13:55:05 RRSAgent has joined #lld 13:55:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-irc 13:55:15 rrsagent, bookmark 13:55:15 See http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-irc#T13-55-15 13:55:16 tbaker has joined #lld 13:55:23 zakim, this will be lld 13:55:23 ok, antoine, I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM already started 13:55:31 Meeting: LLD XG 13:55:41 Chair: Tom 13:55:59 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Aug/0004.html 13:56:24 Regrets: Kim, Lars, Ray, Kevin 13:56:26 jneubert has joined #lld 13:57:16 Previous: 2011-07-21 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/07/21-lld-minutes.html 13:57:33 +??P5 13:57:35 rrsagent, please make record public 13:57:49 zakim, ??p5 is tbaker 13:57:49 +tbaker; got it 13:58:00 rrsagent, please draft minutes 13:58:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-minutes.html antoine 13:58:09 michaelp has joined #lld 13:58:42 kai has joined #lld 13:59:25 + +1.614.764.aaaa 13:59:41 jeff_ has joined #lld 13:59:46 zakim, aaaa is michaelp 13:59:46 +michaelp; got it 13:59:55 + + 13:59:59 marcia has joined #lld 14:00:02 zakim, aabb is me 14:00:02 +emma; got it 14:00:14 kcoyle has joined #lld 14:00:19 +michaelp.a 14:00:32 GordonD has joined #lld 14:00:37 zakim, michaelp.a is jeff_ 14:00:37 +jeff_; got it 14:00:46 monica has joined #lld 14:00:52 +??P18 14:01:03 zakim, ??P18 is kcoyle 14:01:03 +kcoyle; got it 14:01:20 +??P17 14:01:33 zakim, ??P17 is kei 14:01:34 zakim, ??P17 is me. 14:01:39 zakim, kei is kai 14:01:40 +kei; got it 14:01:43 zakim, who is making noise? 14:01:45 I already had ??P17 as kei, kai 14:01:47 zakim, kei is really kai 14:01:50 +kai; got it 14:02:00 + +1.330.672.aacc 14:02:03 sorry, antoine, I do not recognize a party named 'kei' 14:02:06 zakim, aacc is marcia 14:02:08 + +49.4.aadd 14:02:15 tbaker, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P4 (44%), tbaker (3%), jeff_ (5%), ??P22 (6%) 14:02:15 zakim, mute me 14:02:16 zakim, aadd is jneubert 14:02:24 +??P25 14:02:28 +marcia; got it 14:02:31 jeff_ should now be muted 14:02:33 +jneubert; got it 14:02:37 zakim, ??P25 is GordonD 14:02:42 zakim, who is here? 14:02:52 +GordonD; got it 14:02:59 + +44.194.346.aaee 14:03:11 On the phone I see ??P4, tbaker, michaelp (muted), emma, jeff_ (muted), kcoyle, kai, marcia, jneubert, GordonD, +44.194.346.aaee 14:03:25 zakim, aaee is me 14:03:26 zakim, ??P4 is me 14:03:38 -jneubert 14:03:57 +monica; got it 14:04:00 +antoine; got it 14:04:17 +jneubert 14:04:23 + +1.763.463.aaff 14:04:24 jodi has joined #LLD 14:04:30 zakim, aaff is jodi 14:04:34 zakim, mute me 14:04:34 t 14:04:40 thanks. antoine! 14:04:46 +jodi; got it 14:04:48 jneubert should now be muted 14:05:01 zakim, who is here? 14:05:10 On the phone I see antoine, tbaker, michaelp (muted), emma, jeff_ (muted), kcoyle, kai, marcia, GordonD (muted), monica, jneubert (muted), jodi 14:05:12 means that I'm trying to eat and type at the same time :) 14:06:01 Scribe: Marcia 14:06:02 +[LC] 14:06:05 zoia, [LC] is edsu 14:06:06 scribenick: marcia 14:06:23 Topic: ADMIN 14:06:33 Minutes of previous telecons PROPOSED: To accept 14:06:45 RESOLUTION: approved minutes from last call 14:07:10 Tom: two more tele-cons 14:07:16 which we really need to do! :) 14:07:25 ... lots need to be done still 14:07:36 Topic: Comments received 14:08:08 Tom: realized missing the comments from the blog 14:08:13 ... created a page 14:08:42 ... Links to reviews - including comments on the UKOLN blog - updated from DraftReportReviewerAssignments (Tom) 14:08:48 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/DraftReportReviews 14:09:02 ... any comments? 14:09:38 ... summarized comments from various sections. Authors should find useful 14:10:03 ACTION: Editors of each section should watch for substantial comments to their section [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/06/30-lld-minutes.html#action06] 14:10:14 CONTINUES 14:10:22 q+ 14:10:24 ACTION: Daniel to keep track of comments from July 23-July 30 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/07/07-lld-minutes.html#action02] 14:10:29 Done 14:11:07 ack me 14:11:15 emma: will continue to monitor through AUg. 11 14:11:43 Regrets+ Uldis 14:11:54 ACTION: Emma to keep track of comments through AUG. 11 14:12:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Aug/0003.html 14:12:37 Tom: we had a discussion. two issues 14:13:11 ... will come back to the recommendation issues 14:13:42 ... looking at the draft of the report as a whole and the comments received, the group felt it might be useful to divise the current draft into two 14:14:18 ... first title something like "Benefits of Library Linked Data, with Recommendations" 14:14:31 ... 