10:32:45 RRSAgent has joined #mediaann 10:32:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/04-mediaann-irc 10:33:18 Zakim has joined #mediaann 10:33:33 Zakim, this will be MAWG 10:33:33 ok, florian; I see IA_MAWG()7:00AM scheduled to start in 27 minutes 10:58:37 Daniel has joined #mediaann 11:01:05 hi daniel 11:01:17 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has now started 11:01:19 i will wait for a few more participants before i dial in 11:01:25 + + 11:02:30 pchampin has joined #mediaann 11:03:04 on my way to my phone... 11:03:09 mcsuarez has joined #mediaann 11:06:19 tmichel has joined #mediaann 11:06:44 I am joining a a few seconds ... 11:07:02 + +34.91.336.aabb 11:07:36 pchampin_ has joined #mediaann 11:08:07 pchampin has left #mediaann 11:08:16 +florian 11:08:46 Zakim, who is on the phone? 11:08:46 On the phone I see +, +34.91.336.aabb, florian 11:08:56 Zakim, aabb is Daniel 11:08:56 +Daniel; got it 11:09:21 thierry, are you joining the call now ? 11:09:34 I am trying ... 11:09:58 +wbailer 11:09:58 pchampin and mcuarez: there is a problem with retrieving the ontology via linked dat 11:10:10 maybe you could have a look at it? 11:10:25 ok, I can have a look 11:10:37 wbailer has joined #mediaann 11:10:37 just send an email to the list 11:10:49 (sorry, having technical problems to call in) 11:11:10 wbailer has joined #mediaann 11:13:54 Zakim, who is on the phone? 11:13:54 On the phone I see +, Daniel, florian, wbailer 11:14:35 Zakim, aaaa is mcsuarez 11:14:35 +mcsuarez; got it 11:14:48 tmichel has joined #mediaann 11:14:52 scribe: florian 11:15:14 Topic: Action Items 11:15:32 +??P3 11:15:43 action-360: ongoing 11:15:43 ACTION-360 Provide an example of an automatic test routine (before x-mas break) notes added 11:16:15 action-406: ongoing 11:16:15 ACTION-406 Ping Apple if they could make an async implementation (e.g., as Safari extension) notes added 11:17:12 Daniel: sent email to group regarding schema.org 11:17:28 ?Ivan will introduce our working group to the semantic web activity 11:17:37 action-406: close 11:17:37 ACTION-406 Ping Apple if they could make an async implementation (e.g., as Safari extension) notes added 11:18:05 Thierry: we should join the new w3c task force related to schema.org 11:18:57 reopen action-406 11:18:57 ACTION-406 Ping Apple if they could make an async implementation (e.g., as Safari extension) re-opened 11:19:14 action-431: close 11:19:14 ACTION-431 get contact information for talking to schema.org notes added 11:19:39 close action-431 11:19:40 ACTION-431 get contact information for talking to schema.org closed 11:21:06 Thierry: we should watch the task force and join 11:21:41 close action-438 11:21:42 ACTION-438 check / update list of group members in api doc acknowledgements section closed 11:22:27 action-440: it was about a rdf2json converter 11:22:27 ACTION-440 Check if this converter is useful for us notes added 11:22:42 action-440: ongoing 11:22:42 ACTION-440 Check if this converter is useful for us notes added 11:22:53 action-441: ongoing 11:22:54 ACTION-441 Propose use case related to webkit notes added 11:23:10 close action-442 11:23:11 ACTION-442 Check and update uc and req document for consistency with specs closed 11:26:22 Thierry: We should not change requirements in the use case and req doc 11:26:26 ? but we can add use cases 11:26:41 close action-360 11:26:41 ACTION-360 Provide an example of an automatic test routine (before x-mas break) closed 11:26:55 action-443: ongoing 11:26:55 ACTION-443 Draft api test suite document based on the outcomes of today's discussions notes added 11:27:34 action-445: maybe closed? 