13:48:55 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 13:48:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-hcls2-irc 13:50:02 Zakim, space for 10 for 90 minutes? 13:50:05 sorry, ericP; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 13:51:59 Zakim, space for 10 for 70 minutes? 13:52:01 sorry, ericP; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 13:52:05 Zakim, space for 10 for 65 minutes? 13:52:08 ok, ericP; conference Team_(hcls2)13:52Z scheduled with code 42572 (HCLS2) for 65 minutes until 1457Z; however, please note that capacity is now overbooked 14:01:07 Team_(hcls2)13:52Z has now started 14:01:15 +mscottm 14:01:16 OktieH has joined #HCLS2 14:02:04 + +44.453.083.aaaa 14:02:14 + +1.631.444.aabb 14:03:34 +??P18 14:03:43 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 14:04:14 + +1.647.839.aacc 14:06:34 janos has joined #HCLS2 14:07:42 AndreaS has joined #hcls2 14:07:51 epichler has joined #HCLS2 14:07:55 Hi 14:08:41 + +1.781.431.aadd 14:09:42 hi 14:13:33 + +44.754.501.aaee 14:14:11 +EricP 14:15:18 -EricP 14:15:22 +EricP 14:15:28 Zakim, pick a victim 14:15:28 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +1.781.431.aadd 14:15:53 Zakim, pick a victim 14:15:54 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ??P18 14:15:58 -EricP 14:16:22 scribenick: matthias_samwald 14:16:37 zakim, who is on the call? 14:16:37 On the phone I see mscottm, +44.453.083.aaaa, +1.631.444.aabb, ??P18, +1.647.839.aacc, +1.781.431.aadd, +44.754.501.aaee 14:17:02 janos: started when i looked into a database called Biogrid 14:17:08 Andrea: briefly: involved in BioPax and semantic web aspects of BioPax 14:17:14 +EricP 14:17:25 ... interesting, curated database 14:17:36 ... protein-protein interactions from many organisms 14:18:12 ... i downloaded a dataset, loaded it into MySQL 14:18:28 ... i saw potential for linking it to LODD -- pubmed IDs, gene ids etc. 14:18:40 janos - your voice is dropping out for me. is it only for me? 14:19:02 ... searching for 'biogrid' and 'owl' gave some results in google 14:19:19 ... pathway commons, for example. they have Biogrid in BioPAX format. 14:19:33 ... so it was available in OWL, but not as linked data. 14:19:58 + +20416aaff 14:20:01 ... i downloaded the BioPAX OWL file, loaded it into triple store 14:20:05 -mscottm 14:20:45 ericP has changed the topic to: Experiences with http://thebiogrid.org/ , slides: http://www.w3.org/wiki/images/3/30/BioGrid2RDF.pdf 14:20:47 Zakim, +20416aaff is mscottm 14:20:47 +mscottm; got it 14:21:02 -> http://www.w3.org/wiki/images/3/30/BioGrid2RDF.pdf Experiences with http://thebiogrid.org/ 14:21:05 ... qustion is: can we take something in this format an link it to other resources on the Semantic Web? 14:21:37 ... i chose to work with the tabular raw data 14:23:07 ... for example, with PubMed ID you can easily link to Bio2RDF URIs 14:24:41 ... slide 8: for example, you can put a gene name into NCBO annotator, it will correctly give you the gene ID 14:25:41 scott: i have a question. it looks interesting for setting up a script that does that for each item in the column to retrieve PURLs. could you do that? 14:26:55 janos: can be done 14:28:33 janos: i am now working on a version of UMLS that includes CUIs as well as other identifiers 14:28:43 ... can facilitate alignment 14:29:16 ... Bio2RDF also has Entrez Gene IDs, this is another opportunity for linking 14:30:19 ... on the final slide: an example of a detail in the UMLS metatheasaurius 14:30:35 ... you can see that is also has PubMed IDs, but not linked to external resources 14:30:48 ... the project is in an early phase. 14:31:04 any questions? 14:31:43 scott: the interactions are between what types of entities? 14:32:01 janos: data comes from high-throughput screening of protein interactions 14:32:27 ... protein is coded via gene, but data is about protein interactions 14:33:04 ... data is manually curated 14:34:44 ... i am also working on a project that is part of VIVO 14:35:20 ... could also be used to connect researchers working on strongly related proteins 14:37:53 ... i don't want to re-do what Pathway Commons did. Rather, I annotate the data that they already have. 14:40:15 andrea: could you identify any limitations of the approach? you also worked with the tabbed format -- why that instead of BioPAX? 