13:54:03 RRSAgent has joined #lld 13:54:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-irc 13:54:07 rrsagent, bookmark 13:54:07 See http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-irc#T13-54-07 13:54:14 zakim, this will be lld 13:54:14 ok, tbaker, I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM already started 13:54:26 Meeting: LLD XG Editorial 13:54:29 Chair: Tom 13:55:22 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/FinalEditing 13:55:40 rrsagent, please make record public 13:57:48 Expected: Tom, Emma, Karen, Jodi (joining late), Antoine (if he can join from the airport) 14:01:07 +Emma 14:02:38 kcoyle has joined #lld 14:03:25 +??P38 14:03:40 zakim, ??p38 is kcyle 14:03:41 +kcyle; got it 14:03:43 zakim, ??P38 is kcoyle 14:03:43 I already had ??P38 as kcyle, emma_ 14:03:56 zakim, ??p38 is kcoyle 14:03:56 I already had ??P38 as kcyle, tbaker 14:03:56 zakim, kcyle is really kcoyle 14:03:58 +kcoyle; got it 14:04:13 dvilasuero has joined #lld 14:05:01 Scribe: Emma 14:05:11 scribenick: emma 14:05:41 Karen: just sent a mail with an update 14:06:00 ... jodi exported the docs 14:06:09 ... karen does final editing 14:06:18 ...and Peter will put it online 14:06:31 ... links at the last moment 14:06:58 ... remaining issues : what to do with Semantic Alignment annex 14:07:38 ... very different from other appendices 14:07:46 ... rather a section within appendix B 14:08:29 into Appendix B, which now reads: 5.3.2 Discrete and bulk access to information 5.3.3 Front ends for mapping existing data stores to Linked Data and RDF 5.3.4 Semantic alignment 14:08:34 had been app A - Sem alignment - app B 14:09:14 Karen; actually this section doesn't really fit anywhere 14:09:43 Emma: originally, this was part of Appendix A on available data 14:09:58 ... there aren't any sections dsecribing the technology at that level 14:10:15 s/dsecribing /describing 14:10:37 ... and I'm happy with result, question is whether other people will be 14:10:51 Karen: Think it is better in App B - do authors agree? App A is linked data "resources" - alignments are not a "resource" 14:11:48 ... app A is a description of resources, Sem Alignment rather technology 14:12:10 ... or we could have Semantic Alignment as appendix B, and Relevant Tech app C 14:13:29 ... or remove it altogether. 14:13:43 Emma: but it's a bit long for app B. 14:14:24 ... editing again ? 14:14:33 Karen: the content is fine 14:14:44 +??P54 14:14:53 ... there are a lot of other discussions of this kind that we didnt put in 14:15:04 zakim,+??p54 is me 14:15:04 sorry, dvilasuero, I do not recognize a party named '+??p54' 14:15:14 zakim, ??p54 is dvilasuero 14:15:14 +dvilasuero; got it 14:15:25 zakim, mute me 14:15:25 dvilasuero should now be muted 14:15:29 ... if people want to put it in, we have to put it somewhere 14:15:57 TomB: splitting it into a separate appendix means less problems for appendices A or B 14:16:56 ... is it harmful to have it in ? 14:17:12 karen: editorially, I wouldn't it to be in a separate appendix. 14:17:27 s/I wouldn't it/I wouldn't want it 14:18:19 TomB: cutting an entire section now is a problem. It's an important topic. 14:18:35 ... it's important to have it somewhere in the report. 14:18:47 jodi has joined #LLD 14:19:17 ... it should be in recommendations 14:19:29 Karen: we didn't use the term alignment there 14:19:39 TomB: maybe we should 14:21:24 Emma: could be a separate appendix with subtitles 14:21:33 Karen: Other two Appendixes referring to external report - this doesn't. 14:21:36 ... it's about state of the art and issues 14:22:11 ...either belongs in the body or not sure what to do with it... 14:22:21 ... put it in use cases 14:23:27 I wouldnt mind to add some text to the report 14:24:08 TomB: in favor of making it a separate appendix or just remove it. 14:24:21 ... if we put it last after appendix B 14:25:08 Karen: could be a part of App A 14:25:17 Emma: that's the way it was before 14:25:29 ... and we changed it because it didnt fit 14:25:39 It's not http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Vocabularies_Datasets_Section2 ? 14:26:28 Emma: agree with Tomb 14:27:42 Karen: I'll make it appendix C 14:29:04 Tom: Peter will put the HTML documents online? 14:29:31 Karen: Peter will make HTML links and then everybody can look at it 14:29:33 ...Peter, do you have write access? 14:30:13 TomB: do we want to store them at their final destination ? they would be readable 14:30:26 Karen: that's anavoidable, we need to test the links 14:30:49 TomB: the final destination is a timestamp directory so we have to set a release date 14:31:08 Karen: we need to talk to Peter about this 14:31:28 Peter, we need to decide when we think the report will be published and create a directory with a time-stamped name. 14:31:58 +Jodi 14:32:34 Jodi: Main question: how can I help with Karen's editing? 14:32:57 Karen: Main thing: take all links to wiki documents and turn them into absolute links. 14:33:14 ...hopefully a global change (Jodi agrees). 14:34:01 Jodi can handle the global change. 14:40:01 TomB: let's meet again next week for an update on where things stand 14:40:43 ... 2 more telecons then publish next monday 14:41:28 -Jodi 14:41:31 -kcoyle 14:41:32 -Emma 14:41:32 bye! 14:41:35 thanks 14:41:37 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:41:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-minutes.html emma_ 14:41:44 -dvilasuero 14:41:59 rrsagent, please make record public 14:42:10 zakim, list attendees 14:42:10 As of this point the attendees have been Emma, kcoyle, dvilasuero, Jodi 14:42:20 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:42:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-minutes.html emma_ 14:42:52 *didn't work well though :-( 14:43:06 scribenick: emma_ 14:43:12 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:43:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-minutes.html emma_ 14:43:34 well enough - only one issue really...! 14:43:41 right 14:44:14 -??P12 14:44:16 INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has ended 14:44:18 Attendees were Emma, kcoyle, dvilasuero, Jodi 14:44:29 zakim, bye 14:44:29 Zakim has left #lld 14:44:34 rrsagent, bye 14:44:34 I see no action items