14:53:11 RRSAgent has joined #webtv 14:53:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/08-webtv-irc 14:53:14 Meeting: Media Pipeline Task Force Teleconf 14:53:45 JanL has joined #webtv 14:55:47 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has now started 14:55:48 duncanr has joined #webtv 14:55:54 +??P30 14:55:54 Clarke has joined #webtv 14:56:46 [Regrets for this call. I'm on a call for the WebRTC working group. I'll monitor IRC] 14:56:48 + +44.789.470.aaaa 14:58:00 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Agenda_Telco_8th_September_2011 14:58:08 Chair: Clarke 14:58:58 igarashi has joined #webtv 14:59:10 +??P49 14:59:58 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 14:59:58 ok, kaz_; the call is being made 14:59:58 aizu has joined #webtv 14:59:59 +Kazuyuki 15:00:19 zakim, who is here? 15:00:19 On the phone I see ??P30, +44.789.470.aaaa, ??P49, Kazuyuki 15:00:20 On IRC I see aizu, igarashi, Clarke, duncanr, JanL, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 15:00:24 + + 15:00:40 zakim, aabb is Jan 15:00:42 +Jan; got it 15:01:01 zakim, aaaa is Dancun 15:01:06 zakim, who is here? 15:01:18 zakim, ??P30 is Clarke 15:01:20 +Dancun; got it 15:01:30 On the phone I see ??P30, Dancun, ??P49, Kazuyuki, Jan 15:01:44 +Clarke; got it 15:01:49 zakim, Dancun is Duncan 15:01:54 On IRC I see aizu, igarashi, Clarke, duncanr, JanL, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 15:02:02 +??P7 15:02:03 zakim, who is here? 15:02:18 +Duncan; got it 15:02:26 +Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:02:34 Bob has joined #webtv 15:02:48 On the phone I see Clarke, Duncan, ??P49, Kazuyuki, Jan, ??P7, Joseph_Scheuhammer 15:03:00 Russell has joined #webtv 15:03:18 zakim, Joseph_Scheuhammer is Russell 15:03:26 zakim, who is here? 15:03:33 zakim ??p49 is igarashi 15:03:45 zakim, ??P7 is Bob 15:03:56 zakim, ??P49 is Igarashi 15:04:08 On IRC I see Bob, aizu, igarashi, Clarke, duncanr, JanL, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 15:04:12 +??P8 15:04:28 zakim, ??P8 is Aizu 15:04:34 +Russell; got it 15:04:42 On the phone I see Clarke, Duncan, ??P49, Kazuyuki, Jan, ??P7, Russell, ??P8 15:04:50 +Bob; got it 15:04:52 +Igarashi; got it 15:05:08 +??P29 15:05:10 +Aizu; got it 15:05:20 On IRC I see Russell, Bob, aizu, igarashi, Clarke, duncanr, JanL, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 15:05:34 zakim, ??P29 is Eric 15:05:50 +Eric; got it 15:05:51 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Agenda_Telco_8th_September_2011 15:05:52 -Eric 15:06:36 +??P56 15:06:42 +??P58 15:07:01 + +1.678.795.aacc 15:07:20 zakim, ??P56 is Eric 15:07:20 +Eric; got it 15:07:29 zakim, ??P58 is Juhani 15:07:29 +Juhani; got it 15:07:33 Juhani has joined #webtv 15:07:51 zakim, aacc is Steven_Wright 15:07:51 +Steven_Wright; got it 15:08:57 topic: Update on issues from last week 15:09:03 clarke: bob, any update? 15:09:17 topic: Merging of issue-18 and issue-39 (Bob and Jan) 15:09:44 jan: we can continue the discussion offline on the reflector 15:10:12 bob: my issue-39's point was types of metadata 15:10:19 + +1.215.286.aadd 15:10:20 davidmays has joined #webtv 15:10:21 ... while 18 was more generic 15:10:31 ... I'll post comments on the reflector 15:10:37 jan: we have bug reports 15:10:38 eric has joined #webtv 15:10:49 ... would like to talk about the bug 15:11:13 kaz: which bug? 15:11:25 jan: 389 is related to 18 15:11:33 s/18/issue-18/ 15:11:39 ... HTML5 bug 15:12:04 zakim, aadd is Dave_Mays 15:12:04 +Dave_Mays; got it 15:12:13 clarke: good suggestion 15:12:30 ... requirements comes from these issues are good 15:12:34 + +1.415.867.aaee 15:13:07 kaz: will they create a new issue based on the discussion? 