IRC log of html-a11y on 2011-07-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

02:08:17 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y
02:44:23 [dboudreau]
dboudreau has joined #html-a11y
06:07:41 [silvia]
silvia has joined #html-a11y
06:24:48 [MikeSmith_]
MikeSmith_ has joined #html-a11y
07:44:43 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-a11y
09:44:36 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y
15:01:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
15:01:25 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:01:27 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:01:27 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #html-a11y
15:01:29 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 2119
15:01:30 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
15:01:30 [trackbot]
Date: 21 July 2011
15:01:35 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM scheduled to start now
15:01:43 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike
15:01:53 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:03:45 [MichaelC]
zakim, this is 2119
15:03:50 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike
15:04:09 [Joshue]
Joshue has joined #html-a11y
15:04:12 [MichaelC]
once again zakim craps out for this call
15:04:17 [MichaelC]
zakim, drop mike
15:04:28 [Zakim]
ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM
15:04:32 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:04:33 [MichaelC]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:04:33 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike-goog
15:04:34 [Zakim]
15:04:37 [Zakim]
15:04:48 [Zakim]
Mike is being disconnected
15:04:50 [Zakim]
15:04:54 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, drop Mike
15:05:02 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Rich, JF, ??P46, Michael_Cooper, ??P1
15:05:04 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike-goog
15:05:04 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:05:06 [Zakim]
15:05:24 [Zakim]
Mike is being disconnected
15:05:30 [Zakim]
15:05:35 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:05:39 [Zakim]
15:05:40 [MikeSmith]
I seem to be having audio problems and may need to restart my PC
15:05:45 [MichaelC]
zakim, ??P46 is Rich_Schwerdtfeger
15:05:57 [MichaelC]
zakim, ??P1 is Janina_Sajka
15:05:58 [Zakim]
+Rich_Schwerdtfeger; got it
15:06:00 [Zakim]
15:06:02 [lwatson]
lwatson has joined #html-a11y
15:06:14 [Zakim]
+Janina_Sajka; got it
15:06:26 [MichaelC]
15:06:36 [MichaelC]
regrets: Laura_Carlson, Joshue_O'Connor
15:07:24 [MichaelC]
chair: Mike_Smith
15:07:56 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y
15:09:04 [janina]
zakim, who's here?
15:09:04 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Rich, JF, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Michael_Cooper, Janina_Sajka
15:09:06 [Zakim]
On IRC I see MikeSmith, Joshue, Zakim, RRSAgent, JF, richardschwerdtfe, judy, davidb, MichaelC, janina, trackbot, [tm]
15:09:17 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike-goog
15:09:17 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:09:19 [Zakim]
15:10:05 [MikeSmith]
15:10:48 [JF]
15:11:06 [Zakim]
15:11:51 [LJW]
LJW has joined #html-a11y
15:12:28 [MikeSmith]
scribe: MikeSmith
15:12:36 [MikeSmith]
Topic: LC review status
15:13:31 [MikeSmith]
richardschwerdtfe: there are some issues with the Editing section
15:13:42 [MikeSmith]
… will be sending some comments on those
15:13:57 [MikeSmith]
richardschwerdtfe: been talking with Janina and will be getting some other IBM people to review
15:15:05 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: richardschwerdtfe, would be great if you could update the row for the Editing section in
15:15:09 [Marco_Ranon]
Marco_Ranon has joined #html-a11y
15:15:13 [Joshue]
For the record, I have finished my review assignments. I may have some bandwidth to look at some other aspects of the spec - if anyone wants some help please ping me.
15:15:22 [MikeSmith]
JF: I need to look at document metadata
15:15:35 [MikeSmith]
… and have signed up for a review for the Obsolete features
15:16:00 [MikeSmith]
JF: btw, Chaals was not aware he had been given assignments
15:16:14 [MikeSmith]
… and nobody has yet asked Chaals to review
15:16:24 [MikeSmith]
… though he is willing to do the review
15:16:43 [MikeSmith]
… so should e-mail him to let him know
15:17:00 [MikeSmith]
janina: I may have missed him in the batch of mail I sent
15:17:16 [MikeSmith]
JF: … or Chaals may have missed your message
15:17:29 [Zakim]
15:17:29 [MikeSmith]
JF: but he will get it processed if you (re)mail him
15:17:42 [Marco_Ranon]
zakim, ??P34 is me
15:17:42 [Zakim]
+Marco_Ranon; got it
15:17:47 [Marco_Ranon]
zakim, mute me
15:17:47 [Zakim]
Marco_Ranon should now be muted
15:19:19 [MikeSmith]
janina: got a message from Greg Lowny, he found that when he followed some links from the TR WD, it took him to the ED
15:23:57 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: can't reproduce that
15:24:13 [MikeSmith]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:24:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
15:24:31 [MikeSmith]
janina: about the other part of his question, will ask that on the HTML WG today
15:25:19 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: any suggestions about what we could ask Joshue to look at
15:25:59 [MikeSmith]
Cynthia: did we schedule a long call?
15:26:03 [MikeSmith]
janina: not yet
15:26:15 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: we should do that on this call today
15:28:43 [MikeSmith]
Cynthia: could use some help with the ones that I been planning on getting Microsoft review for
15:29:51 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: those are: Structure, Syntax, SVG, Scripting, MathML
15:30:50 [MikeSmith]
Joshue, can you agree to reviewing the Scripting sections?
15:31:23 [MikeSmith]
as well as any of those other ones?
15:31:28 [Joshue]
No worries Mike
15:31:36 [MikeSmith]
Joshue, thanks
15:31:51 [MikeSmith]
Cynthia: What about Charles Pritchard?
