14:06:13 RRSAgent has joined #poiwg 14:06:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-poiwg-irc 14:06:15 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:06:15 Zakim has joined #poiwg 14:06:17 Zakim, this will be UW_POI 14:06:17 ok, trackbot, I see UW_POI(POIWG)9:00AM already started 14:06:18 Meeting: Points of Interest Working Group Teleconference 14:06:18 Date: 09 February 2011 14:09:57 Usman: Pachube giving an overview 14:10:17 Zakim, who is on the phone 14:10:17 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Andy 14:10:57 does someone want to take that? 14:11:10 data broker 14:11:28 variety of formats and devices, converting in real time into format that variety of technologies can deal with 14:11:42 buildng a massively scalable system, to that end, most effort in the back end infrastructure 14:11:54 Did the agenda (and deck) get resent? 14:11:58 at HTTP level, not most efficent transport but most widely available 14:12:11 now that we have the back end in place, we are going to begin rolling more efficient transport 14:12:31 but the thing we are trying to do in teh M2M world is to look at both real time and historical data 14:12:46 to make it as easy as possible for any industry, any one to be able to access the datea 14:13:03 thousands of develoeprs and engineers who have build applications and share these back with the community 14:13:11 e.g., embedable broths 14:13:15 bras? 14:13:28 graph 14:13:29 Zakim, who is on? 14:13:29 I don't understand your question, Andy. 14:13:51 Zakim, who is on the call? 14:13:51 On the phone I see ??P0, +1.312.265.aaaa, +1.919.439.aabb, +44.750.800.aacc, +1.617.848.aadd, ??P12 14:13:58 share this as a widget back, includes SMS alerts, converts energy feeds into real tiime carbon footprints 14:14:15 all sorts of discovery processes, search for data stream,s units, tags, slide through view of the globe 14:14:22 huge range of applications and tools 14:14:29 in terms of user base, three types of users 14:14:33 Sounds like pachube is the google of numbers 14:14:42 on the one hand everyone is doing something, not simply consuming the data 14:14:57 and we can deal withindividuals, companies who use more sophisticated servcies, and even cities 14:15:07 city managers can patrol/control private data and make it available 14:15:15 third parties or citizens of the city 14:15:28 commercial clients include Current Costs and Cisco (uses the API for ecomap) 14:15:41 essentially Pachube acts as real time data broker for all sorts of applications 14:15:47 kseiler has joined #poiwg 14:16:08 contextual data has more valuable than any of the data stream data 14:16:25 data stream might be a time series of changing numbers, but the contextual meta data helps you figure out the sensor 14:16:43 where by using machine tagging you can refer to external data (sensorML) 14:16:56 where you could actually develop your own data or refer to existing taxonomies 14:17:11 and we handle the obvious meta data, Geo Location, things like that 14:17:22 what about processing and aggregating this data on clients and then submitting to Pachube 14:17:23 you could consider this a stepping stone to semantic Web applications sensor data 14:17:35 q 14:17:36 Any specific Questions about either back end, how it works or anything else? 14:17:45 I'm passing the scribing to Andy now? 14:18:06 q 14:18:06 AHill: the Internet is not going to rely on centralized services 14:18:09 sure 14:18:14 when is Pachube going to be somethingin the system? 14:18:18 go for it! 14:18:18 thanks Christine 14:18:24 openSIM 14:18:30 JonathanJ has joined #poiwg 14:18:52 your own universe to populate 14:18:53 Usman: OpenSim is something I am interested . open source of secondlife server 14:19:11 would like to see the same peer to peer system to pachube system 14:19:32 Agree that single point of failure would be bad 14:20:34 Are we going to get the deck? It would really help add context to what's being talked about 14:20:57 Andy, can you mute while typing? 14:21:37 Usman: Answering a karl question on overlap, sees the overlap being that each sensor having a location etc 14:23:46 living or dead 14:24:19 Usman: What additional meta data would want to be added? uncertainity is not in there but could be added 14:25:42 +1 for Karls suggestion 14:25:45 Karl: Format converter aspect may be very useful to our group. 14:26:55 Usman: JSON and XML formats can be converted on fly 14:28:07 q+ 14:28:41 Usman: Data Model, environment is one author perspective 14:28:47 it may or mat have description 14:28:53 does have to have an id and title 14:29:07 enviroment is the wrapper. and tags like flickr tages 14:29:14 Does environment=namespace? 14:29:17 s/tages/tags/ 14:30:08 it will have units and id and again tags which can be arbitary or machine tags 14:30:31 The data model supports the nesting of various enviroment 14:31:13 Karl, Does pachube take responsibility of id management 14:32:02 Environment Id is unique in the pachube system 14:32:36 Environment is not equivalent to a namespace. Enviroment is a feed 14:32:46 namespace comes into play with tags 14:35:24 ahill: Subject of XMPP was mentioned. what does xmpp mean to pachube 14:35:55 ben: responds XMPP is an interesting protocol but there isnt alot of user pull yet 14:36:50 XMPP for realtime notification but pachube has achieved many of the same things via web sockets 14:37:30 Many of pachube use case come from ease of startup and also lower power use cases 14:38:39 ahill: what about VRPN? virtual reality peripheral network 14:38:55 Popular in research labs 14:40:30 did they say they were supporting change based filtering 14:42:21 (need to hang up ... something's come up) 14:42:27 - +44.750.800.aacc 14:43:31 interesting stuff 14:43:47 thanks guys 14:43:52 did we happen to have contacts distributed 14:44:50 Cperey: Timestamping is a big parallel between each system 14:45:08 would like to have a NAVTEQ biz side followup with these folks, some useful tech for us right now 14:48:39 ahill: is it just the values or also the metadata timestamped 14:49:07 Ben: it is just the values now but likely changed in the future to include metadata 14:49:31 Cpery: the metadata is where we will likely collaborate 14:49:51 s/Cpery/Cperey 14:50:10 rssagent, draft minutes 14:50:13 For reference, our API can be seen at http://api.pachube.com/v2 14:50:32 RRSagent, draft minutes 14:50:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-poiwg-minutes.html Andy 14:50:46 I think this might have been sent out to the list as well 14:53:15 i think we need to investigate their meta-data representations on tiered ownership, and history / change tracking models 14:53:46 +1 KSeiler 14:53:48 some good lessons learned from sensor monitoring background 14:56:37 No 14:56:40 not me either! 14:56:57 did not see it 14:57:26 -??P0 15:02:59 - +1.312.265.aaaa 15:03:00 - +1.919.439.aabb 15:03:01 - +1.617.848.aadd 15:03:02 -??P12 15:03:02 UW_POI(POIWG)9:00AM has ended 15:03:03 Attendees were +1.312.265.aaaa, +1.919.439.aabb, +44.750.800.aacc, +1.617.848.aadd 15:03:16 RRSagent, draft minutes 15:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-poiwg-minutes.html Andy 15:03:26 trackbot, end meeting 15:03:26 Zakim, list attendees 15:03:26 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 15:03:27 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:03:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/09-poiwg-minutes.html trackbot 15:03:28 RRSAgent, bye 15:03:28 I see no action items