IRC log of dap on 2011-11-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:46:15 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dap
- 14:46:15 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:46:17 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 14:46:17 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #dap
- 14:46:19 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DAP
- 14:46:19 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes
- 14:46:20 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
- 14:46:20 [trackbot]
- Date: 16 November 2011
- 14:53:31 [Kihong_Kwon]
- Kihong_Kwon has joined #dap
- 14:53:33 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
- 14:53:35 [Zakim]
- + +1.289.261.aaaa
- 14:54:51 [fjh]
- fjh has joined #dap
- 14:55:12 [fjh]
- trackbot, start telecon
- 14:55:15 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 14:55:17 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DAP
- 14:55:17 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot, I see UW_DAP()10:00AM already started
- 14:55:18 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
- 14:55:18 [trackbot]
- Date: 16 November 2011
- 14:57:26 [spoussa]
- spoussa has joined #dap
- 14:57:28 [Dzung_Tran]
- Dzung_Tran has joined #dap
- 14:57:34 [Dzung_Tran]
- Present+ Dzung_Tran
- 14:57:47 [Clarke]
- Clarke has joined #dap
- 14:57:55 [Clarke]
- Present+ Clarke_Stevens
- 14:58:28 [fjh]
- Agenda:
- 14:58:39 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 14:58:41 [Zakim]
- -??P7
- 14:58:41 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 14:58:58 [Clarke]
- zakim, ??P7 is Clarke
- 14:58:59 [Zakim]
- +Clarke; got it
- 14:59:34 [Zakim]
- + +1.503.333.aabb
- 14:59:41 [fjh]
- Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 14:59:48 [fjh]
- Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 15:00:06 [Zakim]
- + +
- 15:00:17 [nwidell]
- nwidell has joined #dap
- 15:00:25 [spoussa]
- zakin, aabb is spoussa
- 15:00:35 [dom]
- Zakim, aabb is spoussa
- 15:00:35 [Zakim]
- +spoussa; got it
- 15:00:47 [Zakim]
- +??P11
- 15:00:50 [AnssiK]
- Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
- 15:00:55 [Zakim]
- +??P12
- 15:00:56 [AnssiK]
- zakim, ??P11 is me
- 15:00:56 [Kihong_Kwon]
- Present+ Kihong_Kwon
- 15:00:57 [Zakim]
- +AnssiK; got it
- 15:01:00 [fjh]
- \
- 15:01:01 [dom]
- Zakim, ??P12 is me
- 15:01:01 [Zakim]
- +dom; got it
- 15:01:16 [spoussa]
- Present+ Sakari_Poussa
- 15:01:21 [Zakim]
- + +
- 15:01:25 [Claes]
- Claes has joined #dap
- 15:01:28 [nwidell]
- Present+ Niklas_Widell
- 15:01:29 [darobin]
- Zakim, aadd is me
- 15:01:29 [Zakim]
- +darobin; got it
- 15:01:35 [dom]
- Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux
- 15:01:37 [Ais]
- Ais has joined #dap
- 15:01:42 [Claes]
- Present+ Claes_Nilsson
- 15:02:01 [Ais]
- Present+ Anders_Isberg
- 15:02:04 [Zakim]
- + +86255662aaee
- 15:02:06 [wonsuk]
- wonsuk has joined #dap
- 15:02:09 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 15:02:18 [dom]
- Zakim, who's noisy?
- 15:02:29 [Zakim]
- dom, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: darobin (72%), +86255662aaee (5%), [IPcaller] (44%)
- 15:02:38 [fjh]
- zakim /me ok 'll try algain
- 15:02:42 [Zakim]
- -[IPcaller]
- 15:02:47 [darobin]
- lovely :(
- 15:03:10 [Zakim]
- + +
- 15:03:20 [Zakim]
- +Frederick_Hirsch
- 15:03:29 [Claes]
- Zakim, aaff is Claes
- 15:03:30 [Zakim]
- +Claes; got it
- 15:03:34 [timeless]
- timeless has joined #dap
- 15:03:45 [dom]
- Zakim, who's on the call?