14:41:07 janos: i have not done an exact comparison between the two. I suspected that the different formats did not contain exactly the same version of the data. 14:41:27 andrea: did you check the consistency of the BioPAX file? 14:42:33 janos: no 14:44:43 andrea: UMLS is not completely free, can you directly use it? 14:45:09 janos: they have different levels of restrictions, i only used level 0 (freely available) subsets of the UMlS 14:45:47 ... as long as it is level 0 you can publish it as RDF 14:46:31 eric: if i map something from SNOMED CT to something else, i am not allowed to recapitulate it... but can i use the terms from SNOMED CT in my alignment at all? 14:47:12 janos: if you only use the identifiers and not the original wording of the descriptions... there might be a problem 14:48:18 scott: john madden believed that it was no problem to use the terms. the problem is when you make the entirety of SNOMED available for download on your website. 14:49:05 ... for the Shared Names initiative i wanted to be able to serve PURLs for SNOMED terms 14:49:44 ... what we came away with was that it should be possible to server the PURLs/identifiers, but you should not make it possible to download the entire SNOMED vocabulary from your site 14:51:25 claus: i am looking at the BioGrid web page. data is available in many formats. maybe we could talk to them to serve RDF as well? 14:51:54 janos: i have not contacted them yet. what i wanted to do so far is to add the annotations to the web of linked data. but it could be good to talk to them. 14:52:35 scott: lets get back to the topic of the W3C note 14:53:09 ... if we were to produce a not with a step-by-step guide for publishing linked data in the life science domain, which timeline would we be looking at? 14:53:28 eric: the social process is hard to predict. 14:53:48 ... figuring out how to reach consensus 14:56:30 scott: i was suggesting that we could take material from the best practices document we recently submitted, revise and reformat it -- then we could see how it looks and decide how to proceed further. This could be done rather easily. 14:57:01 This conference is in overtime; all ports must be freed 14:58:15 eric: the process for a recommendation would also include peer review, reference implementations. this would take one year at least. 15:00:03 zakim, please draft minutes 15:00:03 I don't understand 'please draft minutes', matthias_samwald 15:00:24 - +1.647.839.aacc 15:00:25 -mscottm 15:00:27 - +44.453.083.aaaa 15:00:27 - +1.631.444.aabb 15:00:29 -EricP 15:00:33 - +44.754.501.aaee 15:00:36 -??P18 15:00:37 - +1.781.431.aadd 15:00:40 Team_(hcls2)13:52Z has ended 15:00:42 Attendees were mscottm, +44.453.083.aaaa, +1.631.444.aabb, +1.647.839.aacc, +1.781.431.aadd, +44.754.501.aaee, EricP 15:02:52 RRSagent, please draft minutes 15:02:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-hcls2-minutes.html matthias_samwald 15:03:00 RRSagent, please make minutes world-visible 15:03:00 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make minutes world-visible', matthias_samwald. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:04:59 RRSAgent, please make logs world-visible 15:06:15 epichler has left #HCLS2 16:03:16 Bob has joined #hcls2 16:03:46 michel has joined #hcls2 16:04:16 will join the call in a minute... 16:05:21 dd 16:05:37 zakim, this is tmo 16:05:37 ok, michel; that matches SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 16:06:06 congrats 16:06:07 bbalsa has joined #HCLS2 16:06:11 nope 16:06:59 +[IPcaller.a] 16:07:15 epichler has joined #HCLS2 16:08:12 +epichler 16:08:13 scribenick Bob 16:08:31 scott: collabrx - mike travers no longer working there, but is available to chat 16:08:58 Jeff Shrager 16:09:17 .. AI guy 16:09:22 Scott: Jeff is LISP/AI guy 16:09:44 ... :-) have internalized the LOD cloud 16:10:08 ... converatons wiki-style about patients, alleles 16:10:27 ... We could try for 2 weeks 16:10:49 ... Adrian Coulet on the 14th 16:11:11 Michel: Will try to get Jeff in for the 21st 16:12:29 ... 