IRC log of prov on 2011-05-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:45:15 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #prov
14:45:15 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:45:17 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:45:17 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #prov
14:45:19 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
14:45:19 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
14:45:20 [trackbot]
Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
14:45:20 [trackbot]
Date: 12 May 2011
14:45:41 [luc]
Zakim, this will be PROV
14:45:41 [Zakim]
ok, luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 15 minutes
14:46:17 [luc]
14:46:24 [luc]
Chair: luc
14:46:38 [luc]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:47:25 [luc]
Regrets: jornh
14:49:21 [pgroth]
pgroth has joined #prov
14:50:16 [dgarijo]
dgarijo has joined #prov
14:50:27 [luc]
Scribe: dgarijo
14:50:45 [dgarijo]
hi all
14:50:53 [luc]
Hi daniel, everything is set up for you.
14:51:02 [dgarijo]
14:52:08 [VinhNguyen]
VinhNguyen has joined #prov
14:52:49 [Zakim]
SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started
14:52:57 [Zakim]
14:53:11 [administrator]
administrator has joined #prov
14:53:19 [Zakim]
14:53:20 [Zakim]
14:54:04 [simoninireland]
simoninireland has joined #prov
14:54:17 [Zakim]
14:54:22 [pgroth]
Zakim, +??P20 is pgroth
14:54:22 [Zakim]
sorry, pgroth, I do not recognize a party named '+??P20'
14:54:33 [pgroth]
Zakim, P20 is pgroth
14:54:33 [Zakim]
sorry, pgroth, I do not recognize a party named 'P20'
14:54:35 [dgarijo]
zakim, ??P3 is me
14:54:35 [Zakim]
+dgarijo; got it
14:54:44 [pgroth]
Zakim, ??P20 is me
14:54:44 [Zakim]
+pgroth; got it
14:54:58 [pgroth]
Zakim, mute me
14:54:58 [Zakim]
pgroth should now be muted
14:55:10 [pgroth]
Zakim, umute me
14:55:10 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'umute me', pgroth
14:55:17 [pgroth]
Zakim, unmute me
14:55:17 [Zakim]
pgroth should no longer be muted
14:55:28 [GK]
GK has joined #prov
14:55:39 [luc]
I am struggling to get through. Anybody got problem?
14:55:47 [dgarijo]
not at all
14:55:57 [dgarijo]
i dialed through skype
14:56:00 [GK]
I'm hearing things, not sure anyone hears me.
14:56:15 [GK]
zakim, help
14:56:15 [Zakim]
Please refer to for more detailed help.
14:56:18 [Zakim]
Some of the commands I know are:
14:56:19 [Zakim]
xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx
14:56:21 [dgarijo]
zakim, who is making noise
14:56:22 [Zakim]
if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted
14:56:24 [Zakim]
xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx
14:56:27 [Zakim]
I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx
14:56:30 [Zakim]
xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group
14:56:30 [luc]
got in
14:56:32 [Zakim]
xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx
14:56:34 [Zakim]
who's here? - lists the participants on the phone
14:56:36 [Zakim]
who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted
14:56:39 [Zakim]
mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#)
14:56:42 [Zakim]
unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61#
14:56:44 [Zakim]
is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present
14:56:47 [Zakim]
list conferences - reports the active conferences
14:56:49 [Zakim]
this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx
14:56:51 [Zakim]
excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel
14:56:53 [Zakim]
I last learned something new on $Date: 2010/03/15 18:49:04 $
14:56:53 [luc]
who's here
14:56:54 [Zakim]
14:56:54 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is making noise', dgarijo
14:56:56 [Zakim]
14:57:43 [lebo-rpi]
lebo-rpi has joined #prov
14:57:54 [luc]
zakim, who is here?
