14:59:16 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 14:59:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-webfonts-irc 14:59:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:18 Zakim has joined #webfonts 14:59:20 Zakim, this will be 3668 14:59:20 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:59:21 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 14:59:21 Date: 09 February 2011 14:59:58 uh-oh, Zakim is confused 15:00:17 "this conference is restricted at this time" ? 15:01:25 zakim thinks our booking is at the later time, 10pm france not 4pm france 15:01:33 http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#D20110209 15:01:51 tal has joined #webfonts 15:02:27 ok, zakim is not confused. the agenda was confused about which week this is 15:02:35 aha 15:02:49 ok, ttyl i guess! 15:02:55 last week was the earlier time, but last week was also cancelled 15:03:11 ChrisL has changed the topic to: Meeting is at the LATER time, this week 15:03:36 Vlad, see you in a few hours, then? 15:03:54 tal has left #webfonts 15:03:54 Why is this happening? 15:04:07 because this is a late week not an early week 15:04:16 It shoes that our previous call (last week) has also been scheduled at 10 pm France 15:04:30 Did we loose our altenate time schedule? 15:04:38 no 15:04:45 For 2 Feb I see 15:04:46 15:00-16:00Z 15:04:46 IA_Fonts 15:05:14 and for today I see 15:05:15 21:00-22:00Z 15:05:15 IA_Fonts 15:05:25 So, if Feb. 02 hae been 10 pm, ths week shoudl be 4 pm CET, right? 15:05:25 my calendar is definitely on for 7am PST 15:05:26 for 2 feb i see both times 15:05:30 http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#D20110209 15:05:55 ah. yes, so do I 15:06:16 also both times for 16 feb and 23 feb 15:06:46 this is like some kind of quantum scheduling 15:06:55 meeting is in both states at the same time 15:07:03 or perhaps neither? 15:07:13 yes 15:07:22 it's a heisenmeeting 15:07:25 I will need to talk to the admin staff to see what is happening 15:07:43 (insert Twilight Zone music) 15:08:06 (..and witty comment on the need for same-origin meeting time) 15:08:14 So, what do we do for today? Do we reschedule for later or cancel until next week? 15:08:19 sergeym has joined #webfonts 15:08:27 I suggest reschedule for later 15:08:44 but then what is meeting time next week ? 15:09:01 Okay, I will send a notice to WG list 15:09:10 looking at the calendar over a longer period, it looks as if the later call has been scheduled weekly (despite what the booking says) and the earlier call every two weeks 15:09:38 I willtalk to the admin staff and get it sorted out 15:10:57 all right. so talk again in 6 hours today ? 15:11:37 yup 15:12:43 howcome has joined #webfonts 15:13:49 in my personal calendar today was an early week, and it was set like that months ago 15:14:10 same here 15:14:46 I just sent a msg to the WG list announcing the change for today, hope you guys can make it. 15:15:14 Check the email 17:03:46 sylvaing has joined #webfonts 17:03:52 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 17:04:04 sylvaing has left #webfonts 17:24:42 Zakim has left #webfonts 17:47:31 stephan has joined #webfonts 17:48:16 stephan has left #webfonts 18:31:38 stephan has joined #webfonts 19:57:29 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 20:55:16 erik has joined #webfonts 20:58:40 Vlad has joined #webfonts 20:59:55 tal has joined #webfonts 21:02:40 trackbot, start telcon 21:02:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:02:42 Zakim has joined #webfonts 21:02:44 Zakim, this will be 3668 21:02:44 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()4:00PM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 21:02:45 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 21:02:45 Date: 09 February 2011 21:03:44 zakim, who is here? 21:03:44 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has not yet started, ChrisL 21:03:45 On IRC I see tal, Vlad, erik, ChrisL, RRSAgent, jfkthame, trackbot 21:03:52 oh yes it has, Zakim 21:04:36 is zakim not paying attention to the phone today? 