21st is Harmony meeting NYC. I'll be attending 16:12:41 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lKdDSb2uBBIeTEQAv2CyTHN_aVW63k9si1hmmilOMi0/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJGUtcwF# 16:12:58 Michel: Paper. Matthias has looked thru instructions for authors 16:13:42 +Joanne 16:15:20 Matthias: J. Fut. Med.? research article, create our own ontologies or focus on... 16:16:10 Jluciano has joined #hcls2 16:16:34 Michel: Scott invited to contribute to J.Pharmacogenomics, initially for review paper 16:17:14 ... advanges/disadvantages of different approaches, ultimately get to ontology 16:17:41 ... consider conceptualization in ontological approach 16:17:50 ... May 3 time frame 16:18:13 Scott: skype conversation here: 16:19:14 ... sopharm, nanopubs, review of technologies and how they have been used to date 16:19:22 Review of representation in SO-Pharm, PGx knowledge, Nanopub, anonymous 16:19:31 Pharma co., relational in general, tables to RDF and OWL, identifiers, + proposal 16:19:39 review of representation of PGx knowledge 16:19:52 from relational database to logic-based representations# 16:20:00 identifiers, terminology, database cross-references 16:20:05 entity-relation models 16:20:12 https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AYy0zfdRviKsZGM5cWM1OXRfMTAwZzlycmJjZmI&hl=en&authkey=CKXAsvMI 16:21:42 Scott: From last week, discussion of how we want to represent real data 16:22:27 Mihel: We have specific use cases to draw from 16:23:44 Michel: We need descriptions of resources; three use cases, one of which is diagnostics 16:24:17 ... another use case for clinical trials, id genetic cohorts, side effects 16:24:28 ... 3rd use case research 16:25:49 Joanne: Diagnostics and treatment not nec coupled 16:27:02 Matthias: Narrow down on pharmacogenomics, want to focus 16:27:47 Joanne: Don't want to lose sight of the bigger picture. 16:28:09 Scott: Idea of using molecular characterization for stratification of patient 16:28:24 ... use semweb rep to do patient stratification 16:28:47 ... tangible form of example for everybody 16:29:08 (I find it amusing to hear that patitent startification is the new buzz --- I presented a way to use Nerual Nets to do this in Sept 1994 at an Irish Neural Net conference. 16:29:17 Michel: Patient-centrict is most appropriate, add to TMO work 16:30:07 Joanne: Data from IO Informatics, yes it has genetic data 16:30:21 ... genes, biomarkers, blood 16:30:42 Michel: But link to PGx outcome? 16:31:07 http://www.genomeweb.com/dxpgx/systems-biology-fights-cancer 16:31:13 ... HCLS wiki page for translational medicine, links to FDA alerts 16:31:26 ... time frame short for IO data, maybe later 16:32:16 ... need someone to develop this patient-centric use case 16:33:10 (got the link?) 16:33:37 here is the list of FDA drugs with pharmacogenomic-relevant info: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ScienceResearch/ResearchAreas/Pharmacogenetics/ucm083378.htm 16:33:53 who's voice is that? 16:34:13 http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/UseCases 16:34:24 Bosse 16:34:36 Thanks! 16:34:54 Bosse: Chris had a lot of use cases, including PGx 16:35:25 Michel: We had developed a use case; maybe look into this one! 16:35:52 ... need validation on treatment option, etc 16:36:27 Scott: I have contact info from founder of Co. making chemo chip, using biomarkers 16:36:57 ... can contact radiologist in NL w. data 16:37:20 ... siimilar to OncoDx 16:38:17 Joanne: We can get warfarin data, synthetic? 16:38:30 -[IPcaller] 16:38:42 ... probably available today 16:38:53 +??P1 16:39:11 Scott: Can we follow the whole (life cycle) of a (patient encounter)? 16:39:55 -??P1 16:40:00 OK: Not whole scenario! Just do you have genomic info, sufficient to stratify 16:40:21 (I overstated Scott's proposal!) 16:40:21 Here appears to be clinical avatar data: http://lpm.hms.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/cairodemodata.tar_.gz 16:41:26 the clinical avatar data is on warfarin 16:41:41 Matthias: Draft OWL ont for treatment decisions 16:41:45 janos has left #HCLS2 16:42:05 ... separate ontology, maybe could be integrated w. what we need for PGx 16:42:34 from Peter Tonellato's group at Harvard Laboratory for Personalized Medicine. 16:42:42 Scott: Represent rules for this? or sparql? 16:43:26 Matthias: Looking at SPIN too, haven't fixed on how to pursue decision support 16:43:40 (don't let me overstate all this :-) 16:44:12 Matthias: Maybe can offer a prototype that could be a start for work 16:44:23 Michel: can you hear us? 16:44:37 Matthias: What I could offer now is a prototype that hasn't left the lab 16:44:40 probably not :( 16:45:07 Scott: What kind of decision support? 