8 pages long 14:15:41 ... comments include good ones and also issues. There were complains about the level of report sections assumed decision makers will read the report 14:15:59 ... survey-oriented sections should be put into a second document 14:16:25 ... such as vocabularies, technolgies. Not try to address high level issues like the first documents 14:17:03 ... now there are redundant of vocabularies in both report and side 14:17:14 ... the thirs deliverable would be use cases 14:17:20 q+ 14:17:25 ... open to comments 14:17:48 +1 for splitting it 14:18:00 ... regarding spliting 14:18:02 ack antoine 14:18:53 Antoine: where are these comments that addressing the mixing 14:19:09 Tom: some comments about technical details 14:19:24 Karen: a number of comments said it is not clear of the audiance 14:20:01 q+ 14:20:01 ... I agree not necessarily be two documents. but general description should be first, in order not to lose them. 14:20:10 ... maybe just rearranging 14:20:24 +1 for rearranging i mean :-) 14:20:24 q+ to say that Vocs & data is part of general description 14:20:31 ... first part could stand alone. people who are only interested in that could just read that. 14:21:00 q- 14:21:17 Could the techie bits be left in place, but flagged somehow? 14:21:26 Antoine: the higher level recommendation should still in the main doc. 14:21:40 jeff_: kind of like spicy things on a menu? :-) 14:21:54 edsu: exactly! 14:22:00 All recommendations (general and technical) should be in the recommendations section. 14:22:03 Karen: the first section now is very general. 2nd section go into how you do it. 14:22:33 Antoine: data and technology side both have also general contents 14:22:56 Donal Knuth in the TeX docs uses a "sharp bend"/dangerous curve icon to flag those technical parts. 14:23:08 ack emma 14:23:08 emma, you wanted to say that Vocs & data is part of general description 14:23:09 Karen: right now vocabulary inserted in between, it does not seem right. Afraid losing readers 14:23:58 Emma: data description need to be there to show we are not talking from zero. Having descriptions inside of the main report will be useful. 14:24:20 q+ to suggest that we have Part A and B 14:24:29 ... should keep them in the same doc. re-arrange a little bit 14:24:51 ack tbaker 14:24:51 tbaker, you wanted to suggest that we have Part A and B 14:25:05 Tom: suggest to have a Part A and Part B. 14:25:28 ... Make sense to make some into tight exc. summary 14:25:51 ... If more challange, can be referred to Part B, e.g., technologies 14:26:27 ... Voc and Dataset already have description and a detail... can almost go to appendix 14:26:41 q+ 14:26:41 I don't think that additional documents is really additional overhead 14:26:47 ack kcoyle 14:27:04 Karen: we can clarify them if we have real good titles 14:27:05 monica has joined #lld 14:27:12 Tom: agree with Karen 14:27:24 Karen: 1 section we set up theme 14:27:49 ... 2nd: talking about tools that are available, progress already been made. 14:28:05 ... folks look at TOC can see the flow 14:28:13 q+ 14:28:17 ack antoine 14:28:46 Antoine: current situation is already out there 14:29:04 +1, antoine 14:29:06 ... in the current issue section 14:29:09 ack emma 14:29:37 Tom: Imply what we have the structure right now 14:30:05 Antoine: maybe the data section just give methodologies through examples 14:30:14 q+ 14:30:40 Emma: the technology may not so fit at the place 14:30:49 q+ 14:30:54 ack jodi 14:32:01 Jodi: Like Tom's proposal. There must be someway to convey them to read the technology without including the details in the main report. 14:32:10 ack tbaker 14:32:15 ... should be as short as possible and as general as possible 14:32:37 yes 14:33:04 Tom: we were planning to have vocabulary as side deliverable. 