11:27:34 ACTION-445 Implement changes at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-annotation/2011Sep/0052.html for XMP and set creation date in XMP file to the same values notes added 11:27:57 close action-446 11:27:57 ACTION-446 Respond to response of commentor related to HTTP 501 closed 11:28:18 Topic: Moving API to CR 11:28:34 Daniel: problem with the http status code has to be resolved 11:28:44 rrsagen, draft minutes 11:28:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:28:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/04-mediaann-minutes.html florian 11:28:54 rrsagent, make logs public 11:29:22 Thierry: director recognized the http comment in the issue tracker of API doc 11:29:40 ? people of the http spec should accept our solution, after that we can move on 11:29:55 ? ontology document is only allowed to move to PR of API moves to CR 11:30:36 Daniel: what is the current resolution? 11:31:15 Werner: WebDAV returns status codes as a repsond to a http request 11:31:31 ? we use the same numerical codes, but not as a http response 11:33:06 ? the RFC said, that the codes are extensible and the class of the status codes must be consistent 11:33:20 ? in our case, this would be also given 11:33:28 ? semantics not wrong 11:33:40 Zakim, unmute me 11:33:40 florian should no longer be muted 11:34:36 Zakim, mute me 11:34:36 florian should now be muted 11:35:12 Werner will draft this situation to be integrated into the API doc and sent back to Yves 11:35:43 action to Werner: Draft a paragraph about the HTTP issue to be integrated into the API doc 11:35:43 Sorry, couldn't find user - to 11:35:54 action to wbailer: Draft a paragraph about the HTTP issue to be integrated into the API doc 11:35:54 Sorry, couldn't find user - to 11:36:03 action wbailer to Draft a paragraph about the HTTP issue to be integrated into the API doc 11:36:03 Created ACTION-447 - Draft a paragraph about the HTTP issue to be integrated into the API doc [on Werner Bailer - due 2011-10-11]. 11:36:33 Thierry: Yves has to accept our proposal, after that we can move on 11:37:27 ? Florian will integrate it in the DEV space, i will integrate it in the final space 11:38:32 action tmichel to integrate the paragraph in the final spec and send an email to phillipe 11:38:33 Created ACTION-448 - Integrate the paragraph in the final spec and send an email to phillipe [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-10-11]. 11:40:04 Thierry and Werner are discussing what RFCs should be in the paragraph and how the argumentation should be. 11:40:30 Zakim, unmute me 11:40:30 florian should no longer be muted 11:41:01 Topic: API Test Suite 11:41:29 Florian: we will have a first test suite online before TPAC 11:42:14 Thierry: we should run tests against the test suite in St. Clara F2F 11:43:20 Topic: WebIDL conformance 11:43:38 Florian: we are consistent to the new version of the WebIDL spec 11:43:52 Topic: Schema.org issues 11:44:07 Joakim and Daniel couldn?t attend. 11:44:52 Summery can be found here: http://www.w3.org/QA/2011/09/impressions_on_the_schemaorg_w.html 11:45:45 Daniel: our group activity should be introduced to the task force 11:46:29 Daniel: we should try to talk to Yvan at the TPAC 11:46:34 +1 11:46:53 +1 11:47:01 +1 11:47:23 action tmichel: organize a meeting with Ivan to discuss further steps 11:47:23 Created ACTION-449 - Organize a meeting with Ivan to discuss further steps [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-10-11]. 11:47:49 asking for TPAC participation. 11:48:09 PA: are you coming to TPAC ? 11:48:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:48:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/04-mediaann-minutes.html florian 11:49:30 @Daniel: no, too far, sorry 11:52:13 -wbailer 11:52:37 Topic: Use case and reqs documents 11:53:44 Thierry: postponed to next week, all should have a look into the doc 11:53:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:53:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/04-mediaann-minutes.html florian 11:54:13 -florian 11:54:14 -mcsuarez 11:54:14 -Daniel 12:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, ??P3, in IA_MAWG()7:00AM 12:05:04 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has ended 12:05:06 Attendees were +, +34.91.336.aabb, florian, Daniel, wbailer, mcsuarez 14:00:12 tmichel has joined #mediaann 14:14:16 Zakim has left #mediaann