IRC log of RDB2RDF on 2011-09-06
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:54:04 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF
- 15:54:04 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:54:06 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 15:54:06 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #RDB2RDF
- 15:54:08 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 7322733
- 15:54:08 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes
- 15:54:09 [trackbot]
- Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference
- 15:54:09 [trackbot]
- Date: 06 September 2011
- 15:54:23 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, this will be SW_RDB2RDF
- 15:54:23 [Zakim]
- ok, mhausenblas; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes
- 15:54:28 [mhausenblas]
- Agenda:
- 15:54:34 [mhausenblas]
- Chair: Michael
- 15:54:40 [mhausenblas]
- scribenick: mhausenblas
- 15:54:51 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:54:51 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:55:00 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:55:05 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Michael
- 15:55:11 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Richard
- 15:55:22 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Soeren
- 15:55:38 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Boris
- 15:55:42 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:55:42 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:58:55 [dmcneil]
- dmcneil has joined #RDB2RDF
- 15:59:23 [Zakim]
- SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started
- 15:59:30 [Zakim]
- + +1.314.394.aaaa
- 16:00:20 [Zakim]
- + +3539149aabb
- 16:00:28 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aabb is me
- 16:00:28 [Zakim]
- +mhausenblas; got it
- 16:00:33 [Ashok]
- Ashok has joined #rdb2rdf
- 16:00:34 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aaaa is dmcneil
- 16:00:34 [Zakim]
- +dmcneil; got it
- 16:00:40 [mhausenblas]
- present+ David
- 16:00:44 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, who's here?
- 16:00:44 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see dmcneil, mhausenblas
- 16:00:45 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Ashok, dmcneil, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, betehess, trackbot, MacTed, ivan, iv_an_ru_, ericP
- 16:01:08 [Zakim]
- +Ashok_Malhotra
- 16:01:12 [seema]
- seema has joined #rdb2rdf
- 16:01:18 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ashok
- 16:01:25 [juansequeda]
- juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:01:33 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 16:01:33 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 16:02:04 [Zakim]
- + +575737aacc
- 16:02:11 [juansequeda]
- zakim, aacc is me
- 16:02:11 [Zakim]
- +juansequeda; got it
- 16:02:17 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Juan
- 16:02:33 [Zakim]
- + +1.603.897.aadd
- 16:02:46 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aadd is seema
- 16:02:46 [Zakim]
- +seema; got it
- 16:02:51 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Seema
- 16:03:01 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Nuno
- 16:03:18 [nunolopes]
- nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:03:22 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, nunolopes is with me
- 16:03:22 [Zakim]
- +nunolopes; got it
- 16:04:11 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Marcelo
- 16:04:35 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Souri
- 16:06:04 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: Admin
- 16:06:12 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 16:06:12 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 16:06:16 [ericP]
- Zakim, please dial ericP-office
- 16:06:17 [Zakim]
- ok, ericP; the call is being made
- 16:06:18 [Zakim]
- +EricP
- 16:06:24 [ivan]
- zakim, dial ivan-voip
- 16:06:24 [Zakim]
- ok, ivan; the call is being made
- 16:06:26 [Zakim]
- +Ivan
- 16:06:31 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Eric
- 16:06:35 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ivan
- 16:06:59 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting with the correction by David in
- 16:07:17 [nunolopes]
- +1
- 16:07:24 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Accept the minutes of last meeting with the correction by David in
- 16:07:34 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: R2RML
- 16:07:45 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-61?
- 16:07:45 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-61 -- Re-using public entity identifiers - look-up table -- pending review
- 16:07:45 [trackbot]
- 16:07:52 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-66?
- 16:07:52 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-66 -- Translation Scheme as proposed seems too complicated for the simple task of mapping <DB value(s), RDF term> -- open
- 16:07:52 [trackbot]
- 16:08:54 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-29?
- 16:08:54 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-29 -- Require blank node and IRI identifier expressions to produce strings -- pending review
- 16:08:54 [trackbot]
- 16:08:59 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 16:09:06 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 16:11:45 [mhausenblas]
- David: Sec 11.5 - I don't understand what it means to use base64 encoding
- 16:12:22 [Zakim]
- -juansequeda
- 16:12:28 [Zakim]
- + +1.512.484.aaee
- 16:12:39 [mhausenblas]
- Zakim, aaee is juansequeda
- 16:12:39 [Zakim]
- +juansequeda; got it
- 16:12:56 [dmcneil]
- ericP - indeed :)
- 16:13:05 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: David, could you please ask Richard and the ML directly to resolve this?
