL 15:29:53 <smiles> ... by definitions in conceptual model, process execution and agent are subclasses of BOB, so in HTML document, but am to raise this issue with conceptual model 15:30:23 <dgarijo> q+ 15:30:54 <smiles> ... please fire issues regarding discrepancies of HTML specification of formal model and conceptual model 15:31:52 <dgarijo> @Satya: I would like to help you in this task 15:31:54 <tlebo> q+ 15:31:59 <smiles> ... met RPI people, to get help with editing document, ontology, visualising schema 15:32:03 <tlebo> q+ I've volunteered 15:32:29 <khalidbelhajjame> yes, I would like to help. I am not expert in OWL, but am ready to give it a go 15:32:34 <Zakim> + +1.512.524.aakk 15:32:41 <smiles> Luc: Paul and I will find co-editor for this document, probably from RPI 15:32:45 <pgroth> ack dgarijo 15:32:59 <rgolden> rgolden has joined #prov 15:33:29 <smiles> dgarijo: sent issues by email about document, will raise 15:33:39 <smiles> ... volunteers to help on formal semantics 15:33:47 <pgroth> ack tlebo 15:33:48 <Luc> Regrets: Helena Deus, Reza B'Far, Paolo Missier 15:33:49 <khalidbelhajjame> Thanks Satya 15:33:53 <smiles> satya: will contact those interested in helping on formal semantics 15:34:07 <pgroth> Regrets: Helena Deus, Reza B'Far, Paolo Missier, James McCusker 15:34:15 <smiles> tlebo: will help out in defining ontology, Deborah sent some guidance by email 15:34:16 <pgroth> q? 15:34:18 <Yogesh> zakim, +1.540 is me 15:34:18 <Zakim> +Yogesh; got it 15:34:22 <tlebo> q- 15:34:27 <pgroth> ack sees I've 15:34:42 <pgroth> q? 15:34:45 <smiles> ack I've 15:34:50 <smiles> ack volun 15:35:00 <smiles> Topic: Conceptual model <smiles> Summary: The conceptual model has been put into the version control and many issues are under discussion. Due to holidays, everyone should aim to raise any new issues by early in the coming week. 15:35:25 <smiles> Luc: document released by Paolo and I, many issues raised, lots of discussion 15:35:31 <Zakim> -jorn 15:35:38 <smiles> ... some issues dealt with, hope to be able to close soon 15:35:55 <smiles> ... over next week deal with others, then Paolo and I away for two weeks 15:36:12 <Zakim> +??P17 15:36:16 <smiles> pgroth: possible to get some core issues done, so satya can proceed? 15:36:46 <smiles> Luc: by the time Paolo and I go away, hope to have reasonable set of concepts defined, possibly up to Role in the document 15:37:08 <smiles> ... have these sections in a decent state 15:37:11 <GK> I regret I haven't had time to review the provenance model doc properly yet, but when I do I'd like to draft a proposal to eliminate the Entity/BOB distinction. 15:37:31 <smiles> ... not sure whether people have more issues to raise 15:38:13 <smiles> Luc: need to decide on Entity/BOB soon 15:38:33 <smiles> pgroth: get issues in my early next week, to ensure get somewhere before Luc, Paolo away 15:38:36 <pgroth> issues up to 5.11 15:38:46 <smiles> Topic: BOB <smiles> Summary: The BOB (previously 'thing') concept was discussed. It was agreed that there exists only a single concept pil:BOB (name TBD) as opposed to two concepts (pil:Entity/pil:BOB). The group was polled on different names for this concept. 