- 15:03:45 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see +1.289.261.aaaa, Clarke, spoussa, +, AnssiK, dom, darobin, +86255662aaee, Claes, Frederick_Hirsch
- 15:03:59 [nwidell]
- Zakim, aacc is nwidell
- 15:03:59 [Zakim]
- +nwidell; got it
- 15:03:59 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, aaaa is me
- 15:04:01 [Zakim]
- +Josh_Soref; got it
- 15:04:06 [dom]
- Zakim, who's on the call?
- 15:04:06 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Josh_Soref, Clarke, spoussa, nwidell, AnssiK, dom, darobin, +86255662aaee, Claes, Frederick_Hirsch
- 15:04:33 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is making noise?
- 15:04:44 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: darobin (54%), +86255662aaee (54%), Frederick_Hirsch (4%)
- 15:04:49 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:04:49 [Cathy]
- Cathy has joined #dap
- 15:04:49 [Zakim]
- sorry, fjh, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 15:05:00 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute Frederick_Hirsch
- 15:05:00 [Zakim]
- Frederick_Hirsch should now be muted
- 15:05:05 [fjh]
- zakim, Frederick_Hirsch is me
- 15:05:05 [Zakim]
- +fjh; got it
- 15:05:18 [Josh_Soref]
- Scribe: Josh_Soref
- 15:05:31 [Cathy]
- Present+ Cathy_Chan
- 15:05:42 [Josh_Soref]
- Present+ Josh_Soref
- 15:05:44 [Zakim]
- +??P20
- 15:05:46 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is making noise?
- 15:05:50 [Cathy]
- zakim, ??P20 is me
- 15:05:50 [Zakim]
- +Cathy; got it
- 15:05:59 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +86255662aaee (27%)
- 15:06:10 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim: mute aaee
- 15:06:12 [fjh]
- Topic: Administrative
- 15:06:13 [fjh]
- Please complete questionnaire for dates of next F2F in March 2012: (Dom)
- 15:06:14 [fjh]
- Review: Geolocation WG will publish the DeviceOrientation Event specification as a Last Call -
- 15:06:21 [Josh_Soref]
- s/Zakim: mute aaee//
- 15:06:25 [fjh]
- A big thank you to Josh for scribing the F2F
- 15:06:32 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute +86255662aaee
- 15:06:32 [Zakim]
- +86255662aaee should now be muted
- 15:06:32 [darobin]
- +1
- 15:06:35 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 15:06:35 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Josh_Soref, Clarke, spoussa, nwidell, AnssiK, dom, darobin, +86255662aaee (muted), Claes, fjh (muted), Cathy
- 15:06:37 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Cathy, Josh_Soref, wonsuk, Ais, Claes, nwidell, Clarke, Dzung_Tran, spoussa, fjh, Kihong_Kwon, Zakim, RRSAgent, AnssiK, dcoloma, darobin, richt, rektide, ilkka,
- 15:06:39 [Zakim]
- ... lgombos, trackbot, mounir, dom
- 15:07:00 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:07:00 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:07:45 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: There's a Survey, with 3 weeks available
- 15:07:50 [Josh_Soref]
- ... please fill it in
- 15:08:04 [Zakim]
- +wonsuk
- 15:08:06 [Josh_Soref]
- ... especially possible hosts, please look into whether you're available
- 15:08:07 [Zakim]
- - +86255662aaee
- 15:08:11 [R_Berkoff]
- R_Berkoff has joined #dap
- 15:08:13 [fjh]
- 15:08:14 [AnssiK]
- +1 to approve the minutes
- 15:08:19 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Minutes Approval
- 15:08:29 [Josh_Soref]
- RESOLUTION: Minutes from F2F are approved
- 15:08:36 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Vibration API
- 15:08:45 [fjh]
- CfC to publish FPWD,
- 15:08:46 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Publish FPWD of Vibration API on 22 November 2011
- 15:08:48 [AnssiK]
- +1 to publish FPWD
- 15:08:55 [wonsuk]
- +1
- 15:09:07 [AnssiK]
- q+
- 15:09:12 [dom]
- ack AnssiK
- 15:09:17 [dom]
- +1 on FPWD
- 15:09:24 [fjh]
- +1 to FPWD
- 15:09:27 [Kihong_Kwon]
- +1
- 15:09:29 [darobin]
- +1 too
- 15:09:32 [Josh_Soref]
- AnssiK: there's a discussion about Method Overloading and XXX
- 15:09:40 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but that shouldn't hold up a FPWD
- 15:09:50 [Josh_Soref]
- RESOLUTION: Publish FPWD of Vibration API
- 15:09:51 [Zakim]
- + +86255662aagg
- 15:09:52 [darobin]
- ACTION: Robin to publish Vibration FPWD
- 15:09:52 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-488 - Publish Vibration FPWD [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-11-23].
