13:55:49 RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:55:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/20-rdfa-irc 13:55:51 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:55:51 Zakim has joined #rdfa 13:55:53 Zakim, this will be 7332 13:55:53 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 13:55:54 Meeting: RDF Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 13:55:54 Date: 20 October 2011 13:55:58 Chair: Manu 13:56:06 niklasl has joined #rdfa 13:57:44 ivan has joined #rdfa 14:00:07 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 14:00:08 +??P6 14:00:13 Steven has joined #rdfa 14:00:18 zakim, I am ??P6 14:00:18 +niklasl; got it 14:00:36 zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:00:36 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:00:37 +Ivan 14:01:10 +??P8 14:01:16 zakim, I am ??P8 14:01:19 +gkellogg; got it 14:01:40 +OpenLink_Software 14:01:49 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:01:49 +MacTed; got it 14:01:51 Zakim, mute me 14:01:51 MacTed should now be muted 14:01:56 +??P2 14:01:58 zakim, I am ??P2 14:01:59 +manu1; got it 14:02:46 +Steven 14:02:47 zakim, who is on the call? 14:02:48 On the phone I see niklasl, Ivan, gkellogg, MacTed (muted), manu1, Steven 14:02:50 zakim, who is making noise? 14:03:01 manu1, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ivan (52%), Steven (4%) 14:05:10 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Oct/0047.html 14:05:22 Zakim, unmute me 14:05:22 MacTed should no longer be muted 14:05:53 Topic: ISSUE-108: Refine/deprecate Link relations 14:06:46 manu1: we're trying to figure out what link relations should be in initial context 14:07:17 ... HTML5 spec appears to define a couple of link relations in way incompatible to XHTML 14:07:30 ... depending on who reads 14:08:24 +1 - I hate the stylesheet references as well 14:08:27 ivan: as HTML5 author, these relationships are troublesome and distracting, without much (any?) added value 14:09:18 q+ to discuss HTML5 and XHTML1 @rel values. 14:09:39 ... HTML5 radically reduces @rel relationship choices vs XHTML1 14:10:14 ack manu1 14:10:14 manu1, you wanted to discuss HTML5 and XHTML1 @rel values. 14:11:56 q+ 14:11:57 q+ to ask about backcompat 14:12:18 ack ivan 14:12:23 manu1 sees 2 proposals -- 1. create different initial RDFa contexts for HTML5 and for XHTML1; 2. drop all @rel when dealing with HTML5, but retain them when dealing with XHTML1 14:12:27 (.. and then about iana link reels…) 14:12:38 s/manu1 sees/manu1: sees/ 14:13:54 ivan: major confusion likely if we keep all the @rel from XHTML1 14:14:00 ack niklas 14:14:00 niklasl, you wanted to ask about backcompat 14:14:22 http://labs.creativecommons.org/2011/ccrel-guide/#License_metadata 14:14:32 This is from our new charter, Ivan is correct in that we're allowed to make this change per the charter: "As exceptions to this general goal, some small non-compatible changes with regard to the defaults on XML Literals, as well as whether all reserved @rel/@rev attribute values would automatically generate RDF triples, may be introduced. No radical redefinition of the RDFa language is envisaged." 14:14:48 niklasl: Creative Commons advice... against dropping all @rel, because they recommend @rel=license; see http://labs.creativecommons.org/2011/ccrel-guide/#License_metadata 14:16:06 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#linkTypes 14:16:16 ivan: CC does advise this... so we should probably keep that one, which is part of the HTML5 set 14:17:08 manu: being too aggressive isn't too big a deal, we can always add stuff back to the initial context document 14:17:20 .. interesting: whatwg also says: " For historical reasons, user agents must also treat the keyword "copyright" like the license keyword." 14:17:54 MacTed: I'm concerned about taking everything out and then putting stuff in... if the initial context document is too volatile, it becomes a problem. 14:18:29 ivan: 14 entries in WHATWG's current list -- http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#linkTypes 14:19:26 author, license, next, prev, 14:19:56 q+ 14:20:02 alternate, bookmark, help, icon, nofollow, noreferrer prefetch search stylsheet tag 14:20:16 ack Steven 14:20:31 ... these definitely have value -- author, license, next, prev 14:20:31 ... these are questionable -- alternate, bookmark, help, icon, nofollow, noreferrer, prefetch, search, stylsheet, tag 14:20:58 ??: don't see what the win is for making extra limitation 14:21:08 s/??/Steven/ 14:22:05 q+ to talk about erroneous triples. 14:22:40 [discussion re stylesheet and other @rel-generated triples value...] 14:23:30 ack manu1 14:23:30 manu1, you wanted to talk about erroneous triples. 14:23:56 manu: one pitfall is putting features in because they might have a use in the future... 14:28:28 q+ 14:29:22 [discussion about value (or lack) of any data tied to these relations...] 14:29:52 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#linkTypes 14:30:09 q+ 14:30:14 ack ivan 14:30:15 ack ivan 14:30:17 ack niklasl 14:30:58 niklasl: does default context override @vocab? or vice versa? 