- 16:13:08 [mhausenblas]
- David: Will do
- 16:13:20 [juansequeda]
- juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:13:36 [Ashok]
- Whewn converting from SQL to XML binary data why do we need to convert to string first? Why not convert directly to base64?
- 16:13:45 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-48?
- 16:13:45 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-48 -- Mapping SQL datatypes to RDF -- pending review
- 16:13:45 [trackbot]
- 16:13:56 [mhausenblas]
- [[
- 16:13:56 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-48 as it is addressed in
- 16:13:56 [mhausenblas]
- ]]
- 16:14:07 [Ashok]
- s/Whewn/When/
- 16:14:11 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 16:14:40 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 16:15:24 [mhausenblas]
- David: In fact my question was re ISSUE-48
- 16:15:54 [mhausenblas]
- [[
- 16:15:54 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-29; all places that interpret SQL values as
- 16:15:55 [mhausenblas]
- string now use "conversion to string"
- 16:15:55 [mhausenblas]
- ]]
- 16:16:02 [seema]
- +1
- 16:16:13 [dmcneil]
- +1
- 16:16:23 [ivan]
- +1
- 16:16:34 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Close ISSUE-29; all places that interpret SQL values as string now use "conversion to string"
- 16:17:00 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-51?
- 16:17:00 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-51 -- Handling of ill-typed literals -- pending review
- 16:17:00 [trackbot]
- 16:17:16 [mhausenblas]
- [[
- 16:17:16 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUE-51; the spec now demands that “supported RDF
- 16:17:16 [mhausenblas]
- types” MUST raise data error, and other types MAY raise data error
- 16:17:16 [mhausenblas]
- ]]
- 16:17:21 [dmcneil]
- +1
- 16:17:27 [ivan]
- +1
- 16:17:34 [Ashok]
- +1
- 16:17:45 [Zakim]
- + +1.781.273.aaff
- 16:17:48 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Close ISSUE-51; the spec now demands that “supported RDF types” MUST raise data error, and other types MAY raise data error
- 16:17:55 [MacTed]
- Zakim, aaff is OpenLink_Software
- 16:17:55 [Zakim]
- +OpenLink_Software; got it
- 16:18:02 [mhausenblas]
- present+ Ted
- 16:18:04 [MacTed]
- Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
- 16:18:04 [Zakim]
- +MacTed; got it
- 16:18:06 [MacTed]
- Zakim, mute me
- 16:18:06 [Zakim]
- MacTed should now be muted
- 16:18:21 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-57?
- 16:18:21 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-57 -- R2RML doesn't allow R2RML documents in RDF/XML syntax -- open
- 16:18:21 [trackbot]
- 16:18:29 [mhausenblas]
- [[
- 16:18:30 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Lack of consensus on the syntax question is noted in the issue box in Section 4.2, which presents both options. A decision on the question will be postponed until after Last Call. This closes ISSUE-57.
- 16:18:30 [mhausenblas]
- ]]
- 16:18:49 [seema]
- q+
- 16:19:10 [mhausenblas]
- ack seema
- 16:19:28 [mhausenblas]
- Seema: We're working on the content of box
- 16:19:58 [nunolopes]
- +1
- 16:20:10 [MacTed]
- presuming there's an action tracking the ongoing work...
- 16:20:15 [dmcneil]
- (I emailed the list with my question concerning ISSUE-48)
- 16:20:45 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Lack of consensus on the syntax question is noted in the issue box in Section 4.2, which presents both options. A decision on the question will be postponed until after Last Call. This closes ISSUE-57.
- 16:21:04 [mhausenblas]
- See for details re ISSUES 54, 56, 59, and 60.
- 16:21:39 [mhausenblas]
- [[ PROPOSAL: Close ISSUES 54, 56, 59, 60; they are addressed in the latest draft.
- 16:21:39 [mhausenblas]
- ]]
- 16:21:58 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 16:22:02 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 16:22:17 [seema]
- q+
- 16:22:49 [mhausenblas]
- David: I think some are more in-depth changes
- 16:22:51 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:23:09 [mhausenblas]
- ack seema
- 16:23:22 [ivan]
- ISSUE-59?