14:57:54 [Zakim]
On the phone I see pgroth, VinhNguyen, ??P39, dgarijo, luc, ??P18
14:57:55 [jun]
jun has joined #prov
14:57:56 [Zakim]
On IRC I see lebo-rpi, GK, simoninireland, administrator, VinhNguyen, dgarijo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, luc, sandro, trackbot
14:59:08 [GK]
zakim, i am ??p39
14:59:08 [Zakim]
+GK; got it
14:59:24 [olaf]
olaf has joined #prov
14:59:32 [Zakim]
14:59:33 [dcorsar]
dcorsar has joined #prov
14:59:35 [GK]
zakim, who is making noise
14:59:35 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is making noise', GK
14:59:36 [DavidSchaengold]
DavidSchaengold has joined #prov
14:59:43 [Zakim]
+ +1.518.276.aaaa
14:59:43 [dgarijo]
14:59:57 [Zakim]
15:00:03 [Christine]
Christine has joined #prov
15:00:17 [kai]
kai has joined #prov
15:00:19 [Zakim]
15:00:21 [sandro]
zakim, call Thomas-781
15:00:21 [Zakim]
ok, sandro; the call is being made
15:00:22 [Zakim]
15:00:23 [Zakim]
15:00:33 [Zakim]
+ +44.191.245.aabb
15:00:36 [Satya]
Satya has joined #prov
15:00:51 [Zakim]
15:00:54 [sandro]
zakim, Thomas-781 is temporarily Sandro
15:00:54 [Zakim]
sorry, sandro, I do not recognize a party named 'Thomas-781'
15:00:55 [frew]
frew has joined #prov
15:01:01 [sandro]
zakim, Thomas is temporarily Sandro
15:01:01 [Zakim]
+Sandro; got it
15:01:04 [kai]
zakim, ??P43 is me
15:01:04 [Zakim]
+kai; got it
15:01:05 [GK]
zakim, who is talking
15:01:05 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is talking', GK
15:01:11 [Zakim]
+ +1.646.389.aacc
15:01:21 [GK]
zakim, who is talking?
15:01:28 [Zakim]
15:01:29 [paolo_]
paolo_ has joined #prov
15:01:31 [Zakim]
GK, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: pgroth (21%), GK (10%)
15:01:36 [Zakim]
15:01:53 [jun]
zakim, ?P45 is jun
15:01:53 [Zakim]
sorry, jun, I do not recognize a party named '?P45'
15:01:56 [Zakim]
+ +329331aadd
15:02:02 [khalidbelhajjame]
khalidbelhajjame has joined #prov
15:02:05 [jun]
zakim, ??P45 is jun
15:02:07 [Zakim]
+jun; got it
15:02:10 [Zakim]
15:02:13 [GK]
zakim, i am ?p20
15:02:13 [Zakim]
sorry, GK, I do not see a party named '?p20'
15:02:16 [paolo_]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:02:16 [Zakim]
On the phone I see pgroth, VinhNguyen, GK, dgarijo, luc, ??P18, ??P21, +1.518.276.aaaa, ??P41, Jeff_Pan, olaf, Sandro, +44.191.245.aabb, kai, +1.646.389.aacc, ??P46, jun,
15:02:19 [Zakim]
... +329331aadd, SatyaSahoo
15:02:22 [Zakim]
+ +30281039aaee
15:02:23 [smiles]
smiles has joined #prov
15:02:32 [SamCoppens]
SamCoppens has joined #prov
15:02:33 [pgroth]
Zakim, GK is me
15:02:35 [Zakim]
+pgroth; got it
15:02:41 [Zakim]
- +44.191.245.aabb
15:02:43 [pgroth]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:02:46 [Zakim]
On the phone I see pgroth, VinhNguyen, pgroth.a, dgarijo, luc, ??P18, ??P21, +1.518.276.aaaa, ??P41, Jeff_Pan, olaf, Sandro, kai, +1.646.389.aacc, ??P46, jun, +329331aadd,
15:02:50 [Zakim]
... SatyaSahoo, +30281039aaee
15:02:54 [pgroth]
Zakim, GK is pgroth
15:03:05 [Zakim]
sorry, pgroth, I do not recognize a party named 'GK'
15:03:10 [Zakim]
15:03:23 [pgroth]
Zakim, pgroth is GK
15:03:24 [Zakim]
+ +44.191.245.aaff
15:03:24 [Zakim]
+GK; got it
15:03:26 [SamCoppens]
zakim, +329331aadd is SamCoppens
15:03:26 [Zakim]
+SamCoppens; got it
15:03:29 [khalidbelhajjame]
zakim, ??P22 is really me
15:03:31 [Zakim]
+khalidbelhajjame; got it
15:03:33 [Zakim]
15:03:52 [DavidSchaengold]
zakim, +1.646.389.aacc is DavidSchaengold
15:03:52 [Zakim]
+DavidSchaengold; got it
15:03:53 [Zakim]
15:03:56 [paolo_]
zakim, +44.191.245.aaff is me
15:03:56 [Zakim]
+paolo_; got it
15:04:06 [paulo]
paulo has joined #prov
15:04:16 [Zakim]
15:04:20 [CarlOGC]
CarlOGC has joined #prov
15:04:29 [smiles]
zakim, ??P1 is me
15:04:30 [dgarijo]
Luc: Agenda
15:04:35 [Zakim]
+smiles; got it
15:04:53 [iker]