15:38:58 <ilkayaltintas> ilkayaltintas has joined #prov 15:39:18 <pgroth> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/ProvenanceModel.html#bob 15:39:29 <smiles> Luc: In Section 5.1, we have BOB concept, which is a construct of the language 15:39:42 <smiles> ... no term called 'entity' 15:40:18 <smiles> ... in text of document use term entity with natural language meaning, not defined as part of model 15:40:33 <satya> satya has joined #prov 15:40:44 <smiles> ... Need to decide on two issues. (1) Have we got only one concept in the model? 15:40:51 <GK> AH, OK, "BOB" is the new "Entity" 15:40:52 <smiles> ... (2) What should we call it? 15:40:56 <pgroth> q? 15:41:18 <smiles> q+ 15:41:31 <rgolden> +1 15:41:34 <smiles> Luc: question (1) may translate to: is there only one class in the ontology? 15:41:36 <GK> +1 for only one [formal class] construct in the language 15:41:43 <pgroth> ack smiles 15:41:57 <JimMyers> +1 <smiles> smiles: agree that there is only one concept in the model 15:42:23 <smiles> +1 15:42:29 <satya> +1 agree with one concept and proposal for calling it entity 15:43:00 <tlebo> +1 for Entity not a class in the model, Concept is a class. 15:43:00 <zednik> +1 agree with one concept and call it entity 15:43:03 <smiles> Luc: Jim McCusker has argued for two distinct concepts 15:43:13 <satya> Jim McCusker is in a conference - may not be on the call 15:44:06 <smiles> khalid: I believe the idea Jim was to allow us to be able to express that two BOBs characterise same entity 15:44:10 <JimMyers> q+ 15:44:14 <GK> q+ to suggest a clear statement of this change is announced to the list so WG members can comment 15:44:38 <smiles> ... I was supporting same but not include entity as a concept in the model 15:44:38 <Luc> @GK, the draft makes this clear 15:45:10 <pgroth> ack JimMyers 15:45:46 <smiles> JimMyers: I think Jim McCusker is trying to distinguish between a thing and the document describing it 15:46:10 <smiles> ... e.g. a URI for him, one for document describing him 15:46:17 <GK> @Luc, I'm sure it does, but lacking time to do a proper review I haven't been aware of the change 15:46:50 <JimMyers> q- 15:46:53 <pgroth> ack GK 15:46:53 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to suggest a clear statement of this change is announced to the list so WG members can comment 15:47:12 <Luc> q+ 15:47:19 <pgroth> ack Luc 15:47:52 <smiles> Luc: never had both BOB and entity, so having one will not be a change 15:47:52 <tlebo> Entity vs. BOB - We can't write Entities down, we can only write down BOBs that can only scratch at describing the real physical or conceptual Entity 15:48:13 <pgroth> q? 15:48:34 <rgolden> the whiteboard was the source of my confusion 15:48:37 <smiles> GK: recollects whiteboard with two columns 15:48:55 <StephenCresswell> +1 for bobs only in model, if there's a way to identify the "top bob" 15:48:57 <rgolden> but now realize that the left column on the whiteboard was not a first-class concept 15:49:12 <smiles> Luc: right column was constructs in the language, left was term used informally 15:49:51 <smiles> GK: when you say "represent" do you mean "denote"? 