15:15:16 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 15:15:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-RDB2RDF-irc 15:15:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:15:18 Zakim has joined #RDB2RDF 15:15:20 Zakim, this will be 7322733 15:15:20 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 45 minutes 15:15:21 Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference 15:15:21 Date: 18 October 2011 15:23:40 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Oct/0038.html 15:23:43 Chair: Michael 15:23:51 regrets+ Marcelo 15:24:12 regrets+ Boris 15:24:16 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:24:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 15:24:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:39:05 joerg has joined #RDB2RDF 15:56:46 oops, sorry, did not pay attention 15:56:52 some virtual fire fighting 15:58:44 Ashok has joined #rdb2rdf 15:59:11 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started 15:59:18 +[IPcaller] 15:59:39 +mhausenblas 16:00:17 Zakim, IPcaller is joerg 16:00:17 +joerg; got it 16:00:25 present+ Joerg 16:00:34 present+ Michael 16:02:54 zakim, dial ivan-voip 16:02:54 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:02:56 +Ivan 16:02:59 dmcneil has joined #RDB2RDF 16:03:08 present+ Ivan 16:03:35 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:03:41 +dmcneil 16:03:50 present+ Dave 16:04:04 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:04:04 Seema has joined #rdb2rdf 16:04:10 present+ Ashok 16:04:11 +Souri 16:04:19 present+ Souri 16:05:01 +seema 16:05:09 present+ Seema 16:06:57 scribenick: mhausenblas 16:07:15 Topic: Admin 16:07:15 PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/10/11-RDB2RDF-minutes.html 16:07:50 RESOLVED: Accept the minutes of last meeting http://www.w3.org/2011/10/11-RDB2RDF-minutes.html 16:08:00 Topic: LC comments status 16:08:22 Michael: heard from Juan he is on it 16:09:07 +[OpenLink] 16:09:21 Zakim, [OpenLink] is temporarily me 16:09:22 +MacTed; got it 16:09:25 Souri: there were two more comments (Fabian, Dave) 16:09:30 present+ Ted 16:09:36 Zakim, mute me 16:09:36 MacTed should now be muted 16:10:17 +q 16:10:26 ack dmcneil 16:10:53 dmcneil: just wanted to clarify - does this mean you change the note? 16:11:19 Souri: yes, change back to the four bullet points unless there are issues with it 16:11:29 q? 16:11:52 Topic: ISSUE-69 16:11:53 +q 16:12:13 issue-69? 16:12:13 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 16:12:29 Zakim, this is SW_RDB2RDF 16:12:29 mhausenblas, this was already SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM 16:12:30 ok, mhausenblas; that matches SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM 16:12:41 ISSUE-69? 16:12:41 ISSUE-69 -- datatype sizes -- raised 16:12:41 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/69 16:13:23 Ashok: why are you converting to string from a number datatype column? 16:13:39 Souri: RDF is lexical - default 16:14:37 Ashok: seems fairly expansive, but I guess that's what RDF requires 16:14:45 Souri: yes 16:15:00 Ashok: second question, might require Eric and Richard 16:15:25 ... difference was when the number is bigger than what SQL spec says 16:15:39 ... didn't see such a discussion in the R2RML spec 16:16:10 Souri: I'm not 100% sure but I think it is not there, no 16:16:18 q? 16:16:50 Souri: Different DB have different capabilities and limitations 16:17:38 Ashok: with string, we wouldn't have the limitations, right? 16:18:21 ack dmcneil 16:19:36 David: We discussed within Revelytix, if beyond limit it's undefined 16:19:59 ... and re 'do we need to enumerate all cases' - would not be necessary 16:20:40 Topic: ISSUE-68 16:20:42 ISSUE-68? 16:20:42 ISSUE-68 -- Multiple PredicateMaps in a PredicateObjectMap -- raised 16:20:42 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/68 16:21:54 Souri: The question is here really, where do we stop? 16:22:41 ... I guess we shouldn't introduce too many shortcuts - introduces more point of failures 16:23:06 Dave: Need to dig deeper, but I think I'm with Souri on this one 16:23:16 ISSUE-68? 16:23:16 ISSUE-68 -- Multiple PredicateMaps in a PredicateObjectMap -- raised 16:23:16 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/68 16:23:18 POmap: Pmap+ Omap 16:23:31 POmap: Pmap Omap 16:24:31 Souri: My guess is that it would rather a rare case 16:25:24 dmcneil: how do deal with new features? 16:25:46 Ivan: only, if it is triggered from a LC comment 16:26:00 ... this case is a bit tricky as it comes from within the WG 16:27:31 Ivan: should likely have been treated before LC 16:27:45 juansequeda has joined #rdb2rdf 16:27:50 Michael: Might be something for the F2F to resolve? 16:29:39 I am definitely -1 on adding this shortcut (SP(+)O): SPO(+) is a much more common scenario (supported in Turtle, for example) 16:30:06 yes, it is a shortcut 16:30:24 Ivan: Regardless of the process part, I'm not sure if adding more options is beneficial 16:30:33 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:30:37 q? 16:31:45 Topic: AOB 16:32:08 Ivan: might be wise for the chairs to look into CR preparation 16:32:14 Michael: I agree 16:32:23 yes 16:32:49 -dmcneil 16:32:50 -Ivan 16:32:50 -Souri 16:32:50 [meeting adjourned] 16:32:52 -MacTed 16:32:53 -mhausenblas 16:32:53 -seema 16:32:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:32:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 16:33:03 -joerg 16:33:04 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended 16:33:06 Attendees were mhausenblas, joerg, Ivan, dmcneil, Ashok_Malhotra, Souri, seema, MacTed 16:33:11 meeting over? 16:33:31 joerg has joined #RDB2RDF 16:33:38 And I was about to call in! 16:37:12 ivan has joined #rdb2rdf 16:44:50 ivan_ has joined #rdb2rdf 16:57:10 ivan has joined #rdb2rdf 17:36:46 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 18:41:08 betehess has joined #RDB2RDF 19:00:20 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF