15:49:33 RRSAgent has joined #gallery 15:49:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/29-gallery-irc 15:49:33 Zakim, this will be WAI_(Gallery) 15:49:33 chair: Judy 15:49:33 scribe: Jeanne 15:49:33 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, judy 15:50:03 agenda? 17:21:24 Zakim, this will be WAI_(Gallery) 17:21:24 ok, judy; I see WAI_(GALLERY)1:30PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 17:21:31 agenda+ general updates 17:22:00 agenda+ update to licensing and "how to enter" rules http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/challenge-gallery/wiki/Grab_and_Go_Gallery#How_to_Enter 17:22:09 agenda+ update to testing section 17:22:21 agenda+ next steps 17:28:58 WAI_(GALLERY)1:30PM has now started 17:29:04 + +1.202.418.aaaa 17:29:10 + +1.703.602.aabb 17:29:38 jeanne has joined #gallery 17:30:00 zakim, code? 17:30:00 the conference code is 4255379 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), jeanne 17:30:09 + +1.617.324.aacc 17:30:16 agenda? 17:31:16 Jan has joined #gallery 17:31:22 zakim, code? 17:31:22 the conference code is 4255379 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), Jan 17:31:36 +Judy 17:31:47 zakim, who's here? 17:31:47 On the phone I see +1.202.418.aaaa, +1.703.602.aabb, +1.617.324.aacc, Judy 17:31:49 On IRC I see Jan, jeanne, RRSAgent, Zakim, judy 17:32:05 +[IPcaller] 17:32:10 zakim, 1.202.418 is Jamal_Mazrui 17:32:10 sorry, judy, I do not recognize a party named '1.202.418' 17:32:17 zakim, +1.202.418 is Jamal_Mazrui 17:32:17 +Jamal_Mazrui; got it 17:32:22 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jan 17:32:22 +Jan; got it 17:32:34 zakim, aabb is really John 17:32:34 +John; got it 17:33:13 agenda? 17:34:48 zakim, take up item 1 17:34:48 agendum 1. "general updates" taken up [from judy] 17:36:00 JB: There have been a few side discussions. The FCC has confirmed their interest in supporting the launch of this and working with CIO COuncil and W3C. 17:36:26 ... we are being cautious about the workload landing on any one agency. 17:37:01 JM: We don't have formal approval, but at this point we are not expecting a problem. We are looking at staffing required to monitor the challenge. 17:37:26 + +1.510.334.aadd 17:37:44 zakim, aadd is really Peter 17:37:44 +Peter; got it 17:39:12 s/The FCC has confirmed their interest/It appears that the FCC is still interested/ 17:40:00 rrsagent, make minutes 17:40:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/29-gallery-minutes.html jeanne 17:40:53 JB: I have updates to licensing. 17:41:25 zakim, take up next item 17:41:25 agendum 2. "update to licensing and "how to enter" rules http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/challenge-gallery/wiki/Grab_and_Go_Gallery#How_to_Enter" taken up [from judy] 17:41:45 rrsagent, make logs public 17:43:25 JB: Item #10 on licensing. [reads]. We could add another phrase, "no guarentees of acceptance". 17:44:14 PK: I would add LGPL (limited GPL) a lot is available in LGPL. I would make the disclaimer more general. 17:44:23 JB: There is a general disclaimer. 17:45:38 JB: For any of the ones that we specifically mention, I want to make sure we will accept them. Is LGPL good for reusability. 17:46:20 PK: It allows GPL to be used without the commercial code inheriting the GPL properties. 17:46:42 JM: I also suggest Mozilla Public License (???). 17:46:59 JB: That makes 6 licenses. Are we ok with that many? 17:48:01 +Cynthia_Shelly 17:48:11 JB: I will alphabetize the list. 17:51:13 cyns has joined #gallery 17:52:06 CS: The two things that come to mind are Shared Source and Redistributable (components that ship with Visual Studio). 17:52:29 JB: OSI restricts us, but this expands it. It helps us emphasize reuability. 17:53:05 PK: The moment we go beyond OSI approved, we have to give much more scrutiny. 17:54:26 PK: Thhere are two different points. If the Grab and Go has a commercial component, then that will need more flexible licensing. The Challenge.gov should be OSI licenses. 17:55:22 PK: I'm not saying we shouldn't do it, but it makes more work in scrutiny if the licenses are not OSI-approved. 17:55:58 JB: Shared Source is not OSI-approved. Redistributable Executable(??) is not on the list. 17:58:25 JB: "Other licenses may be acceptable, but may extend the review time for your submission." 17:58:42 CS: It seems like a nice out. 17:59:01 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/challenge-gallery/wiki/Grab_and_Go_Gallery#How_to_Enter please note in particular, #10, #2 18:00:42 http://www.microsoft.com/opensource/licenses.mspx 18:01:14 CS: I will have to check it out internally, there is another for closed source but open distribution. 18:02:17 zakim, close this item 18:02:17 agendum 2 closed 18:02:18 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:02:20 3. update to testing section [from judy] 18:02:30 topic: public domain 18:03:22 PK: I have some cautions about public domain, because a license gives legal comfort that the user didn't just copy someone else's code. 18:04:01 JM: I'm not wedded to keeping public domain, but I'm not sure how much protection that gives you. 18:06:05 PK: for corporations, if it comes with a license, then the terms are clear and it can be reused. If someone is not prepared to make those terms clear, that's a red flag. 18:07:16 JS: I think that some submitters won't be familiar with licenses, and will want to submit as public domain because they don't want to be involved with "legal stuff". 