15:01:08 RRSAgent has joined #sparql 15:01:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/12/06-sparql-irc 15:01:09 chimezie has joined #sparql 15:01:10 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:01:12 Zakim, this will be 77277 15:01:13 Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference 15:01:13 Date: 06 December 2011 15:01:15 zakim, ??P15 is me 15:01:16 ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start now 15:01:20 I already had ??P15 as ??P15, cbuilara 15:01:24 Zakim, what is the passcode? 15:01:24 the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chimezie 15:01:39 carlos - bad noise! 15:01:52 Regrets - i'm at the w3c linked enterprise data workshop, will try to keep an eye on IRC here though 15:02:11 chair: Axel 15:02:11 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:11 I notice SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has restarted 15:02:12 On the phone I see kasei, AndyS, MattPerry, Olivier, +3517073aaaa, chimezie 15:02:25 +??P30 15:02:28 Zakim, pick LeeF as a victim when he's not looking. 15:02:28 I don't understand you, kasei 15:02:30 pgearon? 15:02:30 zakim, ??P30 is me 15:02:30 +cbuilara; got it 15:02:31 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:32 On the phone I see kasei, AndyS, MattPerry, Olivier, +3517073aaaa, chimezie, cbuilara 15:02:51 Zakim, aaa is probably me 15:02:51 sorry, AxelPolleres, I do not understand your question 15:03:06 Zakim, aaaa is probably me 15:03:06 +AxelPolleres?; got it 15:03:15 +pgearon 15:03:35 scribe: paul gearon 15:03:52 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Agenda-2011-12-06 15:04:07 topic: agenda 15:04:10 PROPOSED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2011-11-29 15:04:37 RESOLVED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2011-11-29 15:05:04 probably regrets from me next week 15:05:43 member:identifier:axelpolleres: scribe for next week scheduled to be Birte or Olivier? 15:06:14 +??P34 15:06:16 topic: RDF liaison 15:06:20 Zakim, ??p34 is me 15:06:21 +swh; got it 15:06:51 AndyS: RDF WG working on prefix names. This is on the agenda to discuss 15:07:16 AxelPolleres: schedule is dangerously tight. Appeal to editors 15:07:21 topic: Query 15:07:45 review birte addressed 15:08:15 AndyS: editorial matters all done. Escape sequences to sort out. Aggregates in email, and Steve to sort out 15:08:34 iv_an_ru has joined #sparql 15:08:46 SteveH: stuff around pseudocode for aggregation still to be sorted, but other than that all under control 15:09:17 SteveH: likely to vote on publishing by next week 15:09:29 SteveH: if not by next week then it won't be this year 15:09:56 aim at resolution to publish next week, pleeeease. :-) 15:10:11 AndyS: has some follow through to do after SteveH, so needs to hear from Steve as soon as aggregates are finished 15:11:18 steve: birte and Andy please go over the pseudocode for aggregates again. 15:12:02 AxelPolleres: SteveH please send email to AndyS and Birte as soon as appropriate 15:12:06 Zakim, unmute me 15:12:06 chimezie was not muted, chimezie 15:12:19 topic: graph store protocol 15:12:22 topic: graph store protocol 15:12:49 chimezie: gone through most of the emails and updated. 15:13:23 question about multi-part PUT 15:13:26 chimezie: Thinks said something inappropriate about mutipart in an email to Ivan. Should this be addressed in a followup email? 15:13:52 Andy: he might have meant POST anyways (talks about forms) 15:13:58 AndyS: Ivan mentioned PUT, but on re-reading thinks that he meant POST since it referred to forms 15:14:30 AndyS: SteveH - do you know if multipart PUT exists in the wild? 15:14:37 SteveH: doesn't think do 15:14:43 s/do/so/ 15:15:00 chimezie: expect to be ready next week to go forward 15:15:46 chimezie: made all modifications per the reviews, and don't have anything outstanding. Some comments may elicit responses, and may need to wait on these 15:16:21 chimezie: will send email to say that actions 563 and 564 were completed 15:17:01 I'm also holding off on a final run-through of the aggregates code. 15:17:09 AndyS: outstanding review on Query is from Birte on aggregates and she is working on that 15:17:40 topic: service description document 15:18:00 My review is done, just need to verify some links in SD doc and plan to send off before end of telecon or soon after 15:18:27 chimezie: about to send a service description review 15:18:49 AxelPolleres: expect to vote on this next week 15:18:59 topic: entailment document 15:19:23 AxelPolleres: still reviewing this myself. Should finish by today or tomorrow 15:19:29 axel: review for entailment still open, don't expect critical issues 15:19:58 topic: update 15:20:11 paul: I am going over MAtt's review this afternoon. 