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Chatlog 2012-10-25
From Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group Wiki
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14:00:49 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #gld 14:00:49 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/25-gld-irc 14:00:54 <cygri> zakim, who is on the phone 14:00:55 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the phone', cygri 14:00:56 <DaveReynolds> DaveReynolds has joined #gld 14:00:57 <PhilA> zakim, this is GLD 14:00:58 <Zakim> ok, PhilA; that matches T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM 14:01:01 <cygri> zakim, who is on the phone? 14:01:01 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, MHausenblas, George, ??P7, + 14:01:05 <fadmaa> fadmaa has joined #gld 14:01:07 <cygri> zakim, mhausenblas is temporarily me 14:01:07 <Zakim> +cygri; got it 14:01:26 <PhilA> zakim, code? 14:01:26 <Zakim> the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), PhilA 14:01:31 <George> George has joined #gld 14:01:31 <atemezin> Zakim, + is me 14:01:32 <Zakim> +atemezin; got it 14:01:33 <George> MacTed has changed the topic to: Gov't Linked Data WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/ -- current agenda http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121025 14:01:37 <Zakim> -??P7 14:01:44 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 14:01:46 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a] 14:01:50 <PhilA> zakim, IPcaller is me 14:01:50 <Zakim> +PhilA; got it 14:01:51 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 14:02:08 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 14:02:22 <james> zakim, who's here? 14:02:22 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, [IPcaller.a], DaveReynolds, [IPcaller] 14:02:24 <Zakim> On IRC I see George, fadmaa, DaveReynolds, RRSAgent, Zakim, PhilA, cygri, james, atemezin, martinAlvarez, jmynarz, agis, MacTed, bhyland, sandro, trackbot 14:02:30 <agis> zakim, IPcaller is me 14:02:30 <Zakim> +agis; got it 14:02:44 <james> zakim, who's on the call? 14:02:44 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, [IPcaller.a], DaveReynolds, agis 14:02:51 <james> zakim, IPcaller.a is me 14:02:52 <Zakim> +james; got it 14:02:55 <olyerickson> olyerickson has joined #gld 14:03:17 <Zakim> +??P22 14:04:04 <jmynarz> Zakim, P22 is me 14:04:04 <Zakim> sorry, jmynarz, I do not recognize a party named 'P22' 14:04:14 <jmynarz> Zakim, ??P22 is me 14:04:14 <Zakim> +jmynarz; got it 14:04:15 <Zakim> +Sandro 14:04:15 <Zakim> + +3539149aabb 14:04:25 <fadmaa> Zakim, +353 is me 14:04:25 <Zakim> +fadmaa; got it 14:05:11 <bhyland> great! 14:05:27 <Zakim> -fadmaa 14:05:39 <bhyland> Nothing like grabbing the new recruits as they walk in the door PhilA! 14:05:40 <DruidSmith> DruidSmith has joined #gld 14:05:57 <Zakim> +Mike_Pendleton 14:06:08 <Mike_Pendleton> Mike_Pendleton has joined #GLD 14:06:23 <Zakim> + +1.202.566.aacc 14:06:38 <DruidSmith> zakim, aacc is me 14:06:38 <Zakim> +DruidSmith; got it 14:06:57 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 14:07:11 <olyerickson> Zakim, [ipcaller] is me. 14:07:11 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it 14:07:15 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call? 14:07:15 <Zakim> On the phone I see davidwood, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, james, DaveReynolds, agis, jmynarz, Sandro, Mike_Pendleton, DruidSmith, olyerickson 14:07:25 <olyerickson> zakim, mute me. 14:07:25 <Zakim> olyerickson should now be muted 14:07:27 <bhyland> zakim, davidwood is me 14:07:27 <Zakim> +bhyland; got it 14:07:36 <martinAlvarez> martinAlvarez has joined #gld 14:08:19 <cygri> fadmaa, feel free to join me upstairs if your phones are borken :-) 14:08:22 <bhyland> Scribe: mpendleton 14:08:24 <bhyland> chair: bhyland 14:08:36 <cygri> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20121025 14:08:38 <PhilA> Mike_Pendleton++ 14:08:43 <Zakim> + +3539149aadd 14:08:50 <fadmaa> Zakim, +353 is me 14:08:50 <Zakim> +fadmaa; got it 14:08:55 <bhyland> Please confirm last week's minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-04 14:09:13 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me 14:09:13 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted 14:09:29 <bhyland> Please see http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-18 14:10:02 <Mike_Pendleton> Org Vocab reviewed last week; has gone to last call, thanks to Dave Reynolds 14:10:06 <PhilA> yay! http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/ 14:10:12 <Mike_Pendleton> Next up is DCAT 14:10:18 <DaveReynolds> +1 to minutes 14:10:28 <atemezin> +1 to last week minutes 14:10:29 <Mike_Pendleton> Minutes accepted 14:10:32 <martinAlvarez> martinAlvarez has left #gld 14:10:45 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call? 14:10:46 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, cygri, George, atemezin, PhilA, james, DaveReynolds, agis, jmynarz, Sandro, Mike_Pendleton, DruidSmith, olyerickson (muted), fadmaa (muted) 14:10:47 <fadmaa> Zakim, unmute me 14:10:49 <Zakim> fadmaa should no longer be muted 14:10:50 <PhilA> +1 to DCAT as primary topic today 14:11:24 <bhyland> Tracker for DCAT http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/2 14:11:49 <fadmaa> https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/26 14:11:59 <Mike_Pendleton> Fadi on DCAT for runthrough on issues list 14:12:06 <PhilA> Editor's draft of DCAT is at http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat/index.html 14:12:34 <fadmaa> using literal formatted as xsd;language 14:12:56 <martinAlvarez> martinAlvarez has joined #gld 14:13:26 <olyerickson> Q+ 14:13:28 <cygri> PROPOSAL: recommended values of dcterms:language for DCAT are literals like "en"^^xsd:language 14:13:32 <olyerickson> zakim, unmute me. 14:13:32 <Zakim> olyerickson should no longer be muted 14:13:42 <Zakim> +??P36 14:13:50 <bhyland> Fadi proposed the following: 14:13:51 <martinAlvarez> zakim, ??p36 is me 14:13:51 <Zakim> +martinAlvarez; got it 14:13:59 <martinAlvarez> zakim, mute me 14:13:59 <Zakim> martinAlvarez should now be muted 14:14:03 <olyerickson> "literal" was one of the choices 14:14:05 <bhyland> Fadi suggests the following: 14:14:05 <bhyland> 14:14:05 <bhyland> 1) drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/10 14:14:05 <bhyland> 2) format of distribution https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/12 14:14:05 <bhyland> 3) size of distribution https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/44 14:14:05 <bhyland> 4) Distribution subclasses https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/9 https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/8 14:14:05 <bhyland> 5) range of dc:language https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/26 14:14:11 <olyerickson> Currently it says to use http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt 14:14:23 <fadmaa> +1 14:14:29 <bhyland> q? 14:14:32 <GofranShu> GofranShu has joined #GLD 14:14:35 <PhilA> ack olyerickson 14:15:25 <fadmaa> zakim, GofranShu is with me 14:15:25 <Zakim> +GofranShu; got it 14:15:42 <Mike_Pendleton> John Erikson: clarify - it is inconsistent with Dublin Core; John's recommendation be that it is easy for implementers; use a typed literal as the choice 14:15:45 <bhyland> olyerickson: The issue is inconsistency between how Dublin Core specifies range of dcterms. 14:16:04 <PhilA> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The we recommend that the value of dcterms:language be given as a typed literal, e.g. en^^xsd:lang 14:16:40 <PhilA> q+ 14:16:45 <Mike_Pendleton> Accepted 14:16:57 <olyerickson> zakim, mute me. 14:16:57 <Zakim> olyerickson should now be muted 14:17:37 <PhilA> ack me 14:17:50 <Mike_Pendleton> Question from Phil: Are we knowingly making an inconsistency? 14:18:18 <bhyland> … This is incorrect according to the DC spec which gives the range as http://purl.org/dc/terms/LinguisticSystem - i.e. a resource. 14:19:45 <bhyland> DaveR: Has no problem with what is proposed but isn't sure that it is consistent with the spirit of what DC language as a resource. 14:19:49 <atemezin> http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/details/vocabulary_dc.html 14:20:26 <james> see http://dublincore.org/schemas/rdfs/ 14:20:38 <jmynarz> rapper -i rdfxml -o turtle http://purl.org/dc/terms/ > dcterms.ttl 14:21:04 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: We can't close issue 26. We need to get it right. 14:21:44 <bhyland> ACTION: PhilA to get clarification from Maxx Deckers on what DC meant in what they specified. 14:21:44 <trackbot> Created ACTION-83 - Get clarification from Maxx Deckers on what DC meant in what they specified. [on Phil Archer - due 2012-11-01]. 