14:33:11 q+ on relevant technologies 14:33:47 ... take the draft vocab/data section, keep in Deliverable A. Move technology to B. 14:34:09 ... technology details of vocabulary and dataset go into B. 14:34:12 ack antoine 14:34:12 antoine, you wanted to comment on relevant technologies 14:34:19 Antoine: maybe workable 14:34:22 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Vocabularies_Datasets_Section 14:35:29 ... maybe keep basic descriptions in the report 14:35:45 Tom: that makes sense 14:36:19 ... there are complains about the typology of dataset, element set, and value vocabularies, but no better way now 14:36:32 +1 for a short, general description of current state of available library vocabularies (most acronmys will be familiar to library executives) in part a, referring to the fuller separate deliverable 14:36:50 q+ 14:36:55 I think placement is important; are we still keeping benefits, issues and recommendations together? 14:37:00 ... in the main report keep this section. 14:37:26 ... just afraid of general readers would not follow 14:37:55 ... looks like we are coming to an agreement of how to structure. 14:37:58 ack antoine 14:37:59 q+ to ask about transclusion 14:38:27 Antoine: agree to to put technology into a different deliverable 14:39:01 s/deliverable/deliverable/ 14:39:02 +1 benefits, current situation and issues (including vocabularies), recommendations in first part 14:39:08 +1 to making it concrete 14:39:10 s/agree to/disagree with 14:39:27 if you make me a list of what you want, I can do the transclusion -- it's easy enough 14:39:36 or what tom says :) 14:39:38 Tom: maybe make al alternative transclusion and see how it looks like 14:40:04 it's just a matter of changing the order of the current transclusion, I think :-) 14:40:05 ACTION: Jodi to make an alternative transclusion 14:40:35 Tom: asking Karen to work with Jodi 14:40:43 Karen: happy to do it. 14:41:08 great, Karen: the list of pages will be very easy to edit into a transclusion page :) 14:41:13 ACTION: Karen, Tom, Michael, and Gordon to write the executive summary due in two weeks. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/07/21-lld-minutes.html#action05] 14:41:20 CONTINUES 14:41:31 ACTION: Karen and Emma to write a sentence adding cultural and memory institutions together in some way [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/07/07-lld-minutes.html#action03] 14:41:57 Karen: the note is in there. 14:42:10 CONTINUES 14:42:28 BENEFITS OF LINKED DATA (Ed, Emmanuelle, Ross) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Benefits 14:43:28 Emma: worked on the comments from Dickson. We may need a meeting between me and ED 14:44:00 ... suggest to have an action 14:44:15 emma++ 14:44:29 ACTION: Editors of BENEFITS to meet and work on the comments. 14:44:40 AVAILABLE VOCABULARIES AND DATASETS (Antoine, Jeff, Marcia, William) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Vocabularies_Datasets_Section 14:44:59 Antoine: we can manage them. There are manageable comments 14:45:01 zakim, unmute me 14:45:01 jeff_ should no longer be muted 14:45:09 RELEVANT TECHNOLOGIES (Jeff) -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_Relevant_Technologies 14:45:40 Jeff: will keep working on them. 14:46:25 CONTINUES 14:46:28 zakim, mute me 14:46:31 jeff_ should now be muted 14:46:56 IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS TO ADOPTION 14:48:04 Karen:challenges and barriers... got lots of comments. We got pushed back to the recommendations 14:48:12 some are beyond our scope. 14:48:26 ... should keep in library linked data 14:48:41 q? 14:48:45 ack kcoyle 14:48:45 kcoyle, you wanted to ask about transclusion 14:48:49 ... removed a lot of how things should be done. Focused on what should be done 14:49:20 ... regarding library systems 14:49:46 ... assigining URIs, deciding what data go out first, etc. 14:50:28 adding metadata education 14:50:29 ... removed things like staffing 14:50:42 (I mean, "adding metadata education" was removed) 14:51:10 ... removed some statements. 