- 15:10:05 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: I'm away next week, darobin please arrange for next week + publication
- 15:10:25 [Claes]
- q+
- 15:10:30 [fjh]
- DAP API Requirements -
- 15:10:31 [fjh]
- System information -
- 15:10:31 [fjh]
- Messaging API -
- 15:10:31 [fjh]
- Gallery API -
- 15:10:32 [fjh]
- Suggested change to warning text: (Frederick)
- 15:10:32 [fjh]
- discussion re system information.
- 15:10:34 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Update status of editors drafts to indicate shelving, for DAP API Requirements, System Information, Messaging, Gallery APIs and update Roadmap to move to archived section.
- 15:10:45 [AnssiK]
- s/XXX/type coercion/
- 15:10:49 [dom]
- q?
- 15:11:03 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I'm going to tweak YYY on jcantera's input
- 15:11:08 [fjh]
- ack Claes
- 15:11:22 [Josh_Soref]
- Claes: I'm reading the new warning text here
- 15:11:25 [Zakim]
- + +44.208.144.aahh
- 15:11:28 [Josh_Soref]
- ... I have a comment on the Gallery API
- 15:11:33 [AnssiK]
- +1 to shelve all the above
- 15:11:37 [richt]
- zakim, aahh is me
- 15:11:37 [Zakim]
- +richt; got it
- 15:11:42 [richt]
- Present+ Rich_Tibbett
- 15:11:43 [Josh_Soref]
- ... If we shelve that API, I need to know what that means
- 15:11:58 [Josh_Soref]
- s/YYY/the Shelving proposal/
- 15:12:14 [Josh_Soref]
- ... We have work based on it
- 15:12:21 [Josh_Soref]
- ... If we shelve it, can we reopen it at any time?
- 15:12:22 [slightlyoff]
- slightlyoff has joined #dap
- 15:12:25 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: definitely
- 15:12:32 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we have a problem, we've published a bunch of documents
- 15:12:38 [Josh_Soref]
- ... some we're currently working on
- 15:12:43 [Josh_Soref]
- ... some which we haven't worked on recently
- 15:12:49 [fjh]
- if shelved we note the document should not be used, we aren't working on it, but we can always resume the work etc
- 15:12:52 [Josh_Soref]
- ... there's a certain amount of confusion about what we're doing
- 15:13:01 [Josh_Soref]
- ... among people outside the WG
- 15:13:23 [Josh_Soref]
- ... some of our documents haven't had a refresh because we haven't reached a newer conclusion
- 15:13:39 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:13:40 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:13:42 [Josh_Soref]
- ... With shelving, we're just adding a Warning that it's not our current belief
- 15:13:54 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we can at a later time remove the shelving warning
- 15:14:05 [Josh_Soref]
- ... either updating the document to a new view
- 15:14:14 [Josh_Soref]
- ... or having decided we like the view as published
- 15:14:18 [Josh_Soref]
- Claes: so for Webinos
- 15:14:23 [Josh_Soref]
- ... if we have input
- 15:14:23 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:14:23 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:14:29 [fjh]
- shelving is not a charter change
- 15:14:33 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: everything in the Charter, if we have new input
- 15:14:40 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we can continue working on at any time
- 15:14:50 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: It's just about making clear what's going on
- 15:14:57 [Josh_Soref]
- ... There's been discussion about SysInfo as well
- 15:15:04 [Josh_Soref]
- ... But i'd suggest we do this for now
- 15:15:11 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I'd suggest we go ahead and do it
- 15:15:15 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Update status of editors drafts to indicate shelving, for DAP API Requirements, System Information, Messaging, Gallery APIs and update Roadmap to move to archived section.