14:21:48 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil will take an action item to resolve this with Max from the Dublin Core 14:22:23 <jmynarz> This is how dcterms:language is used in practice: http://bit.ly/RYd4Ab 14:22:50 <DaveReynolds> Agree with Richard, not inconsistent with letter of spec but worth checking with expert about spirit of DC spec 14:22:54 <james> +1 14:23:00 <Yigal> Yigal has joined #gld 14:23:08 <fadmaa> remove dcat:dataQauality, dcat:granularity 14:23:18 <cygri> PROPOSAL: Drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity 14:23:20 <bhyland> TOPIC: DCAT (continued) 14:23:21 <bhyland> 1) drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/10 14:23:43 <olyerickson> + to nuking data quality 14:23:45 <atemezin> +1 to drop 14:23:49 <fadmaa> +1 14:24:23 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] 14:24:24 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil: The issue is not going away, but we can close it here 14:24:34 <Yigal> zakim, IPcaller is me 14:24:34 <Zakim> +Yigal; got it 14:24:45 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil: We need this, but this is not the place for it 14:24:48 <olyerickson> +0 to granularity (it's not wrong) 14:24:49 <cygri> RESOLUTION: Drop dcat:dataQuality and dcat:granularity 14:24:50 <bhyland> To close Issue-10, We agreed to remove but the issue doesn't go away. This isn't the place for it. 14:25:04 <olyerickson> +1 to resolution 14:25:14 <bhyland> 2) format of distribution https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/12 14:25:54 <olyerickson> "Proposal: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format. Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format" 14:26:15 <bhyland> +1 14:26:17 <PhilA> +1 14:26:18 <olyerickson> +1 14:26:20 <DaveReynolds> +1 14:26:22 <George> +1 14:26:22 <martinAlvarez> +1 14:26:23 <Mike_Pendleton> Thanks John! 14:26:23 <cygri> +1 14:26:24 <fadmaa> +1 14:26:35 <bhyland> Next, 3) size of distribution https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/44 14:26:44 <Mike_Pendleton> Issue 12 proposal accepted 14:27:00 <cygri> RESOLUTION: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format. Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format 14:27:29 <PhilA> q+ 14:27:43 <fadmaa> :dist dcat:size [dcat:bytes 1024; rdfs:label 1k] 14:27:43 <PhilA> q- 14:29:40 <olyerickson> cygri's proposal on dist. size: "...Replace dcat:size and dcat:bytes with a single property dcat:byteSize, range is xsd: decimal, stating that the value can be approximate..." 14:30:05 <bhyland> q? 14:31:37 <olyerickson> RE dcat:byteSize I very much like this, esp. that the size is "approximate." There can be platform-specific ways to document exact size, digital signatures, etc which we won;t get into 14:31:48 <olyerickson> Please re-state the resolution 14:32:13 <cygri> RESOLUTION: define dcat:mediaType as a sub-property of dc:format (in the old DC namespace). Publishers should use dcat:mediaType to provide a Media Type as defined by IANA. if this is not available, then publishers may use dc:format 14:32:29 <Mike_Pendleton> PROPOSAL: replace properties dcat:size and dcat:bytes with one property dcat:byteSize 14:32:32 <bhyland> https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/44 14:33:13 <bhyland> … byteSize can be approximate 14:33:25 <olyerickson> value is "guidance" 14:33:36 <bhyland> +1 14:33:39 <cygri> for example: </dataset123/distribution1> dcat:byteSize 547000. 14:33:46 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: point is that you verify you have the right file 14:33:49 <atemezin> +1 14:33:52 <cygri> +1 14:33:52 <martinAlvarez> +1 (easier to use) 14:34:16 <fadmaa> +1+1 14:34:19 <Mike_Pendleton> RESOLUTION: replace properties dcat:size and dcat:bytes with one property dcat:byteSize 14:34:30 <DaveReynolds> DaveReynolds has left #gld 14:35:19 <fadmaa> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Dcat_examples 14:35:29 <bhyland> Two issues re: distribution subclasses, see Distribution subclasses https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/9 https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/8 14:35:41 <fadmaa> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/9 14:35:45 <fadmaa> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/8 14:36:03 <Mike_Pendleton> Fadi has one more; related to issues 8 and 9 14:36:27 <DaveReynolds> DaveReynolds has joined #gld 14:36:50 <Mike_Pendleton> Fadi discussed DCAT examples http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Dcat_examples 14:36:51 <atemezin> s/Fadi/fadmaa 14:37:08 <bhyland> Some examples: 14:37:08 <bhyland> -> Direct: accessURL points to a WebService, RSS, XLS, or XML, which 14:37:08 <bhyland> offers the distribution directly. 