15:13:18 jan: the conclusion depends on the discussion 15:13:29 bob: discussion first 15:14:13 jan: can I reopen HTML5 bugs which has been already closed? 15:16:01 kaz: you should be able to send a message to the public list 15:16:31 clarke: one of the bugs is closed but another is still open 15:17:14 The other 3 are still open 15:17:23 s/another/the other 3/ 15:17:28 s/is/are/ 15:17:52 clarke: should we ask HTML WG to reopen 13333? 15:19:07 igarashi has joined #webtv 15:19:10 action: jan to send a message to HTML WG public list and talk with the group about how to deal with the closed bugs, e.g., 13333 15:19:10 Created ACTION-75 - Send a message to HTML WG public list and talk with the group about how to deal with the closed bugs, e.g., 13333 [on Jan Lindquist - due 2011-09-15]. 15:19:42 + +1.503.712.aaff 15:19:57 jan: just to clarify, how to refer closed bug 15:20:22 zakim, aaff is Narm 15:20:22 +Narm; got it 15:20:36 narm_gadiraju has joined #webtv 15:21:03 zakim, who is here? 15:21:03 On the phone I see Clarke, Duncan, Igarashi, Kazuyuki, Jan, Bob, Russell, Aizu, Eric, Juhani, Steven_Wright, Dave_Mays, +1.415.867.aaee, Narm 15:21:06 On IRC I see narm_gadiraju, igarashi, eric, davidmays, Juhani, Russell, Bob, aizu, Clarke, duncanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 15:21:26 topic: Clarify wording on issue 40 (concern with word "enforce") (Russell) 15:21:32 russell: would like one more week 15:21:34 clarke: ok 15:21:43 topic: Clarify explanations on DRM requirements, also consider more specific DECE requirements (Bob) 15:21:53 -Bob 15:22:16 (Bob is disconnected...) 15:22:34 clarke: we have issue-40 and issue-41 15:22:35 +??P7 15:22:40 -Jan 15:22:41 ... and would like to see the difference 15:22:42 - +1.415.867.aaee 15:22:47 zakim, ??P7 is Bob 15:22:47 +Bob; got it 15:23:03 + +1.415.867.aagg 15:23:36 zakim, aagg is Mark_Watson 15:23:37 +Mark_Watson; got it 15:23:49 bob: contacted DECE 15:24:10 ... we'll have discussion next week 15:24:38 ... Jim Talor (?) 15:24:44 Taylor 15:24:49 ... security specification 15:24:55 Works for DECE 15:24:55 s/Talor (?)/Taylor/ 15:26:15 russell: various ways for security 15:26:22 ... Amazon, Netflix 15:26:33 ... negotiation for separate systems 15:26:42 ... so implementation specific 15:26:52 bob: that's one possible mechanism 15:27:00 ... for download 15:27:18 ... whatever content protection 15:27:33 ... another possibility is direct streaming 15:28:04 ... in that case DECE common encryption 15:28:29 ... MPEG DASH is one example 15:28:42 clarke: can you define "last" ? 15:29:03 or "LASP" ? 15:29:11 yes it's LASP 15:29:16 s/last/LASP/ 15:29:49 zakim, who is speaking? 15:29:59 kaz_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Juhani (29%) 15:30:10 LASTP = Locker Access Streaming Provider 15:30:23 thanks 15:30:24 s/LASTP/LASP 15:31:09 juhani: (explains the mechanism; but his voice is breaking...) 