- 16:23:22 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-59 -- Syntactic sugar for triples maps that only have a single predicate-object map -- pending review
- 16:23:22 [trackbot]
- 16:24:01 [mhausenblas]
- Seema: I think ISSUE-59 should be left open
- 16:24:09 [dmcneil]
- +q
- 16:24:16 [mhausenblas]
- [[ PROPOSAL: Close ISSUES 54, 56, 60; they are addressed in the latest draft. ]]
- 16:24:22 [mhausenblas]
- ack q?
- 16:24:27 [mhausenblas]
- ack dmcneil
- 16:24:41 [ivan]
- ISSUE-54?
- 16:24:41 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-54 -- Simpler constant-valued term maps -- pending review
- 16:24:41 [trackbot]
- 16:26:14 [mhausenblas]
- David: Seems that the solution to ISSUE-54 changes the semantics of R2RML
- 16:27:10 [seema]
- q+
- 16:27:53 [mhausenblas]
- Ivan: I think, maybe, if we have a 2nd LC round, last minute change should come not in a batch mail but separate
- 16:27:54 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:28:02 [juansequeda]
- juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF
- 16:28:22 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: I agree
- 16:28:59 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Close ISSUES 54, 56, 60; they are addressed in the latest draft.
- 16:29:03 [dmcneil]
- +1
- 16:29:12 [ivan]
- +1
- 16:29:27 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Close ISSUES 54, 56, 60; they are addressed in the latest draft.
- 16:29:49 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-55?
- 16:29:49 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-55 -- Nested predicate-object maps -- open
- 16:29:49 [trackbot]
- 16:29:59 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Postpone ISSUE-55, this could be considered for R2RML 1.1
- 16:30:02 [dmcneil]
- +1
- 16:30:27 [MacTed]
- +1
- 16:30:32 [nunolopes]
- +1
- 16:30:39 [seema]
- +1 for postponing
- 16:30:41 [ivan]
- +1
- 16:30:52 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Postpone ISSUE-55, this could be considered for R2RML 1.1
- 16:31:01 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-58?
- 16:31:01 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-58 -- R2RML doesn't introduce Turtle well enough -- open
- 16:31:01 [trackbot]
- 16:31:57 [ericP]
- q+ to say we can make purely editorial changes after LC
- 16:32:07 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:32:14 [mhausenblas]
- ack seema
- 16:32:16 [mhausenblas]
- ack ericP
- 16:32:16 [Zakim]
- ericP, you wanted to say we can make purely editorial changes after LC
- 16:33:07 [mhausenblas]
- Eric: we can always point to the RDF WG Turtle doc, pure editorial changes are OK
- 16:35:16 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: Re-catigorise ISSUE-58, it is an editorial/didactic issue and can be addressed after Last Call
- 16:35:30 [ivan]
- s/catigorise/categorise/
- 16:35:57 [ivan]
- +1
- 16:36:20 [MacTed]
- oh, so we use British English? American is "categorize" :-)
- 16:36:23 [MacTed]
- +1
- 16:36:42 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: Re-categorize ISSUE-58, it is an editorial/didactic issue and can be addressed after Last Call
- 16:37:01 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Hausenblas to re-categorize ISSUE-58
- 16:37:02 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-157 - Re-categorize ISSUE-58 [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2011-09-13].
- 16:37:13 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: DM
- 16:37:23 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-65?
- 16:37:23 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-65 -- For uniformity and performance, "literal" triples must be always generated for each child table column in a foreign key -- open
- 16:37:23 [trackbot]
- 16:37:44 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSAL: For a foreign key of any arity, the reference property IRI is of the form <Table#ref-attr1-attr2-...-attrn>. This will address ISSUE-65
- 16:38:41 [mhausenblas]
- Juan: We went for 'ref' and '-' for the template
- 16:38:48 [ivan]
- +1 (it is as good as any scheme...)
