22:44:23 RRSAgent has joined #winteract 22:44:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-winteract-irc 22:44:26 trackbot, start meeting 22:44:39 rrsagent, make logs public 22:44:40 jallan_ has joined #winteract 22:44:50 rrsagent, make minutes 22:44:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-winteract-minutes.html jeanne 22:44:59 raman: the set of apis that are available in the browser are growing fast 22:45:13 rrsagent, make logs public 22:45:18 raman: speech input and output are coming 22:45:35 raman: there are web apps you can create that are innovative 22:46:00 raman: such as lightweight, accessible twitter client application 22:46:14 raman: in this generation user interfaces are very easy to build 22:46:31 myakura has joined #winteract 22:46:37 raman: it used to be very hard to create UIs 22:46:59 raman: then you had hypercard and visual basic and things got a bit easier 22:47:35 raman: now for the web you can introduce multi modal UIs and we can build UIs in the cloud 22:47:48 raman: what are the interesting things we can build? 22:48:09 raman: I want to change the mindset about what UIs we can build 22:48:25 apps are UAs 22:48:29 raman: we don't need a one size fit all approach 22:49:06 jfoliot: so target more UIs targeted at multiple modalities? 22:49:41 raman: so you could build a very good speech UI or a simple html UI that speaks 22:49:53 jfoliot: so intentional events? 22:50:08 raman: don't pigeon hole the issue 22:50:36 raman: this is a building block that will help developers build a UI that runs in different contexts 22:50:57 YW has joined #winteract 22:50:59 raman: intentional events has been bubbling around for some time 22:51:22 raman: steven pemberton and I worked on a draft in Florida in 2003 22:51:28 youenn has joined #winteract 22:51:37 raman: the API specs are moving very quickly 22:51:53 scribenick:rschwerdtfeger 22:52:05 raman: moving the web a step forward 22:52:28 david: how do you couch these in an MVC design? 22:52:43 raman: in xforms we did this and it scared a lot of people away 22:53:22 raman: the way google docs works is that it uses a very rich javascript architecture that maps itself onto the HTML canvas 22:53:44 rich: not to be confused with HTML canvas element 22:54:05 raman: these web apps can deliver a very rich experience 22:54:59 charleschen: Demos google docs speaking 22:55:21 raman: you don't get this massive soup of html 22:55:49 raman: spreadsheets are even more interesting as there is an MVC in the backend 22:56:05 raman: before we tried to do this with a rich xml stack 22:56:49 raman: what we are discovering is that web developers are trying to preserve their own sanity and they have moved rich modeling in the javascript layer 22:57:02 raman: web services turned out to be a giant rat hole 22:57:08 shunan has joined #winteract 22:57:19 raman: service however have not and are flourishing 22:57:47 shunan_ has joined #winteract 22:57:50 raman: you can take the youtube api and you can build a half dozen uis in 2-3 hours 22:58:07 raman: these things are very easy to build 22:58:25 raman: it is very empowering 22:59:16 raman: charles can you show a very quick demo? 23:00:07 charleschen: i am navigating through the various cells 23:00:53 raman: 5 years ago you would have had to fight a lot of issues as you were dependent on how it was drawn 23:01:13 charleschen: you can now drive this with javascript apis 23:02:26 raman: when you are building this you can control accessibility with the api 23:02:59 raman: today we can do much of this with ARIA markup 23:03:08 meeting: Web Apis and Accessibility 23:03:28 chair: Ramen, Charles_Chen 23:04:02 markfromATT: we need to define something that can deliver an app that can adapt to a broad range of users 23:04:40 raman: we have things for sip and puff interfaces 23:04:43 chair: Raman, Charles_Chen 23:05:09 raman: i believe accessibility by design will happen 23:06:01 Mark: then you plug in at the time of execution, you execute the UI options that you want. 23:06:24 jallan_ has joined #winteract 23:06:45 rrsagent, make minutes 23:06:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-winteract-minutes.html jallan_ 23:06:58 raman: In 2003, when you asked developers to put in IDs, they laughed, but then they found that they needed those ideas. 23:07:07 ... when it doesn't work, it gets fixed. 23:07:39 ... when the developer can just address the api, then he is more likely to do it. 23:09:21 Rich: Raman talked about building blocks. ARIA is a piece. Intentional Events is coming - where you can use different input methods across different devices. Next is creating the APIs that will give UI individualized for the user. 23:10:14 Mark: I am in HTML5 Speech group, and we have complaints from accessibility community of people who can't press a button without causing pain, and need to use speech for everything. 23:10:39 ... if you can't hear audio, why have the audio downloaded. 23:11:12 raman: It would save a lot of bandwidth if the blind person only downloaded the audio, not the video. 23:11:43 Rich: We need context aware applications, to give the person what they need at that time - a different UI to adapt to the users. 23:11:53 Matt: End user device discovery 23:12:15 Raman: Interesting to think it is device discovery. It is more capability discovery. 23:13:21 ... it gets boiled down to accessibility like a boolean value - which is not valid, because what is accessible to a deaf person, may not be accessible to a blind person. 23:14:01 ... there is a situational context, - if you are in a noisy location, you can't talk to your phone, it won't work. It is situationally determined. 23:14:36 ... when you have apps in the cloud and you know the user context, you can deliver a user interface that works for you in that context. 23:15:03 Matt: Device capability 23:15:54 raman: it's a combination of device capability and what you can do in that moment. YOu may be able to see a screen, but not be able to look at it at that moment. 23:17:40 Rich: This is some work we have been looking at for a while in Accessibility for All. It's a simple change to speak driving directions. Possibly through an API in the browser or local data storage in HTML5, so you can map to the capabilities turned on in the device, like captioning. 23:18:06 Raman: The platform is getting richer. Managing preferences sounds daunting, but it isn't that hard 23:18:09 scribe:Rich 23:18:50 raman: the user interface in android delivers user targeted experiences 23:19:12 raman: you can buy the chrome book at amazon and you click the button and it adapts to you 23:19:29 raman; ultimately what you want is at the login screen you can specify what you want 23:19:50 raman: once you sign in and the system knows what you want you are on your way 23:20:15 raman: being able to do this in a generic machine is tremendously liberating 23:20:33 rrsagent, make minutes 23:20:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-winteract-minutes.html jallan_ 23:20:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:20:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-winteract-minutes.html JF 23:20:46 RRSAgent, make log public 23:30:43 myakura has left #winteract 23:32:01 jeanne has joined #winteract 23:47:46 JF has joined #winteract