15:31:42 ... various potential protection mechanisms 15:31:47 clarke: ok 15:32:09 bob: would restate our purpose is common mechanism 15:32:23 ... sharing common encryption 15:32:57 clarke: bob will meet DECE and clarify their requirements 15:33:54 bob: if there is a plan on browser-based technology by DECE, will let the TF know 15:34:22 ... no intention of specific DRM mechanism, but common encryption mechanism 15:34:45 ... try to put ideas on wiki 15:35:03 ... have specific examples 15:35:12 ... within next couple of days 15:35:28 ... will generate a wiki page first 15:36:00 action: bob to generate a wiki page on examples of common encryption mechanism 15:36:00 Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - bob 15:36:00 Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. bbrummer, blund3) 15:36:15 action: lund to generate a wiki page on examples of common encryption mechanism 15:36:16 Created ACTION-76 - Generate a wiki page on examples of common encryption mechanism [on Bob Lund - due 2011-09-15]. 15:37:33 bob: something like CODECs, content providers can choose appropriate mechanism 15:37:47 clarke: number of possible protocols 15:37:59 ... which one is supported, and priority, etc. 15:38:23 topic: Continuing issue acceptance review (beginning with issue 42) 15:38:34 issue-42? 15:38:34 ISSUE-42 -- Content delivery to personal computers -- raised 15:38:34 http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/track/issues/42 15:38:43 issue-42 http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/MPTF_Discussions/Delivery_to_pc 15:39:23 clarke: (explains the issue) 15:39:34 -Juhani 15:39:44 ... Personal computers are a desirable target for service providers to deliver content. 15:39:57 ... can we accept this? 15:40:12 dave: are we thinking of tablet, etc.? 15:40:25 bob: depends on particular tablet 15:40:37 ... vendor's specific tablet 15:40:50 ... some of them are PC-like ones 15:40:54 Juhani has joined #webtv 15:41:15 ... but some of them are retail devices 15:41:28 +??P26 15:41:32 dave: mobile devices like mobile phones 15:41:48 bob: fine with rewording 15:42:05 ... what is the characteristics of "personal computers" ? 15:42:13 ... software-based solution 15:42:59 clarke: personal computer and CE devices 15:43:10 ... you don't want to drop targets, do you 15:43:16 ... overlapped list 15:43:26 dave: ok 15:43:33 zakim, who is speaking? 15:43:44 kaz_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P26 (45%), Duncan (33%) 15:43:53 -Mark_Watson 15:44:17 juhani: what about requirements for issue-43? 15:44:17 +Mark_Watson 15:44:45 clarke: 42 description is fine, but need rewording "personal computers" 15:45:05 russell: W3C makes implementation-based distinction 15:45:18 bob: no suggestion of W3C level 15:45:32 ... how you might implement content security on a personal computer 15:45:49 ... software environment is quite open 15:46:02 ... while no support with hardware level 15:46:39 ... platform distinction may drive different consideration 15:46:57 -Mark_Watson 15:46:59 ... keep handling different platforms separately 15:47:07 +Mark_Watson 15:47:15 ... other distinction is also possible 15:47:43 ... different economic consideration 15:48:17 ... there are distinctions we need discussion 15:48:38 -Mark_Watson 15:48:56 +Mark_Watson 15:49:35 ... what we want to understand is different category of devices have different compliance rules 15:50:18 ... compliance of robustness 15:50:51 russell: we have to write recommendations which are fairly neutral 15:51:15 clarke: some of the key difference may effect our requirements 15:51:32 ... "personal computing device" and "consumer device" 15:52:06 juhani: mobile phones and smart phones belong to issue-43 (CE devices), don't they? 15:52:47 bob: accessibility is also the key 15:53:24 clarke: anybody oppose to accept issue-42 as a requirement? 