- 15:15:15 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it's reversible
- 15:15:33 [Josh_Soref]
- q+ to speak on shelving text
- 15:15:41 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:15:41 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:15:45 [Josh_Soref]
- Dzung_Tran: I have concerns about shelving Device API Requirements
- 15:15:57 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it would be fine if we could have what is discussed in this warning text
- 15:16:00 [dom]
- s/Dzung_Tran/Deepanshu
- 15:16:08 [Josh_Soref]
- ... this warning text implies that this document can be taken up in future
- 15:16:27 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but I have been told that the group has decided not to revise that Document
- 15:16:44 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 15:16:44 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Josh_Soref, Clarke, spoussa, nwidell, AnssiK, dom, darobin, Claes, fjh (muted), Cathy, wonsuk, +86255662aagg, richt
- 15:16:53 [Josh_Soref]
- ... so the Warning text for the Requirements document should be changed to address that
- 15:16:58 [dom]
- Zakim, aagg is Deepanshu_Gautam
- 15:16:58 [Zakim]
- +Deepanshu_Gautam; got it
- 15:17:04 [AnssiK]
- [ I think that for requirements gathering wiki might work better ]
- 15:17:07 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:17:07 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:17:10 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: We said that the Warning text should be specific to the individual shelved documents
- 15:17:13 [fjh]
- ack Josh_Soref
- 15:17:13 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref, you wanted to speak on shelving text
- 15:17:19 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:17:19 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:17:25 [darobin]
- ACTION: Robin to prepare Requirements, SysInfo, Messaging, Gallery for shelving (wait for text from Deepanshu for Reqs)
- 15:17:26 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-489 - Prepare Requirements, SysInfo, Messaging, Gallery for shelving (wait for text from Deepanshu for Reqs) [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-11-23].
- 15:17:42 [fjh]
- josh_soref: spoke with Suresh, will also try to suggest text
- 15:17:47 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute
- 15:17:47 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'unmute', fjh
- 15:17:53 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:17:53 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:18:05 [darobin]
- ACTION-489: wait for text from Josh, include input from Jose and Frederick
- 15:18:05 [trackbot]
- ACTION-489 Prepare Requirements, SysInfo, Messaging, Gallery for shelving (wait for text from Deepanshu for Reqs) notes added
- 15:18:32 [dom]
- dom has changed the topic to: DAP teleconf agenda
- 15:18:41 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Update status of editors drafts to indicate shelving, for DAP API Requirements, System Information, Messaging, Gallery APIs and update Roadmap to move to archived section.
- 15:18:59 [wonsuk]
- q+
- 15:19:13 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute me
- 15:19:13 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref should now be muted
- 15:19:25 [fjh]
- ack wonsuk
- 15:19:33 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:19:33 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:19:44 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I need to coordinate with w3 communications so that we don't get Announced for these documents
- 15:19:54 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: I'd agree it's best that we don't Annoucne
- 15:19:58 [Josh_Soref]
- s/cne/nce/
- 15:20:18 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:20:18 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:20:56 [dom]
- no, wonsuk was arguing for integrating requirements in each spec, to make it easier for the reader
- 15:21:37 [timeless]
- timeless has joined #dap
- 15:21:44 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:21:44 [Zakim]
- fjh was not muted, fjh
- 15:22:07 [darobin]
- +1 to Wonsuk
- 15:22:33 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: there's a Draft Charter
- 15:22:46 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we're just waiting for the mailing list to be created
- 15:22:51 [Josh_Soref]
- ... dom, do you know its status?
