00:16:56 silvia has joined #html-a11y 00:35:12 judy has joined #html-a11y 02:19:33 MikeSmith_ has joined #html-a11y 04:21:06 MikeSmith_ has joined #html-a11y 05:06:46 MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y 05:50:41 davidb has joined #html-a11y 05:56:20 MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y 14:59:10 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 14:59:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-html-a11y-irc 14:59:12 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:12 Zakim has joined #html-a11y 14:59:14 Zakim, this will be 2119 14:59:14 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:15 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:59:15 Date: 07 April 2011 14:59:33 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2011Apr/0041.html 14:59:39 chair: MikeSmith 15:00:29 MRanon has joined #html-a11y 15:00:45 zakim, this is 2119 15:00:45 ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM 15:00:50 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:00:50 On the phone I see John_Foliot, Eric_Carlson, ??P2, ??P6, Michael_Cooper 15:01:20 +Judy 15:01:26 +Gregory_Rosmaita 15:01:32 Stevef has joined #html-a11y 15:01:34 zakim, ??P2 is Janina_Sajka 15:01:34 +Janina_Sajka; got it 15:01:45 zakim, ??P6 is Steve_Faulkner 15:01:45 +Steve_Faulkner; got it 15:02:21 Zakim, call Mike-goog 15:02:21 ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made 15:02:23 +Mike 15:02:30 + +44.207.391.aaaa 15:02:43 zakim, aaaa is me 15:02:43 +MRanon; got it 15:03:19 richardschwerdtfe has joined #html-a11y 15:04:56 zakim, who is here? 15:04:56 On the phone I see John_Foliot, Eric_Carlson, Janina_Sajka, Steve_Faulkner, Michael_Cooper, Judy, Gregory_Rosmaita, Mike, MRanon 15:05:02 On IRC I see richardschwerdtfe, Stevef, MRanon, Zakim, RRSAgent, eric_carlson, JF, judy, MichaelC, MikeSmith, janina, oedipus, [tm], trackbot 15:05:11 +Rich 15:05:36 zakim, who is noisy? 15:05:55 MS: not too much agenda one is talk about 1st public working draft for API ammping doc 15:05:56 agenda+ table summary decision 15:05:57 oedipus, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Janina_Sajka (40%), John_Foliot (5%), MRanon (38%) 15:06:13 JS: wants to talk about @summary 15:06:17 zakim, mute me 15:06:20 MRanon should now be muted 15:06:38 JB: maybe talk about @poster decision 15:06:49 plus 1 to poster 15:06:55 MS: any other suggestions? 15:07:07 +Léonie_Watson 15:07:08 MS: hearing none 15:07:22 agenda+ video poster 15:07:27 video poster issue 142 15:08:01 HTML Working Group Decision on ISSUE-32 table-summary: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Apr/0091.html 15:08:03 +Cynthia_Shelly 15:08:23 MS: lets not cover hgroup today 15:08:32 agenda+ hgroup 15:08:43 MS: put mit on agendum for now and will be on for next week 15:09:06 MS: canvas subteam, only a few people on the call right? 15:09:21 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:09:21 On the phone I see John_Foliot, Eric_Carlson, Janina_Sajka, Steve_Faulkner, Michael_Cooper, Judy, Gregory_Rosmaita, Mike, MRanon (muted), Rich, Léonie_Watson, Cynthia_Shelly 15:09:22 RS: only a few on the call, usuallu only a few 15:09:38 Leonie_Watson has joined #html-a11y 15:09:39 i/MS: canvas subteam/TOPIC: Canvas Subteam Report 15:10:40 RS: waiting on chairs decision on issue 133, thinks we are in good shpe, depends on chahirs, other issue how do we get bounding rectangles on objects so that magnifiers can identify 15:11:06 clickable regions on use of clickableregions to feed bounding examples: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-canvas-api/2011JanMar/0090.html 15:11:08 RS: not retained graphics in canvas, required for solid hit testing vehicle to drive AT support 15:11:13 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/issue-131-objection-poll/results 15:11:59 RS: example shows that to get around this developers use multiple canvas objects ugly 15:12:23 minutes of canvas call 2011-04-04 http://www.w3.org/2011/04/04-html-a11y-minutes.html 15:13:16 RS: svg is having drawing path, canvas needs one to, have sent ian use cases, waiting to hear back, once we have hittesting will be able to drive accessibility 15:13:21 q? 15:13:45 MS: canvas is not retained mode by design, feature not shortcoming 15:14:18 ever heard of unforseen consequences 15:14:31 MS: essentially this can be seen as canvas being made into something it was nevr intended for, any response? 