15:53:37 russell: need rewording 15:54:38 ... between hardware-oriented devices and the others 15:55:04 ... a bit confused what issue-42 want to say 15:55:26 bob: clarification is issue-42 is identifying more open and accessible devices 15:55:45 ... while issue-43 is identifying more close devices 15:55:56 ... would like add clarification 15:56:03 For reference, here is issue 43: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/MPTF_Discussions/Delivery_to_ce 15:56:11 issue-43? 15:56:11 ISSUE-43 -- Content delivery to retail consumer electronics devices -- raised 15:56:11 http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/track/issues/43 15:56:29 russell: source code is available for webkit 15:58:33 clarke: would suggest we mention the spectrum of devices 15:58:53 ... one end of the spectrum is pc and another end is ce 15:59:05 +1 15:59:15 bob: makes sense 15:59:51 clarke: russell, maybe you could take discussion with Bob offline, couldn't you? 16:00:03 zakim, who is speaking? 16:00:14 kaz_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Bob (5%), Dave_Mays (51%) 16:00:36 dave: should mention characteristics as well 16:01:14 -Bob 16:01:35 russell: f2f plan? 16:02:02 -Mark_Watson 16:02:03 -Eric 16:02:04 -Igarashi 16:02:06 -Steven_Wright 16:02:08 -Dave_Mays 16:02:10 -Aizu 16:02:10 clarke: f2f meeting on 21st-22nd right after the workshop on 19th-20th 16:02:12 -Duncan 16:02:16 -Russell 16:02:17 Thanks, Kaz 16:02:18 -??P26 16:02:21 np 16:02:22 -Narm 16:02:24 -Clarke 16:02:32 -Kazuyuki 16:02:51 Clarke, Bob will try to put issue-42 and issue-43 together. right? 16:03:18 there was much scratch, and I couldn't here him 16:07:06 zakim, who is here? 16:07:06 On the phone I see Clarke 16:07:07 On IRC I see narm_gadiraju, igarashi, davidmays, aizu, duncanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz_, francois, trackbot 16:07:17 disconnecting the lone participant, Clarke, in UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM 16:07:18 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has ended 16:07:22 Attendees were +44.789.470.aaaa, Kazuyuki, +, Jan, Clarke, Duncan, Russell, Bob, Igarashi, Aizu, Eric, +1.678.795.aacc, Juhani, Steven_Wright, +1.215.286.aadd, 16:07:24 ... Dave_Mays, +1.415.867.aaee, +1.503.712.aaff, Narm, +1.415.867.aagg, Mark_Watson 16:10:28 Present: Duncan, Kazuyuki, Jan, Clarke, Russell, Bob, Igarashi, Aizu, Eric, Steven, Juhani, Dave, Narm, Mark_Watson 16:10:44 rrsagent, make log public 16:10:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:10:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/08-webtv-minutes.html kaz_ 16:14:17 duncanr has left #webtv 18:34:07 Zakim has left #webtv 18:34:25 JAB has joined #webtv 18:34:35 zakim, room for 4? 18:34:47 Zakim has joined #webtv 18:34:53 zakim, room for 4? 18:34:55 ok, JAB; conference Team_(webtv)18:34Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 1934Z 18:35:42 Team_(webtv)18:34Z has now started 18:35:49 +Jeff 18:36:01 Zakim, Jeff is JAB 18:36:01 +JAB; got it 18:39:52 + +1.650.483.aaaa 18:58:38 +??P1 18:59:00 zakim, aaaa is MarkV 18:59:00 +MarkV; got it 18:59:12 zakim ??P1 is RalphB 18:59:28 zakim, ??P1 is RalphB 18:59:28 +RalphB; got it 18:59:49 discussion on agenda and how to make it go from something good to something great 19:00:52 need to coordinate not only who speaks but what do they feature in their presentation 19:01:59 kaz - are you available for a call when I get done with this one? 19:07:35 kaz? 19:11:58 -RalphB 19:14:04 -JAB 19:14:05 Team_(webtv)18:34Z has ended 19:14:07 Attendees were JAB, +1.650.483.aaaa, MarkV, RalphB 21:04:15 Zakim has left #webtv 21:22:51 Alan has joined #webtv