22:45:31 RRSAgent has joined #privacy 22:45:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-privacy-irc 22:45:35 scribenick: npdoty 22:45:36 alex has joined #privacy 22:45:51 hhalpin: recap what's happened 22:45:56 Q? 22:46:01 ... interest in identity 22:46:04 Zakim has joined #privacy 22:46:06 vgalindo has joined #privacy 22:46:26 ... from a workshop, saw most interest in common JS cryptography api 22:46:30 s|Q?|| 22:46:46 ... shocking amount of consensus that a minimal API would be useful 22:46:58 aleecia has joined #privacy 22:47:07 i|recap|Topic: Crypto| 22:47:09 ... less consensus on covering identity topics as well 22:47:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:47:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-privacy-minutes.html Josh_Soref 22:47:21 SteveH_ has joined #privacy 22:47:37 ... wouldn't this work be better in webappsec? they said no thanks 22:47:38 RRSAgent, make minutes public 22:47:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', Josh_Soref. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:48:08 rrsagent, make logs public 22:48:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:48:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-privacy-minutes.html npdoty 22:49:01 ... one charter with separate groups for identity and cryptography 22:49:02 Web Cryptography charter http://www.w3.org/wiki/IdentityCharter 22:49:15 tlr has joined #privacy 22:49:17 fjh: is the scope appropriate? 22:49:20 Chair: hhalpin 22:49:32 http://www.w3.org/wiki/IdentityCharter#Web_Cryptography_Working_Group_Charter 22:49:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:49:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-privacy-minutes.html Josh_Soref 22:49:42 @@: do you have enough people to do both? if the interest is mostly in cryptography, why not just do that? 22:49:44 rvaneijk has joined #privacy 22:49:56 s/@@/hhalpin/ 22:50:05 http://www.w3.org/2011/identity-ws/report.html 22:50:47 schunter has joined #privacy 22:50:50 s/hhalpin/@@/ 22:51:03 @@@: the problem space for cryptography is much more defined than the identity space; identity feels like there are a number of different proposals 22:51:18 ... split off the cryptography API now as something to get done now 22:51:31 q? 22:52:03 ... suggest a separate cryptography working group 22:52:27 %%: are these the same people anyway? 22:52:57 s/%%/SteveH_/ 22:53:35 Virginie_Gemalto: crypto is much larger than identity, and so should be separate 22:53:48 q? 22:53:59 Suresh has joined #privacy 22:54:14 tlr: does the room know the exact content of the identity work? 22:54:16 +1 to tlr, please clarify identity portion of charter 22:54:30 s/@@@/MarkWatson_Netflix/ 22:55:02 ... agreement to starting work on cryptography and key issues, a tractable set of problems 22:55:17 22:55:48 hhalpin: we had a workshop on identity where half the people were also involved in cryptography 22:55:48 s//[ Identity Jokes ]/ 22:56:37 hhalpin: if the client had some ability to sign things, then the client could sign things which would benefit the existing identity frameworks 22:56:58 https://wiki.mozilla.org/Identity/Verified_Email_Protocol/Latest 22:57:00 ... Mozilla would like it for BrowserID, for example 22:57:45 ... feeling like the identity API might be a thin layer on top of the cryptography primitives 22:58:30 ... concern expressed that some problems were quite hard (like key storage), having use cases is important 22:58:33 q+ 22:58:35 DOMCrypt API draft: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Privacy/Features/DOMCryptAPISpec/Latest 22:58:39 q+ stpeter to say: interest also for deploying JSON-based signing and encryption, see http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/jose/charter/ 22:58:39 shunan__ has joined #privacy 22:59:30 q+ Josh_Soref to mention http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-identity-minutes.html which was an earlier breakout 22:59:37 hhalpin: identity systems work by transmitting claims, and proving that the claims came from an IDP, proof done through some kind of signatures 23:00:09 shepazu has joined #privacy 23:00:11 stpeter: the identity piece is a customer of the crypto api, but not the only customer 23:00:25 q? 23:00:29 rigo: have you taken into account that identity is one of the privileges of the king? 23:01:02 [no one understands at all] 23:01:29 Um. What? 23:01:30 rigo: goes to the fundamentals of a nation state 23:01:44 q? 23:01:48 nwidell has joined #privacy 23:01:56 ack adrianba 23:02:43 SteveH__ has joined #privacy 23:03:05 adrianba: not an expert, but the charter is very browser centric, a JavaScript API could work very well beyond just the browser -- widget, nodejs, other environments 23:03:10 [ Josh_Soref: The charter visibly is heavily scoped to a Browser ] 23:04:03 ... regarding specificity, not clear to me which use cases we're addressing or how we would know we were done 23:04:22 [ Josh_Soref: The charter is visibly vague on use cases: "Use cases include identity on the web and advanced protocols between web applications. " ] 23:04:29 q? 23:04:33 q- 23:04:50 use cases page for DOMCrypt (needs updating): https://wiki.mozilla.org/Privacy/Features/DOMCryptAPI/UseCases 23:04:59 Jan Lindquist 23:05:20 