15:50:04 <khalidbelhajjame> Stuff became Entity and Thing became Bob 15:50:06 <smiles> Luc: please go back to document to see exact wording 15:50:15 <satya> q+ 15:50:35 <pgroth> ack satya 15:51:22 <smiles> satya: when considering provenance, we should not distinguish between what is in real world and our representation in an information system 15:51:26 <tlebo> the whiteboard from F2F1 distinguishing Entities from BOBs http://twitpic.com/5x7oen/full 15:51:39 <Zakim> -??P17 15:51:43 <smiles> ... we should only be concerned with our constructs, so only one concept 15:51:45 <pgroth> q? 15:52:06 <Zakim> +??P17 15:52:24 <pgroth> proposed: this is the Existence of a single concept pil:BOB (name TBD) as opposed to two concepts (pil:Entity/pil:BOB) 15:52:28 <satya> +1 15:52:32 <smiles> +1 15:52:37 <StephenCresswell> +1 15:52:39 <dgarijo> +1 15:52:40 <GK> +1 15:52:40 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 15:52:41 <jcheney> 0 15:52:42 <JimMyers> +1 15:52:44 <Edoardo> +1 15:52:50 <rgolden> Phrased a bit oddly, but +1 15:52:53 <dcorsar> +1 15:53:04 <Curt> +1 15:53:07 <rgolden> sure 15:53:10 <ilkayaltintas> +1 15:53:20 <SamCoppens> +1 15:53:22 <tlebo> q+ 15:53:33 <Luc> q+ 15:53:41 <rgolden> proposed: That there exists only a single concept pil:BOB (name TBD) as opposed to two concepts (pil:Entity/pil:BOB) 15:53:43 <Luc> ack luc 15:53:49 <zednik> +1 15:53:59 <tlebo> +1 (as long as "entity" is part of the description of pil:BOB 15:54:07 <satya> +1 15:54:10 <smiles> +1 15:54:10 <rgolden> +1 15:54:12 <Curt> +1 15:54:12 <GK> +1 15:54:15 <Yogesh> +1 15:54:19 <StephenCresswell> +1 15:54:21 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 (for both proposals :-) 15:54:29 <SamCoppens> +1 15:54:38 <Edoardo> +1 15:54:41 <dcorsar> +1 15:54:56 <smiles> Accepted: That there exists only a single concept pil:BOB (name TBD) as opposed to two concepts (pil:Entity/pil:BOB) 15:54:59 <dgarijo> @tlebo: yes, it is used: "A BOB represents an identifiable characterized entity" 15:55:30 <smiles> pgroth: What should we call BOB? 15:55:43 <pgroth> Entity, 15:55:44 <pgroth> Snapshot 15:55:44 <pgroth> View 15:55:44 <pgroth> Perspective 15:55:44 <pgroth> InstantiatedEntity/EntityInstance 15:55:59 <khalidbelhajjame> EntitySnapshot 15:56:01 <rgolden> Identifiable 15:56:04 <StephenCresswell> Bounded OBservation (or BOB for short) 15:56:07 <JimMyers> resource :-) 15:56:12 <smiles> Thing 15:56:13 <dgarijo> EntityDescription? 15:56:17 <GK> q+ to ask now we've talked around this, does anything distinguish this from rdf:Resource or owl:Thing? 15:56:29 <StephenCresswell> Appearance 15:56:29 <pgroth> ack tlebo 15:56:43 <pgroth> ack GK 15:56:43 <Zakim> GK, you wanted to ask now we've talked around this, does anything distinguish this from rdf:Resource or owl:Thing? 15:56:44 <Luc> q+ 15:56:48 <pgroth> ack Luc 15:56:52 <smiles> GK: is there anything to distinguish the concept from an RDF resource or OWL Thing? 15:56:55 <smiles> Luc: yes and no 15:57:20 <smiles> ... BOB's should be identifiable as with resource/Thing, but also list attributes and their values 15:57:20 <satya> q+ to GK for clarifying his que 15:57:45 <tlebo> BOBs are a very small subset of rdfs:Resource/owl:Thing; BOBs are only the things we've written down to describe entities. 