iker has joined #prov
15:05:13 [luc]
15:05:30 [Satya]
15:05:31 [pgroth]
15:05:34 [jun]
15:05:34 [paolo_]
15:05:36 [iker]
15:05:37 [dgarijo]
Luc: support to the minutes of the last call
15:05:38 [lebo-rpi]
15:05:38 [dcorsar]
15:05:39 [dgarijo]
15:05:41 [kai]
15:05:42 [SamCoppens]
15:05:44 [olaf]
15:05:44 [khalidbelhajjame]
15:05:46 [smiles]
15:05:48 [frew]
15:05:48 [DavidSchaengold]
15:05:51 [GK]
15:05:56 [simoninireland]
I sent my apologies -- don't know if you want to record that. Otherwise +1
15:06:00 [CarlOGC]
15:06:35 [dgarijo]
the agenda
15:06:51 [pgroth]
minutes were accepted
15:06:52 [dgarijo]
Luc: no actions on the last call
15:07:01 [dgarijo]
... updates on memebership
15:08:14 [dgarijo]
Satya: problems with logging on the wiki page to post updates to the provenance example
15:08:43 [dgarijo]
Luc: volunteers for scribbing
15:08:47 [pgroth]
15:08:55 [zednik]
zednik has joined #prov
15:09:17 [dgarijo]
... everyone should update their nicknames
15:09:17 [VinhNguyen]
15:09:29 [dgarijo]
... to facilitate the work on the wiki /telecons
15:09:32 [Lena]
Lena has joined #prov
15:09:32 [luc]
15:10:02 [dgarijo]
... Topic: Provenance concepts and Paul example
15:10:17 [Zakim]
15:10:18 [dgarijo]
... discussion started by email during the week
15:10:35 [dgarijo]
... small subset of the group participating
15:10:38 [paolo_]
Luc, I am not yet a member and I am not on the list...
15:10:51 [dgarijo]
...any feedback on the example from others?
15:11:00 [pgroth]
15:11:10 [Satya]
15:11:17 [luc]
ack Satya
15:11:24 [dgarijo]
... before to moving to more complicate discussions, we should agree on whether is a good example or not
15:11:46 [paulo]
15:11:53 [luc]
ack paulo
15:12:28 [luc]
zakim, who is making noise?
15:12:39 [Zakim]
luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: paulo (63%), luc (19%), GK (29%), VinhNguyen (4%)
15:13:05 [dgarijo]
Paulo: could we remove the previous one to avoid confusion?
15:13:16 [dgarijo]
Paulo: (the previuous example)
15:13:18 [GK]
I think the example is fine as a starting point for discussion, I expect it won't represent the totality of requirements. AM worried about getting bogged down in tech details before user requirements have been elicited.
15:14:09 [dgarijo]
Luc: happy to remove it. However the previous example is mentioned in the minutes that we have just aproved
15:14:17 [GK]
Cool URIs... better to add a health warning?
15:15:00 [Zakim]
15:15:06 [dgarijo]
Paulo: Had comments about the previous example, but now is happier with the new one.
15:15:20 [dgarijo]
Paulo: should I post the old comments?
15:16:05 [dgarijo]
Luc: The current example is being edited with the discussions, it is a live document.
15:16:23 [luc]
15:16:28 [luc]
ack luc
15:16:30 [luc]
15:16:34 [GK]
q+, to suggest not removing previous example but adding and note to old example
15:16:47 [GK]
q+ to suggest not removing previous example but adding and note to old example
15:17:15 [dgarijo]
Luc: We agreed in the las telecon that we would use an example that would be technology agnostic
15:17:20 [dgarijo]
Paulo: agrees
15:17:30 [smiles]
+1 it seems to me an appropriate example which matches vision outlined in the wg charter
15:17:34 [Satya]
15:17:35 [SamCoppens]
15:17:36 [frew]
15:17:38 [DavidSchaengold]
15:17:38 [olaf]
15:17:39 [simoninireland]
15:17:39 [luc]
PROPROSED: accept data journalism example for discussion
15:17:42 [khalidbelhajjame]
15:17:43 [lebo-rpi]
15:17:43 [frew]
15:17:44 [dcorsar]
15:17:44 [dgarijo]
Luc: proposes the journalist example as main starting point for discussions
15:17:44 [jun]
15:17:46 [dgarijo]
15:17:47 [kai]
15:17:49 [zednik]
15:17:53 [GK]
+1 accept data journo example for discussion
15:17:59 [paulo]
+1 (for .../ProvenanceExample)
15:18:01 [paolo_]
15:18:02 [pgroth]
Zakim, who is on the phone?
