16:02:43 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 16:02:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/05/26-hcls2-irc 16:02:58 rrsagent, make logs public 16:03:04 zakim, this is tmo 16:03:08 ok, michel; that matches SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 16:03:13 +??P14 16:03:27 zakim, ??P14 is michel 16:03:27 +michel; got it 16:03:39 iker has joined #hcls2 16:03:58 +drubin 16:04:06 -drubin 16:04:15 + + 16:04:23 +Bob_Powers 16:04:47 +drubin 16:05:01 this is fred 16:05:30 Bob has joined #hcls2 16:05:42 +mscottm 16:05:43 Fred, Hello! 16:05:49 Bin has joined #hcls2 16:06:00 Hi Bob 16:07:05 mscottm has joined #hcls2 16:07:23 - + 16:07:45 + +1.518.276.aadd 16:07:51 topic: http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2011-05-26_Conference_Call 16:08:00 scribenick Bob 16:08:04 Topic: http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2011-05-26_Conference_Call 16:09:28 TrishWhetzel has joined #hcls2 16:09:40 Michel: Iker's work, where are you going with this? 16:10:07 Adrien has joined #HCLS2 16:10:17 + + 16:10:26 welcome adrien 16:10:34 +EricP 16:10:38 hello Michel 16:10:47 zakim, + is Adrien 16:10:47 +Adrien; got it 16:10:48 -Adrien 16:10:56 Iker: Next step is to try to develop bc use case front end for third parties 16:11:51 mikel_egana has joined #hcls2 16:12:29 +Adrien 16:12:59 Michel: Have been talking re bc, till after warfarin use case 16:13:11 -Adrien 16:13:48 Michel: Changes to document, good. 16:14:04 ... Matthias took the main task of paper structure 16:14:05 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lKdDSb2uBBIeTEQAv2CyTHN_aVW63k9si1hmmilOMi0/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CJGUtcwF# 16:14:26 ... Thanks Matthias! 16:14:43 JLuciano has joined #hcls2 16:14:51 Ahh, finally in! 16:15:35 ericP has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Meetings/2011-05-26_Conference_Call 16:15:47 +Adrien 16:16:53 tx ericP 16:17:46 +??P21 16:23:24 Bob: use cases... 16:23:59 -Adrien 16:24:09 Michel: Warfarin predictive pgx 16:24:38 +Adrien 16:24:42 ... id'ed some basic papers, warfarin intial dose; Elgar knows this. 16:24:58 Joanne: Got a dataset converted. 16:26:03 Adrien: Text mining 16:27:31 https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9srYIaZdLc8NDdkNzFhNGUtZDU0ZS00MjVjLWI4ZDktYTAzN2JhMWY4ZGE3&hl=en_US 16:28:33 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 16:28:46 https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtsrYIaZdLc8dE5JUHl0cVBlOFZCaWV4a2NlbnlyNVE&hl=en_US 16:28:50 I will join the telecon in a minute 16:33:23 + +1.302.598.aaff 16:33:28 -drubin 16:33:36 where are we looking now? I had to deal with an interruption 16:34:48 What color is he? 16:34:50 -Adrien 16:35:44 +Adrien 16:37:38 + +43.699.811.6aagg 16:38:11 Zakim, aagg is matthias_samwald 16:38:11 +matthias_samwald; got it 16:38:13 -Adrien 16:46:36 https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9srYIaZdLc8NDdkNzFhNGUtZDU0ZS00MjVjLWI4ZDktYTAzN2JhMWY4ZGE3&hl=en_US 16:46:36 :-) 16:48:15 Michel: Ontology itself. Matthias has been looking at allele etc onts. 16:50:40 Michel: We have an instance of web-Protege 16:51:10 Adrien: Seq Ontology is much more used than mine. 16:51:46 ... SNP can be described at DNA, protein-level, etc 16:52:23 I need to leave call now. regrets. Joanne 16:52:30 - +1.518.276.aadd 16:52:38 that was me 16:53:24 Matthias: Let's not import too much complexity into our ontology. 16:54:16 ... course of action should be to avoid OWL import of entire Seq Ont 16:54:34 ... import a subset of Seq Ont, or create our own ont 16:54:43 ... prefer our own ontology 16:54:56 http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/recs.html 16:55:03 +q 16:55:33 Michel: Manchester has tech to import sub-ontology stuff 16:56:15 it's also hard for me to hear.. 16:56:17 -EricP 16:56:25 much better! 16:56:47 Trish: One other option is BioPortal reference plug-in 16:57:22 sounds tantalizing 16:57:38 ... for Protege, should be some version for web-Protege 16:59:01 bob's link is very good 16:59:48 - +1.302.598.aaff 17:01:10 Iker and Chris will get web-Protege up and running 17:02:27 Matthias: Let's consolidate emails, etc 17:02:35 Scott: +1 17:02:57 Michel: Google group? Scott - yes 17:04:36 MIAME? 17:04:51 - +1.714.616.aabb 17:04:52 -michel 17:04:52 -Bob_Powers 17:04:55 bye 17:04:56 -??P3 17:04:57 -mscottm 17:04:58 -matthias_samwald 17:05:01 -??P21 17:05:02 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 17:05:04 Attendees were +, +1.714.616.aabb, michel, drubin, +, Bob_Powers, mscottm, +1.518.276.aadd, EricP, Adrien, +1.302.598.aaff, +43.699.811.6aagg, 17:05:06 ... matthias_samwald 17:05:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:05:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/05/26-hcls2-minutes.html michel 17:07:38 matthias_samwald has left #hcls2 17:27:10 paoloC has joined #hcls2 17:29:17 ericP you around? 17:33:38 paolo never lingers long 18:40:25 jodi has joined #hcls2 18:59:30 Zakim has left #hcls2 19:12:24 jodi has left #hcls2 19:56:40 jodi has joined #hcls2 19:57:22 jodi has left #hcls2