Overdue Actions

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There are 26 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-87 (edit) open Review http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/apis/webaudio, suggest updates Matthew Paradis 2014-10-02
ACTION-104 (edit) open Extract formulas from cookbook Paul Adenot 2014-11-01
ACTION-105 (edit) open Mark up formulas for biquadfilter in mathml (get help from mathjax?) Doug Schepers 2014-11-01
ACTION-110 (edit) open Reach out to w3c comms, ask for help re deprecation of spn Olivier Thereaux 2014-10-02
ACTION-111 (edit) open Ping tag about novel(?) method to impact gc Chris Wilson 2014-10-02
ACTION-112 (edit) open Add issue 69 and issue about implementation of native node to next teleconference Olivier Thereaux 2014-09-25
ACTION-113 (edit) open Reach out to webrtc and device apis groups re getusermedia (timestamp issue) Olivier Thereaux 2014-09-25
ACTION-114 (edit) open Update group's wiki page to include all info previously in http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/, redirect to the wiki Doug Schepers 2014-10-27
ACTION-115 (edit) open Put together matrix Matthew Paradis 2014-11-04
ACTION-116 (edit) open And matt will identify sections of spec to be broken out as per issue 45 Doug Schepers 2014-11-28
ACTION-117 (edit) open Complete two examples; do pull request Chris Wilson 2015-04-08
ACTION-118 (edit) open Put out call on issues 110 and 99 Chris Wilson 2015-04-08
ACTION-120 (edit) open Add acknowledgment to robert bristow-johnson in web audio api spec Raymond Toy 2015-06-08
ACTION-121 (edit) open Review pull requests to determine homework for next meeting Matthew Paradis 2015-11-26
ACTION-122 (edit) open Reach out to other groups related to ultrasound issues Matthew Paradis 2015-11-26
ACTION-123 (edit) open Open issue against mediacapture re 692 Paul Adenot 2016-01-21
ACTION-124 (edit) open Email author cc list and see what happens Paul Adenot 2016-01-21
ACTION-125 (edit) open Draft new charter Chris Lilley 2016-04-15
ACTION-126 (edit) open Create implementation report Chris Lilley 2016-04-15
ACTION-127 (edit) open Coordinate new use cases Matthew Paradis 2016-04-15
ACTION-129 (edit) open Figure out who reviews the privacy/fingerprinting issue Chris Lilley 2016-04-15
ACTION-130 (edit) open Add new security appendix Chris Lilley 2016-04-28
ACTION-131 (edit) open to begin explainer document for media output. Jerry Smith 2016-04-28
ACTION-132 (edit) open And hongchan to update examples and idl to reflect today's discussion Joe Berkovitz 2016-06-09
ACTION-133 (edit) open And matt to fix a date for f2f Joe Berkovitz 2017-03-23
ACTION-134 (edit) open File an issue on tag gh for review Chris Lilley 2017-11-13

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Matthew Paradis <matthew.paradis@bbc.co.uk>, Raymond Toy <rtoy@google.com>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
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