- 16:39:13 [MacTed]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 16:39:13 [Zakim]
- MacTed should no longer be muted
- 16:40:03 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:40:31 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:40:33 [mhausenblas]
- q+
- 16:40:58 [mhausenblas]
- Eric: both '-' and '.' are technically allowed
- 16:41:57 [mhausenblas]
- ... the downside of the dot is that it can confuse with the schema (DB/table) identifier
- 16:42:58 [mhausenblas]
- ... the downside of the dash is that you'd need to escape the attribute value
- 16:43:02 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 16:45:38 [ericP]
- -> the dot variant
- 16:45:42 [mhausenblas]
- Eric: we can have both options in the DM document and ask for feedback
- 16:46:38 [ericP]
- 16:47:10 [MacTed]
- so this is an example -- pencil:_ <TaskAssignments#ref.project.deptName.deptCity> _:c .
- 16:49:06 [MacTed]
- vs -- pencil:_ <TaskAssignments#ref-project-deptName-deptCity> _:c .
- 16:50:43 [ericP]
- imo, <http://foo.example/Table/attr1=value1,attr2=value2> is intuitive
- 16:51:11 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/attr1.value1-attr2.value2> is easy to abbreviate with prefixes in turtle, SPARQL, RIF,...
- 16:51:51 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/ID.-5>
- 16:52:23 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/attr1.value1.attr2.value2>
- 16:52:27 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/ID.-5>
- 16:54:07 [mhausenblas]
- (discussion on pro and cons of all the possible solutions)
- 16:57:33 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: how about <Table#ref,attr1,attr2,...,attrn> and <http://foo.example/Table/attr1=value1,attr2=value2>
- 16:58:31 [ivan]
- q+
- 16:58:36 [ivan]
- ack mhausenblas
- 16:59:17 [mhausenblas]
- ack ivan
- 16:59:38 [ericP]
- the ','s as separators has a pretty big cost in terms of expressing mapping rules
- 16:59:38 [Ashok]
- q+
- 16:59:45 [mhausenblas]
- Ivan: I agree with Michael that asking others now is somehow complicated
- 16:59:47 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:00:00 [mhausenblas]
- ack Ashok
- 17:00:47 [mhausenblas]
- Ashok: When I suggested asking SPARQL people I didn't mean the WG but people that have experience here
- 17:00:49 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:02:33 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/attr1.value1-attr2.value2> row identifier
- 17:02:50 [ericP]
- <http://foo.example/Table/attr1-attr2> reference predicate
- 17:03:12 [ericP]
- PREFIX inst: <http://foo.example/Table/> .
- 17:03:26 [ericP]
- PREFIX scheme: <http://foo.example/Table#> .
- 17:04:00 [ericP]
- inst:attr1.7-attr2.13 schema:fname "Bob" .
- 17:07:17 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Eric to write up implications re dot vs. slash etc. for ISSUE-65
- 17:07:17 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-158 - Write up implications re dot vs. slash etc. for ISSUE-65 [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2011-09-13].
- 17:08:05 [mhausenblas]
- q?
- 17:08:09 [Zakim]
- -dmcneil
- 17:08:10 [Zakim]
- -MacTed
- 17:08:10 [Zakim]
- -seema
- 17:08:11 [Zakim]
- -juansequeda
- 17:08:11 [mhausenblas]
- [meeting adjourned]
- 17:08:12 [Zakim]
- -Ivan
- 17:08:15 [Zakim]
- -EricP
- 17:08:17 [Zakim]
- -mhausenblas
- 17:08:20 [Zakim]
- -Ashok_Malhotra
- 17:08:21 [Zakim]
- SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended
- 17:08:23 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.314.394.aaaa, +3539149aabb, mhausenblas, dmcneil, Ashok_Malhotra, +575737aacc, juansequeda, +1.603.897.aadd, seema, nunolopes, EricP, Ivan, +1.512.484.aaee,
- 17:08:26 [Zakim]
- ... +1.781.273.aaff, MacTed
- 17:08:29 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 17:08:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 17:09:11 [mhausenblas]
- trackbot, end telecon
- 17:09:11 [trackbot]
- Zakim, list attendees
- 17:09:11 [Zakim]
- sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
- 17:09:12 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 17:09:12 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate trackbot
- 17:09:13 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 17:09:13 [RRSAgent]
- I see 2 open action items saved in :
- 17:09:13 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Hausenblas to re-categorize ISSUE-58 [1]
- 17:09:13 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 17:09:13 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Eric to write up implications re dot vs. slash etc. for ISSUE-65 [2]
- 17:09:13 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in