15:14:47 a11y is often the "canary in the coal mine" when it comes to "standard" architectures 15:15:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-html-a11y-minutes.html oedipus 15:15:59 RS: understand apples intenet for canvas, but reality entirely different, unlike svg most people doing desktop apps usnderstand canvas, they wiil/are using canvas to cerate applications, so from a11y perspective at the end of the day still have to have access to it, for a11y need fetaures built in 15:16:17 q? 15:16:34 profiles was feedback from the TV industry at TPAC 2010 HTML WG F2F 15:16:41 RS: at last tpac set top manufacturers said sweet spot fot html5 will be canvas + css 15:17:14 i/MS: not too much agenda /TOPIC: Agenda Review/ 15:17:17 RS: whats happeneing is not what was intended need to take this into account 15:17:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-html-a11y-minutes.html oedipus 15:18:07 MS: this is not an incremental; change its fundemental change to architecture of canvas implementaion, is it necessary and why? 15:18:15 MS: what will they gain? 15:18:32 regrets+ Laura_Carlson, Denis_Boudreau 15:18:44 RS: do we have to do a full blown reatined mode? I don't think we do, only needed for hot testing 15:19:14 MS: probably said enough for now, have enough info to go forward 15:19:26 JF: canvas + JS thanks 15:19:58 RS: ian highlighted need to develope solution not just for accessibility, hiti testing does that 15:20:08 s/sweet spot fot html5 will be canvas + css/sweet spot for html5 will be canvas + JS/ 15:20:27 RS: not askin g for all, just enough to support a11y 15:20:55 hit-testing is needed by AT devs -- they asked for it 15:21:08 RS: put in a very simple hit testing stratgey on top of canvas without having to have full retained mode 15:21:29 MS: bug triage next, mike, marco, martin? 15:21:47 TOPIC: Bug Triage Report 15:22:04 MC: not much done,in last few weeks 15:22:35 plus 1 to big thanks to bug triage team 15:22:35 MS: letting things queue up a bit due to last call 15:22:50 MS: bug triage team greta job! 15:22:56 MS: no urgency 15:23:13 OK thanks 15:23:36 TOPIC: media subteam report 15:24:01 media telecon minutes from 2011-04-06 http://www.w3.org/2011/04/06-html-a11y-minutes.html 15:24:35 q? 15:24:42 JF: focused on vexing issue 152, multitrack API, chairs granted extension, have 3-4 solid proposals with fundemantal differences, still talking issues through 15:25:54 JF: lot of discussion about Ian's mediacontroller proposal, discussion about master timeline, still dissecting options, will be having to con calls a week for the next few weeks, convey our sense of urgency to chairs please mike 15:26:13 JF: resolution critical to last call 15:26:30 JF: general feeling is that calls are productive 15:26:43 q+ 15:27:02 MS: you sid it would be extremely problematic if we get it reoslved prior to last call, 15:27:23 JF: if we can't do it we cannot provide sign language captions 15:27:24 q+ to further clarify for Mike 15:27:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-html-a11y-minutes.html oedipus 15:27:42 MS: does not mean we won't vere have it but not just before last call 15:28:16 JF: if it goes into last call without then the htnl5 spec will not be complete 15:28:18 ack judy 15:28:18 judy, you wanted to further clarify for Mike 15:28:42 MS: HTML WG or W3C process does not require it to be complete before going to last call 15:29:08 q+ to say that this is not a "must" requirement in the process document, and the WG chairs have discretion to determine LC process for their groups 15:29:15 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/ 15:29:51 JB: people feel that significant requirement will niot be met if certain requirements are not in the spec, multitrack is something that meets the crieria of being feature complete before last call 15:30:42 JB: if there was progress before last call, would not stand on formality, thats why people are working hjard to get consensus before last call 15:31:51 I don't accept the assertion that not having this decided by start of LC will compromise progress of implementations during the coming year 15:31:57 JB: one of the reasons why the last call timimg is of concern, is as we all know it is being implemented as it involves, not having stable multitrack will comprimise implementations in the coming year, thinks track it is one now is making gopod progress so should not be an issue 15:31:58 ack MikeSmith 15:31:58 MikeSmith, you wanted to say that this is not a "must" requirement in the process document, and the WG chairs have discretion to determine LC process for their groups 15:32:17 +q 15:32:34 s/would not stand/the co-chairs asserted that they would not stand/ 15:32:40 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#Reports 15:32:50 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#rec-advance 15:33:38 this is similar to canvas -- it is being implemented NOW by fiat without a11y isxues addressed, and it is MUCH harder to address a11y after-the-fact than building it in from the start 15:33:57 svk JG 15:34:00 ack JF 15:34:02 MS: prcess doc does not say the spec has to be feature complete, gives WG chairs discretion, which is what the