20:26:58 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 20:26:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/01/11-ws-ra-irc 20:27:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:27:00 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 20:27:02 Zakim, this will be WSRA 20:27:02 ok, trackbot; I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 20:27:03 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 20:27:03 Date: 11 January 2011 20:27:44
  • li has joined #ws-ra 20:28:03 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has now started 20:28:12 + +39.331.574.aaaa 20:28:19 Bob_ has joined #ws-ra 20:28:26 Katy has joined #ws-ra 20:28:55 +Bob_Freund 20:29:09 rrsagent, pointer? 20:29:09 See http://www.w3.org/2011/01/11-ws-ra-irc#T20-29-09 20:29:48 +[Oracle] 20:29:55 Zakim, aaaa is asoldano 20:29:56 +asoldano; got it 20:30:05 whoami 20:30:12 dug has joined #ws-ra 20:30:15 +Doug_Davis 20:30:38 + +1.908.696.aabb 20:30:56
  • zakim, aabb is li 20:30:56 +li; got it 20:31:18 +Tom_Rutt 20:31:23 +[Microsoft] 20:31:27 +Gilbert_Pilz 20:31:35 -Gilbert_Pilz 20:31:39 Ram has joined #ws-ra 20:32:00 +Gilbert_Pilz 20:32:48 +Yves 20:34:07 zakim, mute Gil 20:34:07 Gilbert_Pilz should now be muted 20:34:26 zakim, unmute Gil 20:34:26 Gilbert_Pilz should no longer be muted 20:35:53 scribenick: asoldano 20:36:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2011Jan/0033.html 20:36:19 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2011Jan/0033.html 20:36:27 q+ 20:36:36 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11696 20:36:55 ack dug 20:37:06 dug, can 11696 be added to agenda? 20:37:26 Ashok_Malhotra has joined #ws-ra 20:38:12 +Ashok_Malhotra 20:38:14 Bob_, ok, added to the agenda 20:38:37 Bob_, agenda approved 20:38:59 Bob_, minutes http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/10/12/2011-01-04.html approved 20:39:22 TOPIC: next f2f meeting 20:40:09 Bob_, details for logistic are posted online 20:40:44 impls: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/testing/implementations.html 20:42:40 Bob_, eventing optionality analysis: 20:43:50 Zakim, who is making noise? 20:44:02 asoldano, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Doug_Davis (50%), [Microsoft] (64%) 20:45:03 +[IPcaller] 20:46:26 zakim, who is making noise? 20:46:37 dug, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Bob_Freund (43%) 20:46:55 Bob_, xs:dateTime is at risk for wse:expires 20:48:23 Bob_, wse:filter at risk too 20:54:50 ... discussions going on on wse:Reasons, which might be at risk, but it's not that a feature, is an informational element for humans ... 20:55:09 +1 to Tom 20:57:19 Bob_, wse:Reason is not at risk 20:57:33 dug, why not removing that from the list of feature that can be at risk? 20:59:36 Bob_, dateTime on risk in both renew and expires 21:00:21
  • +q 21:00:24 Bob_, Enumeration document has just one implementation 21:00:31 ack li 21:03:43 dug, I can check optional stuff in the spec is up2date 21:04:06
  • thanks dug 21:04:29 dug, IBM might be able to implement enumeration 21:04:33 q+ 21:05:10 ack ram 21:05:14 Bob_, there's no requirement for the specs to proceed at the same time 21:05:37 q+ 21:05:51 ack ram 21:05:51 Bob_, and implementation can come from non w3c members too 21:07:24 Ram, from Microsoft side, nothing would be at risk for enumeration 21:07:47 Bob_, transfer: 21:08:57 dug, propose removing "Support for empty resources" from doc 21:09:03 Bob_, OK 21:10:11 Bob_, fragment: 21:11:18 Bob_, metadata exchange: 21:14:52 Bob_, once we go to CR, we'll also notify what's at risk 21:16:23 -Gilbert_Pilz 21:16:43 q+ 21:16:51 +Gilbert_Pilz 21:17:21 ack dug 21:18:16 q+ 21:18:34 ack tom 21:20:34 TOPIC 11696 21:20:36 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11696 21:20:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2011Jan/0020.html 21:22:28 dug, this to be solved by having enumeration match evening 21:22:41 Bob_, resolved as proposed 21:23:46 Bob_, woirking group agrees on incorporation of resolved issues 21:23:56 s/woirking/working 21:24:15 Bob_, any objection to progress all specs to CR? 21:24:20 Bob_, no objection 21:25:17 RESOLUTION: all specs can progress to CR 21:25:43 q+ 21:25:56 ack ram 21:26:07 q+ 21:26:18 ack dug 21:27:37 dug, what about adding variations/sub-scenarios to the test scenarios? 21:27:54 I need to drop off the call early, bye 21:28:20 -[IPcaller] 21:30:56 Bob_, propose to just focus on tests now 21:34:11 Bob_, that's all for today 21:34:35 Bob_, next meeting at demand basis 21:35:05 -Tom_Rutt 21:35:09 -Gilbert_Pilz 21:35:09 Bob_, next meeting 25th 21:35:10 -[Oracle] 21:35:10 -Yves 21:35:12 -Bob_Freund 21:35:12 -[Microsoft] 21:35:14 -li 21:35:16 -Doug_Davis 21:35:19 -Ashok_Malhotra 21:35:20 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:35:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/11-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob_ 21:35:21 -asoldano 21:35:22 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has ended 21:35:24 Attendees were +39.331.574.aaaa, Bob_Freund, [Oracle], asoldano, Doug_Davis, +1.908.696.aabb, li, Tom_Rutt, [Microsoft], Gilbert_Pilz, Yves, Ashok_Malhotra, [IPcaller] 21:36:29 Bob_, http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/chair-tools/attendance.html is broken in the 2 column of distributed meeting (just FYI) 21:37:21 where is it broken? 21:37:30 ok, I see 21:37:34 thanks 21:37:36 -bob 21:37:36 ;) 21:39:18 better? 21:41:24 Bob_ has left #ws-ra 21:43:15 W3C has left #ws-ra 21:44:04 chatzilla has joined #ws-ra 21:44:49 BobF has left #ws-ra 21:47:14 bob?