- 15:22:53 [fjh]
- Topic: WebIntents Task Force
- 15:22:53 [fjh]
- draft charter,
- 15:22:53 [Josh_Soref]
- dom: I don't
- 15:22:59 [Josh_Soref]
- ... I think shepazu is in charge of this
- 15:23:03 [fjh]
- s/Topic/Topic:/
- 15:23:08 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but he's at the W3C conference right now
- 15:23:15 [Josh_Soref]
- ... there was some concern about the Naming
- 15:23:22 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and there was a concern about ZZZ
- 15:23:34 [fjh]
- s/ZZZ/naming/
- 15:23:40 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: in terms of naming, I think that ship has sailed
- 15:23:45 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:23:45 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:23:56 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:23:56 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:23:56 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: we'll just have a mailing list
- 15:24:01 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i'd rather not use the same system
- 15:24:07 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it was rather buggy last time around
- 15:24:23 [fjh]
- need a task force for IPR obligations
- 15:24:26 [Josh_Soref]
- dom: there's an issue of who is Formally a Member of the TF
- 15:24:40 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we want an open mailing list where anyone can subscribe
- 15:25:14 [Josh_Soref]
- s/not use the same system/not use the same system as used for public-device-status/
- 15:25:22 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: We can track who contributed
- 15:25:27 [Josh_Soref]
- ... by following the mailing list
- 15:25:33 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and seeing who has made the IPR commitments
- 15:25:40 [Josh_Soref]
- ... in the same way we track the DAP public mailing list
- 15:25:47 [Josh_Soref]
- dom: AAA
- 15:25:56 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: if there are big concerns, we can do something else
- 15:26:03 [fjh]
- s/AAA/so ok with just having a mailing list?
- 15:26:10 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but I don't see how this is different from DAP's public mailing list or WebApps, etc.
- 15:26:17 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: I'll talk w/ shepazu
- 15:26:28 [Josh_Soref]
- q+ to talk about delays
- 15:26:36 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I don't know that there's much to talk about beyond that
- 15:26:36 [fjh]
- ack Josh_Soref
- 15:26:37 [darobin]
- ack Josh_Soref
- 15:26:38 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref, you wanted to talk about delays
- 15:27:05 [fjh]
- Josh_Soref concerned about delays and cross-posting, so wants this to be done quickly
- 15:27:18 [fjh]
- darobin: we all agree
- 15:27:26 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute me
- 15:27:28 [darobin]
- 15:27:28 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref should now be muted
- 15:27:32 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Web API Design Cookbook
- 15:27:34 [fjh]
- 15:27:37 [darobin]
- 15:27:46 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: darobin, I know you've worked on this
- 15:27:49 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:27:49 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:27:51 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i don't know if there's much more to do
- 15:27:59 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: this has been done openly on GitHub
- 15:28:01 [darobin]
- 15:28:09 [Josh_Soref]
- ... if you want changes made to it, you just clone from the repository
- 15:28:11 [Josh_Soref]
- ... make your changes
- 15:28:15 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and make a pull request
- 15:28:19 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and then i'll integrate them
- 15:28:27 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it's handled like a regular open source project
- 15:28:33 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it's like a Cook Book
- 15:28:38 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and not a BBB
- 15:28:53 [Josh_Soref]
- ... The idea is to help people writing APIs inside or outside of W3C
- 15:28:58 [Josh_Soref]
- ... to be able to refer to this document
- 15:29:02 [Josh_Soref]
- ... to find best practices
- 15:29:06 [Josh_Soref]
- ... input is welcome
- 15:29:12 [Josh_Soref]
- ... preferably in the form of patches
- 15:29:15 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but otherwise as well
- 15:29:19 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:29:19 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:29:20 [Josh_Soref]
- ... Two sections have been fleshed out
- 15:29:25 [Josh_Soref]
- ... but others are coming
- 15:29:30 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Battery
- 15:29:30 [AnssiK]
- q+
- 15:29:35 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: AnssiK, where are we?
