IRC log of rdb2rdf on 2010-11-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:49:11 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf
16:49:11 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:49:13 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
16:49:13 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rdb2rdf
16:49:15 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 7322733
16:49:15 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes
16:49:16 [trackbot]
Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference
16:49:16 [trackbot]
Date: 09 November 2010
16:49:21 [mhausenblas]
16:49:28 [mhausenblas]
Chair: Michael
16:56:14 [Ashok]
Ashok has joined #rdb2rdf
16:56:43 [mhausenblas]
hey Ashok - will you be on the phone as well or IRC-only?
16:57:26 [Zakim]
SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started
16:57:41 [tlr]
zakim, call thomas-781
16:57:41 [Zakim]
ok, tlr; the call is being made
16:57:58 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
16:57:58 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
16:58:03 [boris]
boris has joined #RDB2RDF
16:58:09 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:58:19 [mhausenblas]
Zakim, who's here?
16:58:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see no one
16:58:20 [Zakim]
On IRC I see boris, Ashok, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, Marcelo, MacTed, LeeF, mhausenblas, betehess, trackbot, iv_an_ru, ericP
16:59:35 [mhausenblas]
present+ Marcelo
16:59:39 [mhausenblas]
present+ Ashok
16:59:43 [mhausenblas]
present+ Michael
16:59:52 [mhausenblas]
present+ Thomas R
17:00:49 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
17:00:49 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
17:00:52 [juansequeda]
juansequeda has joined #rdb2rdf
17:01:44 [mhausenblas]
present+ juansequeda
17:01:51 [mhausenblas]
present+ MacTed
17:01:54 [MacTed]
Zakim, who's here?
17:01:54 [Zakim]
On the phone I see no one
17:01:55 [Zakim]
On IRC I see juansequeda, boris, Ashok, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, Marcelo, MacTed, LeeF, mhausenblas, betehess, trackbot, iv_an_ru, ericP
17:01:59 [MacTed]
Zakim, what's the code?
17:01:59 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7322733 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), MacTed
17:02:03 [MacTed]
17:02:10 [Souri]
Souri has joined #rdb2rdf
17:02:26 [MacTed]
Zakim, this is 7322733
17:02:26 [Zakim]
MacTed, this was already SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM
17:02:27 [Zakim]
ok, MacTed; that matches SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM
17:02:34 [MacTed]
Zakim, who's here?
17:02:34 [Zakim]
On the phone I see no one
17:02:37 [MacTed]
17:02:38 [ericP]
Zakim, please dial ericP-office
17:02:38 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Souri, juansequeda, boris, Ashok, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, Marcelo, MacTed, LeeF, mhausenblas, betehess, trackbot, iv_an_ru, ericP
17:02:41 [Zakim]
ok, ericP; the call is being made
17:02:51 [betehess]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
17:02:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate betehess
17:03:00 [mhausenblas]
scribenick: betehess
17:03:15 [mhausenblas]
present+ Souri
17:03:24 [mhausenblas]
present+ boris
17:03:32 [mhausenblas]
present+ ericP
17:03:35 [hhalpin]
hhalpin has joined #rdb2rdf
17:03:49 [betehess]
present+ Alexandre
17:03:50 [Seema]
Seema has joined #rdb2rdf
17:04:00 [hhalpin]
hhalpin has changed the topic to: RDB2RDF Meeting Nov 9th
17:04:51 [mhausenblas]
present+ Seema
17:04:58 [mhausenblas]
present+ hhalpin
17:05:06 [mhausenblas]
17:05:37 [betehess]
mhausenblas, first we go to the minutes of the last meeting
17:05:45 [betehess]
TOPIC: admin
17:05:47 [mhausenblas]
17:06:00 [betehess]
mhausenblas, any comment?