Jan: content protection would be one important use case 23:05:31 q+\ 23:05:37 q-\ 23:05:38 q? 23:05:40 q+ 23:06:04 JOSE WG charter is http://www.ietf.org/dyn/wg/charter/jose-charter 23:06:12 hhalpin: because there was less representation of content providers at the workshop we didn't go into as much on that, but those would be good additional use cases 23:06:12 05process issue: did we want to timebox the charter discussion to 30 mins? 23:06:19 q? 23:06:31 ... use cases would be a deliverable of the group itself 23:07:22 mark has joined #privacy 23:07:30 adrianba: my general concern about W3C charters is that the work isn't specific enough, which makes it hard to know if it's valuable enough to participate 23:07:33 q+ 23:07:53 q? 23:07:54 05very cool 23:08:07 s/very cool// 23:08:30 ack me 23:08:30 Josh_Soref, you wanted to mention http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-identity-minutes.html which was an earlier breakout 23:08:47 SteveH_ has left #privacy 23:09:11 There was a previous breakout http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-identity-minutes.html on identity 23:09:39 we'll go through the q and then tlr will ask a straw poll and potentially split out of the room 23:09:41 q? 23:09:45 ack dsinger 23:10:12 dsinger: too much about browsers and users and needs to be written in more abstract terms (echo adrianba) 23:10:15 ack mark 23:10:38 mark: device identity is an important part, which is also important for content protection 23:10:58 ... out-of-band distributed keys as a core use case 23:11:17 i|go through the q|tlr: that was an unfortunate scheduling item, a number of us here could not be there and we asked them not to do it| 23:11:29 tlr: summary, crypto API inspired by domcrypt which has significant interest but needs a crisp, clear and bounded scope 23:12:11 ... does anyone have a specific identity-related API with support from beyond themselves? 23:12:25 +1 23:12:43 ... have another identity workshop in half a year 23:12:57 hhalpin: one month to iterate the crypto api, then ship it to AC review 23:12:57 +1 to scoping carefully and tlr 23:13:07 ... please help clarify these use cases 23:13:14 stpeter: and encourage more people to get involved here 23:13:41 i|one month|[ there was no one who stepped forward to claim a spec with support from another party ]| 23:13:57 tlr: who is interested in finding time today to write more on the charter? (outside right now) 23:15:10 dsinger: need an activity area for privacy/security/identity as a cohesive set of problems 23:15:21 Topic: HTTP Auth 23:15:51 Yukata: many people agree that the auth is broken 23:16:30 ... hard for users to check when entering their password that they weren't redirected that they aren't being phished 23:16:43 ... limited usage beyond Basic HTTP Auth 23:16:55 ... TLS has client authentication, but also only limited auth 23:17:03 ... form authentication is widely used but has lots of problems 23:17:17 ... a better HTTP authentication is required 23:17:43 michaelhanson has joined #privacy 23:18:09 ... passwords the simplest to understand 23:18:24 ... but other authentication means are necessary (need expert help) 23:18:40 ... What should we solve? What is the scope? 23:18:52 ... finding people who are interested in helping 23:19:15 IETF draft available, would appreciate input 23:19:22 http-auth@ietf.org 23:19:44 Yukata: proposal for HTTP Mutual Auth 23:19:50 ... a much more secure password authentication 23:20:59 ... server sends a challenge message to the client, so that the client can validate the server as well 23:21:14 ... server uses a stored secret to authenticate itself to the client 23:21:53 ... input names for username and password in the browser chrome itself 23:22:29 [demo of the protocol in use on a browser] 23:23:18 draft-oiwa-http-* 23:23:55 fjh: SHTTP may have tried to do something similar 23:24:22 https://www.rcis.aist.go.jp/special/MutualAuth/ 23:24:44 yukata: easier to implement because compliant with existing HTTP auth [paraphrasing] 23:25:02 Jan: at what stage do you store the shared secret token? 23:25:09 Thank you David 23:25:38 dsinger: one of the reasons against using HTTP auth is that sites want to integrate it into their page rather than the user chrome 23:26:02 ... discussion at the identity workshop about form labeling technologies in the user agent 23:26:16 dsr: but users can't generate good passwords 23:26:44 ... fan of Mozilla to get the browser to generate the password 23:27:32 alex: vulnerability to man-in-the-middle during initial registration 23:28:00 yukata: issues with phishing on the first site 23:28:10 http://www.w3.org/2011/07/privacy-ig-charter 23:28:14 Topic: Privacy IG 23:28:17 scribenick: aleecia 23:28:20 rigo has joined #privacy 23:28:27 alex has joined #privacy 23:28:44 npdoty: not much time, send me feedback. AC review & approval for privacy interest group. 23:29:05 see also http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-app-privacy-bp-20110804/ 23:29:21 yoiwa has joined #privacy 23:29:22 … Additional topics and cross-WG privacy issues. Ex: P3P, Tracking protection WG. Others like fingerprinting, local storage, cross multiple WGs 23:29:42 …Would like an interest group to think about how W3C can do better across specs. 