17:05:04 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 17:05:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/03-hcls2-irc 17:06:31 scribenick bobP 17:08:02 zakim, this is tmo 17:08:02 ok, michel2; that matches SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 17:08:19 +??P39 17:08:32 epichler has joined #HCLS2 17:08:33 matthias_samwald1 has joined #hcls2 17:09:58 Joanne: Tim Lebo, ericP still working 17:11:48 mscottm has joined #hcls2 17:12:13 + +31.62.427.aacc 17:12:27 Zakim, +31.62.427.aacc is mscottm 17:12:27 +mscottm; got it 17:12:47 This is the response document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XoRj-Ysxa0xOX2n3MBNcG7_dT7cEA4C3ITKn3z1rCPc/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJXJhtsP# 17:13:22 Michel: Better to describe well in the reviewer doc, so they don't go back to re-read 17:14:49 1+ 17:19:05 to do: detail a patient with multiple events in which the condition changes, create a corresponding SPARQL query 17:31:38 I tried but it seems that ericP has 'left the building'. will try texting him. 17:33:12 Elgar: I have been updating the queries on the wiki 17:33:38 what's up? 17:34:48 + +1.315.794.aadd 17:34:59 EricP, we needed a report of the work you and TimL are doing - TimL is on another telcom 17:34:59 +EricP 17:35:30 roger, he's been the brains behind the modeling 17:36:24 yesterday i got him set up tweaking the output RDF, testing the queries over the resulting RDF documents, and tweaking the queries as necessary 17:36:43 Note - Jim McCusker (via skype) updated me that he has received a paragraph from Deborah 17:45:28 ericP: Reviewing work with Tim Lebo 17:46:02 where is the repository? 17:46:18 dvcs.w3.org 17:46:20 sparql endpoint? 17:49:42 oof. lost conn 17:49:52 Zakim, please disconenct ericP 17:49:52 I don't understand 'please disconenct ericP', ericP 17:49:58 Zakim, please disconnect ericP 17:49:58 EricP is being disconnected 17:49:59 -EricP 17:50:56 Joanne, i fell off, but if you could synch with tim, that'd do the job 17:52:14 this is the queries link - http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Queries 18:00:15 - +1.315.794.aadd 18:02:49 is anyone else having issues with the manuscript text? when i view it, it has % signs and special characters throughout the document. 18:03:23 I wanted to ask that someone post a pdf of the latest version so that I can send it to my kindle. 18:04:42 i can't read it or print it - not sure if it is because of my account. 18:06:28 No, it's because it's in Latex 18:07:14 im4infomgt@gmail.com 18:09:55 pdflatex is the program we've been using 18:10:31 -??P39 18:13:31 -??P4 18:13:32 -Christi 18:13:33 -Bob_Powers 18:13:34 - +1.781.431.aabb 18:13:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:13:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/03-hcls2-minutes.html michel2 18:13:43 rrsagent, make log world-visible 18:37:32 - +1.518.276.aaaa 18:37:34 -mscottm 18:37:35 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 18:37:37 Attendees were Christi, +1.518.276.aaaa, Bob_Powers, +1.781.431.aabb, mscottm, +1.315.794.aadd, EricP 19:51:25 Zakim has left #hcls2 21:03:40 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2