17:06:09 [hhalpin]
17:06:20 [betehess]
mhausenblas, minutes approved
17:06:45 [betehess]
TOPIC: default mapping
17:07:04 [betehess]
mhausenblas, I sent the links to the two documents yesterday
17:07:15 [betehess]
mhausenblas, tlr is gonna talk there
17:07:40 [betehess]
tlr: thanks for letting me joinging the calk
17:07:53 [mhausenblas]
17:07:56 [betehess]
... RDB2RDF if part of my domain
17:08:22 [betehess]
... I'm glad we have the WD for r2rml
17:08:45 [betehess]
... and it's great that people work together (seeing the ML)
17:08:57 [betehess]
... but I'm concern about the default mapping
17:09:23 [betehess]
... I hope there will be a way to see this default mapping
17:09:32 [betehess]
... thanks Juan, Marcelo and Eric about tha
17:09:36 [betehess]
17:10:31 [betehess]
mhausenblas: we just delayed a bit the default mapping to focus on r2rml before TPAC
17:11:08 [betehess]
... now, I'd like the 2 editing teams to present their work
17:11:24 [betehess]
... please note the document MUST be *complete*
17:11:37 [mhausenblas]
17:11:54 [betehess]
... richard contributed quite a lot to this one
17:12:02 [betehess]
... unfortunately he is not around
17:12:19 [betehess]
... what's the status there?
17:12:37 [hhalpin]
17:12:37 [betehess]
ericP: I've offered to merge in this document
17:12:46 [hhalpin]
q- hhalpin
17:13:27 [betehess]
mhausenblas: it's your document, without Juan and Marcelo bits?
17:13:32 [betehess]
ericP: yes
17:13:46 [betehess]
... it follows the typical W3C structure
17:13:56 [betehess]
... chapt 1 is an introduction
17:14:08 [betehess]
... chap 2 is an informative section
17:14:20 [betehess]
... introduces about what's happening
17:14:34 [betehess]
... the normative section would be less friendly
17:14:55 [betehess]
... there is a bit of DDL, describing the database
17:15:09 [betehess]
... then you see the Direct Graph, resulting from the mapping
17:15:20 [betehess]
... I have to remove a section
17:15:43 [betehess]
... then I explain how to generate triple from a SQL row
17:16:10 [betehess]
... I believe it's good to provide URIs ready for Linked Data
17:16:21 [betehess]
... even if it wasn't explicitly required
17:16:34 [betehess]
... then I go into tricky cases
17:16:53 [betehess]
... involving FK, PK, etc.
17:17:09 [betehess]
... then about structural table
17:17:44 [betehess]
... I try to model the Direct Graph so it reflect the hierachical table
17:18:01 [Souri]
You can have emp/manager relationship, where fkey=pkey (self-loop)
17:18:04 [betehess]
... but someone told me it wasn't totally good
17:18:15 [betehess]
... that's an issue I have to solve
17:18:31 [Souri]
17:18:43 [betehess]
... what if the FK has the same col as the PK but in a different order?
17:18:57 [betehess]
ack next
17:19:30 [betehess]
Souri: you're trying to deal with normalized table, right?
17:19:52 [betehess]
... so we would like to have the same URI here
17:19:57 [betehess]
ericP: yes
17:20:17 [MacTed]
17:20:48 [betehess]
Souri: all the groups of tables needs the same URI as a subject
17:21:40 [mhausenblas]
ack MacTed
17:21:56 [betehess]
MacTed: all that stuff is beyond the Direct Mapping
17:21:57 [Souri]
17:22:12 [mhausenblas]
ack Souri
17:22:41 [betehess]
ericP: another issue with many-to-many
17:22:52 [betehess]
... it's documented and is discussed on the ML
17:23:08 [betehess]
... then I use a set notation
17:23:50 [betehess]
... remark: if you go over cells in the table, you'll see the relation with generated triple
17:24:21 [betehess]
... section 3, I use boring set notations
17:24:32 [betehess]
... then the definitions for the mapping
17:25:18 [betehess]
... next section is non normative (copy the RDF spec)
17:25:30 [betehess]
... then I explain how to go from RDB to RDF
17:25:32 [mhausenblas]
17:25:42 [betehess]
mhausenblas: then Juan and Marcelo
17:25:55 [betehess]
juansequeda: we have a similar intro
17:26:11 [betehess]
... section 2 is one the biggest difference
17:26:26 [betehess]
... the mapping is in 2 sub sections
17:26:41 [betehess]
... first the URIs and then the Triple
17:26:59 [betehess]
... because we think it's complicated
17:27:12 [betehess]
... we don't have strong feelings about the notations
17:27:23 [betehess]
... tried to answer richard's comments
17:27:42 [hhalpin]
Notes there are minor diffs between IRI generation in Eric and J&M document, but these can easily be reconciled - likely the result of text changing in one draft and not another.
