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<trackbot> Date: 09 March 2011
<JF> agenda
<scribe> scribe: silvia
scribe identified
<trackbot> ACTION-99 -- Janina Sajka to annotate 9452 with clear audio discovery and selection, as well as independent control of multiple playback tracks -- due 2011-01-19 -- OPEN
Janina has been busy
no other items
silvia, eric, sean, john will be there
philip is in an unfortunate timezone
Judy will sort out phone bridge
mark watson from netflix is also interested
proposal to have a re-cap on Sunday morning for those that cannot stay
Judy is asking for a more detailed agenda
give a brief overview to the larger working group should be in the general agenda
JF suggest that upon breakout of media wg, we will dive into the multitrack api discussion
probably most of saturday
silvia proposed agenda:
1. Review of use cases
2. JS API for in-band and manifests
3. HTML markup for external tracks
4. CSS and rendering
JF we can do recap on Sunday morning
… and then depending on how far we get on Saturday continue on Sunday
… also a couple of other bugs to deal with
Judy: whatever we don't clear out
by today, should we encourage volunteers to prepare for
... also prepare for Multitrack discussion.
… so people can dial in at appropriate times.
JF: recap on Sunday morning is easiest for externals to tune in
Judy: trying to confirm phone support
JF: will we have access to an irc channel?
Judy: will make sure of that, too
JF: is silvia's proposed agenda a good way to go about it?
eric: I can't think of any other issues, but 2 and 3 might want to be changed around
silvia: I had a reason for this order - the in-band JS API will be easier to solve and can direct the discussion in 3
… obviously the JS API would be revised later with the markup
eric: I can understand the sense in this order
JF: do we need to prepare anything further before the meeting?
eric: don't think there's anything to do in this meeting
JF: discussion on this will be at
the F2F
... anything to prepare?
Judy: can JF send through a summary of the agenda to Janina and me, please
silvia: I will still want to add the CSS and rendering consequences of the 8 proposals to the wiki page
… then that page has a good summary of our current discussions and be a good starting point
JF: will be dealt with on list
… wiki page will be important to be available at F2F, will include into agenda
JF: this is an old bug
… filed by Jim Jewett
… the bug triage team looked at it
… most issues are addressed, except for link to <track>
… I think that multitrack is also relevant
eric: indeed, multitrack is addressing this much more than <track>
silvia: it's similar to issue-9 and is now covered by all the other bugs we have open
… should be closed
JF: will close and reference
issue 152 with it
... I talked with Gez about it and it was opened as a
placeholder bug
… not sure I fully understand this bug
… probably related to issue-152 with what should happen when a secondary resource cannot be loaded
plh: isn't it a UA issue?
eric: yes, and different media frameworks deal with it differently
JF: is this something that this group should be looking at or defer as UA issue?
sean: seems the error handling should be nailed down
… what happens if the track loading fails or manage to only partially load a track?
JF: it seems to me that if the secondary track fails to load, the primary should still continue loading and play
… as such it is an a11y issue
eric: I think the error handling is specified
… there are errors fired
… right now an error is fired if the resource doesn't load completely
sean: no, I think it's underspecified
… not explained if you get the data, but the data is out of order
JF: put it on agenda for F2F?
eric: is this up to the format?
sean: yes, so you might get less data if they are mangled
… it's not covered explicitly in the spec, but only implied
eric: is worth filing a bug to make it explicit
silvia: I agree
JF: so, what happens when it is a second media file?
eric: text is just another form of media
JF: is there additional complexity with audio/video?
silvia: probably part of issue-152
eric: spec should clearly say what to do with errors - they need to fire events, so a Web author can deal with errors if they want
… but we don't want to mandate exactly what the behaviour of the browser should be in the presence of malformed data
… independent of whether it's primary or secondary resource
JF: how to progress?
silvia: either re-focus this bug to say that cues that come out of order should be dropped on the floor, or open a new bug
sean: will open a new bug for this
… but the multitrack media part of this bug is not addressed by this
… so keep it for F2F
<sean> make it an action on me?
<scribe> ACTION: sean to file bug on dealing with cues that come out of order [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - File bug on dealing with cues that come out of order [on Sean Hayes - due 2011-03-16].
eric: I think we can close the bug
sean: if we record that this will be pursued in issue-152, I think we can close it
JF: will close this bug
JF discusses
plh: not sure wether events would be useful
eric: you can examine the list of tracks available
sean: I think there are some issues with the eventing mechanisms
silvia: it's unclear whether onload is fired when metadata is available or the full file
… events are a bit underspecified
eric: the main resource cannot reach metadataloaded without the external tracks being in ready state, too
sean: Ian knows there is something missing and said he'd work on it
… might be worth discussing as a separate agenda item
JF: will add the bug to the list of things to discuss
eric: let's have a proper agenda item with a link to sean's email
plh: seems to me it is related to issue-152
sean: yes, it's part of the JS api for multitrack
JF: will make sure it's listed on the agenda
eric: I think it makes sense to have this as a separate agenda item after the multitrack one
JF: I'll add it to the agenda of silvia
… is the reaction of Ian the right reaction?
eric: yes, that's exactly right
JF: this is now issue-163
... it's a post-last-call issue
<trackbot> ISSUE-163 does not exist
JF: is this something we should discuss in San Diego?
silvia: maybe put it at the end of the list
… in case we have time - otherwise keep it for the next F2F
JF: ok, will add with an
understanding that we want to get 152 nailed and that's the
primary focuse
... what about the poster issue?
… maybe better not :-)
… it's with the chairs now and change proposal time has finished
Janina only has this on the list for copy-paste issues
… we should close this now
no other business
meeting closed
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/deas/deal/ Succeeded: s/poitn/point/ Found Scribe: silvia Inferring ScribeNick: silvia Default Present: +1.650.468.aaaa, JF, Judy, +44.154.558.aabb, +61.2.937.4.aacc, silvia, Plh, sean, +1.510.367.aadd, eric Present: +1.650.468.aaaa JF Judy +44.154.558.aabb +61.2.937.4.aacc silvia Plh sean +1.510.367.aadd eric WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 09 Mar 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: sean[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]