14:51:14 <-- from recommendations 14:51:37 q+ to ask how to handle removed items that need to go into benefits 14:51:50 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_issues_page_take2 14:51:59 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Draft_recommendations_page_take2 14:52:03 ... staffing, transfering the data, assignment of URI, etc. 14:52:03 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/index.php?title=Draft_issues_page_take2&diff=5537&oldid=5374 14:52:18 now it is more positive 14:52:36 Tom: the draft is in the new page 14:52:39 ack emma 14:52:39 emma, you wanted to ask how to handle removed items that need to go into benefits 14:52:59 Emma: did you track the changes? 14:53:12 Karen: we can go back to the notes 14:54:03 pls send stuff around too! 14:54:15 (like the list of stuff to consider for benefits) 14:54:28 ACTION: Karen will recover the statements removed from the changed section of benefits. 14:55:17 q+ to have a call next week 14:55:20 Tom: will need to work on these in the next weeks. 14:55:25 ack antoine 14:55:25 antoine, you wanted to have a call next week 14:55:37 +1 to a call next week 14:55:38 ... welcome suggestions of how to do things differently 14:55:52 +1 call next week 14:55:55 +1 14:55:57 (however I will be gone myself) 14:55:58 s/recover the statements removed from the changed section of benefits./track items from former "issues" and "recommendations" that belong to benefits 14:55:58 regrets for next week, and week after 14:56:13 TOM: will have conference next week 14:56:35 USE CASES (Daniel) - SEPARATE DELIVERABLE 14:56:49 -jeff_ 14:56:53 jeff_ has left #lld 14:57:24 Karen: maybe just add some words in the Exc. summary regarding the use cases, mention them and say something about them. 14:57:57 Topic: TRANSITION TO W3C COMMUNITY GROUP 14:58:18 Tom: mentioned: 2011-05-12: Should inform W3C of intent to transition by 1 August for transition on 1 September (and cancel Zakim slot). 14:58:32 we did have discussion on 2001-06-30 14:58:36 ... right now no clear indication of actions 14:58:41 s/2001/2011 14:59:06 ... at the moment, the situation is that there is no replacement of this group. 14:59:11 q+ 14:59:31 ack emma 14:59:49 could we form a "transition group?" 14:59:56 Have to leave, too. Bye! 14:59:59 with no long term obligation 15:00:01 emma++ # public discussion 15:00:02 Emma: will put on list 15:00:04 +1 15:00:06 +1 to public list discussion 15:00:09 -kai 15:00:21 that sounds like kcoyle is volunteering to help make sure it happens, but only with others :) 15:00:48 the list will survive, anyway! 15:00:56 q+ 15:01:01 Karen: the small group of people who are willing to work through emails 15:01:06 ack antoine 15:01:43 AOB 15:01:45 bye! 15:01:47 -[LC] 15:01:51 -michaelp 15:01:52 zakim, please list attendees 15:01:53 bye 15:01:55 -monica 15:02:09 -kcoyle 15:02:11 -jodi 15:02:12 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:02:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-minutes.html emma 15:02:13 -GordonD 15:02:17 As of this point the attendees have been tbaker, +1.614.764.aaaa, michaelp, +, emma, jeff_, kcoyle, kai, +1.330.672.aacc, +49.4.aadd, marcia, jneubert, GordonD, 15:02:24 ... +44.194.346.aaee, monica, antoine, +1.763.463.aaff, jodi, [LC] 15:02:44 zakim, LC is edsu 15:03:10 sorry, antoine, I do not recognize a party named 'LC' 15:03:17 zakim, [LC] is edsu 15:03:36 michaelp has left #lld 15:03:39 zakim, please list attendees 15:03:44 sorry, antoine, I do not recognize a party named '[LC]' 15:04:12 As of this point the attendees have been tbaker, +1.614.764.aaaa, michaelp, +, emma, jeff_, kcoyle, kai, +1.330.672.aacc, +49.4.aadd, marcia, jneubert, GordonD, 15:04:15 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:04:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-minutes.html antoine 15:04:17 ... +44.194.346.aaee, monica, antoine, +1.763.463.aaff, jodi, [LC] 15:04:40 Present+ edsu 15:04:46 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:04:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-lld-minutes.html antoine 15:05:01 -jneubert 15:07:04 -marcia 15:08:43 -emma 15:08:44 -antoine 15:08:59 -tbaker 15:09:01 INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has ended 15:09:03 Attendees were tbaker, +1.614.764.aaaa, michaelp, +, emma, jeff_, kcoyle, kai, +1.330.672.aacc, +49.4.aadd, marcia, jneubert, GordonD, +44.194.346.aaee, monica, 15:09:06 ... antoine, +1.763.463.aaff, jodi, [LC] 15:24:07 jodi has joined #LLD 16:30:22 danbri has joined #lld 17:06:50 Zakim has left #lld 18:21:55 jodi has left #LLD 18:54:34 danbri has joined #lld 20:09:14 danbri has joined #lld