17:27:54 [betehess]
... we compile the exceptions inside this rule
17:27:56 [hhalpin]
i.e. a reason to converge drafts :)
17:27:59 [betehess]
... in 2.3
17:28:19 [betehess]
... all the rules are compile into Triple(...)
17:28:34 [betehess]
... section 3
17:28:52 [betehess]
... this is where we define the semantics
17:29:02 [betehess]
... using datalog rules
17:29:26 [betehess]
... we have to define where the section 3 should be
17:29:59 [betehess]
... we want to keep the Default Mapping as simple as possible
17:30:23 [betehess]
mhausenblas: we can put that in notes when we'll have one document
17:30:31 [betehess]
... thanks again to the editors
17:30:41 [betehess]
... it seems the diff is not too big
17:30:47 [ericP]
i did get feedback from mike stonebraker and he also said he prefers to not see many-to-many
17:30:47 [mhausenblas]
17:30:56 [mhausenblas]
17:31:11 [betehess]
... (based on the emails above)
17:31:12 [Ashok]
We can create issues for the M-M mapping ang hierarchical tables
17:31:24 [Ashok]
17:31:25 [hhalpin]
17:31:43 [betehess]
juansequeda: +1 for for easy merging
17:32:10 [betehess]
Ashok: is it Eric's + datalog rules?
17:32:42 [betehess]
juansequeda: we want to generate the generation of URIs and then the mapping rules
17:32:48 [betehess]
Ashok: it's a good idea
17:33:05 [mhausenblas]
ack hhalpin
17:33:16 [Souri]
17:33:22 [hhalpin]
go for souri first, i'm muted
17:33:25 [juansequeda]
hello harry?
17:33:30 [mhausenblas]
ack Souri
17:33:38 [hhalpin]
ah, unmuted now.
17:33:43 [hhalpin]
q+ hhalpin
17:33:46 [hhalpin]
ack hhalpin
17:34:06 [betehess]
Souri: I found J&M's section 2 easy to read
17:34:48 [betehess]
hhalpin: we really need one document
17:35:00 [betehess]
... ericP did a good job, especially on the example
17:35:17 [betehess]
... but found the URI generation easier to follow
17:36:02 [betehess]
... no single individual should ever edit a document by himself
17:36:23 [betehess]
mhausenblas: let's create a new document
17:36:38 [betehess]
... copying the content
17:36:38 [mhausenblas]
PROPSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's propsal
17:37:05 [ericP]
17:37:16 [betehess]
ericP: 2 things
17:37:18 [mhausenblas]
ack ericP
17:37:32 [betehess]
... I should add Alexandre as an editor for the formalism
17:37:40 [betehess]
... I'd propose to call it Direct Mapping
17:37:42 [mhausenblas]
PROPSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal and have the IRI section explicit
17:37:50 [MacTed]
+1 "directMapping" (not defaultMapping)
17:38:06 [betehess]
... especially cause we speak about the Direct Graph being the result of the Direct Mapping
17:38:08 [MacTed]
+1 for proposal otherwise
17:38:30 [betehess]
... to avoid confusion with Default Graph in r2rml
17:38:39 [mhausenblas]
PROPSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal and have the IRI section explicit
17:39:17 [ericP]
17:39:46 [mhausenblas]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and have the IRI section explicit
17:39:56 [betehess]
ericP: here is the section about how I generate IRIs
17:40:15 [betehess]
mhausenblas: ericP added that recently based on feedbacks
17:40:36 [hhalpin]
Let's put hierarchical tables as an open issue
17:40:47 [hhalpin]
there is clearly disagreement in the WG over this example.