15:20:24 ... doc is ready to vote apart from that. 15:20:43 Zakim, mute me 15:20:44 chimezie should now be muted 15:20:45 topic: protocol document 15:20:58 kasei: were there any recent reviews? 15:21:20 LeeF, is protocol ready for vote? 15:21:46 greg: I will clean up references during this week. 15:21:49 kasei: needs to clean up bibliography and citations throughout the document. Will be done this week. 15:22:10 we'll see whther the doc is ready for vote in a week as well. 15:22:37 AxelPolleres: results format quasi-ready for vote 15:22:44 topic: other issues 15:23:10 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/CommentResponse:DB-11a 15:23:27 AxelPolleres: 2 test cases that need approval for answering a comment DB-11a and draft response. 15:23:55 PROPOSED: approve test cases http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/bind/manifest#bind10 and http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/bind/manifest#bind11 15:24:04 +1 15:24:08 +1 15:24:15 +1 15:24:28 RESOLVED: approve test cases http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/bind/manifest#bind10 and http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/tests/data-sparql11/bind/manifest#bind11 15:25:25 AxelPolleres: go ahead on sending the response 15:25:55 ACTION: mark approved test cases after the call 15:25:55 Sorry, couldn't find user - mark 15:26:06 ACTION: Axel to mark approved test cases after the call 15:26:07 Created ACTION-567 - Mark approved test cases after the call [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-12-13]. 15:26:42 AxelPolleres: Birte's email on wanting IRI for OWL Full profile 15:26:43 Zakim, who is here? 15:26:43 On the phone I see kasei, AndyS, MattPerry, Olivier, AxelPolleres?, chimezie (muted), cbuilara, pgearon, swh 15:26:45 On IRC I see iv_an_ru, chimezie, RRSAgent, AxelPolleres, MattPerry, Zakim, swh, cbuilara, MacTed, Olivier_, LeeF, AndyS, SteveH, pgearon, trackbot, NickH, ya, ericP, sandro, kasei 15:26:46 Ivan said "done" 15:26:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2011OctDec/0293.html 15:27:51 AxelPolleres: AndyS proposal to modify grammar for prefixes 15:28:25 AndyS: last week's RDF WG call voted to accept character escapes in prefix names 15:29:00 rationale is e.g. generated URIs or facebook's graph protocol 15:29:20 AndyS: justified because open graph protocol from Facebook uses colons, and some others use = 15:29:36 AndyS: part 2 - to and fro around % encoding 15:30:14 AndyS: proposal to add %HEXHEX in local part of names 15:30:44 AndyS: neither of these are any more than changes to tokenizing. Test code didn't break anything 15:31:11 AxelPolleres: proposal to add these changes marked as "At Risk" 15:31:44 AndyS: first one is almost certain. Less certain about the second, but thinks it is very likely 15:32:35 PROPOSED: As an AT-RISK change to the current grammar we allow the set of character escapes for the local part of prefix names is ~.-!$&'()*+,;=:/?#@%_ (token: PN_LOCAL); i.e., the set of URI-legal, non-alphanumerics (path, query and fragment) - 15:32:48 seconded 15:32:59 +q 15:33:28 greg: PN_LOCAL is also used for bnode labels 15:33:57 AndyS: not proposing to change blank nodes. Thanks for catching that 15:34:03 PROPOSED: As an AT-RISK change to the current grammar we allow the set of character escapes for the local part of prefix names is ~.-!$&'()*+,;=:/?#@%_ i.e., the set of URI-legal, non-alphanumerics (path, query and fragment) - 15:34:51 +1 15:34:54 +1 15:35:04 -q 15:35:11 seconded 15:35:26 RESOLVED: As an AT-RISK change to the current grammar we allow the set of character escapes for the local part of prefix names is ~.-!$&'()*+,;=:/?#@%_ i.e., the set of URI-legal, non-alphanumerics (path, query and fragment) - 15:35:45 (3 seconded, no abstentions or objections) 15:35:54 AndyS: will communicate back to the RDF WG editors what we've done 15:36:24 PROPOSED: As an AT-RISK change to the current grammar we allow character sequences of the form "% HEX HEX" in the local part of prefixed names. 15:36:40 seconded 15:36:42 +1 15:36:46 +1 15:36:59 +1 15:37:08 +1 15:37:13 +1 15:37:19 RESOLVED: As an AT-RISK change to the current grammar we allow character sequences of the form "% HEX HEX" in the local part of prefixed names. 15:37:50 (7 seconded, no abstentions, no objections) 15:38:05 AndyS: noting that this means you can't reverse URIs into IRIs reliably 15:38:14 +q 15:38:16 ... which is an RFC issue 15:39:10 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/CommentResponse:RC-4 15:39:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2011Dec/0007.html 15:42:40 Paul: reading richard's response, he seems unsatisfied tht someone can obfuscate an update command, however, if someone has permissions to do the update, then it doesn't matter whether this is obfuscated or not. 15:42:55 ... so I don't consider that a security issue 15:43:50 q+ 15:44:00 Andy: WG by charter has a strong hint not to do changes that affect SPARQL1.0, that's what we should answer. 