23:30:08 …could do guidelines, or locus of expertise. Often privacy takes legal and technical together. 23:30:11 q+ 23:30:29 …send out formal participant call as we work out chairs, ideally later this month 23:30:54 %%: Lot to be gained by a privacy layer across social media. 23:31:00 s/%%/alex/ 23:31:46 … Ex: bucket gender or age group for release, could have spec that's open and W3C controlled, makes more sense than each social media has their own untrusted 23:31:51 ack fjh 23:32:31 Frederick: privacy doesn't work modularly in a system. Those who create JS or content, date retention, reuse: privacy is a little out of scope. Informed consent means what's being done with data and by whom 23:32:48 …don't think any single group could deal with it. This would be helpful, but not sure it's possible. 23:33:06 …supportive of increased awareness. Not sure how it would address technical 23:33:14 %%: is privacy a horizontal group? 23:33:19 Frederick: would have to 23:33:57 s/%%/dsr/ 23:34:31 Rigo: past AC meeting, security guys said "you don't get a free ride in security consulting." If the IG path, could lack the support needed. Only makes sense if we have commitment that several actors come together -- if you're a privacy advocate you are deeply annoying everyone else. 23:34:35 q? 23:34:41 q+ 23:35:07 Peter: not enthusiastic about a group to review output of other groups. In favor of IG that develops best practices and processes that groups are advised to follow 23:35:40 …avoid CSS issue with privacy called out, "don't have to follow spec if you want to fix the privacy problem," instead let's fix the spec. 23:35:46 …MSFT would be involved 23:36:09 David: Group can come to IG for help, not the other way around, or it's an unbounded work load 23:36:13 q+ Rob 23:36:17 ack dsinger 23:36:22 …start with "this is how you write a privacy considerations section" 23:36:30 …make it better each year 23:37:08 Robert: two success criteria. Establish systematic process could be general for such a group. Within data protection world, privacy impact assessment gets to "select before you collect" and PbD. 23:37:23 s/doesn't work modularly in a system/is a systemic issue, so hard for a single WG to deal with in isolation./ 23:37:29 q+ 23:37:47 ack Rob 23:37:49 …part of risk management approach in security, can apply here. Side effect: raise awareness. Main goal: systematic approach where privacy is quality criteria. 23:37:54 %%: agree in general. 23:38:09 …anything that makes it better is worth doing, low bar 23:38:11 s/Those who create JS or content/For web applications for example, issue include web applications control/ 23:38:17 s/%%/adrianba/ 23:38:32 %%: identify new problems? Other solutions in other standards? If no solution, look for a way to find one. 23:38:38 s/ privacy is a little out of scope/that is out of most wg scope/ 23:38:39 …scope for the interest group 23:38:46 rrsagent, generate minutes 23:38:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/11/02-privacy-minutes.html fjh 23:39:11 Adrianba: look for issues that we've seen in the past. Or apply security processes and adapt them. Several ways to approach. Work of the group to identify. 23:39:15 ? 23:39:18 q? 23:39:57 npdoty: not starting from scratch. IETF world, Alyssia Cooper is working on a similar document. Best practices for privacy in Internet protocol design, plus glossary draft. 23:40:07 …hopeful work we can share, but different problems 23:40:11 s/web applications control/web applications / 23:40:36 DavidSinger: fingerprinting can mean my house, not me (via appliance) 23:40:54 …retention of personally derived information, there are external standards we can point to 23:41:18 npdoty: W3C has some of this via mobile web best practices for developers 23:41:28 …TAG working on minimization for API design 23:41:31 q- 23:41:38 …some W3C pieces already we can put into that 23:41:59 …this feels like our first IG meeting 23:42:06 …who else should be here? 23:42:14 %%: Hans mumble 23:42:31 hannes tschofinig 23:42:47 David: already valuable as a place to share information 23:42:58 npdoty: in scope of charter 23:43:13 adrianba has left #privacy 23:43:14 bkihara has left #privacy 23:43:54 Rob: privacy impact assessment shows privacy as process is nothing but risk identification in security 23:45:03 Rob: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/policies/privacy/docs/wpdocs/2011/wp180_en.pdf -- first detailed summary of RFID PIA 23:46:11 nwidell has joined #privacy 23:53:17 dsinger has joined #privacy 00:00:59 dsinger has joined #privacy 00:15:46 fjh has joined #privacy 00:42:22 aleecia has joined #privacy 00:56:35 schunter has joined #privacy 01:02:42 Frankie has joined #privacy 01:05:35 shepazu has joined #privacy 01:23:53 ddahl has joined #privacy 02:03:30 aleecia has joined #privacy 02:11:56 dsinger has joined #privacy 02:12:03 aleecia has joined #privacy 02:17:05 Zakim has left #privacy 02:27:51 dsinger has left #privacy 02:28:36 aleecia has joined #privacy 03:12:38 fjh has joined #privacy 03:23:24 michaelhanson has joined #privacy 04:46:35 schunter has left #privacy 04:54:17 aleecia has joined #privacy 05:06:50 aleecia has joined #privacy 06:42:18 aleecia has joined #privacy