17:40:51 [betehess]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
17:40:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate betehess
17:41:13 [mhausenblas]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and have the IRI section explicit, move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note
17:41:15 [betehess]
mhausenblas: the WG has to discuss this issue
17:41:42 [betehess]
Ashok: the document will have the datalogs rules
17:41:42 [hhalpin]
I think as an option.
17:42:01 [betehess]
... per richard's proposal
17:42:21 [mhausenblas]
Michael: yes, we should create issues for both hierarchical table and M-M mappings
17:42:24 [betehess]
mhausenblas: so we add it in the document as an issue
17:42:39 [hhalpin]
key word "can live with" :)
17:42:50 [betehess]
juansequeda: something has to be changed
17:42:53 [betehess]
... in 2.2
17:43:06 [betehess]
... @@
17:43:06 [hhalpin]
q+ hhalpin
17:43:28 [hhalpin]
ack hhalpin
17:43:34 [ericP] ?
17:43:37 [MacTed]
it seems we can take it as given that "the overall document must be edited to make the merged sections fit/make sense"?
17:43:52 [betehess]
hhalpin: I would be a consensus on the text, not formalisms
17:44:01 [betehess]
s/would be/would like
17:44:35 [ericP]
q+ to address iris section
17:44:51 [betehess]
... we're not talking about adding datalog but more the description of IRIs sections
17:45:02 [betehess]
... I believe it's clearer
17:45:05 [mhausenblas]
ack ericP
17:45:05 [Zakim]
ericP, you wanted to address iris section
17:45:12 [ericP]
17:45:27 [betehess]
ericP: I believe I *have* the IRIs section
17:45:38 [hhalpin]
to clarify, I'm saying that 2.2 is as is difficult to read, and I think Juan and Marcelo's section 2.2 and 2.3
17:45:45 [betehess]
... which richard proposed to re;ove
17:47:07 [betehess]
mhausenblas: it doesn't harmed to have this ection
17:47:20 [betehess]
... then we can ask the community later
17:47:24 [mhausenblas]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and have the IRI section explicit, move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note
17:47:44 [tlr]
I think co-author is the thing you want, Eric.
17:48:21 [hhalpin]
17:48:40 [mhausenblas]
ack hhalpin
17:49:15 [MacTed]
17:49:24 [mhausenblas]
17:49:45 [betehess]
hhalpin: I leave the question of adding Alexandre in the hands of the chairs
17:50:07 [hhalpin]
and we generally want more than one editor as editors often flake :)
17:50:14 [betehess]
ericP: traditionally, someone brings something and the the chairs chose
17:50:14 [mhausenblas]
ack MacTed
17:50:43 [ericP]
17:52:29 [betehess]
Ashok: what about the datalog rules?
17:53:05 [betehess]
mhausenblas: does it impact the direct mapping?
17:53:10 [betehess]
Ashok: it doesn't
17:53:17 [betehess]
... I just would like it to be present
17:53:36 [betehess]
mhausenblas: I propose that after the call, the 3 editors make the merge
17:53:47 [betehess]
... with the goal to published next week
17:53:49 [MacTed]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and have the IRI section explicit; move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note; datalog rules replace scala rules (under button control); Eric perform merge with review/approval/consensus of Juan, Marcelo, & Eric
17:53:50 [MacTed]
for final product...
17:53:57 [betehess]
ericP: I just need 2 hours
17:54:04 [hhalpin]
17:54:20 [betehess]
Ashok: you'll have one document, with issues in it
17:54:25 [betehess]
... after that, we can vote
17:54:38 [ericP]
17:54:48 [ericP]
(to MacTed's proposal)
17:55:02 [hhalpin]
s/have the IRI section explicit/try to work in J&M's IRI and Triple generations part/
17:55:47 [betehess]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
17:55:47 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate betehess
17:56:00 [MacTed]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and try to work in J&M's IRI and Triple generations part; move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note; datalog rules replace scala rules (under button control); Eric perform merge with review/approval/consensus of
17:56:00 [MacTed]
Juan, Marcelo, & Eric for final product...