15:18:02 [Zakim]
On the phone I see GK, VinhNguyen, pgroth.a, dgarijo, luc, ??P18, ??P21, +1.518.276.aaaa, ??P41, Jeff_Pan, olaf, Sandro, kai, DavidSchaengold, ??P46, jun, SamCoppens, SatyaSahoo,
15:18:06 [Zakim]
... +30281039aaee, khalidbelhajjame, paolo_, ??P27, paulo, smiles, Lena, [ISI]
15:18:24 [luc]
ACCEPTED: accept data journalism example for discussion
15:18:33 [YolandaGil]
YolandaGil has joined #prov
15:19:14 [dgarijo]
Luc: F2F meeting (we will be back to the example later, to discuss changes)
15:19:22 [luc]
15:19:46 [dgarijo]
... from logistic point of view, the wikipage describes the event. Suggestions?
15:20:11 [luc]
15:20:16 [dgarijo]
... please update the page saying if you'll be able to attend
15:20:33 [dgarijo]
... what are we planning to achieve in the meeting?
15:21:26 [dgarijo]
... sent an email with a number of issues. Can we achieve them?
15:21:27 [luc]
15:21:32 [dgarijo]
... are they realistic?
15:21:56 [luc]
ack pgroth.a
15:21:56 [Zakim]
pgroth.a, you wanted to suggest not removing previous example but adding and note to old example
15:22:10 [luc]
15:22:18 [luc]
ack frew
15:22:40 [JimMyers]
JimMyers has joined #prov
15:22:42 [dgarijo]
frew: any of the documents discussed should be linked to the main wiki page
15:22:52 [pgroth]
15:22:54 [luc]
15:22:54 [dgarijo]
Luc: I agree
15:22:57 [martin]
i have a question
15:23:26 [dgarijo]
martin: should we include in the example some empirical data capture?
15:23:45 [luc]
15:23:51 [pgroth]
we will come back to the example in a bit
15:24:01 [dgarijo]
martin: would be good to include some data that come to an observation
15:24:21 [dgarijo]
martin: also the material circumpstances of the photo capture
15:24:34 [smiles]
15:24:39 [dgarijo]
Luc: we'll be back to the example in a bit, first the f2f objectives
15:24:48 [dgarijo]
martin: ok
15:25:01 [luc]
15:25:19 [pgroth]
15:25:24 [pgroth]
ack pgroth
15:25:33 [luc]
ACTION to pgroth: add links to example
15:25:33 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - to
15:25:52 [dgarijo]
smiles: don't really understand the objectives on task force 4?
15:25:58 [pgroth]
ACTION pgroth: add links to example
15:25:58 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-3 - Add links to example [on Paul Groth - due 2011-05-19].
15:26:10 [GK]
15:26:22 [pgroth]
Zakim, pgroth.a is GK
15:26:22 [Zakim]
+GK; got it
15:26:29 [pgroth]
15:26:39 [luc]
15:26:44 [luc]
ack smiles
15:26:52 [dgarijo]
Luc: implement examples for the specification. Identify people, apps and the use of provenance
15:26:56 [luc]
ack pgroth.a
15:26:56 [Zakim]
pgroth.a, you wanted to SAY I DON'T SEE GOALS ON THE F2F PAGE
15:26:57 [pgroth]
15:27:10 [luc]
15:27:12 [dgarijo]
GK: can't see the goals in the f2f page
15:27:28 [olaf]
15:28:17 [olaf]
15:28:18 [luc]
15:28:26 [paolo_]
15:28:36 [luc]
15:29:11 [dgarijo]
GK: 3 first objectives look good, but aren't these early days for implementation?