HTML chairs are doing, also do not agree that it will comprimise implementation in the coming year regardless ofif this gets decided before LC 15:34:03 MS: if we try to force resolution before lC could be a problem, we have people working together, on the path to resolution 15:34:07 s/svk JG// 15:34:46 JF: moving to alst call will we continue to get heartbeat udpates during last call? after may 22nd 15:35:17 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#maturity-levels 15:36:15 MS: its up to html wg chairs for publication, they feel strongly about heartbeat requirements, feel they will be pushing to continue . also implementors will work from editors draft not stable spec 15:36:17 Q+ to say that 1 problem is blind obedience to "WG process" -- canvas a11y work was a specific task of Canvas Subteam, there should have been no call for counter-proposals, as that is what the spec is 15:36:23 q? 15:36:28 q? 15:36:38 q+ 15:36:46 MS: what authors of books and turorials do we can't have control over 15:36:56 JF: so impelemntors have control? 15:37:03 ack judy 15:37:13 ack oedipus 15:37:13 oedipus, you wanted to say that 1 problem is blind obedience to "WG process" -- canvas a11y work was a specific task of Canvas Subteam, there should have been no call for 15:37:17 ... counter-proposals, as that is what the spec is 15:37:22 MS: yes implementors have control over wehat goes into the spec 15:37:57 Gregory: disagree with process 15:38:11 MS: need to take it up with the chairs 15:38:34 MS: talke it up on the html call/mailing list 15:39:06 You can have Quality, On budget, and On Time - pick 2 15:39:07 ack judy 15:39:16 +1 to Judy 15:39:18 MS: affects us but we cannot do anything about it in the a11 task force 15:40:41 plus 1 to judy -- W3C process different from "WG process" set up by chairs, but they are following cookie-cutter process which is detrimental to development of spec 15:40:50 JB: it may be useful to refer to 2 different levels of process 1. w3c process protective of accessibility , html wg microprocess directs them to issue call for proposal even on areas that have been worked on by taskforces 15:41:30 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#maturity-levels 15:41:33 JB: we have disagreements amongst w3c reps in regards to feature completeness. disagree and will be adding to minutes myself 15:41:51 q? 15:42:53 JB: have several items in a11y area now where it may need a forma objection. one of the process things that is very clear if you disagree there are steps to object 15:42:55 would,like to get groups disagreement documented 15:42:56 minus 1 to Judy -- giving *any* group of experts absolute authority is a bad idea 15:43:36 @ eric_carlson - as opposed to allowing uninformed participants steam-roller issues that harms real accessibility? 15:43:49 JB: my sense is moving things that are stuck, may be usefulto get a more focused discussion, form subgroup to develop propsoal aroun alt issues 15:44:10 eric_carlson, we aren't asking for absolute authority -- only that the HTML WG and chairs recognize that accessibility is the specific focus of the TF and the WAI and that info from those fora deserve to be listened to and not told that our use cases concern someone's mother-in-law (see last week's statement by paulc) 15:44:27 JB: media current status, support from co-chairs, not stand on ceremony if progress to consensus 15:45:28 TOPIC: ARIA Mappijng Report 15:45:35 MS: summary of where subgroup is at? 15:45:50 SF: haven't had meetings due to other work and due to work assigned at SD f2f 15:45:56 +q 15:46:11 SF: 2 areas of work: 1 writing text for definition of @role and aria attributes in HTML5 -- will ocur during last call 15:46:37 q? 15:46:40 SF: 2. HTML-A11y-API doc -- emailing those concerned to get more fomal process to work on document -- a lot of work -- need others' involvement 15:47:15 SF: HTML-A11y API mapping document will get more attention once the aria-in-html work is done 15:47:24 CS: should see progress in 2 weeks time 15:47:45 MS: announced on list consensus for FPWD of A11y APIs 15:48:00 MS: waing for chairs to send request for transition to plh 15:48:05 MS: paul said we had consensus for html accessibility API guide to be publsihed as FPWD 15:48:20 ack JF 15:48:26 MS: waiting for comm team to get frist FPWD published -- maybe tuesday or thursday this week 15:48:44 oedipus: can you scribe now as i gotta go soon/ 15:48:57 TOPIC: @summary for TABLE 15:49:00 HTML Working Group Decision on ISSUE-32 table-summary: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Apr/0091.html 15:49:14 JB: assume everyone on call has read WG decision 15:49:26 [general yeses] 15:49:48 JB: yes or no question: do people feel that HTML5 is feature complete without @summary for TABLE 15:49:50 SF: yes 15:49:52 GJR: no 15:49:54 JS: no