- 15:29:37 [fjh]
- ack AnssiK
- 15:29:38 [Josh_Soref]
- ack AnssiK
- 15:29:43 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:29:43 [Zakim]
- fjh was not muted, fjh
- 15:29:47 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:29:47 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:29:48 [dom]
- Zakim, who's noisy?
- 15:29:58 [wonsuk]
- To make clear our specs, an requirement part should be included to the each spec to make it easier for the reader. In addition to make a consistency among requirement and other parts of the spec.
- 15:29:58 [Zakim]
- dom, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Deepanshu_Gautam (94%), darobin (55%), AnssiK (15%)
- 15:30:09 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute deepanshu_gautam
- 15:30:11 [Zakim]
- Deepanshu_Gautam should now be muted
- 15:30:23 [Josh_Soref]
- AnssiK: last time we discussed the topic at the F2F
- 15:30:30 [Josh_Soref]
- ... the only remaining issue was the Threshold feature
- 15:30:36 [Josh_Soref]
- ... spoussa sent a proposal
- 15:30:41 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it was discussed on the mailing list
- 15:31:03 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we found out that we don't have a design that meets the quality requirements
- 15:31:08 [Josh_Soref]
- ... so we're going to push it to v2
- 15:31:16 [Josh_Soref]
- ... given that, we're ready for CfC to LC
- 15:31:22 [Josh_Soref]
- ... so we can iron out any last bits
- 15:31:35 [Josh_Soref]
- ... I'd like to note that this is shipping in Firefox 10 (Aurora)
- 15:31:39 [Josh_Soref]
- ... so you can grab that
- 15:31:40 [fjh]
- +1 to CfC for Last Call
- 15:31:40 [darobin]
- [that will only work on Android or Linux]
- 15:31:42 [Josh_Soref]
- ... that's about it
- 15:31:45 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:31:45 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:31:51 [spoussa]
- +1
- 15:31:54 [AnssiK]
- +1 to CfC for Last Call
- 15:31:54 [wonsuk]
- +1
- 15:32:16 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: dom / darobin : any concerns about CfC to LC?
- 15:32:19 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: not at all
- 15:32:26 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: let's do this
- 15:32:37 [Josh_Soref]
- ... AnssiK, can you do the paper/prep work for LC?
- 15:32:43 [Josh_Soref]
- AnssiK: I haven't done it, but i'm willing to learn
- 15:32:49 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: sure, we can help you
- 15:32:54 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I'll do the CfC
- 15:32:57 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: great
- 15:33:04 [darobin]
- ACTION: Robin to CfC Battery LC
- 15:33:04 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-490 - CfC Battery LC [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-11-23].
- 15:33:09 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Discovery API
- 15:33:12 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: there's a demo online
- 15:33:16 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i'm not sure what else is new
- 15:33:19 [fjh]
- discovery demo online,
- 15:33:21 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 15:33:21 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Josh_Soref (muted), Clarke, spoussa, nwidell, AnssiK, dom, darobin, Claes, fjh, Cathy, wonsuk, Deepanshu_Gautam (muted), richt
- 15:33:29 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i don't know if Clarke is on the call
- 15:33:39 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i don't know if there's anything to discuss
- 15:33:47 [Josh_Soref]
- darobin: I don't think so
- 15:33:52 [Josh_Soref]
- ... a lot of the action has been around Intents
- 15:33:56 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and Battery and Vibration
- 15:34:02 [fjh]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:34:02 [Zakim]
- fjh should now be muted
- 15:34:08 [Josh_Soref]
- ... before the call, I sent a draft of a Media Capture TF charter
- 15:34:11 [darobin]
- 15:34:20 [Josh_Soref]
- ... another Joint TF
- 15:34:31 [Josh_Soref]
- i/think so/Topic: AOB
- 15:34:34 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we'
- 15:34:44 [fjh]
- regrets from me for next week
- 15:34:49 [Josh_Soref]
- s/we'/we're trying to get that off the ground quickly
- 15:34:54 [fjh]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:34:54 [Zakim]
- fjh should no longer be muted
- 15:34:57 [darobin]
- q?