15:29:35 [paulo]
15:29:46 [luc]
15:30:21 [luc]
ack paolo_
15:30:43 [luc]
15:30:44 [paolo_]
15:31:09 [luc]
15:31:10 [GK]
q+ to say I expect there will be additional scenarios in due course
15:31:29 [luc]
15:31:48 [dgarijo]
paolo: new requiriments won't be handled by this example
15:31:56 [Zakim]
+ +1.518.633.aagg
15:32:03 [dgarijo]
paolo: are we developing new examples?
15:32:05 [luc]
ack GK.a
15:32:05 [Zakim]
GK.a, you wanted to say I expect there will be additional scenarios in due course
15:32:21 [Satya]
I also agree with Paolo
15:32:29 [luc]
15:32:38 [dgarijo]
GK: the new example is a starting point
15:32:54 [pgroth]
we don't want to implement anything
15:32:57 [pgroth]
amen to that!
15:33:24 [dgarijo]
paulo: where are going to provide guidelines in terms of...
15:33:31 [GK]
q+ to say yes to >1 implementation; getting beyond 1st rec stage will require 2 of each feature
15:33:42 [pgroth]
15:33:44 [luc]
15:33:59 [luc]
ack GK.a
15:33:59 [Zakim]
GK.a, you wanted to say yes to >1 implementation; getting beyond 1st rec stage will require 2 of each feature
15:34:07 [luc]
ack paulo
15:34:11 [dgarijo]
GK: we need more than 1 implementation
15:34:11 [luc]
15:34:20 [sandro]
+1 GK
15:34:33 [paolo_]
@GK: what is "interoperate" in this context?
15:34:46 [dgarijo]
GK: the standard has to prove that is better that independent implementations
15:34:49 [luc]
15:35:19 [dgarijo]
sandro: agrees with GK. Really try to make sure is something that people can use
15:35:21 [luc]
15:35:27 [luc]
ack pgroth
15:36:20 [dgarijo]
GK: test cases can be very useful here
15:36:21 [luc]
PROPOSED: to accept the objectives for F2F1
15:36:34 [GK]
15:36:37 [dgarijo]
15:36:38 [smiles]
15:36:39 [paulo]
15:36:39 [dcorsar]
15:36:40 [olaf]
15:36:40 [jun]
15:36:40 [SamCoppens]
15:36:42 [khalidbelhajjame]
15:36:43 [simoninireland]
15:36:48 [DavidSchaengold]
15:36:49 [paolo_]
15:36:52 [martin]
15:37:01 [luc]
zakim, who is here?
15:37:01 [Zakim]
On the phone I see GK, VinhNguyen, GK.a, dgarijo, luc, ??P18, ??P21, +1.518.276.aaaa, ??P41, Jeff_Pan, olaf, Sandro, kai, DavidSchaengold, ??P46, jun, SamCoppens, SatyaSahoo,
15:37:04 [Zakim]
... +30281039aaee, khalidbelhajjame, paolo_, ??P27, paulo, smiles, Lena, [ISI], +1.518.633.aagg
15:37:06 [Zakim]
On IRC I see JimMyers, YolandaGil, Lena, zednik, iker, CarlOGC, paulo, SamCoppens, smiles, khalidbelhajjame, paolo_, frew, Satya, kai, Christine, DavidSchaengold, dcorsar, olaf,
15:37:08 [Zakim]
... jun, lebo-rpi, GK, simoninireland, martin, VinhNguyen, dgarijo, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, luc, sandro, trackbot
15:37:20 [kai]
15:37:21 [zednik]
15:37:22 [VinhNguyen]
15:37:27 [luc]
15:37:27 [frew]
15:37:44 [iker]
15:37:53 [dgarijo]
paulo: i would like to see how much time are we going to dedicate for the tasks
15:38:11 [paolo_]
I was assuming the task forces would report to the F2F for a plenary discussion?!
