15:59:32 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 15:59:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/06/30-hcls2-irc 15:59:36 rrsagent, make logs public 15:59:50 michel has changed the topic to: #hcls2 pharmacogenomics paper (michel) 16:00:04 zakim, this is tmo 16:00:04 michel, I see SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be tmo". 16:00:10 bbalsa has joined #HCLS2 16:00:11 zakim, this will be tmo 16:00:11 ok, michel; I see SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM scheduled to start 60 minutes ago 16:00:31 agenda? 16:00:47 mscottm has joined #hcls2 16:01:28 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 16:01:51 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has now started 16:01:56 fred has joined #hcls2 16:01:57 +??P26 16:02:00 +??P61 16:02:06 zakim, ??P26 is michel 16:02:06 +michel; got it 16:02:17 zakim, ??P61 is matthias_samwald 16:02:17 +matthias_samwald; got it 16:02:34 +mscottm 16:02:44 I am muted 16:02:46 + +1.518.276.aaaa 16:02:49 +??P62 16:02:56 Zakim, who is here? 16:03:07 On the phone I see matthias_samwald, michel, mscottm, +1.518.276.aaaa, ??P62 16:03:18 + +1.714.616.aabb 16:03:24 zakim, who is making noise 16:03:26 Zakim, who is making noise? 16:03:32 On IRC I see fred, matthias_samwald, mscottm, bbalsa, RRSAgent, Zakim, michel, Joanne, ericP 16:04:07 I don't understand 'who is making noise', michel 16:04:18 mscottm, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 6 (52%), michel (96%) 16:04:28 Zakim was behind.. 16:04:33 latency 16:04:36 + +1.781.431.aacc 16:04:36 epichler has joined #HCLS2 16:08:19 scott: idea is to get dbsnp into linked data form for proof of concept and to validate models 16:08:36 scott: iker has run into problems because of the large size of data (250GB disk) 16:09:02 ... took a subset - 30M SNPs - what are the criteria? 16:09:28 ... genes related to warfarin; dbSNP queries in SQL to retrieve snp information related to those genes 16:10:42 ... waiting on ericP/other to setup SWObjects 16:10:51 ... need to choose RDF rendering to translate SQL 16:11:16 ... let's look at the scenarios 16:11:40 ... spoke with Bob and Joanne, to brainstorm about article and how to spin it 16:12:17 ... title change to "On the application of pharmacogenomic knowledge in the personalized medicine setting" 16:12:37 zakim, unmute matthias_samwald 16:12:37 matthias_samwald was not muted, matthias_samwald 16:13:32 ... personalized medicne, snps, linked data 16:14:14 ... pseudo patients with snp data using the scenarios we create 16:15:24 ... use tmo + linked data, but not much detail - refer to prior publications 16:15:43 ... information needs of a clinical patient pipeline 16:16:16 ... applying biomarkers in a clinical setting 16:19:48 Joanne: try to target this paper to Future Medicne's pharmacogenomics journal http://www.futuremedicine.com/loi/pgs 16:20:09 aims and scope: Pharmacogenomics (ISSN 1462-2416) is a peer-reviewed journal presenting reviews and reports by the researchers and decision-makers closely involved in this rapidly developing area. Key objectives are to provide the community with an essential resource for keeping abreast of the latest developments in all areas of this exciting field. Pharmacog 16:20:16 Pharmacogenomics focuses on those aspects that have the most direct relevance to the pharmaceutical industry and wider clinical community, including: 16:20:31 The emergence of new pharmacogenomic initiatives and their impact on R&D and regulatory strategies 16:20:35 Emerging technologies for accessing and exploiting genomic information 16:20:40 Reviews of genotyping and clinical data in particular therapeutic areas 16:20:45 Development of novel diagnostic products and strategies 16:21:42 matthias: don't think we need to convince this audience of the benefit of pharmacogenomics 16:22:33 scott: integrated pipeline; exists? 16:22:48 fred: physicians receive incentive to make use of EHR 16:25:11 michel: paper needs to address how SW technologies facilitates access to pharmacogenomics data, how to make this part of future approach 16:26:05 scott: difference between stated aims of hospitals and those in practice 16:26:51 ... good for us to show that it's not as hard as it seems 16:26:57 ... bottom up is good 16:27:50 matthias_samwald: focus on potential, capabilities - but should also talk about technical aspects, but not too much detail 16:29:02 michel: think our sell is with semantic web 16:30:27 scott: the use cases are important 16:30:46 matthias_samwald: use cases are quite detailed - we need to focus on some aspects 16:31:22 to michel, say more re: sell w/ sem web. I think i agree (Scott, Bob and I discussed this at length). 16:31:38 Note: I'm stepping away for a moment to get some food (just out my door). brb 16:32:11 matthias_samwald: what can we do with our knowledge model to sensibly represent data 16:32:35 ... leave use cases for the moment and focus on the development 16:34:02 michel: so let's discuss the ontology - material entity vs informational entity 16:36:13 matthias_samwald: IAO - gives 'about' property to link 'information content entities' with physical objects; 16:37:14 ... genotypes; alleles; part hood is fine, but use owl individuals instead of classes 16:43:33 michel: for material entities - the idea is that when we make a measurement on some sample, we are making a measurement of a collection of material objects (dna and their parts) 16:48:17 fred: bridge the gap with the audience and also explain what you are doing 16:48:38 joanne: make sure what you do is most relevant 16:50:01 fred: use of genomics in the clinic is developing and there is a lot of confusion; if you want to write a paper for physicians; not everything has been verified or is clinically valid; what data has reached clinical significance and is clinically useable 16:52:26 scott: if you look at genes related to warfarin in the LOD cloud; dbsnp is too far from this use case 16:54:34 fred: a large percentage of the conclusions in the literature is wrong or insufficient supported 16:55:41 ... clinicians will operate on the clinical guidelines 17:00:04 - +1.518.276.aaaa 17:00:14 matthias_samwald: need competency questions 17:00:35 want to suggest having two extra telcons in the next week 1/2 hour long 17:00:57 ... when creating the knowledge model, i pondered how to query alleles from snp data. etc 17:02:55 weak, i forgot this meeting 17:03:02 anything i should try to join for? 17:03:14 I'll fill you in - in a minute. 17:03:17 - +1.781.431.aacc 17:03:19 ok 17:03:20 -??P62 17:03:21 - +1.714.616.aabb 17:03:25 -matthias_samwald 17:03:36 shall we talk? 17:03:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/30-hcls2-minutes.html michel 17:03:38 -michel 17:04:03 Zakim, dial ericP (how does it go?) 17:04:03 I don't understand 'dial ericP (how does it go?)', mscottm 17:05:01 mscottm, should i call you? 17:06:12 -mscottm 17:06:14 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 17:06:16 Attendees were michel, matthias_samwald, mscottm, +1.518.276.aaaa, +1.714.616.aabb, +1.781.431.aacc 17:06:29 epichler has left #HCLS2 17:33:37 patient trans:feature 17:33:37 1 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_VKOR 17:33:37 1 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_CPC9 17:33:37 1 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_APOE4 17:33:37 2 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_APOE4 17:33:40 2 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_CYP2C19 17:33:42 2 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_RP4-669P10_2 17:33:45 4 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_APOE4 17:33:47 6 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_APOE4 17:33:50 7 tag:eric@w3.org:2009/tmo/translator#variant_APOE4 18:19:29 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 19:08:44 Zakim has left #hcls2 19:45:13 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 20:58:55 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 20:59:07 matthias_samwald has left #hcls2