15:57:47 <smiles> ... Thing can be extended to have attributes, values 15:57:47 <JimMyers> teh difference is by degree - we might want to look in more detail/shorter lived things, but I don't see a difference in kind 15:58:13 <smiles> GK: resources and Things have attributes, just not required attributes 15:58:20 <pgroth> ack satya 15:58:20 <Zakim> satya, you wanted to GK for clarifying his que 15:58:24 <tlebo> q+ 15:58:47 <smiles> satya: RDF resource and OWL Thing are different from each other 15:58:54 <GK> My proposal is owl:Thing or rdf:Resource (areen't they the same in OWL full?) 15:59:26 <smiles> tlebo: BOB's are only things we are writing down to describe entities in the real world 15:59:29 <GK> I thoughts BOBs could be anything too 15:59:52 <smiles> Luc: agree that BOB is subclass of RDF resource or OWL Thing 16:00:02 <smiles> ... but can postpone this debate (use sameAs) 16:00:08 <pgroth> Entity, 16:00:09 <pgroth> Snapshot 16:00:09 <pgroth> View 16:00:09 <pgroth> Perspective 16:00:10 <pgroth> InstantiatedEntity/EntityInstance 16:00:10 <pgroth> EntitySnapshot 16:00:11 <pgroth> Bounded OBservation (or BOB for short) 16:00:13 <pgroth> resource 16:00:15 <pgroth> Thing 16:00:17 <pgroth> EntityDescription 16:00:19 <pgroth> Appearance 16:00:31 <tlebo> "writing down" in a very general sense. BOBs must exist in space time. 16:00:38 <rgolden> Identifiable 16:00:41 <satya> +1 for Entity 16:00:44 <pgroth> Entity 16:00:47 <GK> +1 16:00:48 <satya> +1 16:00:48 <JimMyers> +1 16:00:49 <smiles> +1 16:00:49 <jcheney> +1 16:00:49 <rgolden> +1 16:00:50 <Curt> +1 16:00:53 <Edoardo> +1 16:00:54 <zednik> +1 16:00:57 <dcorsar> +1 16:00:58 <dgarijo> +1 16:00:58 <Yogesh> +1 16:00:59 <khalidbelhajjame> 0 for Entity 16:01:05 <pgroth> Snapshot 16:01:06 <ilkayaltintas> +1 16:01:06 <jcheney> (+1 for simoninireland who is here) 16:01:08 <GK> -1 16:01:08 <satya> -1 16:01:09 <JimMyers> -1 16:01:10 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 16:01:11 <Yogesh> +1 16:01:12 <Luc> @rgolden, process executions are also identifiable but are not BOBs 16:01:14 <smiles> -1 16:01:16 <SamCoppens> +1 16:01:18 <dgarijo> 0 16:01:18 <jcheney> -1 16:01:22 <pgroth> View 16:01:24 <satya> -1 16:01:25 <GK> -1 16:01:25 <smiles> -1 16:01:26 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 16:01:26 <Yogesh> -1 16:01:26 <Curt> -1 16:01:27 <JimMyers> -1 16:01:29 <zednik> -1 16:01:30 <StephenCresswell> +1 16:01:32 <dgarijo> -1 16:01:32 <tlebo> +1 16:01:38 <jcheney> -1 16:01:40 <pgroth> Perspective 16:01:42 <satya> -1 16:01:43 <GK> -1 16:01:43 <smiles> -1 16:01:43 <Curt> -1 16:01:43 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 16:01:43 <JimMyers> -1 16:01:43 <jcheney> -1 16:01:45 <Yogesh> 0 16:01:46 <rgolden> -1 16:01:49 <ilkayaltintas> 0 16:01:50 <dgarijo> 0 16:01:54 <SamCoppens> 0 16:01:57 <dcorsar> -1 16:01:59 <Edoardo> -1 16:02:03 <pgroth> InstantiatedEntity/EntityInstance 16:02:05 <satya> -1 16:02:05 <zednik> -1 16:02:06 <GK> -1 16:02:06 <JimMyers> 0 16:02:07 <rgolden> -1 16:02:08 <SamCoppens> -1 16:02:08 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:02:09 <smiles> 0 16:02:09 <jcheney> -1 16:02:11 <Edoardo> -1 16:02:13 <dgarijo> 0 16:02:13 <dcorsar> -1 16:02:15 <Curt> 0 16:02:17 <Yogesh> 0 16:02:20 <pgroth> EntitySnapshot 16:02:21 <satya> -1 16:02:22 <GK> -1 16:02:24 <smiles> -1 16:02:24 <JimMyers> -1 16:02:24 <Curt> -1 16:02:24 <Yogesh> +1 16:02:25 <ilkayaltintas> -1 16:02:26 <rgolden> -1 16:02:27 <jcheney> -1 16:02:27 <khalidbelhajjame> +1 16:02:30 <Edoardo> -1 16:02:31 <SamCoppens> -1 16:02:34 <dcorsar> -1 16:02:40 <pgroth> Bounded OBservation (or BOB for short) 16:02:42 <satya> -1 16:02:45 <GK> -1 16:02:47 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:02:47 <rgolden> :) -1 16:02:47 <smiles> -1 16:02:47 <Yogesh> -1 16:02:49 <Curt> -1 16:02:50 <ilkayaltintas> -1 :) 16:02:52 <dgarijo> -1 16:02:53 <jcheney> -1 16:02:53 <Edoardo> -1 16:02:54 <zednik> :) -1 16:02:56 <dcorsar> -1 16:02:56 <JimMyers> :-), but -1 16:02:57 <SamCoppens> -1 16:03:02 <pgroth> resource 16:03:05 <satya> -1 16:03:05 <GK> +1 16:03:07 <smiles> 0 16:03:08 <Curt> +1 16:03:08 <Yogesh> -1 16:03:09 <tlebo> -1 16:03:09 <Edoardo> 0 16:03:10 <dgarijo> -1 16:03:11 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:03:11 <JimMyers> +1 16:03:12 <rgolden> 0 16:03:12 <ilkayaltintas> 0 16:03:13 <MacTed> -1 16:03:13 <jcheney> 0 16:03:14 <dcorsar> -1 16:03:15 <SamCoppens> -1 16:03:18 <pgroth> Thing 16:03:20 <satya> -1 16:03:20 <GK> +1 16:03:22 <smiles> +1 16:03:22 <Yogesh> -1 16:03:22 <ilkayaltintas> -1 16:03:22 <tlebo> -1 16:03:23 <SamCoppens> -1 16:03:24 <JimMyers> +1 16:03:25 <Edoardo> 0 16:03:25 <Curt> +1 16:03:25 <dgarijo> -1 16:03:26 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:03:27 <rgolden> 0 16:03:30 <dcorsar> -1 16:03:32 <jcheney> +1 16:03:35 <pgroth> EntityDescription 16:03:36 <satya> -1 16:03:39 <JimMyers> -1 16:03:39 <Curt> -1 16:03:39 <smiles> -1 16:03:39 <jcheney> -1 16:03:39 <rgolden> -1 16:03:39 <SamCoppens> -1 16:03:40 <Yogesh> -1 16:03:40 <GK> -1 16:03:41 <Edoardo> -1 16:03:43 <dgarijo> -1 16:03:43 <dcorsar> -1 16:03:47 <khalidbelhajjame> 0 16:03:51 <pgroth> Appearance 16:03:55 <Yogesh> -1 16:03:55 <GK> -1 16:03:55 <JimMyers> -1 16:03:56 <Curt> -1 16:03:56 <satya> -1 16:03:56 <rgolden> -1 16:03:56 <smiles> 0 16:03:56 <Edoardo> -1 16:03:56 <dgarijo> -1 16:03:57 <jcheney> -1 16:03:57 <SamCoppens> -1 16:03:57 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:03:57 <ilkayaltintas> -1 16:03:59 <dcorsar> -1 16:04:04 <zednik> -1 16:04:25 <pgroth> Identifiable 16:04:27 <Yogesh> 0 16:04:27 <rgolden> +1 16:04:29 <satya> -1 16:04:29 <dgarijo> 0 16:04:31 <SamCoppens> -1 16:04:31 <khalidbelhajjame> -1 16:04:31 <Edoardo> 0 16:04:31 <Curt> 0 16:04:33 <smiles> 0 16:04:34 <tlebo> 0 16:04:35 <dcorsar> 0 16:04:35 <jcheney> 0 16:04:35 <JimMyers> 0 16:04:37 <GK> 0/+1...? 16:05:04 <smiles> pgroth: just a straw poll, but gives good indication 16:05:18 <Zakim> -khalidbelhajjame 16:05:19 <Zakim> -Yogesh 16:05:19 <Zakim> - +1.512.524.aakk 16:05:20 <Zakim> - +1.518.276.aaii 16:05:21 <Zakim> - +1.518.276.aahh 16:05:21 <pgroth> rrsagent, set log public 16:05:22 <Zakim> -dgarijo 16:05:24 <Zakim> -Luc 16:05:26 <Zakim> -jcheney 16:05:28 <Zakim> -??P68 16:05:30 <pgroth> rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:30 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/28-prov-minutes.html pgroth 16:05:30 <Zakim> -SamCoppens 16:05:32 <Zakim> -GK 16:05:35 <pgroth> trackbot, end telcon 16:05:35 <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees 16:05:36 <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:05:36 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/28-prov-minutes.html trackbot 16:05:36 <Zakim> -MacTed 16:05:37 <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye 16:05:37 <RRSAgent> I see no action items 16:05:38 <Zakim> -??P17 # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. 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