15:38:18 [dgarijo]
... in the f2f meeting
15:38:32 [dgarijo]
Luc: it will be driven by the objectives
15:39:30 [dgarijo]
Luc: I will set up an agenda to divide the time for each of the tf
15:39:33 [Satya]
+1 (except not sure about the Implementation and Test Cases Task Force objectives)
15:40:10 [dgarijo]
Luc: not intended to do the whole work in the f2f
15:40:21 [dgarijo]
Luc: it will be the agreement in terminology
15:40:33 [GK]
+1 to say I think that having common terminology is vital goal
15:40:36 [dgarijo]
Luc: we have to do a lot of discussion in between
15:40:47 [dgarijo]
paulo: supports the objectives
15:40:51 [paolo_]
+1 to Luc: must of the work to be done before we get to the meeting
15:41:01 [paolo_]
15:41:06 [luc]
ACCEPTED: objectives for F2F1
15:41:49 [dgarijo]
Luc: some of you have suggestions to improve the example
15:42:05 [dgarijo]
Luc: useful to hear a short outline of them in the call
15:42:06 [luc]
15:42:13 [paulo]
15:42:32 [martin]
15:42:37 [luc]
15:43:14 [dgarijo]
paulo: can not discuss properly because of the time of the mail discussions
15:43:26 [luc]
15:44:04 [dgarijo]
Luc: discussion starts from the ending of the telecon
15:44:19 [dgarijo]
Luc: we should not wait till last minute to raise discussions
15:44:47 [sandro]
15:44:51 [luc]
15:44:56 [smiles]
Maybe it has been difficult this past week because of the invited experts only just being included
15:45:08 [luc]
ack paulo
15:45:56 [luc]
ack sandro
15:45:58 [luc]
15:45:59 [GK]
If substantive discussions and key consensus forming takes place in email, rather than in telecon, then timezone matters less.
15:46:33 [dgarijo]
Luc: the point on mail discussions is to achieve consensus
15:46:34 [luc]
ack martin
15:46:54 [luc]
15:47:09 [dgarijo]
martin: proposes to use provenance info from measurements observations
15:47:33 [lebo-rpi]
15:47:34 [dgarijo]
martin: vital for scientists to understand the circumstances of the measure
15:47:54 [GK]
q+ to say I like being able to deal with measurement provenance; not sure expanding the initial example is best way...
15:48:00 [dgarijo]
... the location of the picture on the example, by who
15:48:02 [luc]
15:48:08 [dgarijo]
Luc: good extension
15:48:13 [simoninireland]
15:48:18 [dgarijo]
Luc: plase mail it to the mailing list
15:48:24 [pgroth]
i think it's good
15:48:29 [luc]
15:48:38 [luc]
ack lebo-rpi
15:49:00 [martin]
15:49:13 [Satya]
I agree with martin, we have a relevant paper for provenance of sensor readings:
15:49:16 [dgarijo]
lebo-rpi: extension to what the newspaper was doing incorporating information from various sources.
15:49:34 [dgarijo]
... for example another charter
15:49:44 [Satya]
+1 for lebo
15:49:55 [Satya]
15:50:07 [dgarijo]
... having multiple sources in the same graph
15:50:13 [luc]
15:50:18 [pgroth]
this could integrate well with martin's proposal
15:50:21 [khalidbelhajjame]
15:50:23 [dgarijo]
Luc: great, send a mil also
15:50:41 [pgroth]
15:50:41 [lebo-rpi]
+1 on keeping this example simple
15:50:58 [luc]
15:50:59 [dgarijo]
GK: not sure if this is the best way to handle the example. We should introduce more scenarios
15:51:08 [paolo_]
+1 for multiple simple scenarios -- or at least make it modular
15:51:10 [luc]
ack GK.a
15:51:10 [Zakim]
GK.a, you wanted to say I like being able to deal with measurement provenance; not sure expanding the initial example is best way...
15:51:12 [kai]
15:51:19 [martin]
15:51:19 [pgroth]
15:51:23 [lebo-rpi]
15:51:34 [luc]
15:51:44 [dgarijo]
zakim, whi is speaking?
15:51:44 [Zakim]
sorry, dgarijo, I do not understand your question
15:51:52 [dgarijo]
zakim, who is speaking?
15:51:54 [pgroth]
so far this doesn't seem to bad...
15:52:04 [Zakim]
dgarijo, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Jeff_Pan (9%)
15:52:14 [zednik]
+1 for multiple focused scenarios
15:52:33 [pgroth]
these extensions don't look to bad
15:52:41 [luc]
15:52:42 [GK]
I'm happy with this
15:52:44 [martin]
15:52:57 [dgarijo]
Luc: we will decide on the mailing list whether we should add new scenarios or simple extensions
15:52:58 [frew]
rapid progress on n simple examples > slow progress on 1 complex example
15:53:05 [luc]
ack simoninireland
15:53:10 [luc]
15:53:23 [luc]
ack martin
15:53:35 [simoninireland]
simoninireland has joined #prov
15:53:37 [dgarijo]
martin: in geenral the provenance problem is a highly interconnected graph
15:53:48 [paulo]
15:53:50 [dgarijo]
martin: multiple process/products
15:53:55 [luc]
15:54:07 [simoninireland]
Sorry, I seem to have lost my sound input.....