17:56:26 [betehess]
mhausenblas: any objection?
17:56:37 [MacTed]
17:56:41 [mhausenblas]
17:56:48 [juansequeda]
17:56:53 [Marcelo]
17:56:54 [betehess]
17:56:55 [hhalpin]
17:56:55 [juansequeda]
I meant +1
17:56:59 [boris]
17:57:48 [mhausenblas]
ack betehess
17:58:50 [hhalpin]
I'm happy with two separate sections, or buttons.
17:58:56 [betehess]
ericP: Ashok's proposal is not to add an entire section
17:59:05 [betehess]
... but to put that insterad of scala
17:59:10 [betehess]
Ashok: exactly!
17:59:22 [betehess]
... ericP, let J and M doing it
18:00:28 [mhausenblas]
PROPOSAL: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and try to work in J&M's IRI and Triple generations part; move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note; datalog as a separate section; Eric perform merge with review/approval/consensus of
18:00:43 [juansequeda]
18:00:45 [Marcelo]
18:00:48 [mhausenblas]
18:00:52 [MacTed]
18:00:52 [hhalpin]
18:00:58 [boris]
18:01:16 [betehess]
18:01:33 [betehess]
mhausenblas: hopefully, we have a FPWD next week
18:01:40 [betehess]
... thanks a lot everyone again
18:01:47 [mhausenblas]
18:01:49 [betehess]
RRSAgent, dreaft minutes
18:01:49 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'dreaft minutes', betehess. Try /msg RRSAgent help
18:01:54 [betehess]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
18:01:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate betehess
18:01:55 [tlr]
rrsagent, draft minutes
18:01:55 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tlr
18:02:08 [ericP]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
18:02:08 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ericP
18:02:17 [ericP]
RRSAgent, please make log world-visible
18:02:30 [MacTed]
RESOLUTION: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and try to work in J&M's IRI and Triple generations part; move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note; datalog as a separate section; Eric perform merge with review/approval/consensus of Juan, Marcelo, & Eric for
18:02:31 [MacTed]
18:02:33 [MacTed]
18:02:54 [MacTed]
scribenick: MacTed
18:02:54 [betehess]
18:02:56 [hhalpin]
scribenick: MacTed
18:03:02 [MacTed]
RESOLUTION: with Juan, Marcelo and Eric as editors based on Richard's proposal as of and try to work in J&M's IRI and Triple generations part; move hierarchical table and the M-M mappings into Ed note; datalog as a separate section; Eric perform merge with review/approval/consensus of Juan, Marcelo, & Eric for
18:03:03 [MacTed]
18:03:11 [MacTed]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
18:03:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate MacTed
18:03:57 [MacTed]
trackbot, end meeting
18:05:28 [mhausenblas]
trackbot, get lost
18:05:28 [trackbot]
Sorry, mhausenblas, I don't understand 'trackbot, get lost'. Please refer to for help
18:05:37 [hhalpin]
trackbot, go find a hobby
18:05:37 [trackbot]
Sorry, hhalpin, I don't understand 'trackbot, go find a hobby'. Please refer to for help
18:05:49 [mhausenblas]
trackbot, women
18:05:49 [trackbot]
Sorry, mhausenblas, I don't understand 'trackbot, women'. Please refer to for help
18:05:52 [mhausenblas]
me neither
18:06:03 [hhalpin]
+1 trackbot
18:06:10 [mhausenblas]
ok, enough fun - thanks guys
18:06:48 [mhausenblas]
ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics
18:06:54 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
18:06:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
18:07:13 [mhausenblas]
Zakim, bye
18:07:13 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rdb2rdf
18:07:17 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, bye
18:07:17 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items