21:05:36 rrsagent, here 21:05:36 See http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-webfonts-irc#T21-05-36 21:06:45 actions at http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/open 21:06:51 Chair: Vlad 21:07:20 ScribeNick: ChrisL 21:07:28 Topic: Action Items 21:07:32 action-29? 21:07:32 ACTION-29 -- John Hudson to review woff faq with chris and vlad -- due 2010-10-06 -- OPEN 21:07:32 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/29 21:07:49 Vlad: John sent in some good text, i made some comments 21:08:58 ChrisL: plan to add the text that John sent in, we can always further revise later 21:09:04 close action-29 21:09:04 ACTION-29 Review woff faq with chris and vlad closed 21:09:26 action: chris to edit WOFF faq with Johns text incorporating Vlad's corrections 21:09:26 Created ACTION-73 - Edit WOFF faq with Johns text incorporating Vlad's corrections [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-02-16]. 21:09:35 action-48? 21:09:36 ACTION-48 -- Tal Leming to create UA test for bad metadata -- due 2010-11-24 -- OPEN 21:09:36 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/48 21:09:45 close action-48 21:09:45 ACTION-48 Create UA test for bad metadata closed 21:09:50 close action-49 21:09:50 ACTION-49 Update UA test plan to include new "fringe" tests. closed 21:09:54 close action-50 21:09:54 ACTION-50 Update font format test plan to include new "fringe" tests. closed 21:10:01 Tal: I did those 21:10:23 action-52? 21:10:23 ACTION-52 -- Chris Lilley to respond to erik muller on pronunciation and sorting -- due 2010-12-08 -- OPEN 21:10:23 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/52 21:10:48 ChrisL: not done yet 21:11:11 action-57? 21:11:11 ACTION-57 -- Jonathan Kew to respons on issue-14 -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 21:11:11 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/57 21:11:22 jfkthame: still working on that one 21:11:29 sergeym has joined #webfonts 21:11:44 Vlad: direction attributes inside element. But issue is text in attributes 21:13:28 Vlad: so our conclusion was that font vendor names don't need directin attributes anyway 21:13:51 cslye has joined #webfonts 21:14:38 Present: Vlad, Erik, Jonathan, Chris, Christopher, Sergey, Tal 21:15:18 jfkthame: direction applies to the attribute, the only thing you can't do ia add markup in attributes. We agreed to add direction to all elements 21:16:38 Vlad: and direction can be based on Unicode rules, for simple text 21:17:14 ... Chris and Richard discussed but there was no conclusion 21:17:51 ChrisL: need to propose a solution to Richard and see what he says 21:18:14 action-58? 21:18:14 ACTION-58 -- Tal Leming to revise test cases to allow multiple credit elements -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 21:18:14 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/58 21:19:15 action-59? 21:19:18 ACTION-59 -- Chris Lilley to respond to I18n-ISSUE-2 -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 21:19:18 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/59 21:19:42 sylvaing has joined #webfonts 21:19:45 Chris: that one is easy, will do soon 21:19:52 action-60> 21:20:05 action-61? 21:20:05 ACTION-61 -- Chris Lilley to provide samples and respond to I18n -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 21:20:05 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/61 21:20:45 ChrisL: ok so this is the div and span one 21:21:16 ChrisL: 62 is waiting for action-61 21:21:22 action-64? 21:21:22 ACTION-64 -- Jonathan Kew to remove normative statements from introduction to new section 'General Requirements' -- due 2011-01-26 -- OPEN 21:21:22 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/64 21:21:29 jfkthame: done today 21:21:36 close action-64 21:21:36 ACTION-64 Remove normative statements from introduction to new section 'General Requirements' closed 21:22:40 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/webfonts/WOFF/spec/Overview.html 21:23:43 close action-64 21:23:43 ACTION-64 Remove normative statements from introduction to new section 'General Requirements' closed 21:23:50 close action-66 21:23:51 ACTION-66 Edit spec 'this element may be localised' replaced 'this element may be localised using text child element' closed 21:23:53 