15:03:00 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 15:03:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-webfonts-irc 15:03:02 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:03:02 Zakim has joined #webfonts 15:03:04 Zakim, this will be 3668 15:03:04 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()10:00AM scheduled to start 3 minutes ago 15:03:05 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 15:03:05 Date: 23 February 2011 15:03:47 sergeym has joined #webfonts 15:04:09 zakim, who is here? 15:04:09 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has not yet started, Vlad 15:04:10 On IRC I see sergeym, Zakim, RRSAgent, erik, John, jfkthame, Vlad, jdaggett, ChrisL, trackbot 15:04:48 (I have trouble dialing in, "this passcode is not valid" - will continue to try) 15:06:53 it accepted my passcode 15:07:22 erik: i seemed to get on fine 15:07:28 dialing into the us number 15:08:44 (Zakim Paris didn't accept, Zakim London did, calling via skype) 15:09:55 scribenick: ChrisL 15:11:09 ChrisL: waiting on responses from Bert. 15:11:18 ... sent response to Erik Muller 15:11:35 ... will commit the changes after the call 15:11:47 Vlad: ok 15:12:06 Vlad: wanted to discuss SOR and way to relax it 15:12:23 ... but we have no-one from Apple or Microsoft or Operaon this call 15:12:53 Vlad: dont want to remove something from the spec, hoping it later gets added elsewhere 15:13:10 ... with a note saying its subject to change in the future 15:13:45 ... reviewed process document and it allos features to be marked as 'at risk' and the WG may remove them (but is not forced to) 15:14:03 ... if we do that it avoids risk of a second last call if we drop the feature 15:14:18 I'm here, but can't call in 15:14:28 ChrisL: yes, that is correct 15:15:05 Vlad: there is a majority who want it done one way and a minority who want it another way 15:15:42 ... so we should mark i as at risk. If we can convince CSS WG to put it in CSS3 Fonts then we can drop it once that is in. Its not WOFF specific 15:16:14 jdaggett: Even then you still have a dependency of WOFF on CSS3 Fonts which is dependent of From-Origin which does not exist yet 15:16:27 Vlad: yes but we would be moving in the right direction 15:16:59 ... meanwhile implementations can go forward. Currently we have two implementations per spec 15:17:28 jdaggett: there was consensus at one point but now there is not. There has been a split 15:18:22 Vlad: Hakon voiced some concerns and said some in Opera are for, some against; and company position in balance was to abstain 15:19:32 jdaggett: its not majority rule. Consensus 15:19:51 Vlad: we have neither a consensus to keep it or to remove it, so at risk seems better 15:20:24 jdaggett: So you say add a note with SOR default with CORS to relax is at risk 15:20:40 Vlad: More specific, two notes 15:20:56 ... one about CORS saying we believe FO may be better but there is no spec 15:21:18 cslye has joined #webfonts 15:21:38 ... second is for SOR saying we could remove it if we have consensus to remove it or if its added in CSS3 Fonts spec which is a better place for it 15:21:48 zakim, who is here? 15:21:48 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has not yet started, ChrisL 15:21:50 On IRC I see cslye, sergeym, Zakim, RRSAgent, erik, John, jfkthame, Vlad, jdaggett, ChrisL, trackbot 15:22:17 jdaggett: Concerned about the feature 'might change'. at risk is either keep or drop 15:22:52 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#cfi 15:22:58 Present: Vlad, Jdaggett, Christopher, Sergey, Erik, John, Chris 15:23:04 Chair: Vlad 15:23:49 Vlad: so CORS would be 'at risk' and explain why, because FO is better 15:24:14 Present: John H, Tal 15:24:55 jdaggett: Better if its in the CSS3 Fonts spec 15:25:11 ... tied to @font-face not to WOFF specifically 15:25:31 ... wil lput it in an editors draft but mark as at risk then see what flies 15:26:03 Vlad: So should people join CSS WG ? 15:26:15 jdaggett: Dave Singer and Hakon arte there already 15:26:28 Vlad: I could join as well 15:26:38 ChrisL; So am I and Sylvain 15:26:55 Vlad: Recommend people join that group as well 15:27:20 jdaggett: Unfortunate no-one from Apple is heare to clarify which of the possible future options they are comfortable with 15:27:48 ... CSS WG is a different group, not clear whether they will like it or not. But f2f in two weeks from now 15:28:05 Vlad; I can't make that meeting 15:28:25 jdaggett: I will add it and we can have the discussion in CSS WG. 15:28:35 ... want to avoid specs that can never move on 15:28:51 Vlad: can you express the majority opinion here 15:29:06 jdaggett: all sides will be well represented 15:29:40 jdaggett: Chris could write up a proposed revision to mark it as at risk 15:29:45 ChrisL: sure 15:30:01 action Chris to propose at-risk woding 15:30:01 Created ACTION-77 - Propose at-risk woding [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-03-02]. 