09:58:46 RRSAgent has joined #mediafrag 09:58:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/11/30-mediafrag-irc 09:58:48 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:58:48 Zakim has joined #mediafrag 09:58:50 Zakim, this will be IA_MFWG 09:58:50 ok, trackbot; I see IA_MFWG()5:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 09:58:51 Meeting: Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference 09:58:51 Date: 30 November 2011 09:58:59 IA_MFWG()5:00AM has now started 09:59:06 +Erik 09:59:40 regrets: Raphael, Silvia 10:00:56 tomayac has joined #mediafrag 10:01:06 I'll call soon 10:01:31 present: Erik, Davy, Yves 10:02:57 +Yves 10:02:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:02:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/30-mediafrag-minutes.html erik 10:03:32 +tomayac 10:04:42 present+ Thomas 10:07:50 chair: Erik 10:07:54 Scribe: Erik 10:08:09 TOPIC: ADMIN 10:08:45 davy has joined #mediafrag 10:08:51 PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the last telecon: http://www.w3.org/2011/11/23-mediafrag-minutes.html 10:08:51 PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the last telecon: http://www.w3.org/2011/11/23-mediafrag-minutes.html 10:08:51 PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the last telecon: http://www.w3.org/2011/11/23-mediafrag-minutes.html 10:09:00 +1 to accept 10:09:04 +1 10:09:04 +1 10:09:27 TPOIC: SPEC 10:09:40 s/TPOIC/TOPIC 10:10:32 so Yves says the publication to CR will be tomorrow (Thursday) 10:11:48 + + 10:11:57 Zakim, I am aaaa 10:11:57 +foolip; got it 10:12:02 Zakim, mute me 10:12:02 foolip should now be muted 10:12:12 present+ Filip 10:12:45 Davy asks if features 'at risk' will be marked non-normative? 10:13:10 Yves says it should just be another normative note 10:13:55 Davy: can appendix about RTSP processing be moved to recipes note? 10:14:02 Yves: no problem 10:15:14 Yves says that just editorial changes to make spec more readable are justified between CR and PR 10:15:21 so, if we're dropping server-side, is there any dimension left that has 2 client-side implementations? 10:16:25 Zakim, unmute me 10:16:25 foolip should no longer be muted 10:20:38 Thomas: in the strict sense, we have not yet two complete implementations 10:20:51 ... but the current 'implementations' fulfil the requirements for me 10:21:10 xywh should stay 10:21:16 foolip: what dimensions will be in the spec? 10:21:30 erik: time (only npt) and spatial 10:21:44 scribenick: Davy 10:21:48 scribe: Davy 10:21:59 Zakim, mute me 10:21:59 foolip should now be muted 10:22:24 Zakim, unmute me 10:22:24 foolip should no longer be muted 10:22:47 even the fact that mediadescription (and CSS) uses mediafrag is in one way an implementation 10:23:15 Thomas: Opera had at some point an implementation, but then it got canceled. Where did it get dropped from the priority list? 10:23:36 foolip: implementation was a PoC for the Open Video conference 10:23:46 ... it was an experiment if it worked or not 10:24:17 ... it's on the priority list, but there are other things to do first 10:24:37 thomas: for chromium, it is still open 10:24:45 ... don't know about the priority 10:24:55 Zakim, mute me 10:24:55 foolip should now be muted 10:25:24 ACTION-231: Yves to check if his grammar is in sync with the latest version of the spec 10:25:24 ACTION-231 Check if his grammar is in synch with the latest version of the spec notes added 10:25:37 close ACTION-231 10:25:37 ACTION-231 Check if his grammar is in synch with the latest version of the spec closed 10:25:38 the "pink glasses" mail I was referring to before: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2011Nov/0078.html 10:25:49 close ACTION-244 10:25:50 ACTION-244 Mail implementers the likelihood to get the remaining features implemented in the coming weeks closed 10:26:01 TOPIC: Test cases and implementations 10:26:30 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/WD-media-fragments-impl/ 10:26:38 The Chromium bug: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=94368 10:26:47 tomayac, putting things 'at risk' does mean that we can remove them if needed, it doesn't mean they will be removed. 