15:05:03 RRSAgent has joined #HCLS 15:05:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/24-HCLS-irc 15:05:09 james has joined #hcls 15:05:19 sudeshna has joined #hcls 15:06:25 Zakim, who is here? 15:06:25 sorry, mscottm2, I don't know what conference this is 15:06:27 On IRC I see sudeshna, james, RRSAgent, Zakim, Phil, matthias_samwald, michael, az2rdf, mscottm2, egonw, Tomasz, ericP 15:06:33 Zakim, this is biordf 15:06:33 ok, mscottm2; that matches SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM 15:07:49 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5-3tOsifPWPpETBKU-ZA9d7O7wK_nBzTFUBEe-0Bzo/edit?authkey=CK-y8Y8C 15:09:05 + +1.301.275.aadd 15:13:12 - +1.301.275.aadd 15:15:44 http://purl.org/net/biordfmicroarray/demo 15:16:12 http://ui.genexpressfusion.googlecode.com/hg/index.html 15:16:15 tomasz has joined #hcls 15:16:59 +??P0 15:18:01 it seems currently restriction to microarray based gene expression 15:20:56 -??P0 15:21:04 Scott (retroactively scribing): Repeated goal of W3C note - i.e. to give people confidence in *an* RDF representation and approach. Decide when we go to HTML and version control. What's missing? 15:22:39 +??P9 15:22:45 tomasz has joined #hcls 15:25:35 Scott: See if we can minimize differences between current representations? 15:25:54 Sudeshna: Make a new one as the standard? 15:26:36 Michael: But we already have enough to work with in the current set of representations. 15:27:23 James: I thought we were simply going to talk about some of the current work and how it can be used and 'cut it loose'. 15:28:14 Tomasz: Ours was meant to be a 'reference point'. 15:28:35 Michael: Yes, 'reference point' sounds better than 'cannonical RDF'. 15:29:16 matthias_samwald has left #hcls 15:30:13 -[IPcaller.a] 15:31:58 James: Some news: A student project at EBI is just coming toward the end. Bulk of ArrayExpress in RDF. Not public data yet. 15:32:43 Jim: After using MGED in my IPAW paper, I converted to OBI. It's the MAGETAB2RDF work. Some issues with Limpopo. 15:33:36 James: I could send you (Jim) some stuff for you to take a look at. 15:34:39 Michael: Could you explain what you mean by "there are some limits to the translations"? 15:35:15 James: Some matching of terms isn't perfect. 15:36:30 This is the IPAW paper: http://www.springerlink.com/index/W10740804446172U.pdf 15:37:07 http://krauthammerlab.med.yale.edu/~jpm78/ArrayExpress/E-AFMX-1.rdf.ttl 15:37:40 http://swbig.googlecode.com 15:37:45 JimMcCusker has joined #HCLS 15:37:47 JM to post info on magetab 2 rdf at arrayexpress once beta is out - credit to Drashtti Vasant and Tony Burdett 15:42:12 +Tom 15:42:47 Zakim, Tom is really ericP 15:42:47 +ericP; got it 15:43:56 http://code.google.com/p/open-biomed/wiki/GeneExpressionAtlas 15:44:06 example queries for gxa rdf 15:45:37 i can hear everything, but can't speak up to volunteer 15:45:52 congrats eric 15:45:56 BTW, congrats, eric! 15:46:29 congrats, Eric! 15:51:34 maggots have indeed been revalidated in recent years for keep wounds healing faster (they clean it up) 15:52:25 Scott: Somebody brought up the need to deal with NGS and I agree. But that means more work.. 15:53:17 -ericP 15:54:36 +ericP 15:56:09 I have to drop off for a prov WG call. If you need anything from me towards the paper, let me know. 15:56:29 -[IPcaller] 15:56:51 ok, thanks Jim 15:57:10 Zakim, who is talking? 15:57:21 mscottm2, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P8 (75%), +1.206.732.aacc (37%), ??P25 (37%) 15:59:44 http://cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/ 16:03:51 James: get it out for feedback for community as soon as possible 16:03:55 I second that! 16:04:42 -ericP 16:05:42 http://www.bioinformatics.auckland.ac.nz/workshops/NGS-workshop-update.pdf 16:05:45 slide 81 16:08:53 -??P25 16:09:04 thanks, bye 16:09:05 - +44.122.349.aabb 16:09:06 - +1.206.732.aacc 16:09:08 -??P8 16:09:08 - +62427aaaa 16:09:09 -??P9 16:09:09 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 16:09:09 bye 16:09:10 Attendees were [IPcaller], +62427aaaa, +44.122.349.aabb, +1.206.732.aacc, +1.301.275.aadd, ericP 16:09:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:09:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/24-HCLS-minutes.html mscottm2 16:10:03 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:24:43 michael has left #hcls 16:52:13 egonw has joined #HCLS 18:19:38 Zakim has left #HCLS