14:37:08 <bhyland> -> Indirect: accessURL points to a REST WebService or API 14:37:08 <bhyland> documentation (how to use it, parameters, etc) | an XML zipped 14:37:22 <fadmaa> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/43 14:37:53 <Mike_Pendleton> bernadette: This goes to issues around ADMS if I understand correctly; Phil, is this DCAT distrubution related to ADMS? 14:37:54 <olyerickson> fadmaa's proposal on distribution sub-typing makes sense to me 14:38:26 <bhyland> 1++ Fadi 14:39:07 <bhyland> Discussed Does dcat:Distribution address one of the use cases of ADMS, i.e., 4 x zipped PDF files ... 14:39:37 <bhyland> Fadi: I think of DCAT describing raw data, not PDF 14:39:43 <cygri> q+ 14:40:05 <PhilA> ack cygri 14:40:37 <bhyland> Cygri: this is all pretty complicated, we all 'know' what a data catalog is, but we really aren't defining it explicitely. 14:40:52 <bhyland> … thus hard to make hard & fast rules about what is "in" vs "out" of a data catalog 14:41:07 <cygri> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat/index.html#class--dataset 14:41:12 <bhyland> … everyone has different views of what can & cannot go in a data catalog using DCAT 14:41:53 <bhyland> Per the ED, "DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use. 14:41:54 <bhyland> 14:42:23 <atemezin> @cygri: could we *exclude* those type of *things (eg PDF) in the spec ? 14:42:26 <bhyland> … whether a zipped file can be described using DCAT, it isn't currently addressed by DCAT sufficiently 14:43:18 <bhyland> Sounds to me like we need to review DCAT & ADMS in context of common use cases 14:44:14 <bhyland> cygri: I have yet so see handling of archive files sufficiently handled by gov data catalog sites … it is a case that hasn't been fully addressed. 14:44:49 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: we need a dedicated session on this....it goes to the heart of ADMS too. 14:45:58 <bhyland> cygri: Invoked Rufus Pollock in relation to use of DCAT for CKAN. There are use cases where there is a desire to describe associated documentation of a given dataset, or scripts that were used to create a dataset, or representative sample data from a dataset that isn't a data set per se. 14:46:25 <bhyland> … DCAT as designed currently doesn't describe supplementary documentation. We need to figure out how to do this. 14:46:27 <Mike_Pendleton> cygri: core issue (also addressed by Rufus P.) CKAN use cases also describe other things (e.g., scripts used to create the dataset). DCAT doesn't discuss decribing these things. 14:46:46 <fadmaa> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Dcat_examples#5._A_dataset_with_an_example_record is an example that uses dc:reference for an example which is too generic 14:46:47 <PhilA> Is DCAT for 3* + and ADMS for 1 and 2 star? 14:46:52 <bhyland> … This gets to the core of ADMS and DCAT, issues around interoperability of downloadable resources. 14:47:22 <Mike_Pendleton> cygri: if we had the answers to this; things would fall into place 14:47:40 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: This makes the point that we need a separate session on this. 14:47:53 <fadmaa> +1 to a dedicated session 14:48:07 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: This is at the core of 3, 4, and 5 star data we are trying to publish 14:48:32 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette to Fadi: any other issues that need to be addressed to move DCAT forward? 14:48:59 <PhilA> q+ 14:49:10 <bhyland> Issues 8,9 and 43 all related to bigger distribution topic that we want to follow up with in a focused DCAT WG call. 14:49:12 <bhyland> q? 14:49:58 <bhyland> PhilA: We can move FPWD to LC even with a handful of open issues. 14:50:00 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil: Some of these issues may be left open and we can still publish 14:50:02 <bhyland> Propose Move DCAT to LC 14:50:45 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil: you can get a new version out w/o closed issues; but we can't move to LC with open issues 14:50:46 <bhyland> s/can/cannot 14:51:01 <Mike_Pendleton> LC is last call 14:51:34 <Mike_Pendleton> Phil: would like a new version published with open issues 14:52:01 <cygri> q+ 14:52:04 <PhilA> q- 14:52:06 <Mike_Pendleton> fadmaa: can do this Monday 14:52:07 <bhyland> ACTION: Fadi to update DCAT FPWD with revisions from this past 2 weeks discussion 14:52:07 <trackbot> Created ACTION-84 - Update DCAT FPWD with revisions from this past 2 weeks discussion [on Fadi Maali - due 2012-11-01]. 