close action-67 21:23:53 ACTION-67 Edit section 6, past paragraph: 'at least one text sub element' replaced by 'at least one text child element'. closed 21:23:55 close action-68 21:23:55 ACTION-68 General replacement: 'sub elements' to 'child elements' closed 21:23:59 close action-70 21:23:59 ACTION-70 Replace last sentence of section 7: End of Private Data block must correspond with the end of the last file. closed 21:24:20 close action-71 21:24:20 ACTION-71 Clarify Bert Bos' Point 4 closed 21:24:25 close action-72 21:24:25 ACTION-72 Respond to Bert Bos' Point 5. closed 21:25:10 ChrisL: still need to update disposition of comments document for these emails 21:25:32 ... szilles accepted the comments that were sent 21:25:52 action chrisl to update disposition of comments 21:25:52 Created ACTION-74 - Update disposition of comments [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-02-16]. 21:26:02 topic: file format tests 21:27:10 tal: blanket 'is file valid' is not very good for debugging. many reasons for invalidity 21:27:23 ... looking for a machine readable fault report 21:27:27 ... to be linked to 21:27:58 ... other than that, these are straightforward 21:28:17 tal: will work on authoring tool tests next. Not clear on best structure 21:28:32 ... can give sfnt, xml and private then validate the output 21:29:04 ... lots of things the spec says about padding, but rhe compression variability makes it hard to ensure they do the right thing 21:29:46 Vlad: we should review the format tests 21:29:59 tal: yes, though after spec updates are done 21:33:15 ChrisL: (explains last call exit and cr entrance policy in process) 21:34:00 topic: same origin restriction 21:34:25 Vlad: we don't have an official comment but we do have two implementors who say they won't implement 21:34:35 ... so is this a last call comment or not 21:34:47 ... better to sort it out before entering CR 21:34:52 ChrisL: agreed 21:35:13 Vlad: other opinions? 21:35:29 ... Hakon made a proposal in email 21:36:03 cslye: agree with Vlad, need a more pointed discussion. currently we have implementors saying they will ignore it if its in the spec 21:36:19 ... process is to get consensus first. we should resolve it 21:37:27 Vlad: so we have IE9 and Frefox who implemented it and Chrome may (Tab is not against) 21:37:40 sylvain: lets see when they check it in 21:37:50 Present+ sylvain 21:38:08 sylvain: need to split the mechanics from whether its a requirement or not 21:38:40 ... do we feel some form of SOR is required or not 21:38:47 ... several ways to solve it 21:39:12 Vlad: yes we need to solve this and get it behind us 21:40:06 cslye: dave singer said he would get back to us 21:41:47 Vlad: Maciej joined the WG recently, so its good to see further active participation from Apple 21:42:15 sylvaing: opera have not closed the door, they made a counter prooposal and are still talking 21:43:04 Vlad: (checks charter for specific mentionof SOR) 21:43:42 sylvaing: IE9 will ship with current solution, so even if we change later we have that to deal with 21:45:22 "This specification will reference the font formats in existing use (OpenType, WOFF, SVG, and EOT), the font referencing and linking specifications (in both CSS and XML serialisations), access policies such as same-origin and CORS, and define which linking mechanisms, policies and formats are required for compliance." 21:46:09 sylvaing: we also depend on CORS which is not a Rec. Even worse if we depend on a new thing not even FPWD yet 21:47:27 ChrisL: gan go to PR then holding pattern for Rec. 21:48:09 ChrisL: or put conformance in a separate spec 21:48:23 sylvaing: not want the format to be held back 21:49:06 Vlad: sooner the better 21:49:39 Topic: next calls 21:49:58 ChrisL: Zakim booking is correct again, same pattern as previously 21:50:46 Vlad: next telcon will be dedicated to the CORs/SOR issue 21:52:08 Vlad: some regrets in March due to travel 21:52:16 ChrisL: same for me first week of March 21:52:32 I can't do Mar 2 either, FWIW. 21:52:32 rrsagent, make minutes 21:52:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 21:53:01 cslye has left #webfonts 23:30:22 Zakim has left #webfonts