18:07:37 PK: add that public domain is acceptable, but may take more time for review. 18:12:07 JB: I removed some terms that were US-centric. I modified some thing as we had discussed and that didn't look appropriate. 18:14:06 JM: I think 5 months is better than 3. 18:15:03 JB: We are about to go into summer. I don't want to end the period in August. Maybe July. Otherwwise it goes into September and we don't know what the volume will be. It's a lower bar, but doesn't have the incentive that others have. These are smaller things to build. Some of them. 18:15:37 JB: We have the option to extend once it is open. 18:17:53 Eligilibility. I changed this quite a bit from the FCC text. I removed the part about being a US resident. It is a more permissive elibility section. By participating, you agree to the rules. 18:18:50 Challenge Submission period. Jamal was suggesting extending to 5 months. I have one concern, that the timeline of the project has extende 3fold of what we were originally thinking. We aren't done when the Challenge closes, then we need to build the Gallery. 18:22:26 PK: I don't want to wait until the Challenge closes to start the Gallery. 18:22:47 -Peter 18:23:05 JB: A few of the recent discussions have reduced my concerns on hosting, data searching, compatibility. 18:23:29 John: We need a home page that says that we will be posting submissions once we get them. 18:23:57 JB: We can post in wiki, and or something more permanent in W3C space. 18:24:23 John: We need to get the domain name now, instead of waiting to announcement the name and then have someone grab the domain. 18:24:50 Jamal: I have thought about names and have reserved them, that I will transfer to the project if needed. 18:24:51 +Peter 18:25:24 ... grabandgogallery.org and webaccessgallery.org. They point to the wiki. 18:25:58 Grab and Go Gallery for Accessible Web Authoring 18:26:06 JB: Some of the concerns about stability have been addressed. Some concern that the name would be reserved. 18:29:13 JB: no other concerns about Submission Rules. In section 10, I inserted a couple sentences. #10, 5,6,7,8 - commitments of longer are favorable 18:30:02 PK: The main concern about public domain is that is a barrier to entry - we aren't going to hold acceptance if we don't have it. 18:30:32 ... Commitment to address bugs and updates will be looked upon favorably. 18:32:11 JB: The current set up is that we have a copy and we will link to their copy. We had talked about that in the discussion on deadwood. This is where we need resources to help sustain and maintain it. We want people to tell us when they update stuff. 18:32:32 PK: Are we asking for a contact name? 18:32:48 JB: Good point, I'm not sure that we have a contact name. 18:33:01 JM: They need it just to enter challenge.gov. 18:33:14 korn1 has joined #gallery 18:33:19 JB: but that might not match with a long term need. I'll tweek. 18:34:51 JB: #12 How to Enter. We may need something saying we had no liability. I didn't chop it down much, but it is long. 18:37:18 JB: I will look again and simplify it. 18:37:49 PK: The FCC reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Challenge, or any part of it. Period. End there. 18:38:15 ... end the sentence there. 18:38:58 PK: "The FCC reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any contestant. Period" 18:39:14 JB: I think we should qualify what the rights of the FCC are. 18:39:59 Jamal: the text from @@ challenge should be used because it has had the most scrutiny by FC legal. 18:40:20 s/FC/FCC 18:40:40 JB: Please send comments to me. We are going over. 18:40:48 zakim, close this topic 18:40:48 I don't understand 'close this topic', jeanne 18:40:55 zakim, close this item 18:40:55 I do not know what agendum had been taken up, jeanne 18:41:04 agenda? 18:41:24 zakim, take up item 3 18:41:24 agendum 3. "update to testing section" taken up [from judy] 18:41:42 JB: We will take up testing via email. 18:41:50 Jan: I sent an email with comments 18:41:59 zakim, close this item 18:41:59 agendum 3 closed 18:42:00 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 18:42:00 4. next steps [from judy] 18:42:04 zakim take up item 4 18:42:57 JB: I will be sending an updated version of announcements that is more upbeat, as discussed, next week. Talking to Scott with OSTP about launch. Also @@ about launch. 18:44:18 JB: We may end up wrapping it for launch on the list. I want to make sure there are no un-addressed issues that will catch anyone by surprise if we go ahead by the list. 18:45:22 ... do I have permission to proceed if we don't have a meeting. 18:45:45 [brief discussion of names]. We need two URI, one for challenge, one for gallery. 18:46:13 JM: Challenge.gov now has friendly URI for the individual challenges instead of a number. 18:46:21 -Peter 18:46:22 -Jamal_Mazrui 18:46:23 -John 18:46:24 -Cynthia_Shelly 18:46:24 -Judy 18:46:26 -Jan 18:46:45 rrsagent, make minutes 18:46:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/29-gallery-minutes.html jeanne 18:47:58 meeting: Grab and Go Gallery 18:48:04 zakim, bye 18:48:04 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.202.418.aaaa, +1.703.602.aabb, +1.617.324.aacc, Judy, Jamal_Mazrui, Jan, John, +1.510.334.aadd, Peter, Cynthia_Shelly 18:48:04 Zakim has left #gallery 18:48:40 present: Judy, Jamal_Mazrui, Jan, John, Peter, Cynthia_Shelly, jeanne 18:48:55 rrsagent, make minutes 18:48:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/29-gallery-minutes.html jeanne 19:22:39 korn1 has left #gallery 19:49:08 jeanne has left #gallery