15:45:17 q+ 15:46:06 q+ to ask whether we could not simply address this by adding his example to the Appendix on Security? 15:46:11 kasei: don't think Richard is asking for changes to SPARQL 1.0 queries, only wants SPARQL 1.1 to be updated 15:46:19 +q 15:46:29 ... so not necessarily a bw-compatibility issue 15:47:10 Paul: i agree, but I prefer to keep the update and query grammars close. 15:48:23 In other cases we've called small changes to SPARQL 1.0 a "bug fix" - I think if we all feel that Richard has a valid point that it's reasonable to do the same thing here 15:49:07 AxelPolleres: suggest adding a sentence in Security Considerations that mentions this, but we don't want to change the grammar 15:50:06 ACTION: Paul to draft a reply along these lines and put a sentence into the Update Appendix on Sec. Considerations. 15:50:06 Created ACTION-568 - Draft a reply along these lines and put a sentence into the Update Appendix on Sec. Considerations. [on Paul Gearon - due 2011-12-13]. 15:50:18 I will put a sentence into the Update document security section, and will draft a response describing this 15:50:43 topic: schedule 15:50:48 AndyS: No technical barriers but impact on schedule. 15:50:59 AxelPolleres: insisting that we publish by Christmas or over Christmas 15:51:56 AxelPolleres: want to publish CVS and TSV docs by Mid February 15:52:05 get everything to PR by April 15:52:14 s/PR/CR/ 15:52:39 q+ to ask what is the min CR if we did a CR 15:52:49 q- 15:52:59 AxelPolleres: could get us to rec by end of June, but will be tight 15:52:59 q- 15:53:28 AndyS: minimum LC period is 3 weeks. Wondering what minimum CR period is? 15:54:48 ACTION: Axel to check with Lee and sandro about CR minimum comments period, and also about standard text we could put into LCs that might NOT go through CR. "this doc has already implementations as follows and might go directly to PR... " 15:54:49 Created ACTION-569 - Check with Lee and sandro about CR minimum comments period, and also about standard text we could put into LCs that might NOT go through CR. "this doc has already implementations as follows and might go directly to PR... " [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-12-13]. 15:55:44 AxelPolleres: one last point on service description review, re RFC wording of MUST SHOULD and MAIN 15:55:52 s/MAIN/MAY/ 15:55:58 +q 15:56:06 ack me 15:56:07 AndyS, you wanted to ask what is the min CR if we did a CR 15:56:13 q+ 15:56:53 ACTION: Axel to check RFC wording for MUST SHOULD, MAY across docs. 15:56:53 Created ACTION-570 - Check RFC wording for MUST SHOULD, MAY across docs. [on Axel Polleres - due 2011-12-13]. 15:57:26 q- 15:58:41 ACTION-570: suggestion is to standardize on the tag 15:58:41 ACTION-570 Check RFC wording for MUST SHOULD, MAY across docs. notes added 15:59:06 q- 15:59:07 kasei: suggests working with the rfc2119 tag as well 15:59:13 -MattPerry 15:59:17 -chimezie 15:59:17 bye 15:59:19 \quit 15:59:20 adjourned 15:59:22 -cbuilara 15:59:23 -swh 15:59:26 -kasei 15:59:28 -pgearon 15:59:29 rrsagent, make records public 15:59:32 -Olivier 15:59:45 swh - did you want to talk? 15:59:50 -AxelPolleres? 15:59:52 SteveH - did you want to talk? 16:00:33 -AndyS 16:00:34 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended 16:00:36 Attendees were kasei, AndyS, MattPerry, Olivier, +3517073aaaa, chimezie, cbuilara, AxelPolleres?, pgearon, swh 16:01:45 e.g. MUST"> 16:02:22 yeah. I think I'm the only one actually using them, though. 16:02:25 I still sw some different formattings when checking quickly,will just have a quick look over... 16:02:34 ok, that explains it :-) 16:03:02 yes, I'm just looking at the service description doc. Was about to check some others :-) 16:03:03 well, it may explain it. formatting would be the same whether you used the entity or directly wrote MUST 16:03:25 if the entities are there, then it seems silly not to be using them 16:04:45 the entities are currently in: entailment federation, json-results, property-paths, query, service description, sparql11 overview, and update 16:05:18 though some of these docs only have one or two of the entities in them, rather than all of them 16:12:33 AxelPolleres has left #sparql 16:14:51 domel has joined #sparql 17:11:21 swh has joined #sparql 17:11:27 swh has left #sparql 17:46:49 AndyS has joined #sparql 18:15:53 iv_an_ru has joined #sparql 18:27:12 Zakim has left #sparql