15:30:16 jdaggett: then can propose it to CSS WG 15:31:09 Vlad: Chris and i are not available next week, and the week after is CSS so we should cancel those? 15:31:18 jdaggett: Not sure about that 15:32:07 ChrisL: will be in NZ for SVG; not going to CSS WG in California unfortunately 15:32:38 Vlad: proposing to postpone until we have news from the CSS WG 15:34:06 (we agree on timezones and stuff - CSS WG f2f clashes with WebFonts WG telcon) 15:34:16 Vlad: so we cancel the next two weeks calls 15:35:11 John: So implementors can still choose to not implement a feature 15:36:00 Vlad: (quotes from http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#cfi) 15:36:46 John: we seem to be headed towards non interoperability 15:37:06 Vlad: at-risk features are still normative and are still tested 15:37:37 jdaggett; at risk just lets us drop it later without another last call 15:38:31 jdaggett: One way to get interop is that FO header goes in a spec, and people agree on a default if not present, so there is a middle ground. FO influences SOR or not 15:38:42 ... that could get us interop 15:39:51 jdaggett: One tricky thing, not clear which WG would have FO in its charter 15:40:11 ... Hakon is pushing for HTML WG, seems not in scope there 15:40:22 Vlad: Maciej mentioned WebApps 15:40:37 jdaggett: That might be tricky from a rechartering perspective 15:41:04 ... would have been etter to have these objections and alternate proposals when the charter was reviewed, rather than now 15:41:20 s/etter/better/ 15:41:50 Vlad: any objections to marking SOR and CORS as at-risk 15:41:53 (none heard) 15:42:20 Vlad: Lets look at open actions 15:42:26 topic: actions 15:42:45 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/open 15:43:02 action-52? 15:43:02 ACTION-52 -- Chris Lilley to respond to erik muller on pronunciation and sorting -- due 2010-12-08 -- OPEN 15:43:02 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/52 15:43:16 jdaggett: mail today - oh, different subject 15:43:26 action-57? 15:43:26 ACTION-57 -- Jonathan Kew to respons on issue-14 -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 15:43:26 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/57 15:43:50 jfkthame: wil lget to it this week. its on direction attributes 15:43:55 action-59? 15:43:55 ACTION-59 -- Chris Lilley to respond to I18n-ISSUE-2 -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 15:43:55 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/59 15:44:07 ChrisL: yes I did that one 15:44:17 close action-59 15:44:17 ACTION-59 Respond to I18n-ISSUE-2 closed 15:44:49 action-61? 15:44:49 ACTION-61 -- Chris Lilley to provide samples and respond to I18n -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 15:44:49 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/61 15:45:27 ChrisL: working on that before the call 15:45:32 action-62? 15:45:32 ACTION-62 -- Jonathan Kew to modify spec text re. div and span in text elements -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 15:45:32 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/62 15:45:37 blocked on 61 15:46:15 action-73? 15:46:15 ACTION-73 -- Chris Lilley to edit WOFF faq with Johns text incorporating Vlad's corrections -- due 2011-02-16 -- OPEN 15:46:15 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/73 15:46:30 John: wil send some updates in the next couple of days 15:47:03 action-75? 15:47:03 ACTION-75 -- John Daggett to contact Hakon regarding FO spec -- due 2011-02-23 -- OPEN 15:47:03 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/75 15:47:32 jdaggett: yes that is done 15:47:38 close action-75 15:47:39 ACTION-75 Contact Hakon regarding FO spec closed 15:49:03 Vlad: OK so next call March 16th 15:49:06 adjourned 15:49:19 cslye has left #webfonts 15:49:23 rrsagent, make minutes 15:49:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 15:50:33 Present: Vlad, Jdaggett, Christopher, Sergey, Erik, John, Chris, Tal, Jonathan 15:50:36 rrsagent, make minutes 15:50:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 15:51:15 s/Operaon/Opera on/ 15:51:22 s/allos/allows/ 15:51:43 s/arte/are/ 15:52:01 s/heare/here/ 15:52:20 s/woding/wording/ 15:52:24 rrsagent, make minutes 15:52:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/23-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 17:29:30 Zakim has left #webfonts