- 15:35:04 [Josh_Soref]
- ... The WebRTC people want to get it out early next year
- 15:35:22 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: darobin, can you send out the agenda for next week?
- 15:35:27 [Josh_Soref]
- ... thanks Josh_Soref for scribing
- 15:35:29 [Zakim]
- -richt
- 15:35:30 [Josh_Soref]
- [ Adjourned ]
- 15:35:33 [Zakim]
- -spoussa
- 15:35:34 [Zakim]
- -Cathy
- 15:35:35 [Zakim]
- -darobin
- 15:35:35 [Zakim]
- -dom
- 15:35:36 [Zakim]
- -nwidell
- 15:35:37 [Zakim]
- -fjh
- 15:35:37 [Josh_Soref]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 15:35:37 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Josh_Soref
- 15:35:38 [Zakim]
- -AnssiK
- 15:35:38 [Zakim]
- -Deepanshu_Gautam
- 15:35:42 [Zakim]
- -Claes
- 15:35:54 [Zakim]
- -wonsuk
- 15:36:05 [Zakim]
- -Josh_Soref
- 15:36:12 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is on the call?
- 15:36:12 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Clarke
- 15:36:18 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, end telcon
- 15:36:18 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'end telcon', Josh_Soref
- 15:36:21 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, end telco
- 15:36:21 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'end telco', Josh_Soref
- 15:36:25 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, help
- 15:36:25 [Zakim]
- Please refer to for more detailed help.
- 15:36:27 [Zakim]
- Some of the commands I know are:
- 15:36:29 [Zakim]
- xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx
- 15:36:32 [Zakim]
- if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted
- 15:36:34 [Zakim]
- xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx
- 15:36:37 [Zakim]
- I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx
- 15:36:40 [Zakim]
- xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group
- 15:36:42 [Zakim]
- xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx
- 15:36:45 [Zakim]
- who's here? - lists the participants on the phone
- 15:36:48 [Zakim]
- who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted
- 15:36:51 [Zakim]
- mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#)
- 15:36:53 [Zakim]
- unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61#
- 15:36:56 [Zakim]
- is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present
- 15:36:58 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, drop Clarke
- 15:36:59 [Zakim]
- list conferences - reports the active conferences
- 15:37:01 [Zakim]
- this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx
- 15:37:03 [Zakim]
- excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel
- 15:37:06 [Zakim]
- I last learned something new on $Date: 2010/03/15 18:49:04 $
- 15:37:09 [Zakim]
- Clarke is being disconnected
- 15:37:09 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
- 15:37:11 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.289.261.aaaa, Clarke, +1.503.333.aabb, +, spoussa, AnssiK, dom, +, darobin, +86255662aaee, [IPcaller], +, Claes,
- 15:37:13 [Zakim]
- ... nwidell, Josh_Soref, fjh, Cathy, wonsuk, +86255662aagg, +44.208.144.aahh, richt, Deepanshu_Gautam
- 15:42:32 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: oh
- 15:42:39 [Josh_Soref]
- so, one person asked me to make a change to the minutes
- 15:42:49 [Josh_Soref]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- I see 3 open action items saved in :
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Robin to publish Vibration FPWD [1]
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Robin to prepare Requirements, SysInfo, Messaging, Gallery for shelving (wait for text from Deepanshu for Reqs) [2]
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Robin to CfC Battery LC [3]
- 15:42:49 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in