14:31:05 .. vocab="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#” 14:31:11 manu: @vocab controls 14:34:55 .. http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml 14:38:03 q+ 14:38:13 [ discussion about IANA registry list -- http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml ] 14:39:07 ivan: concerned with what link(s) we give, and whether the definitions linked from that registry list are correct/current 14:39:44 http://bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/AtomOwl.html 14:39:58 @prefix iana: 14:41:00 .. vocab="http://www.w3.org/ns/link-relations#” 14:41:17 (the last is a suggestion) 14:41:34 +1 14:41:36 :-) 14:41:43 q+ 14:42:51 ACTION: Ivan to contact Mark Nottingham about a permanent URL to the IANA Link Type Registry for use in RDF - need URIs for the relation-names. 14:42:51 Created ACTION-100 - Contact Mark Nottingham about a permanent URL to the IANA Link Type Registry for use in RDF - need URIs for the relation-names. [on Ivan Herman - due 2011-10-27]. 14:45:14 niklasl: sees need for some URI centralization 14:45:42 ivan: for future, after advice from Mark Nottingham per ACTION-100 14:46:31 (.. e.g. linkrelvocab:describedby owl:equivalentProperty powder:describedby) 14:47:37 +??P1 14:48:13 ShaneM has joined #rdfa 14:48:23 PROPOSAL: Adopt IANA Link Type Registry terms ( http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml ) as terms that will be specified for the following RDFa 1.1 languages XHTML1, HTML5, XHTML5. 14:48:26 +1 14:48:28 zakim, who is here? 14:48:28 On the phone I see niklasl, Ivan, gkellogg, MacTed, manu1, Steven, ??P1 14:48:30 On IRC I see ShaneM, Steven, ivan, niklasl, Zakim, RRSAgent, MacTed, danbri, gkellogg, trackbot, manu, manu1 14:48:43 +1 14:48:47 +1 14:48:50 +1 (at least for those) 14:48:53 +1 14:48:55 zakim, ??P1 is ShaneM 14:48:55 +ShaneM; got it 14:49:01 +1 14:49:41 RESOLVED: Adopt IANA Link Type Registry terms ( http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml ) as terms that will be specified for the following RDFa 1.1 languages XHTML1, HTML5, XHTML5. 14:49:42 RESOLVED: Adopt IANA Link Type Registry terms ( http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml ) as terms that will be specified for the following RDFa 1.1 languages XHTML1, HTML5, XHTML5. 14:49:57 q+ 14:50:02 ack niklasl 14:50:12 ack ivan 14:52:15 q+ 14:52:23 ack gkellogg 14:53:30 q+ 14:53:45 TOPIC: RDFa Core 1.1 Working Draft 14:53:54 ack ivan 14:54:06 [discussion of whether we've resolved all outstanding technical issues] 14:54:31 q+ 14:55:15 manu: let's publish this WD, and tell people that this will be the last chance for changes (preventing a 4th Last Call) 14:55:58 ack gkellogg 14:56:12 q+ 14:56:18 ack ivan 14:56:23 ivan: there may be some URI issues due to shifts from profile to context... but mostly about sexiness, not functionality 14:57:48 several: TAG has a(nother) thread about what RDFa should say about fragIDs 14:58:32 Topic: Support for integration with XML 14:58:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2011Oct/0051.html 14:58:39 q+ 14:58:58 q+ 14:59:06 ack Steven 15:00:53 ack niklasl 15:01:11 Steven: XHTML+RDFa uses modularization, whioch says use the xhtml: prefix, and ODF have done this 15:01:25 s/ioch/ich/ 15:01:38 Steven: XHTML+RDFa uses modularization, which says use the xhtml: prefix, and ODF have done this 15:01:38 niklasl: using RDFa in CSS requires @Prefix 15:01:56 s/@Prefix/prefix/ 15:01:56 If the Host Language uses XML Namespaces [XML-NAMES], the attributes in this specification should be defined in 'no namespace'. (e.g., when the attributes are used on elements in the Host Language's namespace, they can be used with no qualifying prefix: ). 15:02:15 scribenick: manu1 15:02:21 If the Host Language has its own definition for any attribute defined in this specification, that definition must be such that the processing required by this specification remains possible when the attribute is used in a way consistent with the requirements herein. 15:02:49 -MacTed 15:04:48 Shane: This is an issue - if you ran an RDFa processor on an XML document w/ @property, it would process it. 15:07:53 Manu: Yes, but the issue is - does anyone need this? Who will use XSLT+RDFa? 15:08:24 Shane: The spec allows RDFa attributes to be in no namespace, and it allows them to be in the XHTML namespace. 15:08:37 Gregg: Should RDFa Core say you should use the XHTML namespace? 15:08:45 Steven: it may as well say that, use the same namespace. 15:11:16 open issues? 15:13:19 PROPOSAL: Add text to RDFa Core 1.1 to allow RDFa attributes to be placed into a namespace, where the namespace MUST be the xhtml namespace. 15:13:38 +1 15:13:40 +1 15:13:42 0 15:13:46 +1 15:13:47 +1 15:13:55 +1 15:14:05 RESOLVED: Add text to RDFa Core 1.1 to allow RDFa attributes to be placed into a namespace, where the namespace MUST be the xhtml namespace. 15:14:33 -Steven 15:15:27 "If a host language requires that RDFa attributes be used in a namespace, that namespace must be http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 15:15:59 -Ivan 15:16:01 -manu1 15:16:01 -gkellogg 15:16:07 -ShaneM 15:16:11 -niklasl 15:16:12 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 15:16:14 Attendees were niklasl, Ivan, gkellogg, MacTed, manu1, Steven, ShaneM 15:24:13 ivan has joined #rdfa 15:28:44 niklasl has left #rdfa 17:13:12 ShaneM has left #rdfa 17:30:05 Zakim has left #rdfa