15:54:11 [dgarijo]
... not sure if the multiplicity adds new concepts
15:54:11 [lebo-rpi]
martin suggested having the newspaper add a photograph to bring out measurement provenance - would a reader poll/survey make sense?
15:54:15 [simoninireland]
I'll end an email of my comment
15:54:22 [dgarijo]
... it might be an issue of cardinality
15:54:35 [luc]
15:54:40 [luc]
ack satya
15:54:42 [dgarijo]
Luc: that is a discussion for the future
15:54:59 [dgarijo]
Satya: we don't need the scenario, but add provenance questions
15:55:15 [Zakim]
15:55:25 [dgarijo]
... would like to add a sentence to the end of the example
15:55:26 [luc]
15:55:49 [GK]
15:55:54 [martin]
+1 multiplicity is relevant for querying
15:56:00 [luc]
15:56:06 [dgarijo]
... will mail the list for other points
15:56:09 [GK]
(Need to have consumer for requirements/questions)
15:56:11 [luc]
ack khalidbelhajjame
15:56:14 [luc]
15:56:52 [lebo-rpi]
the "consumer" for my proposed two-source newspaper graph is the reader of the graph. They want to know that attribute X came from the government and attribute Y came from another company.
15:56:52 [dgarijo]
khalid: the error detected by the blogger should be part of the provenance
15:56:59 [luc]
15:57:06 [dgarijo]
I agree with khalid
15:57:22 [luc]
15:57:27 [luc]
ack pgroth
15:58:01 [dgarijo]
pgroth: all suggestions can be included in the example. We have enough to discuss the concepts
15:58:14 [luc]
15:58:22 [dgarijo]
... if we see that is not enough we can always go back and edit it
15:59:08 [dgarijo]
Luc: the best thing would be to reply the messages in the archive
15:59:13 [luc]
15:59:24 [dgarijo]
16:00:53 [dgarijo]
paulo: i would like to see what are the dimensions not considered right now
16:01:48 [olaf]
I have to go - bye
16:01:52 [dgarijo]
Luc: the motivation of the example was to discuss the concepts of the charter. We need to share some terminology
16:01:55 [luc]
Charter concepts illustration:
16:01:56 [Zakim]
16:02:20 [dgarijo]
Luc: illustration of the concepts
16:02:36 [dgarijo]
luc: lets discuss these concepts by email
16:02:43 [Zakim]
16:02:44 [Zakim]
16:02:45 [Zakim]
16:02:46 [Zakim]
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- +30281039aaee
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- +1.518.276.aaaa
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- +1.518.633.aagg
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paolo_ has left #prov
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16:03:13 [Zakim]
16:03:24 [luc]
rrsagent, set log public
16:03:34 [GK],
16:03:36 [Zakim]
16:03:41 [pgroth]
pgroth has left #prov
16:03:44 [luc]
rrsagent, draft minutes
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I have made the request to generate luc
16:03:46 [Zakim]
16:03:52 [luc]
trackbot, end telcon
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Sorry, luc, I don't understand 'trackbot, end telcon '. Please refer to for help
16:03:59 [Zakim]
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16:05:43 [Zakim]
16:06:31 [DeborahMcGuinness]
DeborahMcGuinness has joined #prov
16:35:01 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, GK, in SW_(PROV)11:00AM
16:35:05 [Zakim]
SW_(PROV)11:00AM has ended
16:35:07 [Zakim]
Attendees were VinhNguyen, dgarijo, luc, +1.518.276.aaaa, Jeff_Pan, olaf, +44.191.245.aabb, Sandro, kai, jun, SatyaSahoo, +30281039aaee, GK, SamCoppens, khalidbelhajjame,
16:35:10 [Zakim]
... DavidSchaengold, paulo, paolo_, smiles, Lena, [ISI], +1.518.633.aagg
17:10:40 [CarlOGC]
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17:12:21 [DeborahMcGuinness]
DeborahMcGuinness has joined #prov
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Zakim has left #prov
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DeborahMcGuinness has joined #prov