14:53:27 <Mike_Pendleton> bernadette: Next 14:54:16 <bhyland> cygri: Recommends that distribution issues be solved before next PWD. 14:54:19 <PhilA> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: That we aim to resolve to publish a new version of DCAT in 2 weeks' time. Whether that is LC or not remains open 14:54:34 <atemezin> +1 to solve the distribution issue before the next working draft 14:55:06 <cygri> +0.5 14:55:39 <bhyland> Fadi & Cygri agreed to talk over the next two weeks and edit the DCAT FPWD so we can publish another working draft within 3 weeks. 14:55:42 <bhyland> +1 14:56:05 <atemezin> +1 14:56:50 <olyerickson> +1...I wasn't opposed to the previous proposal, and I think we will either solve this quickly or we need to rethinking it 14:56:58 <olyerickson> s/rethinking/rethink/ 14:57:32 <bhyland> Topic: Linked Data Glossary, W3 Working Note or wiki? 14:57:41 <Mike_Pendleton> RESOLUTION: resolve to publish a new version of DCAT in 2 weeks' time; another draft in the next 2-3 weeks 14:57:41 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me 14:57:44 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted 14:58:11 <bhyland> Last week mhausenblas mentioned glossary going here http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page 14:58:32 <sandro> +1 Working Group NOTE 14:58:43 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette requesting opinion on glossary as working note or wiki 14:58:46 <sandro> (not strong opinion) 14:58:52 <bhyland> Question - Should it be a Working Note or wiki 14:59:21 <DaveReynolds> No strong opinion. Weak preference for Wiki to simplify future update. 14:59:26 <bhyland> cygri: suggested that language will evolve with current usage 14:59:37 <sandro> q+ 14:59:57 <Mike_Pendleton> Richard: There will be updates after the WG terminates; language will evolve; 15:00:42 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: I've not gotten input since June 15:01:09 <bhyland> q? 15:01:14 <cygri> ack me 15:01:14 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: There will always be new things, I propose the working note 15:01:15 <bhyland> ack cygri 15:01:29 <PhilA> ack sandro 15:01:39 <Mike_Pendleton> Sandro: there is not rule about who owns a note once published 15:02:14 <bhyland> Sandro: Procedurally, there is no reason another WG or even say eGov IG couldn't take on editing the Note. 15:02:18 <bhyland> q? 15:02:19 <Mike_Pendleton> Sandro: Semantic Web Interest Group could take over the Note (not WG Note) 15:02:39 <PhilA> I prefer a Note personally 15:02:46 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: Objections to a Note? 15:02:51 <bhyland> No objection to the Linked Data Glossary being published as a Note. 15:02:52 <DaveReynolds> No objection, still mild preference for wiki. 15:03:10 <atemezin> No objection 15:03:56 <Mike_Pendleton> Bernadette: Thanks for your time; send projects announcements around publishing LOD by today for tomorrow; Bernadette leaves for France Monday. 15:04:03 <Mike_Pendleton> Adjourned 15:04:12 <olyerickson> olyerickson has left #gld 15:04:20 <DaveReynolds> DaveReynolds has left #gld 15:04:20 <martinAlvarez> thanks, bye 15:04:22 <Zakim> -bhyland 15:04:22 <Mike_Pendleton> Not meeting next week; next meeting Nov 8. 15:04:23 <Zakim> -atemezin 15:04:23 <Zakim> -Sandro 15:04:24 <Zakim> -agis 15:04:24 <Zakim> -jmynarz 15:04:25 <Zakim> -olyerickson 15:04:26 <Zakim> -cygri 15:04:28 <Zakim> -DruidSmith 15:04:28 <Zakim> -PhilA 15:04:28 <Zakim> -fadmaa 15:04:28 <Zakim> -Yigal 15:04:28 <Zakim> -George 15:04:29 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds 15:04:29 <Zakim> -martinAlvarez 15:04:31 <bhyland> thanks all & safe travels. 15:04:32 <Yigal> Yigal has left #gld 15:04:35 <Zakim> -james 15:04:57 <Zakim> -Mike_Pendleton 15:04:58 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has ended 15:04:58 <Zakim> Attendees were George, cygri, atemezin, PhilA, DaveReynolds, agis, james, jmynarz, Sandro, +3539149aabb, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, +1.202.566.aacc, DruidSmith, olyerickson, 15:04:58 <Zakim> ... bhyland, +3539149aadd, martinAlvarez, GofranShu, Yigal 15:05:13 <bhyland> RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 15:05:18 <PhilA> PhilA has left #gld 15:05:20 <bhyland> RRSAgent, generate minutes 15:05:20 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/25-gld-minutes.html bhyland 15:05:24 <agis> agis has left #gld 15:08:18 <bhyland> Minutes published here http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-10-25 # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE OR BELOW. SRCLINESUSED=00000320