15:31:52 [Joshue]
I'll take scripting, may need some help with that as I'm not a big script monkey
15:32:21 [MikeSmith]
JF: Charles is busy with canvas
15:32:28 [Marco_Ranon]
It's Lynn Holdsworth for scriptin. She can't be on the call today.
15:33:44 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: would be good to get some more eyes on that Scripting section
15:34:10 [MikeSmith]
[discussing possible people]
15:34:20 [MikeSmith]
janina: I will ask David Bolter and Chaals
15:34:25 [MikeSmith]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:34:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
15:35:42 [MikeSmith]
Topic: scheduling long call for LC review
15:35:52 [MikeSmith]
MichaelC: we only had 8 people respond
15:39:40 [LJW]
15:40:09 [MikeSmith]
MichaelC: 11am Boston to 3pm Boston time on July 28
15:41:16 [MikeSmith]
Topic: Subteam updates
15:41:53 [MikeSmith]
richardschwerdtfe: for canvas subteam, news is that we have a patch for Webkit, some movement from Mozilla
15:42:32 [MikeSmith]
… will write a change proposal, also start working on writing up refinement of previous spec
15:42:49 [MikeSmith]
JF: for media subteam, we have some issues that are kind of dangling
15:43:14 [MikeSmith]
… about hierarchical navigation
15:43:23 [MikeSmith]
janina: we are waiting for implementations to play with on that
15:43:52 [MikeSmith]
JF: another case is what to do when your descriptive audio is longer than the alloteed time
15:44:01 [MikeSmith]
… how to control the timeline
15:44:14 [MikeSmith]
… comes down to, we have to pause the video to get everything synched
15:44:22 [MikeSmith]
… I think we are on the same page for that
15:44:34 [MikeSmith]
JF: other outstanding issue is poster als
15:44:38 [MikeSmith]
15:44:50 [MikeSmith]
JF: I have a formal objection on that
15:45:11 [MikeSmith]
JF: Silvia believes aria-describedby is a solution for this
15:45:49 [MikeSmith]
JF: I don't think we are going to see the browsers will come up with a mechanism that takes that non-visible content and make it visible
15:46:03 [MikeSmith]
JF: this is related to other alternative-text stuff
15:46:19 [MikeSmith]
janina: in that instance, we are also waiting for a proof of concept
15:46:45 [MikeSmith]
… from the requirements side, we have made it clear that we need for the markup to be preserved
15:46:59 [MikeSmith]
janina: so we are in a holding pattern on that
15:47:48 [MikeSmith]
JF: we did have a bit of breakthrough in that Sylvia agrees that we need two textual descriptions
15:48:18 [MikeSmith]
janina: for the text subteam, we met this week and we asked people to focus on LC review
15:49:02 [MikeSmith]
janina: we met with Paul a week ago, and agreed that yes indeed the priority is bugs for August 3rd
15:49:24 [MikeSmith]
… JF has writing up a detailed response for Jonas on longdesc
15:49:46 [MikeSmith]
… trying to make a sort of standard, well-formed response to some questions that keep coming up
15:50:13 [MikeSmith]
… for lack of better term, position papers
15:50:21 [MikeSmith]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:50:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
15:50:38 [Marco_Ranon]
zakim, unmute me
15:50:38 [Zakim]
Marco_Ranon should no longer be muted
15:50:45 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: bug triage subteam?
15:51:04 [MikeSmith]
janina: I need to talk with LJW about that
15:51:48 [MikeSmith]
janina: LJW, wanted to know if you would be wiling to be the facilitator for the bug-triage subteam
15:52:03 [MikeSmith]
LJW: maybe we could talk more about it offline
15:52:23 [MikeSmith]
janina: [gives a description of the duties involved]
15:53:03 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: so next step is to have an offline discussion with LJW about it
15:53:17 [Marco_Ranon]
zakim, mute me
15:53:17 [Zakim]
Marco_Ranon should now be muted
15:53:59 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: what about ARIA Mappings subteam
15:54:15 [MikeSmith]
Cynthia: Steve has not been available at our regular time, is away on vacation
15:54:28 [MikeSmith]
… we have also been working on the ARIA implementation guide
15:54:55 [MikeSmith]
… has been sitting on the back burner for longer than I'd like, will get with Steve about it when he gets back
15:56:11 [MikeSmith]
Topic: Scribe volunteers for next week's call
15:56:35 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: we have Marco_Ranon, JF, Cynthia, MichaelC
15:56:50 [MikeSmith]
MikeSmith: any other business?
15:57:03 [Marco_Ranon]
zakim, unmute me
15:57:03 [Zakim]
Marco_Ranon should no longer be muted
15:57:06 [Zakim]
15:57:06 [MikeSmith]
15:57:07 [Zakim]
15:57:08 [Zakim]
15:57:11 [Zakim]
15:57:15 [Zakim]
15:57:15 [richardschwerdtfe]
richardschwerdtfe has left #html-a11y
15:57:16 [Zakim]
15:57:18 [Zakim]
15:57:21 [janina]
janina has left #html-a11y
16:05:01 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, Rich, in WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM
16:05:03 [Zakim]
WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM has ended
16:05:05 [Zakim]
Attendees were Rich, JF, Mike, Michael_Cooper, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Janina_Sajka, Cynthia_Shelly, Marco_Ranon
16:05:16 [MikeSmith]
RRSAgent, make minutes
16:05:16 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
17:23:57 [davidb]
davidb has joined #html-a11y
18:01:43 [judy]
judy has joined #html-a11y
18:24:51 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-a11y
18:40:02 [MikeSmith_]
MikeSmith_ has joined #html-a11y