16:45:49 Matthias: Start, mostly focus on order entry. Medication to recommendation, warnings, etc 16:46:13 What's your number? I'll try to dial you in. 16:46:16 ... focussing on the the process of specific medication as it applies to a patient 16:46:37 Scott: Not a larger scale disease frame? 16:46:45 http://clinicalavatars.org/#/menu_model 16:47:01 Matthias: Not at the moment. But looking at neurological diseases and cancer. 16:47:27 http://clinicalavatars.org/#/menu_model/menu_doWhat?model=warfarin 16:47:37 Joanne: Breast cancer and warfarin use case in this clinicalavators.org 16:47:46 ... can use tools to create datasets 16:48:37 AGE GENDER RACE HEIGHT WEIGHT SMOKER DVT AMI CYP2C9 VKORC1 >64 F White <58 in <100 lbs N N Y 1/1 B/B >64 F White 60 250 to 259 N Y N 1/1 B/B 25 to 44 M White 66 180 to 189 Y N N 1/1 A/A <18 F White 73 150 to 159 N N N 1/1 B/B <18 F White 64 120 to 129 N N N 1/1 B/B 45 to 64 F White 72 160 to 169 Y N N 1/1 A/B <18 M White <58 in 130 to 139 N N N 1/1 B/B 45 to 16:49:44 Joanne describing how to build your own avatar 16:50:46 http://clinicalavatars.org/?sid=doseDiagnose&preConfig=warfarin&downloadAvatarsFileName=/tmp/AVATAR3fk535 16:51:37 Michel: Don't know what headers are, etc 16:52:35 Joanne: pasting info now... 16:52:42 Warfarin is the most widely used anticoagulant in the world. However, its narrow therapeutic window results in a relatively high risk of bleeding when over-dosed or an increased risk of thrombosis when under-dosed. Furthermore, the wide-range of dose response for an individual is heavily influenced by variants in the CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes that control w 16:52:56 Chih-Lin Chi, Ph.D.1, Prasad Patil, B.S.1, Vincent A. Fusaro, Ph.D.1, Peter J. Kos, M.S.3, Rimma Pivovarov, B.S.1, Charles F. Contant, Ph.D.2, Peter J. Tonellato, Ph.D.1,3 1Center for Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School; 2TIMI Study Group 3School of Public Health, Univ. of WI-Milwaukee 16:53:23 Our clinical trial simulation design consists of four steps. First, we identify variables from a literature review to create the stochastic model that produces clinical avatars based on statistical characteristics of a population and variable dependencies. Second, we predict an initial dose for each avatar using dosing algorithms from literature. We then appl 16:53:41 protocols used in clinical trials and other studies as guidelines for daily dose, dose adjustment, and INR measurement schedule. Fourth, we conduct randomized trial simulations on clinical avatars. In our clinical trial simulation, we randomly assign clinical avatars to different treatment protocol groups and compare the TTR between different groups. 16:58:29 Michel: Start by creating diagrams, writing descriptive axioms 16:59:27 INR Response --- International Normalized Ratio (for blood clotting time) 16:59:35 ... can make diagrams on Google docs 17:00:42 Scott: We can make diagram for INR-warfarin in google doc 17:01:05 Michel: Dosage, compostion, diagnostic, outcomes 17:01:27 ... extend w. gene-drug relations 17:02:07 ... Note that you can also put comments in google doc, w. a little bubble 17:02:31 Joanne: Settled on warfarin? 17:02:44 Michel: Yes, very well understood. 17:03:17 Joanne: we could switch over to breast cancer 17:03:49 Scott: Already working on breast cancer, have some resources 17:05:07 http://clinicalavatars.org/?preConfig=gailRosner&pid=generate&preConfigured=GailRosnerUSMixedCPT&numAvatars=100&submit.x=152&submit.y=35 17:05:13 Joanne: Link for breast cancer above 17:06:43 Michel: Will create the diagram. 17:07:07 -epichler 17:07:09 -bbalsa 17:07:09 -Bob_Powers 17:07:11 -[IPcaller.a] 17:07:12 - +62427aaaa 17:07:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:07:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/07-hcls2-minutes.html michel 17:07:22 epichler has left #HCLS2 17:07:22 rrsagent, make log world-visible 17:12:12 disconnecting the lone participant, Joanne, in SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 17:12:16 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 17:12:18 Attendees were Bob_Powers, +62427aaaa, bbalsa, [IPcaller], epichler, Joanne 18:09:07 Zakim has left #hcls2 20:22:06 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 20:24:27 matthias_samwald has left #hcls2