10:27:04 erik: slight change that dailymotion comes up with an implementation (both client and server-side) 10:27:25 ... we should have feedback by next week 10:27:35 Yves, I know. Slow steps, but that's good I guess :-) 10:27:57 ACTION: troncy to clarify whether Dailymotion will provide an implementation or not 10:27:57 Created ACTION-245 - Clarify whether Dailymotion will provide an implementation or not [on Raphaël Troncy - due 2011-12-07]. 10:28:23 close ACTION-228 10:28:23 ACTION-228 Develop the validator page using his js library for media fragments closed 10:28:33 close ACTION-232 10:28:33 ACTION-232 Use the machine readable descriptions of the test cases (n3, rdf) for adapting to the Mozilla test suite framework closed 10:28:48 close ACTION-237 10:28:48 ACTION-237 Review TC-0095-UA to TC-0102-UA closed 10:28:50 close ACTION-238 10:28:51 ACTION-238 Review TC0002-S to TC0026-S (server test cases) closed 10:28:53 close ACTION-239 10:28:54 ACTION-239 Review TC0027-S to TC0102-S (server test cases) closed 10:29:08 close ACTION-241 10:29:08 ACTION-241 Starting from http://tomayac.com/mediafragments/implementationtests.html to generate a EARL report closed 10:29:27 close ACTION-242 10:29:28 ACTION-242 Contact Jack to get media resources to test TC0099 and TC0100 closed 10:29:36 close ACTION-234 10:29:36 ACTION-234 Review the "Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures" IETF draft closed 10:30:19 close ACTION-243 10:30:19 ACTION-243 Search for a media resource that contains a chapter name closed 10:30:37 sorry, late to call 10:30:54 Topic: update action list 10:31:01 Action-240? 10:31:01 ACTION-240 -- Raphaël Troncy to create a first draft of this page on the wiki before designing the web site -- due 2011-10-12 -- OPEN 10:31:01 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/240 10:31:05 erik: still open 10:31:16 topic: update issue-list 10:31:24 issue-10? 10:31:24 ISSUE-10 -- Media Fragments Test Case Maintenance -- open 10:31:24 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/10 10:33:05 action: erik to update the issues and close the issues that can be closed 10:33:06 Created ACTION-246 - Update the issues and close the issues that can be closed [on Erik Mannens - due 2011-12-07]. 10:33:15 erik: issue-10 can be closed 10:33:26 issue-17? 10:33:26 ISSUE-17 -- Media Fragment track names and IRIs -- open 10:33:26 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/17 10:35:01 +tomayac.a 10:35:52 erik: can be closed as well (will be addressed in a future version of the spec) 10:35:57 issue-20? 10:35:57 ISSUE-20 -- Create a IETF draft at CR stage explaining what the media fragment semantics will be for video/*, image/*, audio/* -- open 10:35:57 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/20 10:37:17 Yves: we should ask Philippe Le Hégaret about that 10:37:36 erik: will close this issue and send a mail to philippe 10:37:50 issue-21? 10:37:50 ISSUE-21 -- Expressing complex regions with a reference in Media Fragments URI -- open 10:37:50 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/21 10:38:28 erik: something for MF2.0, can be closed 10:38:42 topic: what's still left to do? 10:39:45 erik: restructuring the spec 10:39:56 ... removing the features that are not implemented 10:40:07 ... implementation report 10:40:40 erik: how much time is needed between CR and PR? 10:43:13 topic: AOB 10:43:35 no aob 10:43:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/30-mediafrag-minutes.html davy 10:44:47 -tomayac.a 10:44:48 [adjourned] 10:44:48 -Erik 10:44:49 -Yves 10:45:07 -foolip 10:45:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/30-mediafrag-minutes.html davy 10:55:54 davy has joined #mediafrag 11:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, tomayac, in IA_MFWG()5:00AM 11:05:02 IA_MFWG()5:00AM has ended 11:05:06 Attendees were Erik, Yves, tomayac, +, foolip